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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 320

“…I just don’t think I will have a lot of fun. If I pretend to be happy but not really happy, then I will feel very tired, right?”

“Well, that’s true. But I heard that you are only seventeen years old? At this age, it is better to indulge in pleasure. If you are too mature and unsociable, you will have no friends.”

“You don’t need to worry about this. Although I don’t have many friends, I don’t have too few friends either – can we just stop here?”

Halfway through her words, Alexia suddenly switched back to a serious tone, and looked at the man in front of her with a somewhat alert and serious look: “Qiyi? Or Elsword?”

The man was a little surprised when he heard this: “What, you already knew it? Did Jia Da tell you? I originally wanted to scare you and give you a surprise, but now it’s all in vain. That guy just Can’t you not take away my fun?”

After casually complaining about his old friend’s behavior, the man—the First True Ancestor—stretched out his hand to Ixia: “Qiyi. Qiyi Julanbarada, the First True Ancestor. This is our first True Ancestor. Let’s meet once, Fourth True Ancestor. Just call me Qi Yi, just be casual. If we are both True Ancestors, there is no hierarchy.”

“…First meeting, Qi Yi.”

Alexia and Qi Yi shook hands.

“Although I thought that you or the Second True Ancestor, or even Jiada would come down to meet me in private before the formal meeting, I didn’t expect you to come so soon. I thought it would be tomorrow at the earliest.”

“Well, that’s what I planned at the beginning. It’s just that Zanafei said she wanted to come here to play for a day, so I had to let her go.” Qi Yi said while pointing to the women beside him, “By the way, also I haven’t introduced you to her yet, but she is Zana Rashka, my seventy-second blood companion, and she can also be said to be the princess.”

“Hello, little one.”

The woman with red hair that was almost blond, impeccable noble beauty, and a bright smile that reminded people of the sun greeted Exia like this.

After simply nodding to her, Alexia continued to ask Qi Yi: “However, it sounds like your tone is not just for this lady, right? It seems that you came to me specially. Is there something wrong?”

“That’s for sure. After all, after hearing those things from Jia Da, even if we don’t care about other things at all, we have to have some interest in you.” Qi Yi laughed, “And after actually meeting After meeting you, I finally understand why Jia Da values ​​you so much.”

“——The smell of blood makes you drunk just by smelling it.”

Alexia raised her eyebrows slightly: “Can you smell it too?”

“Of course. It has a very tempting taste. You don’t need to taste it to know that it is the best of the best. Coupled with the smell that changes freely, ordinary vampires may not be able to taste it, but it is not a small taste for our true ancestors. The temptation. If it were four or five hundred years ago, I should have sucked you dry.”

Qi Yi didn’t care that his princess was by his side, and expressed his feelings very straightforwardly: “But, Jia Da also said that she was beaten violently by you after that, and she died soon after thousands of years.” Thirty times – I don’t think she would exaggerate, so since Jiada will be killed by you so many times, I won’t ask for trouble.”

“Besides, my princess is still here, so even I can’t do it in person.”

(This person…)

Alexia frowned slightly.

Although he only spoke a few words, the character shown by Qi Yi… is not so much an emperor as he is a rather kind and casual young man.

Is this the true face of the First True Ancestor?

“You came to see me just to express your feelings about my blood?”

“And your [Shadow].”

Qi Yi stepped on the black shadow under Ixia’s feet.

“I believe what Jiada said, but if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I still wouldn’t believe it, so I came to verify it myself – can your [Shadow] really eat us?”

“…Do you want to try it?”

After a moment of silence, Exia said this.

The [Shadow] under his feet was about to move.

136. Twelve Blood Companions

[I have found a way to solve the problem of our beasts. If you are interested, please cooperate with me.]

This was what Qi Yi heard from Jia Da when she met her again after an unknown number of years in the King of War Realm almost half a month ago.

The [Shadow] that can swallow everything, and the Fourth True Ancestor who controls that [Shadow].

Qi Yi had to admit that he was interested in this.

Even without Zana’s request and willfulness, he originally planned to come to meet Alexia in advance.

But now, looking at the [Shadow] squirming under Alexia’s feet, Qi Yi paused for a moment, then bent down and stretched his hand in!


Alexia suddenly exclaimed unexpectedly.

“Hmm…funny, Jiada didn’t joke with me this time?”

Qi Yi didn’t stay in the [Shadow] for a long time. It only took two or three seconds for Qi Yi to pull his hand back. After shaking it a few times, he smiled and said: “Well, the magic power has indeed been taken away a little. It would be better if it took such a short time.” It’s okay, but it looks like if we keep it for a while, things will get a little worse.”

“You really have a terrible card, Alexia.”

“… Generally speaking, would someone jump into a pit on their own initiative?” Exia asked [Shadow] to calm down again, “Aren’t you afraid that your beloved beast will really be taken away by me?”

“Take it away and let it be taken away. Although these disobedient beasts are useful, on the other hand they are quite troublesome. Besides, they are things that should be disposed of in the first place. If they are devoured by you, it will be relieved. It saves my workload, and I’m quite happy with it.”

Qi Yi said it easily.

He holds seventy-two companion beasts, the largest number among all vampires, and more than the other two true ancestors combined. Even if one or two of them were really taken away by Exia now, it would not be a big deal to him. Anyway, not many people know the true identity of his beloved beasts now, and he has almost never used all of his beloved beasts. .


“If I want to be completely eaten by you like Jiada, I still can’t accept it now.” Qi Yi became a little more serious, “Our true ancestors basically don’t care about anything and don’t show up for more than ten years. It’s a common thing, and basically everything under my control is left to my subordinates to handle. To be honest, even if we are gone, the problem shouldn’t be big.”

“But we can’t suddenly be gone.”

The status of the three true ancestors in the world is more of a [symbol]. As I have said many times before, the existence of the Sanctuary Treaty was established because of the initiative of the three True Ancestors. The existence of the True Ancestors is the prerequisite for the Sanctuary Treaty. If the [Three True Ancestors] are lost, Inhibiting power, the sanctuary treaty should fall apart in a short time.

“Do you need a buffer time?”

“That’s what I mean.” Qi Yi smiled, “Actually, there are some other reasons -“

“We can’t accept that this guy died suddenly.”

The person who continued the second half of Qi Yi’s sentence was Zana Rashuka.

Sitting next to Qi Yi, Zana said: “We know about this guy. The reason why he became the true ancestor is not a secret to us, his princess. We have also been prepared to accompany him. Die together with him in the distant future.”

“But if he is going to die suddenly like this, we can’t accept it.”

The blood companion of the First True Ancestor?

Indeed, if Qi Yi is suddenly devoured by Exia, then for Zana, it is not a big deal——


“[Us]?” Exia frowned, “Do you have more than one blood partner?”

“Ah? Isn’t this natural?”

Qi Yi said calmly: “If you want to weaken the power of the beasts, you have to give birth to children, or divide the power. It doesn’t matter if the number is small, but I have seventy-two beasts. , you know with your own feet that I can’t only have Zana as my princess, right? Didn’t you say that before? She is the [seventy-second].”

“…You have seventy-two blood mates?”

“Well, one beast corresponds to one.” Qi Yi seemed to give a thumbs up proudly, “You don’t have to show such a doubtful expression, right? Sooner or later you will have twelve. If you really If you want to have a good relationship with those guys in your body. I heard from Jia Da, you haven’t even gotten one yet, right?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong?”

“Then do you want me to teach you some tricks now?”

The trick?

“What’s the secret? The secret to controlling the beasts?”

“No, no, no, the beasts don’t need to be controlled at all. Just release them and give some simple instructions, and they will get things done. Although the surroundings will be a mess, there will be no problem with the result. Even if there is no problem at all, just leave the aftermath to my subordinates.”

Qi Yi hooked Alexia’s neck, making the two of them seem familiar.

“The secret I’m talking about is the secret to [dealing with women] – although you may not be as good as me, you will definitely have at least twelve blood partners in the future, right? If you don’t master the method of letting everyone get along harmoniously, , then you will be tortured to death. I am a person who has experienced this, and I understand it deeply. “

“Hey, what are you talking about in front of children, Qi Yi?”

Zana angrily knocked her true ancestor lightly with her fist.

“In the final analysis, what happened in the past is because you can’t control yourself, right? Stop blaming us.”

“You see, junior, women are such willful people, you have to pay more attention.”


Alexia can’t keep up with this [senior]’s pace.

Didn’t he come to talk to me about business? Why did it suddenly turn into a discussion about how to deal with women? By the way, was he sure that Exia would have twelve blood partners in the future?

“…I won’t have so many blood partners. If I have to say it, one will be enough.”

After thinking hesitantly for a while, Exia tentatively gave this answer.

When Qi Yi and Zana heard this answer, they were slightly stunned for a moment, and then Qi Yi couldn’t help laughing: “Hehehe… one – but I see that there seems to be one beside you now. Do you have several partners to choose from?”

“They’re all my friends.”

“Yes, friend. Well, that’s a good statement.” Qi Yi stood up, “But I also have to tell you one thing, junior. The so-called partner does not necessarily mean the [loved one]. In the long run, The person who has been with you throughout the years can definitely be called a [partner]. When you have been with someone for more than ten years, or even decades, are you sure you can still leave each other?”

“But if you want to watch your [friends] die one after another in front of you in a few decades, then it doesn’t matter.”

137. Lifespan theory

Alexia didn’t plan to live long.

He didn’t think too much about the future. As for his life plan, at this stage, he only stayed on things like “Fighting Honkai” and “Being with Bianca”. He hadn’t gone to many more things yet. Thought about it.

But now, Qi Yi’s words made him realize a problem that he had always ignored.


Nowadays, Exia has a lifespan that is almost unlimited. Even if we don’t mention the effect brought by the power of Chimera, after devouring the Fourth True Ancestor, his lifespan is already equivalent to that of the vampire True Ancestor.

Infinity, immortality, immortality, eternal youth…perhaps there will be some changes in his appearance now, but when his body is fully mature, time will no longer bring any changes to him, as he grows older It will stop and live like this forever.

It can be said that he will still exist in time, but time will not continue to pass on him.

He won’t die.

Maybe he can’t even commit suicide.

And compared to him, the life spans of the people he knew couldn’t be compared to him.

In a few decades…a hundred years at most, Alexia will no longer have any of his current friends. Perhaps Shajo Aige and Artoria will always be with him, Delai Ge and the Herrscher of Thunder will always be with him, and Yae Sakura can probably do it, but other than that –

Kiana, Raiden Mei, Bronya, Rita, Bianca… If there were no unexpected circumstances, these people would all leave him in a hundred years. And if there was an accident, it might be earlier.

By that time, can Exia really sit back and watch them die?

“Well, actually, there’s no need to start thinking about it now.” Seeing Alexia’s thoughts, Qi Yi smiled easily, “Although it sounds a bit scary, the situation I mentioned should be seventy or eighty at the fastest. It won’t happen until a few years later. Then you have a lot of time to struggle and think about it. Maybe after thirty or forty years, you will take life and death lightly and won’t struggle with this kind of thing anymore.”

“……I will think about it.”

“That’s good. See you later, tonight or tomorrow. Let’s not disturb each other for now.”

After saying this, Qi Yi walked aside.

When Zana saw this, she immediately chased after her. At the same time, she smiled at Alexia and waved: “Goodbye, little guy. The girls around you feel pretty good. Don’t make them cry then. Oh~~~”


Alexia frowned in confusion.

Make you cry?

Why are you crying?

“…In the end, are you just here to say hello?”

Shajo Aige, who had not spoken to each other since Qi Yi and the others arrived, belatedly spoke: “The First True Ancestor… at this distance, you can indeed feel the incredible magic power. It has more magic power than the Great Holy Grail.”

The magic power of the Great Holy Grail is equivalent to the magic power of the Earth’s veins in the sixties. For ordinary people, it is already an extraordinary magic power. However, compared with the first true ancestor who has survived for more than thousands of years and has seventy-two companion beasts in his body, The magic power of the sixties is probably nothing.

“But if we really want to fight, he will definitely not be the opponent of the prince. The strength of the beast determines his upper limit, and the prince can almost be said to have no upper limit… Prince?”

Seeing Alexia’s silence, Shajo Aige couldn’t help but become confused.

“Are you thinking about something? Prince.”

“…Eh? Ah…well, I do care a little.” Exia lay back on the recliner again, “I should say…I have to care about lifespan. “

“I don’t think you need to care so much, Prince – at least not now.”

Shajo Aige sat down next to him.

“You were planning to absorb Miss Bianca’s blood to subdue the beast after you return, right? In that case, you can explain the matter to her and others and let them make a decision.”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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