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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 318

As for where to live, Aixia actually doesn’t have much particularity. According to his thoughts, the residence that Yase Motoki prepared for himself and others was probably a small villa, or he might have booked a few rooms in a hotel in advance.

However, after sitting in the self-driving sightseeing car and driving along the outskirts of the Blue Paradise and stopping somewhere, the sight that appeared in front of her surprised Exia.

It was a super luxurious villa that was even bigger than his home at Tianming Headquarters.

Not only does it have four floors, there is also an independent courtyard and outdoor swimming pool outside the house. Even from the outside, it can be expected that the internal space will be too spacious. Not to mention the few people here, even if it allows more than a dozen people to live there, More than enough.

It’s just a small castle.

“Motoki…are you sure we live here?” Lanyu Qianzuo couldn’t help but wonder if Yaze Motoki was leading the wrong way.

Yaze Motoki smiled and shook his head: “No, no, no, you are absolutely right. This is where we want to live – no, to be more precise, it should be where the [Fourth True Ancestor] lives. It’s a place.”

Alexia frowned: “Specially provided to me?”

“After all, the three great night empires are coming to the Blue Paradise, and according to the previous news, it seems that the True Ancestor is coming to visit directly, so naturally we have to prepare the corresponding venue. This luxurious villa It’s the [meeting place]—in addition to being used to house Ixia, the three true ancestors will also come here in the future. I don’t know if we can live here or not.”

“…I live in such a big place alone?”

Looking at the large villa in front of her again, Alexia felt distressed.

He doesn’t need such a big place at all.

“Wait a minute, since this is a place for Ixia to live, then where will we live?” Xiao Gucheng asked, “Don’t we live with Ixia?”

“Well…since he comes as the [Fourth True Ancestor] this time, we commoners really can’t act with him.”

If Lan Yu Qiancong’s guess is correct, starting from tomorrow – maybe even from today – this place will be visited by envoys from the Empire of Night from time to time.

Akatsuki Nagisa felt a little regretful: “I can’t live here… I thought I could live in such a luxurious place for once.”

“I didn’t say I couldn’t live in it.” Yase Motoki said as he took out a paper document from somewhere and pointed to another small building that was a few steps away from the villa in front of him. “We live across the street from each other, but as long as Ixia signs this document, we can come over at will except when the three empires of night come to visit.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong: “Huh? Let me take a look…[Application Form for Visiting the Fourth True Ancestor’s Territory]?”

“Hey, Motoki, are you overly prepared?” Alexia frowned, “We don’t need to… have too many face-saving projects, right?”

“But this is necessary, Exia.”

Yase Motoki smiled bitterly.

“You are also the Fourth True Ancestor after all. Even if you have never expressed it publicly, at least on the surface, the entire Xiankami Island must treat you with respect and treat you as the true Emperor of the Night. , especially at this time. Just bear with it – then we will go to the other side first, see you later, Axia.”


Alexia wanted to continue to say something, but Motoki Yaze had already pushed Akatsuki and others to the small villa across the road, leaving only Sayaka Kyosaka as a guard with Alexia.

There was silence for a while, and then Exia sighed heavily: “Oh~~~ Just try to fix the trouble for me.”

“Emperor of the Night…is really a boring title.”

132. Kaslana is not allowed to enter the kitchen

Although according to Yaze Motoki, the four-story villa Exia can be used casually, but Exia is not a person who is extravagant and wasteful, not to mention that only he and Kyosaka Sayaka are actually living there. .

So in the end, the two of them just cleaned the first and second floors. At most, there was a conference room freed up on the third floor. Maybe it will come in handy after the three true ancestors arrive.

However, even if there were only two floors, because the overall area of ​​the villa was not small, it was already noon by the time Alexia and Kyosaka Sayaka had roughly dealt with the situation.

The weather, which is already extremely hot, can be said to be so hot at this time that it can steam people to death.

And in this case——

“You’re finally here! Alexia! Hurry and help!”

Across the road, Xiao Gucheng and others live in a two-story villa.

Looking at Xiao Gucheng and others who were slumped on the floor in the living room, Aixia couldn’t help but raise her forehead: “As soon as they called me, they called me over like a delivery boy. I thought it was something super serious, but it turned out to be something serious. Do you want to use my air conditioner?”

“This living room is too big, so the air conditioner can’t take effect in a short period of time.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was lying on the floor, complained.

With this group of people like this now, Ixia has to wonder what they will do after she leaves at the end of February next year.


Lifting their feet and stepping lightly on the floor, the four people from Xiaogucheng who were lying or sitting suddenly jumped up at this moment!

“It’s so cold! But so comfortable!”

The cold feeling that penetrated the heart spread from the floor, and you could almost see the white mist rising from the floor. After being iced for a while, several people quickly lay down on the floor again, feeling the whole body Think of the benefits brought by Exia.

Xiao Nagisa even rolled around on the ground happily: “It’s so comfortable~~~~Brother Xia, I really like you so much!”

“Yes, yes, I like you too, Nagisa. But don’t roll on the floor, be careful to catch a cold.” Alexia came to the sofa and sat down, “I’ve almost finished cleaning up over there, what should I do next? Shall we have lunch first? Or should we start sightseeing nearby? Can we have lunch on the way?”

On the way to the residence, Ixia saw a shopping area and many restaurants. If it really doesn’t work, there is the Paradise Hotel, the highest in the Blue Paradise, not far away. Just rely on Motoki Yase’s connections to have a meal there.

“I just want to stay here and enjoy your air conditioning.”

“Me too……”

Xiao Gucheng and Lan Yu Qiancong said quite unambitious words.

After cleaning up in this kind of weather, the two of them had already run out of energy, but Akatsuki Nagisa was quite energetic.

“I won’t be acting with you anymore. I still have some things to deal with.” Motoki Yase got up from the floor. “The envoys of the Empire of the Night will arrive tomorrow. Before that, we must make corresponding arrangements.” All it takes is preparation. Decorating the venue, preparing for the dinner… and planning the itinerary, there are so many things to do.”

“Then you want my help?”

“No, no, no, Alexia, if you come to help, we will be tied up.”

After hurriedly waving his hands a few times, Yaze Motoki said with a smile: “What’s more, how can we ask the True Ancestor Mian to come down to help? So before the official meeting begins, you should relax.”

That’s it.

Alexia didn’t force it: “Then I’ll trouble you. You don’t need to be too well prepared, just follow the normal situation.”


After waving his hand, Yase Motoki picked up a handbag and ran out of the villa in the bright sun.

After watching him leave, Akatsuki climbed up from the ground to the sofa and sat on it: “Even Motoki was arrested to work… It seems that Gengamijima really values ​​this time.” The three great night empires are visiting.”

“Isn’t this nonsense? This is the first time in history.” Lan Yu Qianqing took out his notebook and connected it to the Internet. “The Internet has been abuzz in the past two days. After all, except when the Sanctuary Treaty was signed decades ago, The three great Night Empires have almost no contact with each other, and the three True Ancestors rarely appear in public.”

“But this time, they all came to Genkami Island… What is the reason?”

When the second half of the sentence was spoken, everyone in the room focused their attention on Exia – what other reason could there be? Exia, the fourth true ancestor, is the biggest reason.

Xiao Nagisa was a little worried: “Is it okay? Brother Xia, you are going to have a meeting with those true ancestors…”

“Well, of course it’s no problem.” Alexia smiled and touched Akatsuki Nagisa’s head, “It’s just a few True Ancestors. It’s not like I haven’t seen them before. I even defeated two True Ancestors. To me It’s not anything particularly serious.”

To describe the meeting with the three true ancestors as such a trivial matter… only Exia in the whole world can say that.

But he is really qualified to say that.


At this moment, an inappropriate sound sounded in the living room.

Lan Yu Qiancong quickly covered her stomach, blushed and turned her head away.

“Uh… Asagi, are you hungry?”

“…Hmm.” Lan Yu Qiancong nodded awkwardly and said with a blush, “But there’s nothing we can do about it! I didn’t eat much for breakfast, and I was still cleaning here in the morning. , I have been very hungry for a long time!”

This statement was directly recognized by Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa!

Alexia and Kyosaka Sayaka looked at each other, and then Alexia said: “Then Kyosaka and I will prepare some food for you.”


The three people who showed a powerless mode suddenly became energetic.

But this is not because there is food to eat, but because——

“Exia, are you going into the kitchen?!”

“Yes, what’s the matter? If you want to prepare for five people, Huangsaka may not be able to handle it alone. Let me help. Don’t you want to go out?”

That’s right.


“I suddenly have strength! Let’s go to the beach, Nagisa!”

“Yeah! I’m going to change into my swimsuit right now! Sister Qian Cong, let’s go!”

“right away!”

Several people who were a little listless just a second ago stood up as if they had taken some kind of energy potion. Akatsuki Nagisa and Lan Yu Asakon flew to the second floor to start changing. swimsuit.

The abnormal behavior made Aixia twitch her lips.

“You…don’t want me to cook so much? I can’t cook any dark dishes.”

“But at least for now, we don’t want to eat tomato scrambled egg rice bowl.”

“…Didn’t I say that Koisaka is the one who cooks?”

“With all due respect, Your Majesty,” Kosaka Sayaka said, “The last time you cooked was more than three months ago. I have to wonder if you can still cook normally. . To be on the safe side, it’s better to eat outside.”

Even Huangsaka…

(Are you trying to force me to practice my cooking skills? You guys!)

133. It’s not that I can’t swim

The amusement facilities in Azure Paradise are mainly divided into three categories.

The first type is a super large zoo and aquarium called [Warcraft Garden]. It was originally a facility where 2,200 endangered monsters, totaling 300 species, were collected from all over the world for breeding and research. But now most of them will be open to general tourists, especially the number of sea-dwelling monsters raised, which is said to be the largest in the world.

The second category is the biggest selling point of Azure Paradise – the vast swimming pool area located along the coast.

From indoor competition swimming pools that can host international competitions to water slides with a total length of more than 200 meters, the number, scale and types of swimming pools are so dazzling that you can’t even play in the pool all day long. Feeling bored and tired.

As for the third category, there is an amusement park next to the swimming pool. In addition to the basic Ferris wheel and roller coaster, there is also a [real haunted house] that takes full advantage of the nature of the demon zone. In addition, it is said that we have also prepared super exciting rides that ordinary humans can ride on with no guarantee of survival.

And now, after finding a random restaurant on the roadside to finish their lunch, Axia and others arrived at the largest swimming pool area in the Blue Paradise.

“Ah ho————!”


Accompanied by Akatsuki Sa’s cheers and the sound of her leaping into the swimming pool, a wave of waves suddenly splashed in all directions!

Alexia and others standing on the shore were suddenly splashed all over! All of them became drowned rats!

“It’s yours, Nagisa!”

“Sister Qian Cong, please come down quickly!”

“Just wait there for me!”


The moment Lan Yu Qianzuo finished speaking, the swimming pool splashed with waves again – just like Akisa Nagisa, Lanyu Qianzui also jumped straight into the pool!

Xiao Gucheng, who was splashed all over again, wiped the water off his face and looked at the two girls in the swimming pool angrily: “Are you too excited? Have you never seen a swimming pool or the beach?”

“But this is really the first time I’ve seen such a big swimming pool. We didn’t go to the beach or swimming pool this summer! Come down quickly, Ancient City!”

Wearing a cute swimsuit, Akisa Nagisa smiled and swam to the shore, grabbed her brother’s ankle and pulled him into the pool!



Akatsuki was directly dragged under the water by his sister, and then quickly broke out of the water again: “I was scared to death! Nagisa! You are going to drown me!”

“Hey hehe~~~ But it’s really comfortable to do this! Isn’t it?” Xiao Nagisa smiled and said, “Brother Xia, do you want to come down too? Let’s go ride that torrent slide together, okay?”


Alexia glanced at the entertainment facility not far away that Akatsuki Nagisa was talking about – a water roller coaster with a length of more than one kilometer and a height of about ten meters.

It is now afternoon, and there are already many tourists in the Azure Paradise who have been invited to participate in the trial operation. As the most conspicuous entertainment project in the area, a long queue has already formed near the slide. Now from here, Alexia could hear the screams.

“…I’ll forget it, you go and play.”

After thinking for a while, Exia smiled and shook her head, then walked to a resting place not far away.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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