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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 317

Only vampires close to the true ancestor level can understand the value of Ixia’s blood.

Jiada has been attracted by Exia’s blood, and the two people who are also true ancestors may also be attracted by his blood after meeting Exia.

If that really happens…

(One against three…it feels a bit forced.)

(I can cooperate with you if necessary, Master)

Arturia, who rarely spoke out, said this.

(Although there is no guarantee of defeating the True Ancestor, with the help of Aige, I think it is not a big problem to hold back a True Ancestor. And if there is a double enhancement from the Master, it may be possible to temporarily surpass the True Ancestor)

(Well, if necessary, I will let you out directly when the time comes – speaking of which, Saber, you can actually be more active. Isn’t it boring to stay in the Great Holy Grail all the time?)

Unlike Sajo Aige who pops up from time to time, Artoria rarely shows up on her own initiative. At most, she just gives Alexia some advice or stops Sajo Aige who has a tendency to go berserk for love.

Otherwise, she has always stayed inside the Great Holy Grail.

(No. I have been meditating and doing simulation training to ensure my own strength. Master, don’t worry about me.)

(…How about going to the Blue Paradise this time, Saber, you can also come out and relax?)

Alexia suggested.

(Is this… okay?)

(Of course. If you transform into a quasi-spiritual body, you can experience some rides, right? But that won’t work for Aige-san.)

When Alexia said this, Shajo Aige suddenly felt a little disappointed.

Even though Alexia can now touch her through penetration, she still can’t actually touch anything – but she can’t possess her casually yet.

Therefore, she could only watch from the side.

It would be great if I had a body!


At this moment, Alexia’s and Kyosaka Sayaka’s cell phones suddenly rang at the same time.

After looking at each other, the two of them took out their mobile phones one after another. After seeing the caller ID, the two of them showed surprised expressions one after another.

“Huangsaka, who called you?”

“…It’s the Lion King Agency.” Sayaka Kosaka said, “After putting me here for two months, he finally contacted me. And this number belongs to my master… …I think they are calling to relieve my punishment. I will go over there to answer the phone first, Your Majesty.”

“Well, you go ahead. I happen to have to answer the phone here too.”

After watching Sayaka Kosaka walk to the balcony outside, Alexia also answered the phone in her hand: “Is this the first time you called me after you left? Is there something wrong?”

“Ji Hiiragi.”

The person who called Exia was Exia’s [temporary long-distance lover].

130.Guards of the True Ancestors

Himeira Yukina left Genkami Island at the end of September, and now it is the end of November, and it will officially enter December next week.

She has been gone for two months.

During this period, Exia and she had no contact. Although they did exchange phone numbers and the two could contact each other at any time, there was no need for them in the first place, so there was never a single phone call.

Kosaka Sayaka seems to be in contact, but not much.

[Long time no see, senior. Did I bother you by calling you suddenly? 】

Ji Hiiragi Xuena said on the other end of the phone.

Compared with two months ago, her voice seemed to have changed a little, but overall it was still the same, a familiar voice from Alexia.

“No. I happen to be having dinner with Huangsaka right now. She also happened to receive a call from the Lion King agency and is answering the phone outside.”

[I see…I think it’s to let Sayaka go on a mission. She has been suspended for two months. As the only person who can use Huanghualin, it is not an option to keep her suspended.】

Even though it’s not a big deal to Alexia, Sayaka Kyosaka is indeed a master among humans. She is also the user of the martial arts tool secretly stored in the Lion King’s mechanism. It can be said that she has unique skills. The impact of two months’ suspension should be considerable.

Alexia took a bite of curry rice: “Hmm~~~ Then Ji Hiiragi, why did you call me suddenly? This is the first time in two months. Is there something urgent?”

[It’s an emergency…it doesn’t count. Actually, I will go to Genkami Island next week for a mission, so I want to contact the seniors first]

Himiragi Yukina is coming to Genkami Island next week?

Or is it because of the mission?

“…Is it because the three great night empires are coming to visit Genkami Island?”


Ji Hiiragi Xuena’s voice was a little heavy.

[War King Realm, Extinction Dynasty, Chaos Realm… The three empires simultaneously requested to visit Genkami Island, which caused an uproar around the world. The Japanese government was even more chaotic, and the Lion King Agency was also established overnight. We have joined the countermeasures team, and now we are extremely busy from top to bottom]

“Have you reached any conclusion now?”

【yes. The Lion King Organization is preparing to send monitors and escorts to the envoys of the three Night Empires just as it did with Duke Aldia’s diplomatic ambassador application. The three major empires also accepted this request. I was selected as the monitor of the Third True Ancestor, and now I am about to fly to the realm of chaos.]

Ji Hiiragi Yukina became Jiada’s monitor? !

Alexia couldn’t help but frowned: “Is this arrangement… okay with you? Ji Hiiragi. Aren’t you still an apprentice sword witch? By the way, I remember that Wu Weiyuan is responsible for this kind of work, right?”

[But now the Lion King Agency cannot immediately produce Mai Weiyuan who is enough to shoulder such a task, and Sayaka has not been reinstated yet, so I can only handle it. However, I became an official sword wizard half a month ago. In order to cope with this mission, the Lion King Agency also granted me a long-term license to use Xuexialang, so I think it shouldn’t be a problem]

No, that’s not the problem.

“Ji Hiiragi, you must be careful about Jia Da. That woman…how should I put it, in my opinion is very dangerous in a sense. I have suffered losses at her hands before.”

[Do you know the senior and the third true ancestor? 】

“I don’t want to get to know her at all, but unfortunately I have a close relationship with her.” Alexia said helplessly, “If she makes any excessive demands on you, just use my name, or just say we As long as the relationship between you is good, I think she won’t embarrass you too much.”

No matter what, Himiragi Yukina is Alexia’s [lover]. If this relationship is revealed, it would be equivalent to admitting that Himiragi Yukina has accepted Alexia’s protection. To embarrass her is to embarrass Alexia. ——Exia felt that Jiada could still see this meaning.

And if she could see that she still wanted to embarrass Ji Hiira, then Exia wouldn’t mind burying her under the continental shelf.

【…..I understand, senior. Thank you for your concern. 】

“It’s not a big deal. Remember to call me again when you get to Genkami Island. I will take Nagisa and the others to find you. We haven’t seen you for two months. I think Nagisa would also like to see you.”

[Okay, I’m also looking forward to seeing Nagisa again – ah, the plane is here. Then I’ll hang up the phone first, senior, and see you later at Genkami Island]

“Yeah. See you later.”

After ending the call, Alexia hung up the phone, scooped up another spoonful of curry rice and stuffed it into her mouth.

Not long after, Sayaka Kosaka also ended the phone call and returned to the house from the balcony.

“The call is over? Kosaka.”


Coming to the dining table and sitting down, Kosaka Sayaka nodded slightly: “It was my master who called. The Lion King Agency temporarily lifted my suspension order and allowed me to use Koukarin for activities. It also gave me arrangements. A new mission.”

“Is it related to the three empires coming to visit Xian Kami Island?”

“Yes…Eh? How do you know, Your Majesty?”

Shaking her phone, Alexia said: “The person who called me just now was Ji Hiiragi. The Lion King Agency asked her to be the monitor of the Third True Ancestor during this visit. She will be here next week. The appearance of Genkami Island. I think we will see you again in the Blue Paradise.”

“Xue Cai is coming back?!”

Hearing the call from Yukina Himiragi, Sayaka Kosaka’s face suddenly showed an overjoyed look! Everyone was very excited!

“But… the Third True Ancestor’s monitor, will it be too much of a burden for Xuena? The Lion King Agency is still so inhumane, can’t we send Wu Weiyuan there?”

“It looks like there is a shortage of manpower. But I told Ji Hao that she could use me as a shield if necessary. Plus she still has Xuexia Lang in her hand, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.” Alexia said while eating, ” What about you? What mission did you receive?”

Kosaka Sayaka handed the phone to Alexia.

What was displayed on the screen were the four characters [Guard Mission].

“During the visit of the three great empires, I will serve as the short-term bodyguard of the Fourth True Ancestor, Ixia Kaslana – that’s what the master said. And based on my performance in this mission, the Lion King The agency will consider whether to completely allow me to return to normal work.”

“…In other words, if you fail to protect me, will I still be suspended after this mission is over?”


“Then you don’t have to worry.”

Alexia laughed: “I can’t have anything happen to me without your protection, so there can’t be any problems with your escort mission. There will definitely be no problem with reinstatement.”

“…I think so.”

Kosaka Sayaka said so, but she didn’t have many relaxed thoughts in her heart.

Protecting Exia – Although this task is simple, it can also be said to be meaningless at all, because Exia actually does not need to be escorted at all, so this task is just a pretense.

In this case, what does The Lion King Agency think of Sayaka Kyosaka’s performance?

No, to put it another way…what aspect of her performance does the Lion King Agency want to see?

(Really… Do you want me to be reinstated? The Lion King Organization.)

131.The treatment of the Emperor of the Night

Although I have considerable doubts about the practices of the Lion King Agency, in any case, this is a rare opportunity for Sayaka Kosaka to be reinstated.

Even if Alexia doesn’t actually need protection, she will do her best to do what she should do and eliminate all things that may cause trouble to Alexia!

And that’s what she had in mind.

The day to go to the Blue Promised Land is coming soon.

It’s the first weekend of December.

On the sea eighteen kilometers away from the main island of Genkami Island, there is a blue paradise port that looks like a slice of pineapple——

“We’re finally here.”

After dragging her suitcase and walking off the boat, Exia yawned slightly: “I feel sleepy sitting on the boat.”

The only means of transportation between the Azure Paradise and Genkami Island is by boat, and it takes twenty minutes to move back and forth. In terms of the speed of the boat, it is not slow, but for Exia, he doesn’t even need to fly. He just runs on his own feet. He doesn’t know how many eighteen kilometers he can run in twenty minutes, let alone Talk about flying.

Therefore, the slow boat ride had no other effect than making him sleepy, even if the scenery on the boat was very nice.

Behind Alexia, who also dragged his suitcase off the ship and was walking with Sayaka Kyosaka, Azure Asazu smiled and said: “If you think it’s slow, why don’t you just fly over by yourself? In addition, Hurry up and turn on the air conditioner, it’s extremely hot outside the boat.”

“Do you think I’m a voice-activated air conditioner?”

“Is not it?”

Lan Yu Qian Cong is confident.

Sighing helplessly, Alexia released the cold air out of habit. The coolness that hit her face immediately made Lan Yu Qianqiong’s complexion much better, and he became more energetic.

“Hmm? Is Alexia turning on the air conditioner?”

“Brother Xia! Turn it up, turn it up!”

The Xiao family brothers and sisters, who happened to also get off the boat, quickly came to Alexia’s side after feeling the familiar chill.

Looking at the three people who surrounded her in an instant, Alexia raised her eyebrows several times: “That’s enough for you… don’t squeeze me, it’s so hot. My air conditioner is not omnipotent – by the way Motoki, isn’t there no one here?”

“After all, we came very early.”

After shuffling to the side of a few people, Yase Motoki smiled and said: “This is the memorable first trial operation of the Blue Paradise. On such an important day, the first person to set foot here must be a person of sufficient weight. Well. When it comes to the most important person on Genkami Island, there is no one other than Exia, right?”

“…Is this why you asked us to come here early in the morning to catch the first batch of ships?”


Motoki Yaze is also confident.

“But, there are advantages to coming early. Although the swimming pool and other things are not open at this point, we can go and put down our luggage first. The accommodation and other things are already prepared. We just need to go over and go through the formalities. After that We can go to the World of Warcraft Aquarium for a few walks first, and then go play in the water and have fun after the opening time.”

“Just make your own arrangements, I don’t care.” Exia said, “So, where is our place to live? You can lead the way.”

“Okay~~~Come with me.”

Saying this, Motoki Yaze took the lead in walking towards the interior of the Blue Paradise.



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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