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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 308

Thinking of this, the thin old man who looked like an ascetic was the first to take action, and raging fire rushed out of his body like a volcano erupting!

However, before he could take action, Exia’s attack had already landed on him.


The electromagnetic gun that shattered everything instantly penetrated the old man’s heart. The speed was too fast for him to react. By the time his eyes caught the electromagnetic gun, his body had already been penetrated.

The handcuffs took effect again, but this time, what was pulled back by the chains was destined to be only a corpse.



While Ixia was counting, among the remaining two people, the man with a giant sword and black armor pulled out the giant sword almost at the same time as the old man took action, as if hunting a prey. The prey jumped high into the sky like a giant wolf, and the simple sword without any decoration took advantage of the moment when Ixia fired the electromagnetic cannon and slashed at his head!

This time has almost reached the entity.


As if it had eyes on its back, it suddenly turned around and jumped into the air. A powerful roundhouse kick came out with a bang!


The black armor on the armored man was completely shattered! A large piece was sunken into the side of his body, and his internal organs and bones were exploded by Exia’s kick at the same time, causing his body to instantly turn into a mess mixed with broken bones!

The handcuffs took effect for the fourth time, and countless chains wrapped around the body of the armored man who was kicked into the ruins, dragging him into the void again.

There are three left.

(No, there are two left.)

Sajo Aige corrected Alexia’s idea, but not far away, the middle-aged gentleman who seemed to want to use some magic was crushed by Sajo Aige with mental magic from across the air before he could even use the magic. Got the spirit.

Playing with the magic array in his hand, Shajo Aige smiled and said: “Using that kind of inferior magic in front of me will lead to self-destruction.”

That makes five.

Exia looked at the last two people left——

“Where to escape?”

The bespectacled young man’s attempt to escape was immediately caught in Exia’s eyes. The Seven Thunders of Purity opened fire mercilessly, and the fast electromagnetic cannon directly dug away his right thigh.

Chains appeared, and the young man and the middle-aged gentleman were dragged back to the prison barrier without even having time to struggle.


In less than a minute, Exia sent back six of the seven prisoners who escaped!

Finally turning his attention to the remaining seventh person, Exia said coldly: “You are the last one left, Xiandumu Aye.”

“Go back by yourself? Or should I take you back?”

113.Did you misunderstand something?

“Very wonderful.”

After a short silence, Xiandumu Aye put down Nangong Nayue in his hand and twitched his hands a few times.

“There is no way to know information about the outside world within the prison barrier, but by taking away my daughter’s guardian, I also know part of the outside world – you are the fourth true ancestor, and you are worthy of being the four emperors of the night who rule the world. One, it is truly breathtaking power.”

Although it is a bit late to tell now, in fact, each of the prisoners killed by Exia had the power of a high-level demon.

Sutera is the last descendant of the Celestial tribe.

That armored man is a descendant of a clan called “Dragon Slayers”, superhuman warriors who can defeat even giant dragons.

The old man was once a guerrilla. In order to annihilate enemies more efficiently, he used magic to implant fire elves in his body, which can be called a mobile flame turret.

The prostitute-like woman belongs directly to the blood clan of the Third True Ancestor, an old-era vampire who bloodbathed several small countries in the past and caused huge tragedies.

In the world, these people are considered to be famous figures. Being imprisoned in the prison barrier itself shows that their power cannot be underestimated.

But these people couldn’t get past Aixia.

“If I were your enemy, I would probably end up with the same fate, right?”

Xiandumu Aye understands the difference in strength between me.

Rather, it was only now that she was face to face with Alexia that she felt the oppression brought by him more personally. And she also knew why Alexia did not send him directly back to the prison barrier with one blow like she did to the other six people, but chose to threaten her with words, forcing her to choose to return to the prison barrier herself.

The root cause is that she is too close to Nangong Nayue.

Too much power will affect Nangong Nayue, and if the force is too small, it may not be enough to kill Xiandumu Aye with one blow – it is because of this that Alexia did not take action immediately, Xiandumu Aye Night can say so.


“However, I still have something I want to accomplish. Before that, could you please show me your mercy and allow me to retrieve one thing from that moon?”


What responded to Xiandumu Aye was not Alexia’s voice, but the lightning that tore open her vision.

Without even a trace of hesitation, Xiandumu Aye suddenly disappeared in front of Ixia by relying entirely on his own instinct!


The strike of the Seven Thunders of Purification penetrated the ground.

Behind Ikesia, Na Yue appeared in shock holding Nangong. Xiandumu Aye advised: “Please don’t do anything casually, Your Majesty. Na Yue will be affected.”

“…Did you misunderstand something?”

Axia put her finger on the trigger again.

“It’s true that I didn’t attack you immediately because Teacher Nayue was on your side – but do you think that is a shield that you can always use?”



The magic array of space control magic unfolded above Nangong Nayue while Xiandumu Aye was confused.

Nangong Nayue, who was held in Xiandumu Aye’s arms, disappeared directly from her hands!

In front of Alexia, reaching out to catch Nangong Nayue who emerged from the space control magic, Alexia hugged her teacher’s petite body with one hand, and pointed the gun of the Seven Thunders at Xiandumu Aye: “Do you think I don’t know how to control space magic?”

(Actually, Prince-sama does not know how to do it. I am the one who knows how to do it.)

(Well, please save Teacher Nayue and come back, Miss Aige)

Xiandumu Aye may have thought that as long as she had Nangong Nayue in her hand, Alexia would be afraid of her, or at least would not dare to attack her casually. But she didn’t know that there was a magic almighty person like Shajo Aige in Alexia. It took a little time to use cognitive distortion magic to prevent Sendumu Aye from realizing the space control magic. It is really not difficult to activate and rescue Nangong Nayue.


Nangong Nayue, who was held in Exia’s arms, groaned. She didn’t know if it was stimulated by the cold air on Exia’s body, and slowly opened her eyes.

“It’s so cold…”

“Eh? It’s cold. I’m sorry, teacher, I’ll just restrain my strength.”

Alexia quickly put away the cold air on her body, and at the same time took back some of the magic power she had unconsciously released.

After fully opening his eyes, Nangong Nayue seemed to be stunned for a moment when he looked at Alexia who was holding him up. He was silent for a moment, and then returned to the cold look that Alexia had been looking at. face.

“…Am I saved by you?”

“So be it.”

Putting down Nangong Nayue, Ixia smiled and said: “Wait a moment, Teacher Nayue. Six of the seven escaped criminals have been sent back by me, and the last remaining Xiandumu Aye will be sent back to me immediately. Just get rid of it. Miss Ai Ge, please watch the teacher to prevent her from being plotted again.”


Appearing next to Alexia, Shajo Aige knelt down and patted Nangong Nayue’s head – even though it couldn’t be photographed at all.

“This and that Yue-chan are still good-looking. The adult look before was really inappropriate.”

“……shut up.”

After replying to Shatiao Aige, Nangong Nayue glanced around.

Although she had lost consciousness for a period of time due to Xiandumu Aye’s plot, she still had considerable knowledge of the prison barrier she controlled.

(Were the six prisoners who even took a lot of effort from me…were they eliminated by him in such a short period of time? Is this kid really…there is only one Aye left? ?)

His eyes finally fell on Xiandumu Aye. Nangong Nayue looked at her with a complex expression, pursed her lips and said: “Just stop it, Aye. At this point, even if you get the secret oath, Nothing can be done, and the kind of world you long for is simply not possible.”

“…It’s the same as ten years ago.”

Being pointed at gunpoint by Ixia, Xiandumu Aye did not panic at all, but calmly responded to Nangong Nayue: “Obviously, what I want to do will be good for you in terms of results. Why? Are you willing to become a tool for managing the commune, and are you willing to accept your fate of falling into eternal sleep sooner or later?”

“There is no acceptance or rejection, I have already -“

“Wait a moment, Teacher Nayue.”

What Nangong wanted to say that month was interrupted by Alexia.

Putting down the Seven Thunders of Purification pointed at Xiandumu Aye, Ixia held her hands in the air——

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

Dozens of ice chains burst out of the ground and wrapped around Xiandumu Aye’s body like a whirlpool, tightly binding her in place.

“I changed my mind, Xiandumu Aye.”

“Before I send you back, tell me what you just said in more detail – especially about [Teacher Nayue is a prop to manage the commune].”


The sudden change in attitude made Xiandumu Aye and Nangong Nayue hesitate for a moment.

Looking at Alexia’s expression that was no longer as cold as before, Xiandumu Aye understood something: “Have you been hiding it from other people until now? That Yue, you really have your style. How to do it.”

“…I just don’t think it’s necessary to say it. I don’t need to tell everything about myself one by one, right?” Nangong Nayue glanced at Alexia, “You too, don’t do it casually Just ask others about my personal privacy. It’s not convenient for me to do it now, so please send Aye to jail as soon as possible.”

“I will, Natsuki-sensei—but only after I know more about you.”

Alexia half agreed and half rejected Nangong Nayue.

What Xiandumu Aye said was actually exactly what he wanted to know from Nangong Nayue in the first place.

“Speak clearly, Xiandumu Aye. What’s the matter with Teacher Yue being a [prop]?”

“That’s what it means, the Fourth True Ancestor.”

Xiandumu Aye smiled and said: “Nangong Nayue, like me, is a pure-blood witch – that is, a born witch. The moment she was born, her soul was handed over to the devil. From the beginning, she has been burdened with the present… mission and damnation.”

Witches are divided into pure blood and non-pure blood.

The criteria for distinguishing are very simple. A pure-blood witch is an innate witch. As Xiandumu Aye said, her soul was taken away by the devil at the moment she was born, and she became a witch without even knowing it. Non-pure-blood witches are witches who become witches after making a deal with the devil and actively offering their souls.

Nangong Nayue is the former.

“It’s just that, even among pure-blood witches, Nazuki is a very special one – she and my daughter are actually very similar. In this aspect [they are both designed props].”


Alexia’s eyes suddenly widened a bit.

Nangong Nayue… is a man-made pure-blood witch?

“Do you think it’s incredible? Your Majesty the True Ancestor.” Seeing Ixia’s surprise, Xiandumu Aye continued, “I don’t know the more detailed reasons, and I can’t be sure whether that month is really… An artificial pure-blood witch, but her fate and situation are real facts.”


Silence was the only response Ixia could give.

Xiandumu Aye was still narrating: “And just like that moon, all pure-blood witches are cursed by fate. The world around us oppresses, excludes, and persecutes us pure-blood witches, and attempts to take advantage of us. The power of the world is oppressing us in an unfair way… Don’t you think this world is crazy? Your Majesty.”

“They regard us pure-blooded witches as taboo, but they also crave our power. They regard us as heretics and hunt down and persecute us, but then they turn around and use our power – if it weren’t for the fact that the moon is The guards of the prison barrier play an important role for the entire world, otherwise she wouldn’t even have freedom now, right?”

Like a missionary who spreads radical ideas, Xiandumu Aye talked eloquently, pouring out his thoughts and ideas to Aixia.

She sensed a glimmer of possibility.

The possibility of turning the current situation around and even achieving her goal.

“I can make the moon free, Your Majesty. I only need to use the power of the secret oath to correct this crazy world back to its original appearance, and then everything will be restored to its original state. The moon does not have to sleep forever, nor does it have to become The gatekeeper of the prison barrier—your majesty should also have this idea, right?”

“Exia, don’t listen to her…”

Nangong Nayue immediately wanted to interrupt Xiandumu Aye’s instigation of Alexia, but she did not have time. Alexia had already made a move before that.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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