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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 314

What Sajo Aige said made Alexia’s eyes widen a bit.

Lan Yu Qiancong asked in confusion: “What are you talking about? Bishop Otto, Saint Karen… are they from the world in Exia? Are you talking about being resurrected?”


Alexia hesitated.

He didn’t know whether he should tell Lan Yu Qiancong about his side of things.

But…Holy Annihilation will actually be the key to resurrecting Saint Karen. If Shajo Aige’s statement is true, it will undoubtedly be great news for Bishop Otto.

“… Qianqiong, wait a moment, I’ll make a call.”

“The personal terminal is ready, Prince.”

Shajo Aige duly handed over the personal terminal that she had just taken from home using space control magic.

Because they are in different worlds, and for some unknown reason, the only person that Alexia can actively contact is Bianca. If she wants to contact other people, she must use Bianca as a transit point.

[Du~~~Du~~~Du~~~ Hello? Alexia? 】

Not long after making the call, Bianca’s appearance appeared on the personal terminal.

Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was sitting next to Alexia, suddenly became nervous!

(She is…Bianca, the person Alexia really likes!)

His biggest love rival is even more powerful than Shajo Aige, a love rival he has never met.

Compared to the image that Shajo Aige saw before, now that he directly heard her speak and saw her in person, Lan Yu Qiancong could feel the aura she exuded more clearly.

(It’s several levels better than me…)

If you want to catch Exia, is she the first person you have to deal with?

Lan Yu Qian Cong felt super pressure!

Without noticing the changes in Lan Yu Qian Cong, Exia had already started talking to Bianca: “I’m sorry for calling you all of a sudden. Are you busy over there?”

[No, I have nothing going on here recently. anything? 】

“Well, I have something to do with the bishop. Could you please contact the bishop now? Just say that there are some things I want to discuss with him about the confidential mission he gave me before.”

Bishop Otto’s secret mission to Exia?

Hearing this statement, Bianca couldn’t help but feel confused. This was the first time she heard that Alexia was on a business trip to another world with a confidential mission. However, Exia’s business trip to another world is considered a confidential mission in the Tianming File. It must be that there are some situations in the other world that need to be reported to the bishop, right?

[I understand, please wait a moment – Rita! 】

As Bianca started taking action. Soon, it didn’t take long for Alexia to see that the video chat between herself and Bianca had turned into a multi-person chat. Bishop Otto’s image also appeared at the bottom of the screen, with his hands folded on the table. It looked like It’s in the office.

[Long time no see, my dear Alexia, this is the first time you have contacted me since you went to that world. It really surprises me]

Bishop Otto smiled and greeted Aixia.

[How are the living conditions there? 】

“Long time no see, Bishop. I’m fine here, please don’t worry.”

Switching the conversation mode to the projection mode, Facing the bust of Bishop Otto projected into the air, Exia stood up and bowed slightly to it: “Also, please let me introduce you, Bishop. This is Lan Yu Qian Cong, a good friend I met here.”

“…Hello, Mr. Otto.”

[Exia’s friend…well, hello, Ms. Lan Yu. I am Otto Apocalypse, Ixia’s immediate superior—or, in other words, his father and guardian. He is under your care there. 】

“No-wait, Father?!”

Suddenly realizing the important point, Lan Yu Qiancong turned his head and glanced at Exia.

Aixia explained: “It’s the adoptive father. I am a child adopted by the bishop, just like Bianca. Besides, this is not the focus now. Bishop, Bianca has told you about the reason for contacting you this time. ?”

[Well, is it about that? 】

Otto nodded slightly.

Alexia keenly observed that his hands and eyes were trembling slightly at this moment. This is certainly not caused by poor cross-world communication signals. He has never encountered a situation where the signal is poor, and it is very stable every time.

“Bishop, are you nervous?”

[…Haha, have you discovered it? 】

Otto smiled.

[But it’s more about excitement than nervousness. After all, I have been studying this matter for five hundred years. Now you finally brought me good news from another world. How can I not be excited? Do you think so, my child? But before you start reporting, Bianca, Rita, you two should leave for now. What follows is a confidential matter that can only be known to me and Exia, even if Even you have no right to know]

Hearing what Otto said, Bianca and Rita, who had been listening silently, immediately stood up and left the personal terminal.

The two of them were actually confused as to why Bishop Otto said this. In terms of authority, Bianca and Rita are almost the owners of the highest authority of destiny. Except for Bishop Otto, it can be said that no one has higher authority than them. Now they actually have no right to know… Ai What secret are Kesia and Bishop Otto discussing?

After confirming that the two of them had completely left, Otto spoke to Exia.

[Okay, let’s start the report, Exia. I hope your report is indeed good news that makes that miracle possible]

“I understand, Bishop – but before explaining that matter, please let me first explain the many things and information I have learned in this world today. After all, the information I collected today is too great. A lot, and a lot of it is related to what I want to report.”

[Yeah, no problem. We have plenty of time, just tell us what you think]

“Thank you Bishop for understanding, then…”

Alexia sorted out the vocabulary in her mind and organized the language.


“First of all, let me start with my report from my conversation with the [Third True Ancestor].”

As Otto and Lan Yu Qiancong watched, Exia told everything about the conversation between herself and Jia Da, as well as what Jia Da wanted her to do.

The last two bodies of the Fourth True Ancestor, the true origin of the birth of the True Ancestors, the request narrated by Jiada…

There is no concealment, no fabrication or lies.

Exia told the two of them the most true story.

125. Rewrite the world for resurrection

——[The true origin of the True Ancestor]

——[Reason for Tianbu’s extinction]

——[Great Sage Annihilation]

——[The True Ancestor who wants to give up the curse]

In almost half an hour, Otto and Lan Yu Qiancong listened to Exia explain these things clearly from beginning to end.

And after listening to it——

“Isn’t that woman named Jiada too willful?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong commented angrily.

“This is the curse that the three true ancestors thought they had accepted at the beginning, right? Then you should be responsible for it to the end! Why should you be shouldered? You fool who gave up halfway!”

Calling the Third True Ancestor a fool… This is what people who live in the Demon Zone and have little real understanding of the True Ancestor can say.

If Jiada heard Lan Yu Qiancong say this, she would probably laugh outright.

“Sure enough, Miss Asakusa also thinks this way? In fact, I do too.” Shajo Aige rarely united the front with Lanyu Asakusa, “I personally think this suggestion is too irresponsible, and I scolded her for being willful and selfish at the time. Well, she shamelessly admitted it to herself.”

“Old ladies are shameless.”

“That’s right~~~”

The two people, who were usually at odds with each other, now reached a consensus.

Bishop Otto fell into deep thought for a while after listening, and then looked at Exia.

[My thoughts are a little different from those of Ms. Sandiao and Ms. Lan Yu, Alexia – I think this may be a good thing for you]


[Indeed, the Third True Ancestor’s suggestion is quite willful and selfish in nature, but evaluating something cannot only be judged by its nature. If the value of its result is enough to cover up its nature , then I think it is not impossible to accept it]

[You can now defeat Herrscher alone. If you can become stronger, plus Bianca, then I think at least for a long time in the future, we will not have to worry about the threats posed by Herrscher and Honkai. . Even for the two of you, maybe you will be stuck in a work situation where you have to fly around the world every day to be a firefighter. 】

Alexia is 17 years old.

Bianca is 16 years old.

Let these two minors fight against Honkai and even Herrscher around the world almost 24 hours a day. From a legal point of view, it is appropriate for them to go to jail. But in terms of the results, because of their If we fight hard, maybe the whole world can be temporarily protected from the invasion of Honkai, allowing Honkai to temporarily become an ordinary natural disaster.

So, does the nature of making minors work crazy overtime still matter?


“Does the bishop want me to accept the advice of the Third True Ancestor?”

[This is just my personal opinion after all. Whether you want to accept it or not depends entirely on you. You have grown up now and can no longer follow my orders and suggestions in everything like before. You now need to use your own three views as the standard of action. 】

[The important thing is that you make your own decision that follows your heart]

“…I understand, Bishop. I will seriously consider this matter in the month before Jada arrives.”

[That’s good, I believe in your decision]

Otto smiled with satisfaction.

[Then, it’s time to tell the good news. Judging from what you just explained, the good news you want to tell me should be related to the ‘Holy Annihilation’, right? A forbidden curse that can rewrite the rules of the world. 】

As expected of Bishop Otto, he noticed the key points without Alexia’s explanation.

Alexia gestured to Sajo Aige.

“Then let me explain this matter, Lord Otto – first of all, please let me explain that no matter what form you want the Saint Karen to resurrect from the dead, I am afraid that it will be very difficult for the world today. There will be unpredictable changes.”

“I don’t know the historical existence of your world, but judging from the situation in my world, if something is changed in the past, the [future] at that point in time will also change accordingly.”

This is the so-called butterfly effect.

A small move may be enough to trigger changes on a global scale in the future.

Karen Kaslana died five hundred years ago. It can be said that because of her death, the current Bishop Otto came into existence. If she were to be resurrected in the past, what impact would it have on history? will be immeasurable.

And if we want to resurrect her in the modern era and bring a long-dead life back to life across five hundred years, in terms of magic power, I am afraid that it will require a magic power that far exceeds that of the Holy Grail, and the world today will inevitably change as a result.

In other words, the act of resurrecting Kallen will have an impact on the real world no matter what.

But if there is [Holy Annihilation], the situation will be different.

“Holy Annihilation is a forbidden spell that rewrites the world. In my opinion, it has several uses, such as preventing the world from changing due to historical changes, such as restoring the changed world to its original state, and even… ….. Let the [soul] that does not exist exist.”

【! 】

Otto’s expression was visibly shocked and shaken!

Expression management is something Otto is very good at. There is almost no one in a high position who is not good at this. And Otto, who has survived for five hundred years, has long been able to do it without losing color.

However, except for Karen’s matter.

“I don’t know if souls exist in your world, but it doesn’t matter even if they don’t exist. Just use the power of [Holy Annihilation] to directly rewrite the world and turn [a world without souls] into a [world with souls] — and it’s easy to do after that.”

Heroic spirits call.

Karen is a saint whose deeds have been sung for five hundred years. Because of Otto’s efforts, every Valkyrie in the Destiny is aware of her existence, and the Destiny’s sphere of influence is all over the world, with the exception of North America.

This is equivalent to saying that Karen’s popularity has been extended to the whole world.

With such a wide popularity, no matter how weak a soul is, it can be sublimated into a heroic spirit – if not, then just use [Holy Annihilation] to rewrite the world.

As long as Kallen is a heroic spirit, Sajo Aige and Exia can summon her to the present world through the heroic spirit summoning spell, and give her a body through the Great Holy Grail, allowing her to be reborn.

“Of course, this is just one of the methods. I believe that if you are Lord Otto, you will definitely be able to come up with more methods if you spend some time thinking about it. I am just telling you through an example that [Holy Annihilation] is extremely important for you to realize your wish. a part of.”

“Perhaps the prince can find other methods in other worlds in the future, but for now, [Holy Annihilation] is the optimal solution.”

Shajo Aige said this to Otto.

126. Otto: Fire, watch a play, have fun

Five hundred years.

This was Otto’s time.

During this period of time, he tried countless different methods to resurrect Kallen. To this end, he ignored life, touched taboos, and trampled countless lives, rules and laws to pieces, but they all failed.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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