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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 307

There was a penetrating sound, and the Blue Knight actually sent the blade directly into Senduki Yuma’s body.

But the penetrating sound came from the other side.


Looking at the sword blade thrust out of his body, Nangong Nayue’s eyes widened slightly: “So… was this the idea? He used his daughter as bait – Aye!”


There was a sudden roar from nowhere!

And along with this roar, the church where everyone is…



111.Escaped malice

real world.

On the coastal road of Genkami Island Kita District.


Accompanied by a tremor in the space, under the light of space control magic, Exia suddenly appeared here, and Jada and La Folia also appeared from the space.

After patting the dust on her body, Jiada looked not far away: “I was almost buried alive…but now things are going to get interesting.”

“Boom boom boom boom boom~~~~”

Heavy roaring sounds continued to come from the other side.

On the island at the other end of the island separated by a pontoon bridge, the prison barrier that looked like a temple was now like a dangerous building being demolished by blasting, and the whole thing was constantly collapsing.

The towering stone walls that were piled up so high that one had to look up collapsed like an avalanche. The violent impact caused waves to scatter in all directions. The ground beneath the feet of Ixia and others even shook slightly, and the scattered fragments and dust mixed with the surging waves. Mixed together, the dirty waves beat on the coastal road, shaking the stability of Genkami Island.

If it weren’t for the barrier set up by Sajo Aige, I’m afraid Genkamijima would have discovered something abnormal here by now, right?

“Miss Ai Ge, strengthen the barrier.”

“Twelve layers of barriers have been added.” Sajo Aige, who had dozens of magic circles floating around her, responded to Ixia, “No matter what means are used, it is impossible for the outside world to detect the situation on our side. , please rest assured, Prince… It’s just that the situation on the other side of the prison boundary is not optimistic.”

Looking at the other side of the prison barrier as well, Alexia thought about what had just happened.

Because what happened at that time was too sudden, Exia couldn’t analyze the detailed situation immediately, but now if he sorts it out carefully, he can still figure out the general situation.

If he guessed correctly, the blue knight who appeared behind Senduki Yuma might be her [Guardian] as a witch.

And the owner of the voice speaking through that guardian should be [Secretary Witch] – Sendumu Aye.

(Could it be that the secretary witch controlled her daughter’s guardian? And hurt Teacher Na Yue in some way, thus causing the collapse of the prison barrier?)

(But why can she do this?)

“Miss Aige, can you understand what happened just now?”

“I’m sorry. At that moment, almost all of my attention was spent on activating the space control magic to allow everyone to escape the collapse. I had no time to delve into what methods the other party used, but I think it should be someone from the space control magic. This kind of application, after all, I feel the use of space control magic other than myself.”


Even Shajo Aige couldn’t figure out the details right away, which shows how critical the situation was at that time.

“By the way, where is Teacher Yue?” Alexia looked around, “Didn’t you bring her out with you?”

“The Na Yue-chan who appeared in front of us was not her real body, but another phantom she had fabricated. Her real body was still sleeping. Although I wanted to search for her location and bring her out, I didn’t have enough time. I’m extremely sorry.”

“That’s it…”

Alexia pursed her lips and looked in the direction of the prison barrier again.

And this time——


Feeling the magic power fluctuations released from the direction of the collapsed temple, Jiada smiled slightly and said: “It seems that because of what happened just now and the collapse of the prison barrier, some interesting little guys were released. The number. …..Six?”


As Jiada finished speaking, a strong vibration suddenly swept away from the direction of the prison boundary! It actually swept away all the diffuse smoke and dust!

And in the scattered smoke, six figures appeared from the collapsed buildings one after another like shadows climbing up from the abyss.

Old people, women, men in armor, men wearing silk top hats, petite young people and weak and delicate young people – although there are no weird-looking people or people wearing strange clothes, Ixia and others are all It is clear that these six people are all existences that cannot be underestimated in some sense.

after all–

“Are those the prisoners within the prison boundary?” La Folia said with a somewhat solemn look, “The serious criminals whose crimes and nature cannot be accommodated in normal prisons at all, so all of them are imprisoned… ….There are only six people in this huge prison barrier?”

“Ha! No! Eight Po!”

Among the six people, a young man who looked like a street gangster put his hands on his hips and shouted loudly without any etiquette or image: “It’s just because the other guys are so weak that they can’t escape at all – after all, it’s even a prison.” Even if the barrier is destroyed, this thing will not disappear.”

While saying this, the young gangster also raised his arm – a dark and gray metal handcuff was placed on his left arm.

(I’m afraid it’s the prison barrier’s anti-escape mechanism.)

Sajo Aige said to Exia.

(The prison barrier is Na Yue-chan’s dream. Since this mechanism is still there, it means that at least the prison barrier has not completely collapsed, and Na Yue-chan is fine——)

“Huh? Are you the only ones who escaped?”

Someone’s voice interrupted Shajo Aige’s words.

Behind the six criminals who had escaped, the figure of a seventh man slowly walked out of the ruins of the prison barrier.

The street gangster curled his lips: “I was still wondering where you, the woman who broke the barrier, went, but she ended up hiding in the back.”

“I just went to recycle some important things.”

Completely walking out of the smoke, the owner of the voice appeared in front of everyone.

It was a beautiful woman with hair that reached down to her feet, and she was dressed like a noble woman in the Heian period. The overlapping layers of clothes are extremely gorgeous, but the look of them dyed in black and white is also a bit ominous. Her appearance is quite young and charming, and her eyes are as crimson as flames.

(She has the same appearance as Senduki Yuma, so she is…)

“So, have you caught it back? Xiandumu Aye?”

The frail young man wearing glasses asked with a smile.

Xiandumu Aye—the big criminal who was replaced by the [Secretary Witch]—just touched the space lightly, and two figures immediately appeared next to her.

One was Senduki Yuma, who had the same face as her, with blood and wounds flowing all over his body, and was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

And the other…

“Of course I caught her back. After all, she was partially swallowed by the [Shadow] earlier, and then she was attacked by me in a sneak attack. Even if the injury was not the body, but just a phantom, it still had an impact on her spirit. It caused a considerable impact, and the main body can be said to be in a defenseless state.”

Letting his daughter’s body fall to the ground, Xiandumu Aye stretched out his arms to hug the petite girl in front of him.

That was exactly that month of Nangong.


In an instant, a biting cold wind blew within the barrier.

112. Go back by yourself, or should I take you back?


This is the first feeling that criminals feel after coming out of prison.

It was as if every inch of their bodies was being frozen to death, as if their souls were being frozen.

As the cold wind blew, such a penetrating coldness enveloped them all!

“W-what the hell?!”

The street gangster scratched his arm.

The ice slag in his palm made him widen his eyes!


“Oh~~~It seems there is a good person here.”

Next to him, the purple-haired woman who was dressed in unusually revealing clothes, almost like a prostitute, also brushed off the ice residue on her body and looked in the direction where the cold wind was blowing.

As a vampire, she immediately saw Alexia, whose whole body was bursting with powerful magic.

“It’s that little boy with white hair… He’s really good-looking. He’s my type, but I don’t know how his blood sucks.”

“Ha, after being imprisoned for so many years, can’t you bear it anymore?” the street gangster laughed.

The green-purple haired woman glared at him, and then said lazily: “Why are there single rooms inside? If it is a double room, at least there will be someone for me to enjoy~~~ Or are you willing to accompany me now? One night? Shutra·d? I haven’t tasted the taste of a descendant of the Heavenly Tribe.”

“Ha! I’m not interested in old guys!”

The street gangster known as Sutera curled his lips: “Compared to you, I am a little interested in that brat who exudes extremely murderous aura – he has an expression that is dragging him to death, which is not pleasing to the eye! “

“In other words, do you want to fight him?”



As Shutra’s voice fell, a strong storm suddenly burst out from under him!

Regardless of whether it would affect other prisoners, Shutra, who was rushed into the sky by the storm, stared at Exia, and then as if a pair of jets grew out of his back, strong winds burst out from behind him and he rushed forward. Towards Exia not far away!

“Hey! Come and practice your skills with me! Little devil——”

“[So annoying]”

The cold words directly interrupted Xiutra’s arrogant words.

Without even looking at him, facing him who was rushing down with the strong wind all over his body, Ixia raised her hand and slapped him directly in the face as if she had calculated the distance!


Shutra was rushing towards Exia just a second ago.

The next second, he was shot flying nearly 100 meters into the air. His neck was like a towel that had been tightened. It could be said that it had been turned 180 degrees. His head was almost completely turned to the back, and his whole body was growing from inside his body. A large number of ice edges appeared, as if the body had been pierced by ice thorns, and blood was flying in the air.


At the same time, the handcuffs on his left arm immediately spurted out countless chains like a torrent, mercilessly binding Shutra’s body and dragging him into the deep void.

one strike!

The remaining six people looked at Aixia with slight changes in their eyes.

Although he is arrogant, that Shutra D is also a descendant of the [Tianbu] known as the super ancient superman. His strength is definitely not weak, otherwise he would not be imprisoned in the prison barrier. After all, those who can be imprisoned are without exception extremely vicious and powerful criminals! No one is easy to mess with!

but now…….


After sending Shutela back to the prison barrier with a slap, Exia snorted softly, and glanced at the remaining six people with blue eyes that exuded a little flame, and then——


The ice wings unfolded.

Crossing a distance of nearly a hundred meters with a speed comparable to that of space movement, Exia came directly to the charming prostitute who was talking to Shutra.


When the palm of his hand touched the opponent’s face, the force that exploded knocked her head down and smashed her whole body into the ground on the spot! The frost that followed the explosion turned into a huge ice pile, smashing her head deeper into the ground!

The fatal injury directly triggered the anti-escape mechanism of the prison barrier. Countless chains erupted from the handcuffs just like before, causing the prostitute to follow in the footsteps of Shutra.


Alexia counted ruthlessly.

Among the remaining five people, except for Xiandumu Aye, the four people’s expressions became gloomy when they heard this cold count. Furthermore, except for the frail young man wearing glasses, the remaining three people simultaneously Had the same idea!

[This kid is not easy to mess with! 】

as well as–

[If you don’t deal with him seriously, he will be imprisoned immediately! 】


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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