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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 313

Of course she wouldn’t think that this was Mogu Wai’s exaggerated description, and since Aixia said this, it meant that he definitely came to her not for personal matters, but for some serious business.

(It turned out to be the same this time…that guy really used me as his search engine.)

Lan Yu Qian Cong pouted and kicked the chair beneath him.

It was indeed a good thing for Alexia to come to her and take the initiative to find her, but since he was here to see her anyway, couldn’t he just come to her to hang out, or simply to visit her?

【what to do? Miss]

“Let him come down. I guess even if he refuses, he will come down on his own, right? But Moguwai, tell him to come down slowly. I’m going to wash my face and touch up my makeup.”



Tens of minutes later.

Taking the elevator to the twelfth underground floor of Cornerstone Gate, Ixia followed the path in her memory and came to the door. When she opened the door, she first saw someone sitting on a simple folding bed playing with her mobile phone. Blue feather light onion.

“I’m here, Qian Cong. Did it disturb your work?”

“No, not at all. I have a lot of time here.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong shook his head: “By the way, what’s in the bag in your hand?”

“Oh, I bought you some souvenirs on the way here, because I thought you had been underground and maybe you didn’t eat well.”

Sitting down next to Lan Yu Qiong on the folding bed, Exia turned over the contents of the bag.

Convenience stores sell rice balls, bento boxes, boxed milk, bread, cup noodles… maybe it’s because it’s the Hatouin Festival. Everything has some decorations on the packaging, which makes it look like the Hatouin Festival. atmosphere.


“What’s wrong?”

“No, I just think you are still so considerate.” Lan Yu Qianqing smiled and picked up a rice ball, “So, why did you come to me? Is there something you want me to check?”

Alexia’s movements paused: “…So you know?”

“I can’t think of a reason for you to come to me at this time. Just tell me what you want to know, and I will check it for you. If this is the case, why don’t you just give me a call?” Lan Yu Asakusa said while biting the rice ball.

However, it was different from what she expected.

Shaking her head slightly, Alexia said: “No, it’s not that I want to investigate anything this time, although I do have something to ask you… I have something to ask you personally, Asakusa.”

“Eh? Ask me something?”

“Well, it’s a very important thing.”

The serious look on Alexia’s face made Lan Yu Qiancong feel a little more serious.

(He has something to ask me… What could it be? He said it so seriously… Could it be something he wants to leave? No, no, no, that shouldn’t happen either. Ask me… is it possible——)

An idea flashed through Lan Yu Qian Cong’s mind.

Could it be that… Alexia came to ask her about [that] business? !

“Qian Cong, do you know [Holy Annihilation]?”

“…Eh? Holy Annihilation?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was thinking wildly, suddenly calmed down when he heard Exiya’s question: “Are you here to ask this?”

“Huh? Listening to your tone…do you really know [Holy Annihilation]?”

“No, no, no, I don’t know about Holy Annihilation. This is the first time I’ve heard of this!” Lan Yu Qiancong waved his hands hurriedly, “I thought you were here to ask… No, That’s right, how could you ask me that kind of thing? What am I thinking about?”

“Light onion?”

Hearing Lan Yu Qiancong’s soliloquy, Alexia couldn’t help but be a little confused.

Did he say something wrong that made Lan Yu Qiancong get the wrong meaning?

“It’s nothing, Axia. Let’s get down to business…are you here to ask me about the Holy Annihilation? Do you want me to help you check the information?”

“No. It’s… someone told me that you are related to the Holy Annihilation and know a lot about the Holy Annihilation. That’s why I came here to find you and wanted to ask you clearly.” Exia explained, “After all, although I don’t know the details, there are many big things involved in the Holy Annihilation. If it has anything to do with you, I’m not too worried about your situation.”

(You came here because you were worried about me…)

Hearing the meaning of Aixia’s words, Lan Yu Qiancong showed a look that seemed relieved: “Then I thank you for caring about me so much, but I really don’t know anything related to the Holy Annihilation. This is still me. This is the first time I heard about it. What happened to Holy Annihilation?”

[Holy Annihilation is the great forbidden curse that rewrites this world, Miss]

Moguwai’s voice sounded from the computer not far away.

Appeared on the screen without permission, a doll-like artificial intelligence waving its hands.

[I didn’t expect you, little brother, to come here for this matter. If you know about this matter, does that mean that the Third True Ancestor told you? 】

“Moguwai?” Lan Yu Qiancong looked at his partner in surprise.

“Do you know about Holy Annihilation?”

Alexia asked.

[That’s right—although I don’t think the Third True Ancestor knew about it, the reason why she asked you to come to see the eldest lady is probably because of the eldest lady’s identity]

Qian Cong’s identity?

“Asakura…do you have any secret identity?”

“How do I know?”

[The eldest lady is the ‘Miko of Cain’, little brother]

Moguwai explained.

[Except for Cain himself, he is the only person in the world who can use ‘Holy Annihilation’]

【That’s Miss Asakon】

123. The key to resurrecting Karen

Lan Yu Qian Cong is… the user of [Holy Annihilation]?

Alexia couldn’t sit still: “What does this mean? Mr. Moguwai, how could Qianqiong be…”

“That is to say, why am I completely unaware of this matter, Moguwai?” Lan Yu Qiancong frowned, “Are you talking nonsense?”

[No, no, no, how dare I talk nonsense to you, Miss? This is all true. It’s just that I haven’t told Miss You at all. After all, it was really unnecessary before]

Moguwai made a very cute apology gesture.

But neither Lan Yu Qiong nor Exia accepted the explanation for this action at all.

“Please explain it from beginning to end, Mr. Moguwai.”

After thinking for a moment, Exia said this.

“Whether it’s the Holy Annihilation, the Miko of Cain, or anything else about the Holy Annihilation, please explain it to me and Asakusa.”

“That’s right!”

Lan Yu Qian Cong waved his hand.

[Now that the matter has come to this, I have no intention of continuing to hide this from the eldest lady. But it’s really a bit troublesome to explain. First, let me confirm how far you have understood, brother.]

“I know the effect of the Holy Annihilation, and the fact that Cain, the god of blame, used it to complete the massacre of the Celestials.”

[That’s almost all… Well, now that I understand this, the only thing left to explain to you is about the eldest lady. Madam, just listen and look at the information I’m sending you now]

Ding dong!

The sound of receiving files sounded on Lan Yu Qiancong’s cell phone.

“…Moguwai, are you going to burst my phone? What does it mean to give me a file of more than 20 gigabytes?”

[This is already a super, super, super simplified version. I’m sorry for the eldest lady’s mobile phone – then, little brother, let’s talk about our affairs]

Moguwai seemed to be sorting out his words and paused for a moment before continuing to speak.

[As I know, Cain used Holy Annihilation to almost wipe out the Tianbu, and Cain, the only one who could use the forbidden spell of Holy Annihilation, was also killed by the Fourth True Ancestor after that. 】

[But Cain didn’t leave nothing behind. There are many Cain legacies all over the world, which can also be said to be the legacies of the god of blame – this Xiangami Island can also be said to be one of them]

Is Xingkami Island the legacy of Cain, the god of blame?

“Wasn’t it just established decades ago?”

【That’s right. But the string god Qianra who built the string god island is actually a descendant of the god of guilt. By the way, so are the eldest lady, the boy from the Yaze family, and the Three Saints of The Lion King who had some dealings with the boy.】

[Xinggami, Yaze, Aiyu, and Hiida – these four families are collectively known as the “Four Taboos (yaze)”. They are the descendants of the God of God, and they are the orthodox inheritance of the legacy of the God of God and the wisdom of the Holy Annihilation. By】

Another piece of bombshell news came out of Moguwai’s mouth.

Exia received too much heavy news today, making him a little numb now.

Unexpectedly, even Xian Kami Island itself is related to Cain.

[The four words taboo have no purpose of existence. They are called taboo only because they are related to Cain. However, decades ago, Sengami Chira built this Senkami Island and invited the other three families to come to the island together in an attempt to reproduce Cain’s wisdom]

[It can be said that Xian Kami Island itself is an altar prepared for Cain. At the same time, this altar is also one of the several necessary conditions for using Holy Annihilation]

Sengami Chira’s purpose is to reproduce Cain’s wisdom, and if that wisdom refers to [Holy Annihilation] that can even modify the world itself, there is no problem at all.

Moguwai continued to explain.

[There are three conditions for restarting Holy Annihilation. One is to prepare the altar, the other is to release the sealed Holy Annihilation spell, and the last one is the core control component of the activation device, which is the ‘Miko of Cain’ ‘will】

【Genkami Island is an altar. The Holy Annihilation Technique itself was recorded by Cain long before his death, and is now sealed somewhere on Xian Kami Island. These two were prepared before Sengami Chira’s lifetime, but the most important one, ‘Cain’s Miko’, did not appear before his lifetime. After all, Miss Asakusa hadn’t been born yet at that time]

[And as long as these three conditions are met, the rest will all depend on whether the eldest lady wants to use Holy Annihilation – this is probably what I want to say. Is it helpful to you, little brother? 】

“……And it turns out that the same thing happened to Qian Cong?”

After a moment of silence, Exia whispered in a low voice.

Lan Yu Qiancong beside him suddenly felt a chill: “Exia? Why did you suddenly turn on the air conditioner? I turn on the air conditioner here.”

“Uh…sorry, I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold it back, I’m a little moody…”

Covering her forehead, Exia put away her strength.

At this time, Lan Yu Qiancong also read through the information Moguwai sent to him at a glance: “So, what is the situation now? Moguwai, you mean that I was born to use Holy Annihilation? In order to let Will Cain’s wisdom return to the world?”

[No, no, no, how could it be? Miss, you don’t have to worry about Holy Annihilation at all]

“Eh? Why?”

【Because there is no need for that. Although it is a forbidden spell that can rewrite the world, there is no need for such a powerful thing in today’s world, right? Miss, you will bring about the reappearance of Holy Annihilation, which will do all harm but no good. And I never said that this is the purpose of your birth, Miss. You are not a born witch. You don’t have any mission that you must perform.】

Moguwai quickly explained.

[What’s more, if you really feel that you were born with some mission, young lady, then I’m going to go crazy]


Only then did Lan Yu Qian Cong realize that there was something wrong with Alexia’s expression, as if he had encountered something that upset him.

Gently holding Lan Yu Qian Cong’s hand, Exia breathed a sigh of relief: “It’s okay if it’s not… It’s okay if you’re not Qian Cong.”

“……oh oh.”

The sudden handshake made Lan Yu Qiancong blush right down to her ears. Although she had no idea why Alexia was feeling lucky, it seemed that she had earned it in the end?

And at this moment——

“I’m sorry, Mr. Prince, I want to pour some cold water on you at this time.”

The voice of Shatiao’s love song suddenly rang in the room.

Appearing in front of the two of them and Moguwai, Shajo Aige looked at Lan Yu Qiancong: “Your Majesty, could you please contact Miss Bianca now so that they can get in touch with Bishop Otto? “

“Contact the Bishop? Why?”

“Because of the existence of Holy Annihilation, I have an idea and want to discuss it with the bishop – Prince, you must not have forgotten that Bishop Otto once solemnly asked you something.”

Bishop Otto asked him to do that.

“Resurrection…Saint Karen.”

“Yeah. And now, I think [Holy Annihilation]…may be one of the keys to achieving this goal.”

124.Adoptive father from another world


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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