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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 312

Having said this, Jiada raised three fingers: “This method was successful in the end. At Cain’s request, almost all the beasts around the world were sealed, and three celestial beings who volunteered to become hosts took over. He was accused of breaking the seal. And the twelve most ferocious beasts were handed over to another single person – at this point, you probably already understand, right?”

“…Is that the origin of your three true ancestors and the fourth true ancestor?”

Alexia completely understands.

The three true ancestors who are the rulers of this world are actually not rulers at all. They just sacrificed themselves to eliminate disasters and became immortal living body seal [sacrifice].

“The first true ancestor sealed seventy-two beasts, the second true ancestor sealed nineteen, and I sealed twenty-seven. After a long time, we have separated out a lot of beasts. The last number was originally much more. To digest it all, another two or three thousand years may not be enough.” Jiada smiled, “But now there is a way to reduce the two or three thousand years to a moment. “

That is to be swallowed by Exia.

In this way, the scattered familiar beasts will all become the shadow of Exia, and the disaster that is enough to destroy the world will be all borne by Exia alone, and will leave the world with him. These true ancestors All the familiar beasts of the same level will also leave.

“According to my expectation, after being swallowed by you, our beasts will not remain, but will directly become your power, or merge with the star beasts in you. There are 118 beasts in total, even if It is a power that cannot be underestimated for you, right? If you want, I can give it to you directly.”

“Don’t you think this is too selfish?”

The moment Jiada finished speaking, the words of response rang out.

But it wasn’t Exia who answered, but Sajou Aige.

The witch with blond hair and blue eyes stared at Jiada, her eyes seemed to be full of dissatisfaction and accusation: “Is this a disaster caused by your Tianbu yourself? Why should the prince, who has nothing to do with you, bear this kind of thing on your behalf? What? Are you going to throw all the responsibilities that you should shoulder to the prince and die cleanly? Moreover, this will only bring disaster to the world of the prince, and it will not completely disappear, right?”

In the final analysis, it’s just that the number of people carrying it has changed from three to one.

“Miss Aige…”

“You’re right. Even if I judge it myself, I think this idea is quite selfish. I have been a True Ancestor for I don’t know how many years, and now that it’s over, I feel like I’ve given up halfway – but it’s rare to have such a I want to give it a try.” Jiada said seriously to Aikexia, “And, to put it another way, I am giving all my blood to Aikexia. For us vampires who value blood, I mean, this is the highest level of marriage——”

“If you are serious about what you say, then I will not help you even to the death.”

Alexia interrupted Jiada’s delusion angrily. She was obviously talking about such an important thing, so why don’t she get involved in such trivial matters?

Then, leaning on the railing like Jada, Exia fell into deep thought for a long time.

Accepting all the beasts of the three true ancestors is equivalent to directly inheriting all the power of the three true ancestors. Although with Exia’s current power, there should not be several times of power increase, but the vampire His power comes from the accumulation of time. What the three true ancestors’ [time] can bring to him should perhaps be a huge increase in magic power, right? In addition, there is also the strengthening of the power of the beasts.


“If you do this, won’t this world go into chaos?” Ixia asked, “This world is now maintained by the Holy Land Treaty, and aren’t it your three true ancestors who have led to the maintenance of the Holy Land Treaty? If you are all swallowed up by me, the existing world order will collapse, right?”

“I didn’t say I want you to devour me now.”

Jiada put on a relaxed expression: “I do hope that you can devour us all, but that doesn’t have to be now. In one or two hundred years, or three or four hundred years, we will have all the funeral arrangements.” After we continue to explain and confirm that we can maintain stability even if we are no longer in this world, it will not be too late to let you devour us – provided you are willing to do that.”


Still silent.

What Shajo Aige said is true. He has no reason to carry the beasts of the true ancestors on his back. This world has nothing to do with him, and he does not need to do such a thing for this world.

(It doesn’t matter…?)

Alexia looked at the Cornerstone Gate not far away.

If you stand there and look down, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Genkami Island.

“let me consider it.”

“I think so. Then wait until a month later, after I call Qi Yi and Elsword over, and the four of us will have a good discussion together.” Jiada did not force it, “In addition, this is additional information. , I think you might also be interested, so I’ll explain it to you first.”

“Cain is called the God of Blame, and the real reason why the Celestial Tribe will perish because of this.”

121.—— Holy Annihilation

The Tianbu were once a race that claimed to be gods.

Cain was once a member of the Celestials and one of the gods, but from a certain time, Cain became the god of blame and was exiled by the Celestials.

There are several reasons, but the most fundamental reason is that Cain got involved in the [Taboo] and developed a forbidden spell.

A forbidden curse called [Holy Annihilation].

Of course, this forbidden curse was not originally named this way, but was called [Holy Flash].

The most fundamental reason why Cain would develop this forbidden spell lies in the Tianbu itself – before the war between the Tianbu and the rebels began, the world was actually often at war. Tianbu, who claims to be a god, creates a variety of weapons for pleasure and lets humans kill each other, treating war as a child’s play.

The world is in ruins as a result.

[Holy Flash] is a forbidden spell developed by Cain in order to end the war between the gods in heaven. Its effect is so powerful that it can even rewrite the world itself and change the laws of physics with its own will. If conditions permit, it can even erase the world. possible.

With this forbidden spell, Cain set off a rebellion against the Celestials, causing a large number of Celestians to degenerate into demons, and then killed almost all the Celestials. Only a handful of Celestials survived, making this super-ancient race almost extinct.

The forbidden curse [Holy Flash] was later called [Holy Annihilation].

The war that almost wiped out the Tianbu was therefore called the [Great Holy Annihilation].

This is the “other half of the reason” for the extinction of the Celestial Region that Jiada said – the great disaster caused by the familiar beasts is not the whole reason.

Since then, Tianbu has disappeared, and the demons and humans created by Tianbu have become the existences that have occupied the world after Tianbu and built a new civilization. Everything related to Tianbu was sealed and abandoned, becoming an unknown prehistoric civilization.

As for Cain himself, he was killed by the [Fourth True Ancestor (God-killing Weapon)] at the end of the Great Holy Annihilation, ending the Great Holy Annihilation with his own death.

“Okay, that’s pretty much what I have to say.”

After finishing all the things that she should say and want to do, Jiada faced the dim sky that was almost completely dark and stretched her body: “The next time we meet will be in a month, and you are here Please consider my suggestions carefully in Yue. But don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Maybe in the end, neither Qi Yi nor Elsword want to do that, and the only person you want to devour is me.”

“And if you really want to devour me, don’t put too much pressure on me. Just think of it as revenge against me – you haven’t forgotten what I did to you, right?”

Jiada pointed near her neck.

Alexia immediately became angry: “Tsk… Do you want me to let you die a dozen more times now?”

“You haven’t calmed down yet? I thought you had completely calmed down after killing me nearly thirty times.”

“Yeah, but now you’ve made me angry again.”

“That’s good.”

Jiada did not express any resistance to the dissatisfaction and anger emanating from Alexia. Instead, she was somewhat happy to see this performance: “When you devour me later, you must maintain this mood, Alexia.” .With anger and murderous intent, it swallowed me up from beginning to end.”

She did it on purpose.

In order to make Alexia decide to devour her, Jiada deliberately angered Alexia.



Suddenly, in Alexia’s silence, a slap was slapped directly on Jiada’s face without any warning, sending her flying off the deck and falling into the sea!

Alexia rarely hits women, but that’s because she hasn’t met many women who can make him angry like this.


Jia Da fell heavily into the sea, and after a few gurglings, she turned into a drowned rat and helped her up from the sea: “I really belong to you, Alexia… This is the first time that Yu has been so humiliated! “

“If I kill you physically no matter how many times to no avail, then I can only beat you mentally.” Ixia looked down at Jiada and sneered, “Otherwise you just swim to the realm of the King of War and the Dynasty of Extinction. Okay? I think the Forgotten War King and the Eye of Extinction will laugh out loud, right?”


After a moment of silence, Jiada suddenly laughed: “It seems to be a special way to reunite. I will regard this slap as your farewell gift to me. See you in a month, my beloved Fourth True One.” Zu – Oh, by the way, if you want to know more about Holy Annihilation, just go directly to your local lover.”

“Eh? Asagi?”

Does Lan Yu Qian Cong know more about Holy Annihilation?

“Hey! Jiada, why is it related to Qian Cong!”

“Because that girl is a [Miko] – oh, that’s all. You can ask her for the rest and you’ll know. So this time we really see each other again.”


As the space trembled and swirled, Jiada’s figure disappeared directly into the sea, leaving Exia standing alone on the deck, with two iron boxes containing the fourth true ancestor’s body placed at her feet. .


Alexia punched the armrest.

(That woman… ran away after saying what she said, and didn’t explain it clearly to me!)

Lan Yu Qian Cong is actually related to the Holy Annihilation – this is the most unbelievable thing that Ixia has heard today.

“Your Majesty the Prince.”

Appearing next to Alexia, Shajo Aige showed a bit of worry: “Do you want to contact Miss Asakusa? Or should you go to her directly?”

The God of Blame Cain, the Great Holy Annihilation, the [Holy Annihilation] Forbidden Curse, the Origin of the True Ancestor… After receiving so much information at once, Shajo Aige was not worried that Exiya would lose her mind because of this. , but she also felt that once these major events that were closely related to the entire world were related to the friends he valued.

Then Alexia was definitely the first person who couldn’t sit down.

“…just go find her.”

Alexia said, looking at the shadow at her feet and taking a deep breath——


The [Shadow] squirmed, and countless arms like beasts stretched out from the [Shadow], swallowing all the two iron boxes into the infinite darkness, and the two bodies stored in the iron boxes , was also swallowed and assimilated by the power of Chimera at the same time.


There was a feeling that there was something extra in my body.

The twelve familiar beasts held by the Fourth True Ancestor are now all returned to Exia’s body.

(In this case, I…forget it, I don’t want to do this kind of thing anymore. It’s more important to ask Asakusa now. I remember she should be at the old place where she works, right?)

122. Cain’s witch

Lan Yu Qian Cong can’t muster the energy now.

It’s not that she hates her current job. She is very satisfied with being able to play around with the five supercomputers on Senkami Island. But no matter how satisfied you are, it will still be boring to stay in this small room all the time.

What’s more, it’s still the festival period of Bolongyuan.

“Why do I have to stay here alone and stare at the computer on this day when the whole island is celebrating?”

For the sake of the overall stability of Genkami Island, I hope that she, the electronic empress, can be on call at any time to solve some problems – it has been almost two days, and there is no problem at all!

In this case, wouldn’t it be good to let her out to participate in the Bolongyuan Festival?

She had originally made plans to take Alexia around during the Bolongyuan Festival. After all, according to the statistics of the Bolongyuan Festival over the years, the celebration period was a time when the number of couples increased significantly. On weekdays, they interacted with each other. Two people who have a crush on each other often choose this time to confess.

Lan Yu Qian Cong originally planned to use this opportunity to get closer to Alexia at once!

On the first day, I dragged Alexia to participate in some celebration events suitable for couples, and then waited until the highlight of the second night, the fireworks display, to muster up the courage to confess to Alexia in one breath. Even though she had been rejected once before, she, Lan Yu Qiancong, was not someone who would give up after one or two failures. If she couldn’t help it, she could take a step or two back and hug Alexia.

The result is now……

“The people who manage the commune have to die several times…”

[The resentment is really big. Miss, do you really want to spend the weekend with me? 】

Mogu Wai appeared on the computer screen.

“I’ve even chosen a kimono for the fireworks display… At this moment, I’m guessing Alexia is walking around the Hatouin Festival with Sajo Aika, right?”

Just looking at the surveillance cameras, you can see how lively the situation is on Xiangami Island now.

Masquerades, outdoor concerts, costume parades… Lan Yu Qianqing felt yearning in her heart as she watched them. If it weren’t for this part-time job, she would definitely be in the crowd with Alexia now!

[Well, indeed, this arrangement is a bit sorry for the eldest lady. So how about I tell you some good news? 】

“Good news? Can I leave work early?”

Lan Yu Qiancong asked without hope.

[No, no, no, that’s not good news for the current eldest lady, right? The good news I want to say is related to brother Alexia]

Is it related to Exia?

“What’s wrong with him? Isn’t he supposed to be enjoying the Hasonin Festival now?”

【He is coming here】


After a moment’s delay, Lan Yu Qiancong reacted: “Is he coming here?”

[In terms of the course of action, yes – oh, I received the request for a visit from the little brother. Let me take a look… The little brother said that he has something super urgent to see you. Miss, I want to come here directly to talk to you. Let’s meet]

Super urgent matter?

Hearing what Moguwai said, the passion that Lan Yu Qiancong had finally aroused in his heart was immediately extinguished.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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