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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 309

There was a chain in his hand that extended all the way to Xiandumu Aye’s body. Ixia yanked hard and actually threw Xiandumu Aye into the sky! Then, as if he was about to split the sky, he dropped the chain heavily!


A big crater formed on the uneven surface of the island!

Xiandumu Aye in the pothole immediately spat out a mouthful of blood due to the violent impact!

“I’m not interested in what you think.”

Overlooking Xiandumu Aye, Ixia turned her back to Nangong Nayue and said: “I just want to know about Teacher Nayue. I don’t care what you are thinking or what you want to do. What’s more, I Knowing what kind of person Nazuki-sensei is, all her actions are to protect Genkami Island from harm, and if you are stopped by her like this, what you want to do is naturally harmful to Gengami Island. .”

“Do you think I will help you do that kind of thing? After ten years in prison, your thinking is no longer clear? – Go back to prison and isolate yourself.”


As Alexia finished speaking, countless chains erupted from the handcuffs on Xiandumu Aye’s arms.

Because of the blow just now, Xiandumu Aye’s injuries have met the conditions for triggering the prison barrier defense mechanism, and she will be imprisoned in the prison barrier again.

Looking at this scene from behind, looking at Xiandumu Aye who was constantly being dragged into the void by chains, Nangong Nayue looked at Alexia after being silent for a while – he knew his origin, and saw It seemed like he had been rushing to know this from the beginning.

So now, after knowing it, what will he do…


The sound of breaking suddenly sounded at this moment.

Not far away, the chains that kept dragging Xiandumu Aye over suddenly broke and shattered one by one!

Not only the chains coming out of the handcuffs, but also the chains of ice that Exia put on her body!

“How could it be? The chain of commandments forged by the gods actually——”

Nangong Nayue suddenly felt surprised.

What surprised him even more was that as the chains were broken, the [shadows] accumulated under Xiandumu Aye seemed to come alive, gradually breaking away from the ground and floating behind her. .

Brushing off the ice slag on his body, Xiandumu Aye looked at Nangong Nayue and Aikexia: “Are you surprised? Nayue. To be honest, I am too. After all, I was not surprised about this power until not long ago. I came into contact with him, and I didn’t expect that he has an excellent compatibility with my guardian.”

“I want to thank you, Your Majesty. If you hadn’t used [Shadow] to break the prison barrier and invade that Yue’s dream, I wouldn’t have been exposed to this power like this.”

Halfway through, Xiandumu Aye bowed his head slightly and saluted Alexia.

“Come out, [Shadow].”

In her low voice, the [Shadow] floating behind her gradually began to squirm, and its originally blurry appearance gradually became clear, turning into a black knight with a blurred face.

That is Xiandumu Aye’s [Guardian] as a witch.


“How can it be?”

Nangong Nayue’s voice was a little shocked, because under the gaze of her and Ixia, the face of the faceless black knight actually had many bulges little by little, and the eyes, nose, mouth and other parts appeared. , and until the end——

She took the form of Exia.

115. Give 120% trust

Nangong trusted Aike Xia very much in that month, and he also trusted Aike Xia very much.

As the strongest fighting force in the world, she has always been very happy that Alexia is a kind-hearted person, and she is also very happy that she and he are companions.

But now, looking at the black knight who had the same appearance as Alexia, Nangong Nayue felt an unprecedented palpitation.

“that’s me?”

“To be precise, it’s part of the shadow under the crown.”

Xiandumu Aye explained.

“Your Majesty, in order to break through the prison barrier and let your own shadow pour out, did you forcefully invade the moon’s dream? Although I know some magic that uses shadows, I never thought that you can do it with just a pure shadow. Magic that transcends an entire system.”

“After taking away the guardian from my daughter, I used magic to distort time and space, linking the moment you used your shadow in the past to the present time – even if it is just a momentary link, but it must be I also get part of your power.”

“No, should I say [bathing] is better?”

Alexia’s [Shadow] is the power of Chimera. When she invaded the prison barrier previously, Xiandumu Aye, who was also in Nangong Nayue’s dream, also experienced this power personally.

And following the [memory] of this experience, she distorted time and space for an instant, allowing her guardian to be bathed in Exia’s [shadow].

The result is–

“Are you affected by Ixia’s power?” Nangong Nayue frowned, “Aye, you… you are playing with fire. This kid’s power is not just that of our guardian. You can bear it, if you do this, your soul will be swallowed by him!”

“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter.”

The pitch-black [Exia]’s whole body exuded a black chill.

Bathed in the protection of [Shadow], Xiandumu Aye smiled and said: “What I ask for is just a secret oath. Even if you are the True Ancestor, it should take a lot of effort to face your own shadow. …..I just need to knock you down before you have recovered during this period of time, and take away the memory of the Dark Oath from your mind.”

“Okay, let’s get started, [Shadow], go and get–“


Before the words could be fully finished, a muffled sound rang out.

The black knight who looked like Alexia was blown away by a single blow without any warning! The whole body was like an unstable image, trembling violently and blurred under the action of blows and impacts!

Spreading her ice wings and flying in mid-air, Exia moved the hand that had just knocked [himself] out.

“This is the first time I’ve hit myself in the face… No, I can’t say it’s the first time. I’ve hit myself before – I feel like I got a little bit of personality and strength from my shadow. You can compete with me, I’m a little curious about where you got your confidence from, Xiandumu Aye.”

“A shadow that doesn’t even have 10% of my strength can’t even contain me.”


There was a roar in the space.

In the direction where [Shadow] was knocked away, dark thunder and lightning suddenly shot out like arrows!


He casually knocked away the thunder and lightning, without even intending to watch the [movie], Ixia came directly to Xiandumu Aye——


Xiandumu Aye immediately wanted to gather a magic barrier to block Alexia.

Not to mention using spells, her spells seemed to be interfered with by something the moment she used them!

(My technique——)

Not far away, Shatiao Aige withdrew his finger pointing at Xiandumu Aye.

Immediately afterwards,


Alexia’s punch without any magical power was directly embedded in her chest!

The most effective way to deal with all summons is to directly defeat the summoner himself. Although it is unclear whether this method is effective for witches and guardians, it is the same for Exia. Anyway, it only needs to cause enough damage to Sendumu Aye, and then the defense mechanism of the prison barrier will naturally activate. Forcibly drag her back to the prison barrier.

“Ugh…cough cough cough!”

Vomiting blood clots, covering his chest and retreating uncontrollably, Xiandumu Aye shouted with a pale face: “Shadow!”


Shadow Exia instantly appeared in front of her.

But before Xiandumu Aye could continue to give orders, Exia punched the black knight in the chest.


A large amount of black energy gushes out from the punctured gap, and then all of it sinks into the [Shadow] at Exia’s feet, making its deep darkness even deeper.

“This is over, Xiandumu Aye, go back to the prison barrier.”

“No, I…”


Chains emerged from the handcuffs on Xiandumu Aye’s arms for the second time.

This time, there was no Alexia’s shadow to help her out. Countless chains swallowed up her body in an instant, and the open void completely submerged her.

At this point, all seven prisoners who escaped from the prison barrier were returned to the prison.


Nangong couldn’t get used to it that month.

She was just shocked that Xiandumu Aye had robbed Alexia of her power, but unexpectedly she turned around and was easily eliminated by Alexia.

“I don’t know what you are surprised about, Nazuki-chan.”

Sajo Aige, who was standing next to her, smiled and spoke.

“Perhaps in your opinion, even if it is only a small part of the prince’s power, it is enough to cheer you up. But for the current prince, it is only a part of himself. It’s not a force worth worrying about.”

“So, there is no need to be shocked or surprised, just watch quietly and watch the prince handle everything.”

Nangong Nayue was silent for a moment: “…I am just a teacher, isn’t it normal to worry about the safety of my students?”

“But Prince, you don’t need to worry. It’s you, Yue-chan…”

Squatting down, Shajo Aige smiled and said: “Next time you want to do something, you must explain the truth to the prince. Otherwise, the prince will still be worried, and the current prince is in a Pretty straightforward state.”

“So, I don’t recommend that you continue to hide it in front of the prince in the future~~~ Giving 120% trust in the prince is what you should do.”


116.Abandoned prison barrier?

after one day.

It’s the afternoon of the first day of the Hasōin Festival.

The headquarters of the artificial island management commune.

In a certain conference room.

Members of the Senkami City Council, captains of the special zone police force, members of the Management Commune Council… Dozens of senior managers of Senkami Island are gathered around a table at this moment, all sitting at attention with solemn expressions, and even Even the mayor of Xian Kamijima and Kagami City is sitting at the conference table at the moment, with a nervous look on his face as if he is waiting for something.

If it were normal, these high-ranking executives would definitely not gather together. Unless it was a major event involving the overall operation of Genkami Island, otherwise even if they could gather, several people would definitely be absent, or they would simply pass Make video calls online.

But now, they are all gathered here.

Just because of one man’s summons.


The conference room door opens.

Wearing a decent suit and a pair of headphones hanging inappropriately around his neck, Motoki Yase walked into the conference room. He took a slight breath and turned aside to face these senior executives, whom he rarely saw even in ordinary times. The road was opened: “Everyone is here, Your Majesty.”

“I’ve said it before, you don’t need to call me Your Majesty, it’s too awkward.”

Behind Motoki Yase, there was a sound of footsteps and such a sentence. Alexia, who was not wearing any formal clothes and was dressed casually, walked past him and went straight to the conference room.

Blue eyes swept over everyone sitting around the conference table, and after confirming that the seats were indeed occupied, he walked to the only empty seat – the chief seat – and crossed his fingers with his hands in front of him.

“It seems that they are all here. Although I just made this decision on the spur of the moment and wanted to discuss some things with you, but I didn’t expect that you would actually give me such face. I thought there would be at least one or two As usual, I personally don’t dare to face me directly, I only dare to talk to me through an agent.”


Alexia’s voice was unhurried and calm, as if she was just saying hello casually.

But everyone present felt a hint of unhappiness from his words.

If it were anyone else who dared to speak to everyone present in this tone, they wouldn’t have to wait until the next day. That person would have been dealt with before the moon rose today. But now, facing Exia’s words, even though the mayor of Genkamijima is here, they can only respond to Exia with silence.

No one present was qualified to have an equal conversation with the seventeen-year-old boy in front of him.

Because he is the crown prince who dominates the entire String God Island on the surface – no, maybe he is about to become the [substantial] crown prince.

Several people who had indirect communication with Exia had already keenly felt that the young emperor in front of them seemed to have changed slightly from usual.

After a period of silence, Exia spoke again.

“I don’t want to delay your schedule, and I don’t want to waste meaningless time with you, so I’ll get straight to the point. I summoned you here suddenly this time to discuss the [Prison Barrier] and its [Gatekeeper]. Nangong Nayue] Let’s discuss these two matters with you.”

“I believe that everyone present must be aware of the prison’s boundaries. I don’t need to say more about the details – Motoki.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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