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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 316

“By the way, let me tell you, don’t reject me because you have someone you like, but you can’t make me give up. I don’t want to be defeated by someone I haven’t even met in person.”

This sentence directly blocked what Alexia was about to say.

(It seems you are serious, Ms. Asakusa.)

Shatiao Aige rarely calmed down for a while.

(She really wants to compete with Miss Bianca… Now I have to admit that I have more opponents to deal with.)

“…I will leave at the end of February next year, Qian Cong.”

After a period of silence, Exia spoke.

“My current thought is still that I don’t want to take you away. If you go to my world, it will do more harm than good. I really don’t recommend you to make this kind of decision. So… during the period before I leave , if you really want to leave with me, then please discuss it with your parents first.”

“This is not something you can decide on your own. If your parents agree with your decision and can accept you as my follower, then I can take you away with me.”

“Of course, this is if I don’t find your replacement. If I find it, or if I find the conditions to become a Cain witch, then I will not take you away under any circumstances. You have to know this. .”

(If it takes about four months, Asagi should be able to calm down.)

From Axia’s point of view, Lan Yu Qian Cong is just impulsive now. When she calms down completely and thinks about it carefully, she will definitely give up this decision.

In the final analysis, even if there was no reason for Bianca, Exia did not intend to leave with Lan Yu Qian Cong.

Even if Holy Annihilation is really important.

“That’s what you said.”

Lan Yu Qiancong raised his eyebrows. After running to the computer and typing on the keyboard, Aixia suddenly received a letter on his personal terminal.

“It’s an electronic contract. I prepared two copies, one for you and one for me. In addition, I also locked the editing permissions. Neither you nor I have the permission to rewrite the content.” Lan Yu Qiancong explained, “It’s just verbal The agreement is not enough. With this kind of contract, I won’t be afraid of you going back on your word.”

Stretching out a finger and touching the tip of Ixia’s nose, Lan Yu Qianqiong smiled and said: “We’ll see in four months, Ixia.”

128.Blue Paradise

The events of the past few days triggered by Jiada’s arrival finally ended with Exia and Lan Yu Asakon making an electronic contract.

Although it had only been three short days, the impact of what Ixia had experienced during this period on him could almost be compared to the impact of the past few months.

And after that——

A month has passed!

The time has come to the end of November, and Exia, who came to Genkami Island in the early spring, also ushered in her first winter in this world.


“I said, ancient city.”

“What? Exia.”

“Generally speaking, would anyone call weather with an average temperature above thirty degrees winter?”

“It seems like it’s going to be a warm winter this year…Ghost letter!”

In the swimming pool of Saikai Academy.

Standing in the swimming pool that had been completely emptied of water, Alexia and Xiao Gucheng each held a mop and were cleaning the swimming pool diligently.

To be honest, cleaning an unused swimming pool in winter is a very strange thing. According to the weather forecast, it seems that it has started to snow heavily in mainland Japan. Although the temperature is higher than in previous years, it is indeed It’s winter.

But on this Kami Island, the temperature is frighteningly high even in winter. The temperature can soar to around 30 degrees at night, let alone during the day.

In this case, cleaning the swimming pool in the bright sun is tantamount to torture.

“Exia, are you sure you turned on the air conditioner?”

“I must have opened it, but it’s useless to open it.”

Alexia sighed.

Even if he can release air-conditioning to act as a human air conditioner, it does not directly change the temperature. If you stay under the sun for a long time, you will still feel hot. In fact, the two of them are sweating like rain now, and Alexia’s cooling has nothing to do with it. Open the same.

Holding the mop, Xiao Gucheng wiped his sweat: “By the way, why do we have to clean the swimming pool in this weather?”

“Isn’t it because you failed the final exam?” Alexia said angrily, “I have been tutoring you all night for several days, but you actually fell asleep because I was too sleepy in the exam room. I don’t even know what to say about you.”

“Is it my fault? Shouldn’t it be your fault that you caught me studying all night long and I didn’t get enough sleep?”

“Who is this idiot who asked me to explain a question four times before he understood it?”

Alexia has a good temper, but in this hot weather, his mood can’t help but be a little agitated, and his tone and tone are a little bit harsh.

He failed the final exam because of sleeping, and in order to make up for the credits, he asked Xiao Gucheng to clean the swimming pool – this was the way Nangong punished Xiao Gucheng that month.

As for why Exia is here…

“Well, at least I have you with me. It’s good news. I really can’t hold on without your air conditioning.” Xiao Gucheng said with a smile, “But, what on earth did you make Na Yue-chan unhappy? Actually Let Yue-chan get so angry.”

“…Some work stuff.”

Yes, Exia came here precisely because she made Nangong Nayue furious.

The reason was naturally his abandoned plan for the prison boundary. A few days after that, after finishing the aftermath of the prison barrier and returning as a phantom, Nangong Nayue heard about Exia’s plan from the artificial island management commune and was so angry that she went to his house on the spot. , and argued with him angrily for most of the night!

[This is my innate mission], [Don’t interfere in my affairs], [I didn’t ask you to help me]…words like this were all thrown at Ai by Nangong Nayue. Kesia, and Exia also fought back without giving an inch.

Now he will not change his mind just because of Nangong Nayue’s words.

As a result, the two almost had a falling out. It took more than half a month for Nangong to finally calm down. He said that if he asked Aixia to come here and clean the swimming pool with Xiao Gucheng, it would be settled.

[However, this does not mean that I accept your plan. If you want to tear down the prison barrier, I will resist until the last moment]

This was Nangong’s last answer in that month.

(As long as the management commune can come up with an improvement plan or an alternative plan for the prison barrier, I will not forcibly dismantle the prison barrier… Teacher Nayue is really too worried. Instead of confronting me, It’s better to urge the management commune to come up with a solution as soon as possible.)

Thinking this, Alexia sighed helplessly.

And at this moment——

“Oh, I found it. I found it.”

At the door not far away, Yase Motoki’s voice and figure appeared at the same time.

After coming to the edge of the swimming pool and sitting down, Yase Motoki looked at the two people below: “You two are really working hard.”

“Is something wrong? Motoki.”

“I think he is probably just here to make some sarcastic remarks, so don’t worry about him.”

Motoki Yaze immediately punched his chest when he heard this: “Kojo, what you said is wrong. Am I that kind of person?”

Aren’t you?

Akatsuki wanted to answer him like this. Yase Motoki had done a lot of similar things so far.

“Well, actually there is something I want to tell you – have you ever heard of [Blue Paradise]?”

“The Blue Promised Land?”

Hearing this place name, Exia and Xiao Gucheng stopped mopping the floor.

It was not because of doubts, but because the two of them knew this place for sure. After all, in the past half month, this place name could often be heard.

——[Blue Paradise]

It is a new artificial island built offshore of Genkami Island. Although its radius is less than 600 meters, it is worth mentioning that the entire artificial island is planned to be a huge theme park. There are resort hotels, swimming pools, roller coasters and other amusement facilities on the island, as well as a special aquarium called “Warcraft Garden”, which is now widely known as the new symbol of Genkami Island.

Aixia remembers that the soft opening will begin next week.

“Bringing this up at this time…Did something happen in the Blue Paradise?”

“No, the first trial operation is about to begin. My family also has investments there and is eligible for invitations, so I would like to invite you to have a go.” Motoki Yaze said with a smile, “For the time being, I have already met Nagisa and Asagi. An invitation has been sent, and now I’m here to invite you—the above is to the ancient city, and the following is the reason to Ixia.”

Is there a different reason for inviting yourself?

Alexia frowned.

Yaze Motoki continued: “Actually, I just received the news. It seems that the True Ancestor from the Chaos Realm is coming to visit Genkami Island. The War King Realm and the Extinct Dynasty also seem to have this intention. , and then the True Ancestor from the Chaos Realm named him to visit in the Blue Paradise.”

Are the three great night empires going to the Blue Paradise?

Xiao Gucheng couldn’t help but be a little surprised: “Really or not…are the three empires of night coming at the same time?”

“It’s scary, isn’t it? I also accidentally heard it from my brother. We are already extremely busy running the commune.” Motoki Yaze smiled bitterly, “So, Alexia, can I trouble you– —”

“I will go without you having to tell me.”

Before Yase Motoki finished speaking, Exia agreed.

Blue Paradise, Three True Ancestors, Visit…

(Calculating the time, it’s almost time.)

(I didn’t expect you to actually invite the other two true ancestors, Jiada.)

129. Temporary love call

at dusk.

Alexia’s house.

“I’m back~~ Huangsaka, is dinner ready? I’m starving.”

The moment she walked into her house, Exia shouted like this.

And in the kitchen.

Sayaka Kosaka, who happened to take off her apron, came out with two portions of curry rice.

“It’s just finished. You’ll come back just in time, Your Majesty.”

“I think you judge time well.”

“Well…it’s been like this for two months anyway.”

Ever since Yukina Himiragi left and was suspended from the Lion King Agency, Sayaka Kyosaka has been living next door to Alexia’s house for two months. In addition to helping Alexia prepare three meals a day, she also cleans the room from time to time. Other than that, what Kyosaka Sayaka does most is wander around to pass the time, or go to the Special Administrative Region Police from time to time to take on some work in a private name.

People can get used to most things in just a month, let alone nearly two months.

Recently, Sayaka Kyosaka feels that this kind of life is quite good – except for the previous festival at the Hasonin Festival, when Exia suddenly came back with the Third True Ancestor.

It really scared her that time.

Throwing her schoolbag on the sofa and sitting at the dining table with Sayaka Kyosaka, Alexia habitually turned on the TV and prepared to have dinner while watching the evening news.

[…The following is an emergency break. Just now, the Queen of Chaos in the Chaos Realm, through her agent, officially announced that she would go to the Demon Special Zone in the far east, Xian Shen Island, for a diplomatic visit…]

As soon as I turned on the TV, the news content that came out happened to be what Motoki Yase mentioned to Alexia in the school swimming pool.

Seeing this piece of news, Sayaka Kyosaka couldn’t help but pause while holding the spoon.

“The Third True Ancestor is coming to Xian Shen Island? Hasn’t he just been here before?”

“She said she came to visit in a private name that time. It seems that Genkamijima didn’t know about it, and she was just here for a vacation.” Exia explained, “This time she should be here for serious diplomacy—— That means she has something to do with me. I made an agreement with her a month ago.”

According to Exia’s guess, it is estimated that this so-called diplomacy is actually just a cover. As for the matter that Jiada and the other two true ancestors really want to discuss with Exia, they should choose to come at another time. discuss.

For example, before the formal meeting, the three true ancestors secretly sneaked into the Azure Paradise to talk things over with Exia – and so on.

Just like the situation with La Folia.

Then the formal meeting means some trivial matters of little practical value or insignificance.

(However…will accept Jiada’s invitation to come to Xian Shen Island, does this mean that both the first true ancestor and the second true ancestor have a certain interest in the suggestion made by Jiada?)

(Maybe I am interested in you, Prince.)

Shatiao Aige said.

(You have become the Fourth True Ancestor for more than half a year, and you also accepted the last two bodies a month ago and became the complete Fourth True Ancestor. I am afraid that the two True Ancestors also learned about it from Jiada. In this case, I would like to meet you officially.)

The previous Exia was not the complete Fourth True Ancestor. Even if he had the actual record of defeating the two True Ancestors head-on, he might not have any practical feelings for the First True Ancestor and the Second True Ancestor who did not know the truth.

But now, through the news brought by Jiada herself, the two people have confirmed the authenticity of the rumors.

It makes sense to be interested in Exia.

(My Lord Prince, please be more vigilant this time. Since Jiada has behaved like that, I’m sure the First True Ancestor and the Second True Ancestor will have similar thoughts towards you.)

(…It is indeed not impossible.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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