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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 319

Seeing this, Xiao Gucheng quickly leaned out of the swimming pool: “Why don’t you go together? Exia, that kind of thing is only fun if we play together, right? – Ah, could it be you, Exia? can not swim?”

“Are you doubting me, who is a versatile athlete? Do you want me to show you how to swim three kilometers without breathing?”

Swimming is also a required course for Valkyrie.

To put it more directly, it should be regarded as underwater combat training. After all, there are occasional situations where it is necessary to dive underwater to fight. Therefore, in the Valkyrie Training School, underwater combat training is a very important course.

Alexia passed the test at a passable level, and her swimming skills cannot be said to be very good.

But with his current physical ability, even if his level is not very good, his high basic ability is enough for him to break the world record.

“I just don’t think I can be happy from this kind of entertainment facility. That falling speed is not even the speed of sound, right? If it is five times the speed of sound, then maybe…”

“Okay, okay, we get it, you go and stay aside, you idiot True Ancestor.”

Lanyu Asakon gave Aikexia a roll of his eyes, and without giving him a chance to finish his words, he pulled Akatsuki Nagisa and Akatsuki Kojou and swam towards the water roller coaster.

Looking at the people swimming away, Alexia had no choice but to shrug her shoulders helplessly, went to the resting place on the shore, sat down and looked at the sea in the distance.

“This was indeed an oversight.”

Quietly appearing next to Alexia and sitting down, Sajo Aige smiled and said: “With the physical ability of the prince, no matter what kind of rides you have, you won’t be able to have any fun.”

“I can’t say that. If you can really get into it, you should still be able to feel a little fun – I just don’t want to play.” Axia held her chin with one hand, “Speaking of which, Miss Aige Is your outfit…a swimsuit?”

“Well, I made it to suit the environment.”

What she is wearing now is not the usual dress with white and lace as the main elements, but a swimsuit with the same elements, but cuter.

There is nothing special in terms of style, but Sajo Aika is a rare and beautiful girl, so she will look good no matter what she wears.

“It’s very beautiful, Miss Aige.”

“If the prince could speak more emotionally, I would be happier.” Sajo Aige stood up and turned around a few times, “By the way, I actually prepared a dress for Liya, do you want to see it, the prince?” “

“I don’t care – can’t Saber say anything?”

Exia told Artoria last week that she could come out and relax while she was in the Blue Paradise. It was not a good thing to stay in his body all the time.

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of light gathered around Alexia, and Artoria appeared beside Alexia out of thin air. However, she did not change into a swimsuit like Sajo Aige, but wore a full-body look. A blue dress that looks a little hot.

“I don’t have to relax. Just stay with the Master and protect the Master like Sayaka.” Artoria said, “What’s more, I have the protection of the Lake Spirit, even if It won’t sink when it comes into contact with the water, and it’s actually impossible to swim.”

“Actually, Liya can’t swim.” Shajo Aige said with a smile.

The stupid hair on Artoria’s head drooped immediately after being exposed.

“So… in the end, none of us want to go into the water.” Exia sighed slightly, “Well, there should be a lot of things to play on the shore. Let’s go shopping together when Asakusa and the others come back. Well, what happened before…”

Putting down the chair under her, from the seat to a lounge chair, Exia lay down directly facing the bright sun.

Until then, just lie down and kill some time.

134.The undercurrent behind that

Kosaka Sayaka is a little confused now.

The task assigned to her by the Lion King Agency is [temporarily lift the suspension ban, serve as the bodyguard of Ixia Kaslana, and be allowed to use Huanghualin during this period].

Because this was a task that would allow her to resume official activities as Mo Weiyuan, she was actually quite serious about it. Even though she didn’t hate her current life as Alexia’s cook, she was the Lion King after all. Wu Weiyuan, who was trained by the government, always feels like something is wrong if she doesn’t have a job.

But at this moment, as a guard, she…

“Melon soda, watermelon-flavored Coke, potato soda…well, I bought them all.”

——Running errands now.

If you are going to play at the beach, drinks are something you must prepare no matter what. Now that Lan Yu Qiancong and others were running off to have some fun, and Alexia was lying on a chair and sunbathing at an inappropriate time, naturally she was the only one who could prepare.

By the way, this was assigned by Shajo Aige.

“I remember my mission was to be an escort…Why should I be an errand boy for those people?”

Doing this kind of thing shouldn’t be able to improve the Lion King agency’s evaluation of your own character, right? Even in terms of the content of the mission, she, as a guard, is now more than half a kilometer away from Exia. Considering the nature of the guard, she is completely derelict in her duties.

If someone from the Lion King organization sees it, the evaluation will definitely drop.

“It’s better to go back early. I think Lan Yu Qiancong and the others should be back soon, right?”

Although it is said to be the largest swimming pool, due to the water roller coaster, there are actually only three or four entertainment projects that can be played. If you want to play other sports, you have to go to other swimming pools. And Kosaka Sayaka was called to run errands almost five minutes ago.

However, just as she was about to return to Exia along the way she came, a black cat suddenly appeared in her field of vision.


Quickly stopping the car on the spot, Sayaka Kosaka looked at the black cat in surprise: “…Master?”

“I haven’t seen you for a while, Sayaka.”

A black cat sitting on a table utters human words.

“Looking at you, you seem to get along well with His Majesty the Fourth True Ancestor.”

“This… is okay. We are basically under the same roof every day. No matter what happens, the relationship will not be bad – no!”

After answering the call habitually, Sayaka Kosaka immediately rushed in front of the black cat: “Why is Master Master here? Aren’t you at the liaison office on Genkami Island?”

In order to facilitate work and management, the Lion King Organization has quite hidden offices throughout Japan, including one on Genkami Island. The person in charge of Genkami Island is the black cat in front of him – the master of Sayaka Kosaka and Yukina Himiragi.

It’s just that this black cat is just a familiar existence. He is not on Genkami Island, but on the main island of Japan.

“Of course I’m here for business.”

“Business…the meeting of the true ancestors?”

“That’s right. There is also a relatively unimportant matter to deal with.” Black Cat said as he patted the table at his feet and motioned for Sayaka Kirisaka to sit over, “Compared to my matters here, Things on your side are more important, how is the situation with the Fourth True Ancestor?”

“I’m sleeping over there.”

Kosaka Sayaka pointed in the direction of Alexia not far away.

“It’s a shame he can sleep in such a hot weather, but he’s a human air conditioner himself, so he probably isn’t afraid of the heat at all.”

“…Do you always talk about your Majesty like this in private?”


After thinking about it for a moment, Sayaka Kosaka nodded and said, “Absolutely. At first, I followed the requirements of Master Master and the Three Saints and was respectful to Your Majesty, but Your Majesty said that I didn’t like me being so serious and polite. Seriously, so I usually try to be as natural and casual as possible, and after two months I got used to it.”

“Hmm… I see, the progress is pretty good. Although it’s not as expected, it’s pretty good.”

Master Black Cat began to speak some words that Kosaka Sayaka didn’t quite understand.

What does good progress mean?

“Then you can continue your escort mission, and I won’t disturb you anymore.”

After saying this, the black cat jumped down from the table.

But Sayaka Kosaka immediately stopped her master who was about to leave: “Master, please wait a moment! I have something else to ask!”

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

“About the evaluation criteria for my mission!”

“Oh, this…well, I can’t disclose the specific standards to you. This is a rule, you know. But I can tell you that I am the one who evaluates you. As long as you follow your current level If you go on a mission, I will put some water in it to make it easy for you to pass.”

Master Master is the supervisor this time?

Kosaka Sayaka’s heart suddenly went cold – when she was training under her master before, she already knew that her master was an unstable person. Maybe today’s standards would be very relaxed, but tomorrow It may also be as harsh as Sparta!

Therefore, she couldn’t believe what Master Black Cat was saying now!

However, it seemed that he didn’t care about his apprentice’s thoughts and mood at all. After saying this, Master Black Cat suddenly disappeared in front of Kirisaka Sayaka. Seeing this, Sayaka Kyosaka could only calm down her mood and thoughts first, and continued to walk towards Exia with the drinks needed by Lan Yu Asan and others.

But before she could take a few steps—

“Ah, Miss over there, I’m sorry, can I ask you something?”

Such a voice reached Sayaka Kosaka’s ears from behind.

Turning around, Kyosaka Sayaka looked at the person who spoke to her.

He was an extraordinarily tall foreigner who looked like an athlete. He was wearing quite loose pants and a vest, and his hair that was not too short was tied into a small braid. And beside him was a blond woman with an outstanding figure and a wild beauty.

“Are you… talking to me?”

“Yes, yes, it’s you.” The man stepped forward and smiled, “I’m looking for someone here, but because it’s so big here, I can’t find it. I just heard you mention what I’m looking for. That person’s name, so I thought you might know him.”

“Who are you looking for?”

“That’s the person you mentioned just now – the one named [Exia Kaslana], a member of my race.”

The man put his hands in his trouser pockets and spoke the name of the Fourth True Ancestor with a cheerful expression.

(Your Majesty’s…same race!?)

Kosaka Sayaka couldn’t believe the name she heard.

Alexia is the strongest vampire in the world, and is known as the Fourth Ancestor. If the man in front of him was of the same race as him, wouldn’t it mean that he was——

“…C-can I ask for your honorable name?”

“Hmm…what, let me think about it, what do ordinary people call me?”

The man knocked his head, and the woman next to him had an expression like “How could you forget such a thing?” She glared at him and said, “Isn’t it the [Lostwarlord]? You should remember your title clearly.”

Forget the King of War.

The First True Ancestor who dominates the War King’s Domain in Eastern Europe and possesses a total of seventy-two Familiar Beasts, now appears in front of Kosaka Sayaka in the most unremarkable way.

“So, can you lead the way? Miss.”

135. The arrival of the war king


Lounge area by the pool.

Alexia, who was resting on the recliner with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes. As if she felt something, she stood up suddenly and looked in a certain direction!

“Your Majesty Prince?”

Sajo Aige, who was sitting next to him and had been staring at his sleeping face, looked at him who suddenly woke up with some doubts.

“What’s wrong?”

“…There’s an unusual guy here.”

Alexia said in a low voice.

And just when he was saying this, a faint iridescent light appeared in his hair, and his eyes were also covered with a layer of flame.

Shajo Aige frowned and unfolded a magic formula in his hand. After watching it rotate a few times, he said: “I…have not detected any particularly powerful magic reaction. The detection range The magic reaction confirmed by the internal energy is not very powerful. But it may also be due to lack of accuracy. There is a magic beast courtyard nearby, which interferes with the use of the spell to a certain extent.”

The number of Warcraft in the Warcraft Courtyard reaches four figures. Under the interference of such a large number at close range, even Sajo Aige would find it a bit troublesome.

“But I can feel it.”

Alexia touched her hair.

The familiar beast that had always been safe and sound in his body was now inexplicably active. Although it was not so active that it was out of control, it was like a dog that smelled the scent of bones, and it did become a little more excited. And it can make the fourth true ancestor’s beast react…

(It’s not Jiada. I can feel Jiada right away, and she can move in space. If she really wants to appear next to me, 80% of the time she will just use space movement to pop out – is it possible…)

“Your Majesty.”

Someone’s voice rang in my ears.

In front of Alexia, there was a bag of drinks, and Sayaka Kyosaka put it on the table: “I bought all the drinks. I checked them one by one on the list, and nothing was left behind.”

“Oh, Koisaka, thank you for your hard work.”

“Besides, these two people here are the ones I met on the road…”

Turning sideways, Sayaka Kyosaka revealed the two people behind her in front of Alexia.

it’s him.

Almost the moment they met, Alexia confirmed the root cause of his current condition – the man in front of him was the one who caused the beast in his body to become active.

Sitting down in front of Alexia quite familiarly, the man smiled and said: “Hey, I’ve been looking for you for a long time. I didn’t expect you to be sleeping here and sunbathing. You look very young, but your hobbies are very mature. It’s rare. Why don’t you go to the beach and play in the water? Or do you like to look at girls’ swimsuits on the shore and then silently rate them in your mind? “

It felt like facing Azazel.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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