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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 315

Although he still has one last possibility, if possible, he still hopes that the more the better.

No one would hate the possibility of resurrecting Kallen when they have many cards in their hand. The more, the better. If there were a hundred ways to resurrect Kallen, Otto would try all of them.

But…to be honest, Otto had almost no hope. Even if he asked Exia to explore new possibilities for him in another world, he still didn’t have much hope.

But now, he sees new hope.

——[Holy Annihilation]

The power to rewrite the world.

If it is for Kallen, then Otto will not hesitate to make the whole world no longer what it is today!

【…I want to thank you, Exia, and Ms. Shajo】

After a long silence, Otto raised his hand and rubbed the corners of his eyes before regaining control of his expression, and faced Exia and Sajo Aige with his usual smile that seemed to have everything under control.

[This is the greatest good news I have heard in the past ten years, no, it should be said in the past five hundred years. From the bottom of my heart, I think it’s great that I have a child like you, Alexia. You did a great job, really, much better than I thought]

“You…you are speaking harshly, Bishop.”

Being praised like this by her adoptive father, Alexia couldn’t help but feel a little at a loss: “I just did what I should do. I really don’t need your praise.”

[No, no, no, you deserve such praise from me, Exia. You are totally worth it. The value of this piece of good news to me is almost so precious that I can give up my entire destiny. Your achievements make me want to designate you as the next bishop of destiny. 】

The next bishop? !

“This, this is too sudden, Bishop! Please consider it more carefully! Moreover, my qualifications and age are not enough to serve as a bishop!”

Alexia was completely panicked.

If Otto, who had been the bishop for five hundred years, suddenly resigned, it would have an earthquake-level impact on the entire destiny! It may even be a big loss to the whole world!

Otto smiled slightly and said,

[Haha, it seems I scared you. Calm down, Exia, it was just a joke]

(This is no joke!)

Fortunately, Exia has now resigned from Bishop Otto. If Bishop Otto had brought this up during his inauguration, he would have been frightened half to death on the spot… although it is almost the same now.

[So, since Holy Annihilation is such an important thing, can you bring Holy Annihilation back? Alexia]


“I think it’s feasible.” Sajo Aige said, “According to Moguwai, there are three conditions for the use of Holy Annihilation – the altar, the technique itself, and the shrine maiden.”

Sajo Aige believes that she can be responsible for the art of Holy Annihilation. With her level of magic and the power of the Great Holy Grail, as long as she has completely seen the Holy Annihilation Technique, she can definitely copy it all, which is equivalent to Exia getting the Holy Annihilation Technique.

The altar isn’t a problem either.

Referring to the way Genkami Island exists, just build an artificial island in that world. Tianming’s technical strength can already build a floating island. Building a maritime city is definitely not a problem. It may take seven, eight or even ten years at most.

But Bishop Otto has been waiting for five hundred years, and it doesn’t matter if he waits for another ten years.

As for the miko…

Sajo Aige and Aikexia looked at Lan Yu Qianzui at the same time – because she couldn’t follow the conversation of several people from just now, she still looks confused until now.

When she noticed that others were looking at her, she also reacted: “Uh… um, are you planning to… let me use that Holy Annihilation?”

“Theoretically, this is the case.” Sajo Aige said, “If I can find out what kind of existence the so-called [Miko of Cain] is, then maybe I can try to replace it, but if I can’t find it, If so, Miss Asakon is the only one who is qualified.”

[In other words, do we want Ms. Lan Yu to come to our world as a guest? 】

“Wait, wait, wait! Wait a minute!”

Otto’s words made Lan Yu Qiancong stand up quickly, go to the computer desk and hold his head in thought for a while. After sorting out all the things he just heard, he spoke again: “Uh… so… , the current situation is almost like——[Exia’s father has a person who wants to be resurrected]?”


“Then [reviving that person requires the power of Holy Annihilation]?”


“So [I follow Exia back to his hometown]?”

Hmm…but not quite.

Alexia shook her head slightly: “Actually, in the final analysis, we just need the Holy Annihilation now. I will not steal the power of the Holy Annihilation, nor will I force you to follow me, Qianqiong. If you don’t want to do that, I can do that too. Give up Holy Annihilation and turn to other forces.”

Holy Annihilation is at best the best solution for now. In the future, Exia will definitely go to more worlds and come into contact with more new powers. Maybe there is a power more powerful than Holy Annihilation?

Therefore, Holy Annihilation is not necessarily a necessity.

Even for Exia herself, she doesn’t want Lan Yu Qingcong to follow her back to her destiny.

After all, he has never forgotten what it means to leave with him. It means that Lan Yu Qingqing is no longer her, no longer a separate individual. She is just a slave who obeys the orders of Ixia. Whether she appears or not depends on Ixia’s mood. .

This is so unfair to her.

[I have no objection, Miss]

On the computer screen, Mogu said with a crooked smile.

[The power of Holy Annihilation is only a potential hidden danger if it remains, and it would not be bad if it is taken away. What’s more, doesn’t this follow the lady’s wishes? 】

“What do you mean?”

[Because…if you, the eldest lady, go with the younger brother to his hometown, wouldn’t that be the same as marrying the younger brother? It just so happens that I have met my little brother’s father now. It can be said that I am sprinting towards the finish line, right? 】


A word from Moguwai directly made Exia and Lan Yu Qian Cong realize the seriousness of the matter!

Shatiao Aige even took out a sign from nowhere on the spot, with the four characters “Resolutely Reject” written on it!

And Otto…

After taking a meaningful look at Exia and Lan Yuqiang, whose cheeks were a little red——

【uh-huh? So that’s it. It seems that your interpersonal relationship in the other world is developing well, Exia]

“No! This is a misunderstanding! Bishop! Please listen to my explanation. Asakura and I are definitely not…”

[Hehehe, no need to explain, Alexia. I understand your mood and thoughts very well, so there is no need to panic]

“…..Do you understand, Bishop?”

[Well, of course. 】

Otto smiled.

[But Miss Lan Yu, please understand that if you want to marry Ixia, you can only marry me. Alexia is the heir to a large family with a thousand-year history in our area. Everyone agrees that it is absolutely impossible for the next head of the family to marry into the family】


(Isn’t this just making a fuss?!!!)

127. You give me a written document!

Faced with the teasing from her bishop and adoptive father, Exia’s choice was to turn off the communication directly.

Anyway, everything I want to say has been said. Even if there is anything else, just wait until later to contact me. The point is that if Bishop Otto continues to know more information about himself here, there is no chance that he will spread any rumors at the Tianming Headquarters!

He didn’t want to be misunderstood by Bianca because of some rumors when he went back.

“Sorry, Asahi.”

Putting away the personal terminal, Ikexia said apologetically to Lan Yu Qiancong: “Bishop, he is not usually like this. Although he occasionally jokes, he is very serious and rigorous in business matters. I don’t know why this time. …..Anyway, don’t take those words to heart just now.”

Don’t take it seriously?

Lan Yu Qiancong, who gradually recovered, sighed softly: “You really have a very kind adoptive father. Speaking of which, rather than saying that he is a father, I feel that he is a bit like a senior who is only four or five years older than us. .”

“That’s true.”

Logically speaking, Bishop Otto was an old man five hundred years ago, and it is not surprising that he is mentally mature no matter how mature he is, but usually he seems to be a young man of only about thirty years old, with a very young mentality.

I don’t know how it is maintained.

(Speaking of which, Azazel seems to be the same way. Why do these people who started with three or four figures in age seem to be no different from young people?)

If it were him, then Aixia felt that he would have aged terribly after being over five hundred years old.

“But… in the end, do you want to take [Holy Annihilation] back with you?” Lan Yu Qiancong asked, “Isn’t that a very important thing to your adoptive father?”

Lan Yu Qiancong is not really surprised that Otto has lived for five hundred years. You must know that there are many vampires who have lived for more than five hundred years. There are even many ancient vampires that are over a thousand years old. Compared to Anyone under five hundred years old is considered a young person.

But judging from the conversation between Otto and Ixia just now, it seems that Ixia’s adoptive father has been thinking about his adoptive mother for the past five hundred years? Are you even thinking about resurrecting her after five hundred years?

Being able to stick to one thing for five hundred years… No matter how you think about it, the person named Kallen must be the most important person to Otto.

“If I can find a replacement for the Cain Witch, or know what kind of existence the Cain Witch is and what special abilities she has, then I will be happy to take away the Holy Annihilation…”

I want a replacement.

Lan Yu Qiancong frowned: “You don’t want to take me to your hometown so much? Are you afraid that the Bianca you like will misunderstand you?”

“Uh…well, half…no, 70% of the reason is probably this. After all, you treat me…that…”

“I like you. It’s better if you just say it. It’s not like we don’t know.” Lan Yu Qiancong said so straightforwardly, while her own cheeks turned a little red.

Lan Yu Qiancong is still a little embarrassed to admit that she likes him in front of the person she likes, even though she has said it several times, and she has done some shameful things to chase Exia before.

And once again being confessed so directly by her, Exia was a little at a loss.

He actually doesn’t know how to deal with such an emotional offensive.

After all, it’s so normal!

“Then what? What’s the reason for the remaining 30%?”

“…It’s the way I take you back.” Exia explained, “If I want to take someone back with me, I won’t use a method similar to space transfer. If you want to go with me, first of all You must give your soul to me and become my… follower forever from now on. You can only appear for a certain period of time in a day, and you cannot leave me too far.”

“Isn’t that just becoming your favorite beast?”

That’s true.

However, after Exia said this, Lan Yu Qiancong also understood why he didn’t take her back to his hometown.

This method is too unfair to Lan Yu Qian Cong.

“Furthermore, my world… how should I put it, is always being attacked by natural disasters, and every once in a while, a… well, true ancestor-level humanoid will appear. Monster, so it can’t be said to be very safe. If you go with me…”

Lan Yu Qian Cong knew what Ixia meant.

She believed that Alexia would definitely protect her with all her strength, but after all, she was just an ordinary person with no power to control her. It would be bad if she encountered any danger when she went there.

The above reasons combined together are the reasons why Ixia refuses to take Lan Yu Qian Cong with her.

(Is the root cause still because of Bianca?)

Not wanting to be misunderstood by Bianca accounted for 70% of the reason.

This means that if there was no such reason, Ixia would not actually resist taking Lan Yu Qiancong home with her.

(If you think about it this way, the most direct solution is to create an established fact…but this is basically impossible, right?)

Lan Yu Qiancong didn’t think she could get Alexia drunk. She had never seen Alexia drinking. If he wanted to force a breakthrough, considering each other’s strength, Lan Yu Qiancong felt that this would make Exia hate him.

The safest way is to slowly conquer it and gradually enhance your relationship with Alexia.


(Exia will leave at the end of February next year. It’s the end of October now. Is it too late?)

She wasn’t sure.

Thinking of this, Lan Yu Qian Cong sat back down next to Alexia, put her legs together and hugged her with her hands, and leaned against Alexia.

“Light onion?”

“Ah la la, what are you doing? Miss Qian Cong.”

While Alexia frowned, Sajo Aige smiled reluctantly.

Lan Yu Qianqing glanced at her but didn’t reply. She just leaned on Aikexia’s shoulder: “I said, Aikexia… If I say, even if I become your beloved beast, it doesn’t matter to me. , can you take me with you?”

“Wait…what are you talking about, Asakusa.”

He quickly pulled her away from him and pressed her shoulders with both hands. Exia looked at Lan Yu Qiancong with surprised eyes: “You are too reckless to make such a decision. This is not something that can be decided casually. And I have always regarded you as my friend, I really never thought of you…”

“Can’t I not be your friend?” Lan Yu Qiancong whispered, “I… want to be your lover, can’t I?”

“Light onion…”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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