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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 306

Tear down prison walls.

As soon as these words were spoken, Nangong Nayue’s expression changed.

Because she knew that Alexia could do it, and the reason why she wanted Alexia to leave was because she wanted to prevent Alexia from releasing his too great power here – his existence itself was a threat to the prison barrier. A burden.

Especially before, Nangong Nayue could clearly feel that his [dream] seemed to be eaten by something.

If you continue to let this guy Alexia stay here, her dreams will be blown away by him sooner or later.

“……I can not stand you.”

Putting away the chain, Nangong Nayue sighed: “Obviously you would definitely leave if I said this before, but now your wings have become stiff and you don’t want to be obedient.”

“How could it be? I respect and like Teacher Nayue very much. Although I don’t obey everything, I basically won’t refuse Teacher Nayue’s request.” Ixia said with a smile.

This is the truth.

There are not many people who have had a profound impact on Ixia, and in this world, it is Nangong Nayue. Whether it was after the Banquet of Flame or during the period up to now, as a teacher and senior, Nangong did the best that Alexia could think of that month, so he respected her very much.

That’s why he was so nice to Nangong Nayue, and he wouldn’t be angry or dissatisfied even if she kicked her head to pieces – if it had been Jia Da, Alexia would have kicked her in the heart.

“You can leave if you want me to, but I’ll be back tomorrow.”

Alexia said: “Anyway, I have found the place where the prison barrier is. I also have a way to enter the prison barrier. I don’t have to ask Teacher Nayue to open the door for me. If you don’t answer my question this time, teacher If so, I will come tomorrow too.”


The guy who gave me the most peace of mind has now become the guy who gives me the most headaches.

Nangong Nayue couldn’t help but look at Jia Da: “What exactly did you do to him?”

“I didn’t do anything. I just used a slightly tougher method to force him and loosen his mental shackles.” Jiada smiled, “Don’t you like him now? Gap Witch.”

“In terms of not giving me any peace of mind, yes.”

Holding his forehead, Nangong Nayue sighed again: “Okay, I understand. I will say it, but not here.”

“Not here?”

“Just wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow I will finish adjusting the phantom and reappear in front of you. Then I will tell you what you want to know. Are you satisfied?”

As if he was tired, Nangong waved his hand after saying that in that month, as if to drive away Ixia.



Nangong Nayue, who had just finished saying this, suddenly changed his expression at the next moment.


“Hey Yuma, where are you going?”

“Ah~~~I told you that you’d better not follow me, Gucheng.”

“How can I let you come to a place like this alone!”

Such a sound came from the passage where Exia and others came before.

The information revealed in the words made Alexia stunned – he also understood on the spot the reason why Nangong had that reaction that month.

“Here we are, here it is.”

“Where is this…eh? Alexia?”

As the sound came, the person who came out of the passage – Xiao Gucheng – looked at Alexia in surprise: “Why are you here…even the one on TV Your Highness the Princess is here too? By the way…who is that super beauty who looks just like Nazuki-chan?”

“…This is what I want to ask you, Gu Cheng.”

Alexia rubbed her temples: “Why are you here? Didn’t I ask Miss Aige to set up a barrier?”

“Boundary? Is there such a thing? Yuma.”

Akatsuki asked the short-haired girl who walked in with him.

The girl called [Yuma] smiled and nodded: “Yes, Gucheng, didn’t you notice?”

“Who are you…..”

Looking at [Youma], Nangong Nayue’s eyes changed slightly.

And [Yuma] also suppressed the awkward smile on her face, and bowed respectfully to Ixia and Nangong Nayue: “It’s our first time to meet you, Your Majesty, and the Witch of the Gap. It’s an honor to meet you two.”

“My name is Sendumu Yuma, and I am the [daughter] of [Secretary Witch] – Sendumu Aye.”

“I have come to rescue my [mother].”

110. The calculated witches

Senduki Yuma’s words caused everyone else in the prison boundary to fall into silence for a moment.

Not to mention her name and why she met Xiao Gucheng, nor why she could come to the prison barrier.

Just what she wanted to express made Exia and others feel confused and puzzled.

After all, she was telling the warden that she wanted to rob the prison—and in front of two true ancestors and a royal daughter.

“…Should I say you are ignorant? Or should I say you are reckless?”

After pondering for a while, Nangong Nayue sighed: “If you dare to propose the release of Aye in front of me, then I think you are ready to be locked up here with your mother, right?”


The countless chains that had just disappeared reappeared, sealing the girl named [Senduki Yuma] inside. Akatsuki, who was almost next to her, was immediately driven aside.


“Gucheng, you and I come here.”

Xiao Gucheng shouted immediately, but he was immediately pulled aside by the collar by Ixia with one hand.

Hooking his neck, Alexia asked: “What happened to you this time? Why did you meet the secretary witch’s daughter? And followed her to the prison barrier?”

“The witch’s daughter… you mean Yuma? She and I have known each other since we were children.” Akatsuki, who had not yet been able to figure out the situation, directly revealed his relationship with Senduki Yuma.

That was before he came to Genkami Island.

When he was in elementary school, he and Akatsuki Nagisa unexpectedly met Yuma Senduki during a basketball practice. Since they lived relatively close together, they became close childhood sweethearts, until Akatsuki Furujo and Akatsuki Nagisa fell in love. The incident on Gozo Island had to come to Genkami Island to separate.

Although they said they were separated, in fact they had been exchanging letters and making phone calls from time to time.

This time, it was taking advantage of the Hatouin Festival. Senduki Yuma said that she got the qualification to visit Genkami Island from a relative, so she just went to meet her childhood sweetheart to reminisce about the past. When Exia was having a fight with Garda on the sea more than a hundred kilometers away this morning, Akatsuki also went to the airport to pick her up, and then the three of them briefly visited Genkami Island with Akatsuki Nagisa.

Now it was because when we were having dinner at home, Senduki Yuma suddenly said that she wanted to go somewhere. Akatsuki was worried that she might get lost when she first arrived, so he followed her.

Unexpectedly, she would come directly to the prison barrier.

“…That’s about it – what exactly is a prison barrier? How could Yuma be the daughter of a witch?”

“I see…Sorry, Gujo.”


Before Xiao Gucheng understood what Ixia meant, a small magic circle appeared in front of his eyes. Strong tiredness instantly occupied Xiao Gucheng’s spirit, and he fell asleep on the spot with a tilt of his head.

Shatiao Aige took back her hand: “He won’t wake up until at least tomorrow morning. Do we need to take him out?”

“Yes. Please excuse me, Miss Aige.”


The magic array of space transfer appeared under Xiao Gucheng. After a flash of light, he was directly transferred out of the prison barrier by Shajo Aige. Although it may not be possible to send him directly and accurately back to Xiao’s apartment in terms of distance, there is still no problem in sending him to a safe place.

Looking at this scene, Senduki Yuma, who was restrained by countless chains, couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief: “Great, this way the ancient city will be safe. I really appreciate you taking such good care of the ancient city, His Majesty the Fourth True Ancestor .”

“…Do you value the ancient city very much?”

“Well. After all, Gu Cheng is the only friend I have made with my own will. Although I have kept a lot of things from him, he is indeed the only thing that belongs to me. I don’t want what happens next to spread to Go to him.” Xiandumu Yuma’s tone was quite sincere.

She really regarded Xiao Gucheng as her friend.

“Then you shouldn’t have brought him here. If he wanted to follow you, you should have sent him away directly.”

“I wanted to do that, but I can’t do it now.” Senduki Yuma shook her head regretfully, “Now that the prison barrier has appeared, my behavior is no longer controlled by my own will. , we can only act based on the contract.”


Nangong Nayue raised her eyebrows: “I see, no wonder you would say that you are A Ye’s [daughter] – you are a life created artificially by LCO in order to liberate A Ye, right?”


Suppressed by the Gap Witch, there is also a True Ancestor beside him.

Senduki Yuma did not intend to make any more struggles or concealments: “It’s just that I was not born under the leadership of lco. The person who wanted me to be born was my mother, who was imprisoned in this prison by you ten years ago. The boundary of Xiandumu Aye.”

“I am a test-tube baby whose growth has been accelerated. Ten years ago, I was born at the age of six, and I became a witch under my mother’s arrangement as soon as I was born. I have been preparing for today.”

“And the content of the contract I made when I became a witch is to [liberate the prison barrier] – even so, I shouldn’t be able to do anything now, right? I was defeated the moment I walked in here. Woolen cloth.”

What happened now was actually not what Senduki Yuma expected.

In order to break the seal of the prison barrier, lco actually has his own plan. First, the magic book that can affect the space was used to disrupt the entire space of String God Island, thereby forcing the prison barrier to appear. Then the Meiya sisters invaded String God Island and used the 100,000 residents of String God Island as sacrifices. , in exchange for magic power that can rival the True Ancestor to break through the seal and destroy the prison barrier.

But this plan failed directly.

The Meiya sisters were directly defeated and imprisoned before they even invaded Xian Kami Island. And Senduki Yuma was not able to complete the trouble in the space, and she was even almost discovered and exposed because she was next door to Exia’s house when she used the magic book.

However, after that, the prison barrier fully appeared for unknown reasons, and the passage was even opened on its own initiative.

Although she didn’t know why this happened, under the influence of the contract, Senduki Yuma was still forced to come here – and then she understood that coming in was an absolutely wrong choice, which was equivalent to throwing herself in. Tiger’s den.

The gatekeeper of the prison barrier is waiting for her here, and the fourth true ancestor who controls Genkami Island is waiting for her… It is impossible for her to liberate the prison barrier and release her under the eyes of these two people. own mother.

That’s why she is so sincere now.

Because she knew that she only had the option of “confession and leniency”.

(A combination of circumstances led to the current situation…)

Nangong Nayue, who roughly guessed without the need for any explanation from Xiandumu Yuma, glanced at Exia.

Although it was no longer easy to worry about, but he accidentally solved a big trouble for him.

“Take her out later, Alexia.” Nangong said that month, “First take her to the security team and imprison her. Those people know how to imprison the witch. After I adjust the clone here, I will Go deal with her stuff.”


“Did you hear that? Exia.”

Seeing that Alexia didn’t respond, Nangong Nayue couldn’t help but ask again.

But Exia kept staring closely at Senduki Yuma, and then asked a question: “Something’s wrong…”

“Not connecting? What’s wrong?”

“The content of the contract.”

Alexia frowned and said: “Assuming that everything she said is true, and everything she did was for the purpose of [liberating the prison barrier], but the secretary witch wanted to escape from the prison barrier, right? Just liberation, it should be It’s better if you can’t escape.”

“…You said so.”

Nangong Nayue also felt a little uncomfortable.

And at this moment——

“[It’s a shame you could notice it, but unfortunately, it’s too late]”

An elegant and calm voice rang out in the church hall without warning.

The expressions of Nangong Nayue and Xiandumu Yuma changed instantly!

“This voice is…”



At the same time as the two people’s voices sounded, a faceless blue knight holding a broad sword quietly appeared behind Senduki Yuma – and what should have been a face of nothingness was now quite creepy. A mouth grew.

The sound came from that mouth.

“[It’s not easy to be here, thank you for your hard work, my daughter]”

“[Your mission is accomplished]”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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