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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 31

After you leave this world and return to your original world, you must ask questions carefully.

As for now——


The King of Bones roared angrily!

His body was frozen and destroyed by Exia, which was absolutely unacceptable to it – no, maybe it was more simple, it was stimulated just because he was injured.

Injured monsters will become more ferocious and more aggressive.


The roar is endless!

Along with the roar, as if being awakened, the cold air just now shattered on the frozen earth, and a large number of skeleton soldiers [Earthlings] climbed up one after another from the cracks, as if to protect their king. And the army that gathered was general.

This is the second reason why Loki Familia has such records.

In addition to Sword Mountain, Udaios will also summon a large number of earthlings to serve as soldiers.

The skeleton soldiers with weapons pounced on Exia the moment they appeared! There were even a large number of earthlings around Lefia in the passage on the thirty-eighth floor!

【One blow is enough】

(Well, that’s right.)

Exia raised her two swords, pointing the giant sword at Lefiya, and the long sword at her side, and slashed down with both swords at the same time——


Ice blue light explodes! Just like a fired cannonball, the ice storm accompanied by the slashing attack instantly swept across the front in the direction of the slashing attack on both sides!

The ground was frozen again, countless Earthlings were frozen into ice sculptures, and two icebergs that could not be melted rose up in an instant!

The power accumulated for seven years now shows absolute suppressive power in the hands of Ixia!

“Are you okay? Lefiya?”

Jumping lightly to the top of the iceberg and overlooking Lefia below, Exia smiled and said: “I will end it in an instant, wait a while.”


Lefia couldn’t help but blush at the kind words.

And at this moment——


The dark sword mountain erupted again!

The iceberg was destroyed instantly, and Exia’s body was once again covered with bone spurs, and——


A scream of oppression came from the atmosphere above. A black sword with a length of about six meters appeared in Udaios’s hand at some point and was chopped off from directly above!

Udaios knows how to use weapons! ?

Ixia glanced at the somewhat abrupt hollow black stake next to Udaios, and it seemed that it was taken out from somewhere.

(It’s not included in Lefia’s information…has it never been shown before?)

Udaios cannot use weapons. His special abilities are to summon earthlings and bone spurs. Perhaps no one knows that he can use the black sword?

The arms of Udaios, who raised the black sword high, were radiating light, and every joint was radiating, and he seemed to be preparing to make a special slash.

“Just right.”

Alexia raised the giant sword and held the hilt firmly as if she wanted to pour power into it. The ice-blue light became more and more dazzling on the sword, and the extremely cold air released directly burned the surrounding bone spurs. Frozen in mid-air.

There is a feeling of vomiting and displeasure.

It was as if she had long-held grievances and wanted to vent them. After being restricted and imprisoned by someone for seven years, Ixia’s strength and instinct was finally released, and she was constantly roaring to be released.

Then, just follow your instinct.


Udaios slashed! Shock waves and storms erupted at the same time! The terrifying torrent of magic power was released along with the slashing attack!

The atmosphere is mourning, the space is mourning.

Udaios injected a large amount of magic power into his arm and swung a sword that shattered everything within sight – this was Udaios’ true trump card that no one had ever seen before.

Lefia tensed up instinctively, wanting to shout loudly to Exia to avoid the blow.

However, before she could call out, Exia also waved her sword and faced her!


The deathly silence lasted for a moment.


What followed was an ice aurora that penetrated directly through the ceiling of the floor, and even sprinted towards the sky, as if it was going to penetrate all the floors above!

【So cool! 】

The instinct of the body is shouting.

53.The real trial

Exia defeated Udaios with overwhelming force.

No, it cannot be said to be a victory.

The battle process was too short. From the beginning to the end of the battle, it only lasted three or four minutes. In fact, the number of effective attacks that Exia took the initiative could only be counted on one hand.

【Instant Kill】

That’s the only way to describe it.

“This is the power that has always been hidden in that kid’s body. Oh, even though I have seen it once, this time it is really much stronger than that time.”

Loki sighed.

Exia has the power to control ice. This was discovered when he first fell from the sky, but it has never been revealed since then, and even he himself cannot actively use it.

I didn’t expect to wake up at this time.

“Hmm…it’s a little different than expected.”

However, unlike Loki’s satisfaction, Freya looked a little disappointed: “It is a good thing that the power has awakened, but… the light of the soul has not changed, but has become much more restrained.”

“Well, after all, if it is true as you said, this battle is definitely not a protection, it is just a one-sided ravage.”

In other words, in this battle, Exia’s mood to protect Lefia was not as strong as when she was facing Ota.

The desire to protect someone’s mood and the will to protect someone will only burst out strongly when encountering difficulties or desperate situations. In this case, it cannot be said to be a difficult situation or a desperate situation.

“Okay, let’s go back.”

Loki put down his legs and stood up.

“We will pursue this matter this time, partly for the sake of our fellow villagers, and partly for the sake of the guild – next time we will seriously send you back, Freya .”

Freya Familia and Loki Familia are both the most important Familia in Orario. In order to fulfill the destiny of Orario as a whole and the three major missions of adventurers, the guild absolutely does not want to see a conflict between the two Familia – the two major Familia. A massive firefight will tear Orario apart!

“However, if I can see you looking defeated and dissatisfied at the end, our trip is not in vain. Remember to be more thoughtful before taking action next time, you idiot!”

Loki, who was mocking like this, took Finn and left the room in an upright manner.

If it weren’t for the fact that the person who spoke to humiliate his goddess was a god, Hedin must have taken action, but even so, Hedin’s eyes were still staring at Loki, filled with anger.

“Calm down, Hedin, it’s useless to be angry with Loki, otherwise she will only use it to make a fuss.” Freya’s voice awakened Hedin, “Compared to this, this time I really want everyone to prepare Let’s fight now.”

“Fight? Loki Familia?”


Freya looked at the frost-covered boy in the Mirror of God.

“It’s him.”


Underground city, thirty-seventh floor.


Standing among a large number of scattered bones, Ixia forcefully exhaled a large mouthful of icy air, trying to calm down her still extremely excited body.

After seven years, using this power without restriction again seems to make the body too excited.

(But, that would be no problem.)

Udaios was defeated, and the magic stone was shattered by his final blow of ice. In this way, the biggest threat on the way back no longer existed. All that was left was to go up layer by layer according to the map.

As for the monsters he would encounter along the way, to be honest, Exia didn’t think monsters on the thirty-plus floors were still his opponents.

“Speaking of which… I shouldn’t have to pay back this to Freya Familia, right?”

Ixia glanced at the two swords with only one hilt left in their hands – the power he poured into the last blow completely exceeded the upper limit that the two swords could withstand. Although it was swung out smoothly in the end, the weapon It was also completely scrapped.

Even though he didn’t have any favorable impressions of the Freya Familia, the weapons lent to him by others were scrapped like this…

(Forget it, go back and explain the situation to the family members, and then leave it to the family members to judge.)

In any case, it was Freya’s family who took the lead this time. According to Exia’s experience, in this case, it is completely possible to demand compensation from the other party in all aspects.

Compared with this, the more important thing now is…

Throwing away the hilt of the sword, Ixia turned around and looked at the passage leading to the thirty-eighth floor not far behind her. She jumped off the iceberg with a slight jump and stretched out her hand to Lefiya who was standing in the passage: “Lefia Ya, okay, it’s settled, let’s go back.”

Yes, go back.

After losing the obstacle of Udaios, the two of them could finally move forward again and embark on the road back to the surface.

Looking at Exia’s right hand stretched out in front of her, Lefiya couldn’t help but ask: “You…what is this power of yours? Exia, is it magic?”

Lefia had seen Riveria use the magic of ice and snow before. It was a magic that could summon three blizzards and freeze everything. But compared to the Ice Aurora that Exia just released…

“Well…I don’t know the specifics. I’m sure this is one of the effects of my skills, but I’m also confused about the more detailed matters.”

Why he was able to awaken this power, why this power was sealed… Exia still doesn’t know these things, and he still can’t remember much about the incident seven years ago.

[I crashed in a plane with my father and sister seven years ago due to unknown reasons. I awakened my power to protect my sister, but was eventually sealed].

There is only so much information that can be determined at present. More things may not be answered until we return to the original world and ask Bishop Otto.

Whether it’s his own affairs, his father’s affairs, or his sister’s affairs – or even the Kaslana family’s affairs.

“Okay, let’s not mention these things that I don’t know about myself. Let’s go back. Everyone in the family must be anxious.”

“That’s right!”

Lefiya quickly held Exia’s hand.

However, just as the two of them were about to head to the upper floor along the iceberg created by Exia——


A slight cracking sound suddenly caught Ixia’s ears, just like the sound that would be made when the walls or ground cracked when monsters were born in the dungeon. Such a very slight cracking sound came from above. .

Because of the ice aurora just now, the dome on the thirty-seventh floor has been penetrated, maybe the same is true for the thirty-sixth floor? And in the cave penetrated by the aurora——


It’s not an illusion.

Alexia instinctively felt that something was coming from the cave at a very fast speed, smashing all the ice and stones blocking the road, and heading towards the thirty-seventh floor (bottom) at full speed in a straight line with the shortest path!



That thing fell from the sky.

【cheer! Something interesting is coming! 】

Instinct screamed with excitement.

54. Six instincts vs. four rationality


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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