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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 311

Is it possible…


I don’t know what Jia Da did, but the iron box suddenly opened automatically.

The things stored inside came into Exia’s field of vision.

No, it can’t be said to be an object. What’s inside the iron box is not an object, but two blond girls with eyes closed like sleeping beauties. Their hair is as iridescent as Ike’s, and their appearance is even more similar to Ike’s. The Agurola that Siya had seen before was exactly the same!

“There are a total of twelve beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor, corresponding to the twelve constellations.”

Jiada explained.

“But after you devoured the Fourth True Ancestor, you got only ten companion beasts. This is because the Fourth True Ancestor absorbed only ten bodies at the beginning, from the first body to the twelfth There are two bodies, two of which were not brought over by me during the feast of flames.”

“The body here is No. 6, which corresponds to the constellation Virgo. The name of the beast is [Mingji’s Rainbow Flame]. Its ability is to cut off the physical form of objects and their laws of cause and effect. It can be said to be a beast that cuts off destiny—— I think it will come in handy for you later.”

“And this one here is the tenth body, which corresponds to the constellation Capricorn. The name of the companion beast is [Capricorn’s Eye Crystal]. It is responsible for charm and mental control. As long as you put in enough mental power, it will be our true ancestor’s.” All the beasts can be controlled.”

The beast that cuts off fate.

The beast that controls the spirit.

For the Fourth True Ancestor, who is a god-killing weapon, it is indeed a familiar beast that lives up to his name. If you really want to kill gods, then the beast should have this level of ability.

“Now, I return these last two bodies to you, [Fourth True Ancestor]. You can devour them together and become the complete Fourth True Ancestor.”


Jada’s words made Alexia feel confused and puzzled.

Instead of accepting the two bodies immediately, Ixia asked: “Why do you want to return them to me? And at this time… what do you want to do?”

“Didn’t I tell you everything? I’m going to leave Xiankami Island early to do some things. Before that, I have to-“

“I’m asking why you want me to become the complete Fourth True Ancestor.”

Jiada is a person who cannot be trusted.

This Third True Ancestor, who only loves his own blood, may be planning to achieve a certain goal by making him a complete Fourth True Ancestor – this is what Axia thinks.

“…Ha, I want to say that it is just [disposing of things that are of no use], do you believe it?” Jia Da was silent for a while and then smiled, “The fourth true ancestor’s beast, for ordinary people, It’s indeed an incredible thing, but to me it’s just like that, one or two of them are of no use at all, and they just eat dust in my hands, so I might as well return them to you.”

It’s really just a reason to this extent.

“If you really want me to give you a serious reason, then all I can say is [entrustment].”

“Entrust? What do you mean?”

Alexia frowned.

He said this as if Jiada was going to die.

“I will go back to the Extinction Dynasty next, and then I will go to the King of War Domain to meet with the Second True Ancestor and the First True Ancestor. After that, the three of us will come to find you together.” Jiada suddenly changed He started a topic, “This process will probably take more than a month. Anyway, after I explain the situation to them, I will bring them over even if they don’t want to.”

“Bring the other two True Ancestors to see me? What exactly do you want to do?” Alexia frowned.

Jiada put a finger in front of Alexia and waved it: “Don’t worry, it will definitely not be a troublesome thing, and I think, apart from the other two, I think you will be very cooperative with me. After all, that’s probably what you’ve always wanted to do to me.”

“…What exactly is going on?”

“I want you to [eat] me, Alexia.”

Jiada showed a somewhat sad smile in the dusk.

“I hope that one day, the [Fourth True Ancestor] can [eat] all the true ancestors except him – with the [Shadow] that can swallow everything.”

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119.The origin of super antiquity

Give all the True Ancestors…[eat]?

The words that came out of Jiada’s mouth made Exia feel trembled and confused for a moment.

“what are you saying?”

As if she didn’t hear clearly, Alexia asked.

Jiada was not bored either: “I said, I hope you can eat all three of our true ancestors.”

“No… of course I know you said this, so I asked you what you are talking about?” Ixia repeated her question, “Let me eat all three of your true ancestors. Drop…Do you hope to end up like the Fourth True Ancestor?”

“It’s not [you] – I think neither Qi Yi nor Elsword are aware of your abilities at all right now. The only one who wants to be eaten by you right now is me,” Jiada explained. “By the way, Qi Yi is the real name of the first true ancestor, and Elsword is the real name of the second true ancestor.”

Qi Yi, Elsword, Jiada.

The names of the three great ancestors are now known to Exia, but Exia doesn’t care about such trivial matters at all.

What he cares about now is what Jiada wants to do.

“Why…you want me to eat you?”

“In order to get [relief].”

Jiada smiled.

“It’s really a bit troublesome to explain. If I start from the beginning, well…you should have heard about the origin of the birth of our vampires, right? This should be written directly in the textbooks.”

The origin of the birth of vampires.

That is the origin of the birth of the True Ancestors.

It is said that many years ago, the true ancestors received a curse from the gods and were burdened with the curse of immortality. In the long years since then, the true ancestors either directly gave birth to children, or distributed their power to others, leading to the birth of the second generation of vampires, and then the second generation of vampires repeated similar behaviors… ….The vampire population has grown in this way.

It is clearly written in history textbooks and demon biology.

“But that statement is not entirely correct. Although there are many things that are wrong, the biggest mistake lies in the fact that we were cursed by the gods – in today’s terms, before we became the true ancestors, we were the so-called One of the [gods].”

“How can we curse ourselves?”

The three true ancestors…were originally [gods]?

Alexia’s eyes widened in disbelief.

After seeing his reaction, Jiada couldn’t help but chuckle: “Does it surprise you? But that’s the fact. Before we became the True Ancestors, we three True Ancestors were actually called The super ancient humans of [Heavenly].”

The true ancestor… is the Tianbu?

“Wait, you mean… Tianbu is the so-called [gods]?”

“It cannot be said to be a true god, but because it has been in a dominant position for countless years, it has unknowingly called itself a god. For species that live in the same era as Tianbu, Tianbu is indeed a god-like existence. After all, whether they are orcs, giants, goblins, murlocs and other well-known demons today, they were actually just artificial races created by Tianbu in the beginning.”

It’s not an incomprehensible idea.

People who have been in high positions all year round will always give themselves some false names in order to make their status more stable. It may not exist in modern times, but it was very common in ancient times, such as claiming to be the son of God or the son of a true dragon.

And if Tianbu really created almost all the demon races today as Jiada said, but they call themselves gods, in a sense it is too normal.

“In addition to the demons, the beasts are also weapons made by the Heavenly Ministry.” Jiada continued to throw out information that destroyed Exia’s cognition.

Familiar beasts are summoned beasts from other worlds.

The most widely circulated theory today is that vampires summoned familiar beasts from other worlds, kept them in their own blood, and released them when necessary – but it turned out that the familiar beasts were also from the Tianbu. Technology product?

“What kind of technology does Tianbu have?”

“I can tell you properly when I have time later, but right now that is not the focus of our communication. In fact, the most fundamental reason why I want you to eat me is because of the beasts.”

Jiada leaned on the armrest of the deck and put a hand on her chest: “Although it is said to be a war weapon manufactured by the Tianbu, in fact, in the era when the Tianbu still existed, the use of familiar beasts was expressly prohibited. After all, The reason is that the subsequent impact caused by the beasts is too serious.”

“…Can’t Tianbu’s technical strength solve environmental damage?”

“It would be nice if it was just that simple – the power of the beasts is not limited to their destructive power, but also depends on their state after being released.” Jiada explained, “There were no vampires at that time, all The Familiar Beasts are all ownerless weapons, considered disposable items, so to speak, they are [Familiar Beast Warheads].”

“Familiar beasts that are used as cannonballs will lose control after being released. In the final analysis, familiar beasts are just a collection of magic power and cannot stay in reality for a long time. However, familiar beasts also have certain biological instincts. In order to Let yourself survive as long as possible, and the out-of-control beasts will endlessly steal [information] from the surrounding intelligent life forms.”


Alexia frowned. This statement reminded him of the incident he had experienced: “…Feast of Flame?”

“Absolutely. The Fourth True Ancestor should have said something similar to what you said.”

(It seems… indeed.)

After devouring the Fourth True Ancestor, Exia indeed heard some things from it, saying that if they did not continue to provide them with tribute, then the familiar beasts would begin to devour Exia’s memories.

Did it originally mean this at that time?

“Then what does this have to do with you wanting to be eaten by me?”

“Of course there is a relationship, and it’s a big relationship – do you know why Tianbu perished?”

“…Considering the context, could it be that he self-destructed because of the use of a familiar beast?”

Jiada smiled slightly: “Half of the reason is this. It was almost at the end of the period when the Tianbu ruled the world. The many demons created by the Tianbu gradually gained power to rival the Tianbu over the long years. , they, who had been oppressed by the Heavenly Division, launched a rebellion at some point. And not just once or twice, the rebellion lasted for a long, long time.”

“In order to suppress the rebellion more efficiently, or perhaps because they were forced into a desperate situation, I have almost forgotten the specific reason, Tianbu liberated the beasts on the way to suppress the rebellion – and then, it was like Pandora’s box was opened. Similarly, the war between the Tianbu and the rebels turned into a big melee between the beasts and the beasts in the blink of an eye. Both of them seemed to have gone crazy, throwing away the beasts that they had hidden and dared not use. come out.”

Will the Tianbu be destroyed as a result?

It is really an ironic result. It was obviously a war weapon that he made, but in the end he died because of the uncontrollability of this weapon.

Although they are a super-ancient race that claims to be gods, the Tenbu are really very much like [human beings].

“But…half the reason? What’s the other half?”

“Because almost all the Tianbu were killed, and they were forced to fall by a forbidden spell using a forbidden spell by a freak who was considered the best in history, and then they were exterminated. I think you have heard of that person’s name – [Kui Shen] hidden.”

120. Selfish and willful behavior

Blame God.


For Ixia, this was a name he heard for the first time, but he did not feel any strangeness about it. Even the moment he heard the name, the [Shadow] under his feet trembled for a moment!

“Chimera…no, isn’t that right?”

Alexia stared at her own shadow: “Is it… the part of the Fourth True Ancestor?”

“Even though I’ve been devoured by you, do you still react when you hear that guy’s name? Haha, I don’t even know how to evaluate him.”

“…Who the hell is that?”

“Didn’t I tell you? [Kui God] – a man who was once a member of the gods (Heaven), but was exiled for a certain crime, and finally became a [Kui God].”

Jiada who said this seemed to have been recalled some long-lasting memory, and her face facing the dusk took on a more intense look of reminiscence.

She…is an old acquaintance with Cain, the god of evil?

Alexia suddenly had this idea.

After reminiscing for a few seconds, Jiada came back to her senses: “Let’s get back to the topic – let’s bring the topic back to the previous battle.”

“Because the Heavenly Ministry and the rebel army began to use beasts on each other, causing the whole world to fall into disaster, Cain wanted to stop it all. There were two solutions that he came up with. The first one was Using a special weapon to destroy the beasts one by one is called the [Demon-Breaking Holy Spear], right?”

Demon-breaking Holy Spear?

Xuexialang? !

“…Godhead vibration wave driving technique?”

“I remember that’s the name. The essence of that spell is to absorb spiritual power and convert it into divine energy, so as to return the world to its original state. But because magic power and the corresponding higher-dimensional spiritual power will conflict and destroy each other, so As an additional effect, it has huge destructive power against demons and magic. Familiar beasts are essentially a collection of magic, and they will be destroyed if hit by that gun.”

This is the simplest way to deal with it.

But it is also the slowest processing method, and it is also a method that Tianbu cannot use at all.

“However, only the special individuals among humans who were called saints and saints at that time could use the Demon-Breaking Holy Spear. Whether it was the Celestials or the Demons, they were completely powerless against that gun. In addition, the Demon-Breaking Holy Spear There are only three in total, and there are so many familiar beasts that I don’t know how long it will take to deal with them one by one.”

“So in the end, after asking for permission, Cain took another method – that is, to re-seal the familiar beasts. Even if they are embodied as entities, their essence is still an aggregate of magic power, allowing them to attach themselves to living things. It’s inside the body.”

The living thing itself will continue to generate information. Although there are differences in adaptability and endurance, if there is a dependent body that can provide itself with information for a long time, the familiar beast will still be obedient.

“As for the familiar beast that is taken into the body, if it is a weak familiar beast, it will die together with the host the moment it dies. If it is a powerful familiar beast, you can spend time to consume its power, or you can use part of the familiar beast to Distribute it to children or grandchildren, and it will become weaker over the generations until they die together with the host.”

“The disadvantage is that before it completely loses its power, the possessed beast will never let the host die. Even if it is penetrated through the heart, burned to death with high temperature, or broken into pieces, the host will not die, let alone age and weaken. With possession, The memory of that time can be regenerated into its original appearance. It doesn’t matter how many times it is resurrected before the beast’s magic power is exhausted.”

“In addition, the long time may also be a disadvantage.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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