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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 32

This is a past event that Alexia doesn’t know about.

Oraline had a very dark time in the past.

The gods came to the earth for enjoyment, but there are not only good gods who descend to earth, there are also evil gods. Some of the evil gods restrict their behavior like Loki, and they are content and just be happy people, while there are also complete ones. The evil god who does not restrain his actions and acts recklessly in Orario’s dark side to cause tragedy.

[Dark Faction] – This was Orario’s name for the alliance of dependents led by the evil gods at that time.

The dark faction brought a dark period to Orario. A large number of Familia members died. Orario’s overall strength was greatly weakened. A large number of Familia disappeared from Orario forever.

Among them is a family named [Asteria].

It was the Justice Familia, led by the goddess of justice Astraea, who maintained the security of the entire Orario. Because of this nature, as well as the personalities of the main god and members, this Familia had an extremely deep hatred against the dark sect.

Five years ago, this family fell into the trap of the dark faction in the dungeon, and almost all members were wiped out. As a result, the main god left Orario and disappeared without a trace.

Oraline generally believed that the Astralia Familia died together with the Dark Faction, but only a very few people—perhaps only single digits—know that it was not the darkness that caused the destruction of the Astralia Familia. A faction, but a real [Monster]!

And now, in front of Exia and Lefia, who knew nothing about it, that [monster] appeared for the second time in history.


The figure falling from the sky suddenly penetrated and shattered the iceberg created by Exia. The sweeping impact lifted off the ice that had frozen the ground in one breath, and raised a gust of white ice dust!

The extremely cold breath hit my face.

Covering Lefia behind herself, Exia looked at the figure in the ice mist.

(Is it a monster that fell from the top?)

The dome of the floor was penetrated by his own slash, so it is not impossible for the monsters on the upper floor to fall, but it caused such a big movement… was it an elite lizardman?

【coming! 】

Just when Ixia was thinking like this, her instinct suddenly let out a roar of reminder, and her body started to move even before she finished thinking——


The existence in the ice mist suddenly penetrated the space and came to him in an instant with a speed that even Alexia’s eyes could not catch! The extremely sharp claws swung down on his head!

This was half a second after the instinctive roar appeared, and also the next moment when Alexia’s body started to move on its own.

The ice-covered arm held up the swung claws—no, it should be said that it blocked it.

The attack lasted only a moment, as quickly as a dragonfly touching water. The monster’s figure disappeared again without even leaving an afterimage in Alexia’s eyes!

All that was left was the ice armor on the arm that had been scratched and shattered.

(So ​​fast!)

Alexia felt a tremor.

This is definitely not the speed of elite lizardmen! Here comes another kind of monster!

And this speed…

【Directly above! 】


His hands wrapped in ice were crossed above his head, and a heavy blow suddenly struck him in the next moment!


The ice shattered, and the impact felt as if it had withstood Ota’s blow. Exia couldn’t help but bend her knees. No, no, the power of this blow was still greater than Ota’s?

(But, give me less – arrogance!)

With a strong force on both arms, Exia waved her hands as if to tear the monster apart, and at the same time, freezing air and frost erupted from her palms——


The monster’s figure was instantly blown away by the blizzard!

However, it is not frozen.

After spinning flexibly in the air for several times, the monster stayed on the wall like a lizard. It was at this moment that Exia and Lefia, who had only come to their senses for a long time, could see the full picture of the [monster] clearly. .

It was a thin and huge monster.

The arms are so slender that they are completely inconsistent with the huge body. The legs have an inverse joint structure. Unbelievably, there is no muscle in the whole body. Instead, it is covered by a shell like [armor], exuding a faint blue-violet light.


The tail that extended at least four meters from behind slapped the wall, easily cracking the wall.

The beast-like head has various protrusions, looking like a skeleton, with two blood-red balls of light floating deep in the empty eye sockets.

[Dinosaur fossil wearing armor]

This description came to Alexia’s mind. When he was a child, under the leadership of Bishop Otto, he went to a museum where dinosaur fossils were preserved in order to increase his knowledge and so-called social practice. Although there were some differences, the monster that appeared in front of him at this moment was the same as the description in his mind.

“What it is?”

Lefia was full of doubts.

The floor master has been knocked down. Judging from the blow just now by Ixia, a lot of monsters on the upper floor should have been wiped out, and Lefia has never seen this type of monster before!

New monster? Enhanced species of elite lizardmen?

“Lefiya, go back.”

Without any hesitation, she kicked up a sword scattered on the ground and held it. Exia turned her back to Lefiya and said.

“Go back to the 38th floor. Don’t come up if I don’t say anything.”

It’s not instinct, just the result of rational thinking.

Exia almost didn’t react to the monster’s attack just now. If it weren’t for the fact that his body instinctively felt the danger and automatically reacted, he might have been penetrated.

Its speed was too fast. If Lefiya was allowed to stay, if the monster attacked her, Exia had no guarantee that he could protect her.

Letting her leave here is the best option.



Before Lefiya could finish her words, Exia had already pushed her into the passage, and at the same time, she directly slashed out a solid ice wall with her sword to block the passage!


The next moment, the armored monster suddenly smashed the wall. It had six fingers and sharp claws that were incongruous with the body. It had the momentum to penetrate Exia, and it suddenly attacked with great speed!

Exia directly waved her sword to meet——


However, there was not even a second of stalemate! Under the attack of the sharp claws, the blade was instantly shattered into countless pieces! The dark purple claws went straight to Alexia’s chest!

【Exia will be penetrated! 】

Lefia, who was stuck under the ice, subconsciously thought like this – it was too late to escape from that distance!

(No, there’s still time——)

Fighting based on instinct does not mean completely abandoning reason. If anything, in Exia’s mind, the ratio between the two is probably 60% instinct and 40% rationality.

The possibility of the blade breaking was considered from the beginning, and countermeasures also existed.



At the moment when the sharp claw was about to touch Exia’s body, Exia’s left hand covered with ice armor directly flicked it away, and then grabbed the deflected sharp claw, which was also covered with ice armor. He clenched his right hand tightly and punched the monster’s torso with a heavy punch!

“——Open the sky!”


55. Jagannath Destroyer

Underneath the Adventurer’s Guild, there is an underground temple.

There is an old god in the temple.

Its name is [Uranos], and it is the [city creation god] of the entire Orario. Since Orario was built, he has stayed in this underground temple and continued to offer his prayers to the underground city (voice) .

But now, this old god, who should not be surprised by anything and never gets up from his seat, stood up from the temple seat with a look of surprise on his face.

“What’s wrong? Ouranos.”

In the darkness of the temple, someone’s voice rang out from under a black robe.

“That thing showed up.”

“That thing? What is it?”

The man in black robe was puzzled.

Ouranos looked down at the floor under his feet and the underground world deeper there, and answered the black-robed man’s question: “Five years ago, the [monster] destroyed the Astralia family and almost wiped them out. ].”

Five years ago, Astraea Familia.

Two keywords made the man in black robe fall into silence.

For Orario, the disappearance of the Astralia Familia is a huge regret, not only because it is a Familia that maintains urban security together with the Ganesha Familia, but also because of the ability and potential of that Familia.

Eight lv.4, two lv.3, ten outstanding girls who might become first-level adventurers in time, all died five years ago, leaving only one survivor.

The public statement is that it is an attack and trap by the dark faction, but in fact…

“The defensive instinct triggered by excessive damage…my prayers cannot heal the cry of the underground city.” Ouranos’s voice was a little heavy.

On that day five years ago, one of the dark factions, the Rudra Familia, brought a large amount of fire stones into the dungeon in order to retaliate against the Astraea Familia who had always targeted and hindered the dark faction. It was a portable bomb-like prop. In order to bury the Astralia family members in the underground city, they used a large amount of fire stones to cause the floor to collapse.

That was a more serious situation than when Exia penetrated the floors. The affected floors even lost the meaning of a labyrinth, and the overall structure was destroyed on a large scale.

This is a red flag for dungeons.

The dungeon is alive and will regenerate even if it is damaged. It is essentially equivalent to [infinite energy]. But the speed of repair is limited, and once something is damaged it takes time to recover.

The same goes for dungeons.

Therefore, when there is large-scale destruction, the underground city will generate killing machines like scavengers to eliminate all foreign objects – the so-called [defense instinct]-general individuals.

“What happened once five years ago has happened again now…why?”

Ouranos didn’t know the reason, but he could just sense the monster’s birth——


Suddenly, a feeling of being frozen suddenly reached Ouranos’ body.

At this moment, Ouranos understood.

Why did that monster—[Destroyer] Jagannath—appear again after five years?

The reason is simple.

(Young man from another world…did you destroy the dungeon?)

“How to deal with it, Ouranos.”

The man in black robe asked.

“Shall we summon the Loki Familia and Freya Familia to go and attack?”

“…Let the guild send the notice.”

Ouranos sat back in his seat.

It was the boy from another world who summoned the disaster, and I am afraid that he is currently at war with him. It would be best if he could defeat him, but if not, it would be best if the Loki Familia and Freya Familia join in and make a certain amount of effort. The sacrifice should also be able to solve the problem.

(The existence of another world, the power of another world…is the dungeon stimulated by this?)

Thinking like this, Ouranos closed his eyes again.


Thirty-seven floors.

Bottom of the White Palace.

“Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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