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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 310


Motoki Yase, who was standing at the door like a guard, took out a stack of documents that he had prepared long ago and handed them to each meeting member one by one.

The document is not thick, only two or three pages, and the content is not much, just a dozen paragraphs.

However, looking at the contents listed above, everyone’s expressions showed a bit of astonishment and surprise.

“…May I speak, Your Majesty?”

One congressman raised his hand.

His name written on the identification tag placed in front of him is [Lan Yu Xianzhai].

(Qian Cong’s father?)

Alexia smiled and nodded: “Of course. Uncle Lan Yu, please tell me.”

“These suggestions put forward by Your Majesty…if we are correct, do you want to [completely abolish the prison barrier]?”

Abandoned prison wards.

This is what everything in the document means in summary.

It’s no wonder that the faces of these high-ranking people change.

After all, the prison barrier is an indispensable place for Genkami Island, and even for the whole world. If those extremely vicious criminals are not imprisoned within the prison barrier, it would be impossible to imprison them in ordinary prisons.

If it were completely abandoned…

“Your Majesty, do you understand the consequences of this behavior?”

“I think it’s you who don’t understand.”

Faced with Lan Yu Xianzhai’s question, Ixia responded with a smile: “First of all, let me confirm one thing for you – what is the reason why the prison barrier was created? It is because it is impossible to imprison too vicious criminals. Right?”

“Then why can’t we imprison those criminals? – Motoki, you answer.”

Don’t give me this kind of problem!

Yase Motoki’s eyes seemed to be complaining like this, but due to the circumstances, he could only answer obediently: “There are many reasons, but the most direct reason can be simply attributed to [lack of technology].”

Yes, this is the fundamental reason.

The prison barrier was created ten years ago. Ten years ago, all the countries in the world and Genkami Island were unable to control those vicious criminals, so they chose to let Nangong Nazuki bear all the responsibilities alone. Exia didn’t want to continue talking about what happened so long ago, whether it was right or wrong.

But now it’s ten years later.

“In the past ten years, I don’t believe that there has never been any technological progress and development on String Kami Island.” Exia said, “I have cooperated with the SAR Police several times, and I know very well that string Kami Island now treats sinners. Methods of detention. Nose plugs to hinder the chanting of spells, special hoods to prevent telepathy, and straitjackets to seal physical characteristics… It can be said that, except for a few rare cases, the prisons of the SAR Police are enough to detain most people. Some of the prisoners.”

“In comparison, the prison barrier only has special defense mechanisms and [complete concealment] that are worthy of praise. I think it is not difficult to reproduce it with the technology of Genkami Island today.”

The development of technology is changing rapidly.

For ten years, things that were considered impossible back then might have been possible now.

“Both Genkami Island and all the countries in the world are a bit lazy in my opinion.” Exia knocked on the table, “You should think so, right? [Anyway, there is a prison barrier, as long as the vicious Just hand over the prisoners to Nangong Nayue, we can just concentrate on dealing with the unimportant things] – maybe there are some differences, but I think it should be about the same?”

Thoughts of comfort.

If you really want to deal with those big criminals, you should spend these ten years developing how to better fight against criminals, instead of leaving everything to Nangong Nayue alone and doing nothing by yourself.

“After all, Nangong Nayue ten years ago was sixteen years old, one year younger than I am now. To hand over such a heavy task of managing the prison boundary to a little girl who is only sixteen years old… ….It’s a shame to all of you here that you can do this.”

“Oh, I forgot. Nangong Nayue seems to have been the gatekeeper of the prison barrier designed by you from the beginning, right? From this point of view, you are more extreme than what I just said.”

I don’t know if the air conditioner was turned on a little colder, but everyone in the room felt a little cold.

Standing up from the chief position, Ixia ignored everyone and went straight to the door: “That’s what I want to say. The time left for you is until February of next year. By then, whether you have taken out the prison enchantment or not, As an alternative, I will destroy the prison barrier – of course, if you really can’t do it, I can reluctantly help you.”

“The premise is that you [really] can’t do it.”

“Farewell, thank you for your hard work.”


The door to the conference room was knocked hard.

117.Be sure to get her permission

Cornerstone Gate.

In the cafe on the first floor.

“You really scared me to death, Alexia.”

Sitting on a seat by the window and untying his tight tie, Yase Motoki smiled bitterly and complained to Alexia who was sitting in front of him.

“Suddenly he came to me and said that he wanted me to summon the management of Xian Kamijima to discuss the matter, and also asked me to cooperate with you to perform some performances… I beg you not to do this next time, I am under great pressure. .”

last night.

Motoki Yaze was still enjoying the eve of the Hatouin Festival on the street when Exia suddenly called him and asked him to help summon the managers of Genkami Island and said that he would use the [Fourth True Truth] Hold a meeting with them as Zu].

At that time, Yase Motoki was very frightened.

You must know that Exia has been the Fourth True Ancestor for more than half a year, but he has never used this identity to take advantage of it. He has even mentioned more than once that he is not the Emperor of the Night, but now he actually wants to do things in this identity. …Who knows how unsettled Yaze Motoki was at that time.

“Is this stressing you out?”

Alexia stirred the coffee in her hand.

“After all, you are from the Yase family. Sooner or later you will have to experience this kind of thing. It is also a good thing to get used to it in advance.”

“Spare me, that’s the part that Brother Ikuma is responsible for. I’ll be content just being an errand boy.” Yaze Motoki leaned on the chair tiredly, “But to be honest, what on earth did you do this time?” What’s the same thing? It’s rare to see you so… arrogant? You actually yelled at those old men who have become sperms. “

Taking a sip of coffee with a lot of sugar cubes in it, Aixia smiled and said, “It’s just that they don’t dare to talk back to me.”

No matter how talkative Alexia usually is, he is after all the Fourth True Ancestor, the strongest vampire in the world, and also the strongest existence in the world. Even though the people who had just attended the meeting had high positions, they were just a group of fragile human beings. As long as Exia had that intention, the place would be filled with blood on the spot, directly leading to a major blood exchange for the senior officials of Genkami Island.

People are afraid of death.

Especially after climbing to a high place and reaching old age.

Motoki Yase took a bite of the cake: “But I still don’t understand why you suddenly want to attack the prison barrier… It has been more than ten years, and there has been no abnormality in the prison barrier. Yue-chan herself doesn’t have any objections, why do you just…”

“I just can’t stand it and hate it.”

Axia said: “I don’t know the specific reason myself, but…I can confirm that I hate [the fate I was assigned].”

Now that I think about it, it actually happened to Haise Natsuon that time. Regarding Haise Kensei’s self-centered theory that “becoming an angel is Haze Natsuine’s happiness”, Ixia felt from the bottom of her heart. Disgust and disgust.

Destiny should be controlled by oneself, not arranged by others.

Even if it is your inborn destiny, you should decide whether to accept it. If it is a destiny that is imposed upon you, that’s fine if you like it. But if it is a destiny that goes against your will, then you must stand up and resist. …..

Exia herself didn’t understand why she had such thoughts, but she just felt that this was normal.

Therefore, he wanted to help Nangong Nayue, even if she accepted the fate of becoming the gatekeeper of the prison barrier, it should be a choice she made the day after tomorrow, rather than being forced on her from the beginning.

“…To be honest, I haven’t seen you for a day or two. What’s wrong with you? It’s like you suddenly changed.” Yaze Motoki frowned a few times, “Well, what do you want to do? Nothing has anything to do with me, I’m just a little errand boy, and I won’t get involved in the ideas of big shots like you.”

“But Alexia, if you do this…does Yue-chan know?”


Alexia paused while drinking coffee.

Motoki Yaze had some bad premonitions: “You…could you have made your own decisions without telling Nazuki-chan?”

“It can’t be said that I’m making my own decisions. I don’t have to get her permission to do things, right? She’s not my guardian.”

“That’s the truth…but I can be sure that if Nayue-chan finds out, your head will definitely suffer. I just don’t know how many times Nayue-chan will knock your head.”

“She…can’t knock her until I can tell her.”

All this time, the reason why Ike Xia was hit in the head every time by Nangong Na Yue was simply because he didn’t want to hide. If he was serious about guarding against him, even if Nangong Na Yue used space control magic to hit him on the head, Ike Xia would still be hit in the head by Nangong Na Yue. West Asia can dodge them all.

(No, I think you will definitely survive them all, right?)

Motoki Yaze thought to himself.

“By the way, where is Yue-chan now?”

“Inside the prison barrier. How should I put it… It’s my fault. I caused some impact on the prison barrier. Now Teacher Nayue is making up for it.”

Because it was eroded once by Exia’s [Shadow], the prison barrier…that is, Nangong Nayue’s [Dreamland] was greatly affected. It will take some time to recover. During this period, Nangong Nayue Yue can’t go out as a phantom either.

I said that I probably won’t see her until next Wednesday.

Putting down the coffee, Alexia looked at her friend in front of her: “Thank you this time, Motoki. Without your relationship, I would probably have to use a more forceful approach to summon you.”

“It’s not a big deal, just think of it as a gift in return for letting me copy your homework. And from my point of view, helping you is equivalent to having a good relationship with you – having a Fourth True Ancestor can be a good friend. Is it quite profitable?” Yaze Motoki said with a smile.

“In addition, I think Councilor Lan Yu will also take the initiative to cooperate with your approach. Your words of “uncle” have given him enough face. In addition, everyone now knows that Qian Cong has a good relationship with you and runs to your house every day. ….Tsk, tsk, tsk, I said you should really treat Qian Cong as your princess.”

“What are you thinking? It’s too early for me.”

Alexia rolled her eyes at him.

This answer surprised Yase Motoki again.

(Hmm? You didn’t completely reject it this time? It seems that the previous offensive has had some effect, Asakusa. The chance is not small.)

At first, when he learned that his childhood sweetheart had moved on, Motoki Yase was worried about whether it would go well.

It seems to be getting better now?

After accidentally glancing at the time, and seeming to remember something, Ixia drank the rest of the coffee and stood up: “That’s it, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first.”

“Huh? Our true ancestor is finally going to be busy?”

“It’s not that I’m busy, I just have an appointment – an annoying woman insists on saying something important to me.”

118. A gift for you

Genkami Island East Area.

Port warehouse area.

After parting ways with Yase Motoki, Exia came here directly.

It was almost dusk, and the entire port looked a lot darker, not very popular, and the silence was a bit scary.

This is not the first time that Alexia has come here.

Although it is a little different from before, this place is indeed the port where the Fianna where Agurola stayed. It was once destroyed by Jiada, but now it has been rebuilt, and its scale is smaller than before.

“This way.”

Before Alexia started looking for the person who called her over, a voice sounded from above.

Turning to look at a cruise ship not far away, Exia saw the green figure standing on the deck at a glance, and jumped directly onto the deck with a strong jump——

“Why did you call me to this place specifically? Jiada.”


The person who called Alexia here, and who is still standing in front of him now, is Jada.

After the incident at the prison boundary ended yesterday, Jada told Alexia before leaving that she should come here to meet her at this time today.

“I just have something to give to you… No, I should say I want to return something that originally belonged to you.” Jiada smiled, “Originally, I planned to give it to you when I left tomorrow. It’s yours, but I plan to leave early, so I have to give it to you in advance.”

“Things that originally belonged to me?”

Alexia frowned.

At the same time, four female vampires dressed as waiters suddenly walked out of the cabin, carrying two large iron boxes in pairs in front of Ixia and Jiada.

“Thank you for your hard work, let’s get down.”

She didn’t even have time to talk to them. After watching them put down the box, Jiada waved them away – it seemed that she was a vampire who directly belonged to the realm of chaos.

Looking at the two boxes placed in front of her, Alexia suddenly felt an abnormal tremor in the magic power in her body.


A flame-colored shimmer covered his eyes, and his hair emitted a rainbow-like luster under the dusk.

(This feels like…the power of the Fourth True Ancestor is actively revealed?)

“It seems that you have also felt it.” Jiada smiled, “What I said just now is actually not completely correct. Although it belongs to you, it is more accurate to say that it should belong to the [Fourth True Ancestor] Things. Logically speaking, they should have been brought here during the Feast of Flames.”

A feast of flames?


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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