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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 321

Let Bianca and the others make the decision?

If you have to say it, this is the only way. If Bianca and the others want to stay with her forever, then Alexia will be happy to share her power.


“My partner…can’t you put it another way?”

“I think this statement is very suitable, Prince-sama.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “If it weren’t for the fact that I don’t have a body now, I would be happy to be your partner. But considering our current relationship, in fact, I can already be said to be your [soulmate], right?”

“That’s true.”

There was no denying it. Exia accepted Shajo Aige’s statement calmly.

And at this moment——

“What does soulmate mean?”

Lan Yu Qiancong’s voice suddenly came from the side.

Climbing out of the swimming pool, Lan Yu Qiang, who was all wet, shook her soaked hair, and sat down opposite Alexia with her hands on her hips: “I’m just leaving for a while, why did you start Sha Tiao?” Have you given yourself a name?”

“Ah, Miss Asakusa, you are here, I thought you were completely addicted to playing in the swimming pool.”

“Why are you back? Asakusa.” Alexia was also a little surprised, “Where are Kojou and Nagisa?”

“They said they were going to ride the second round, and Nagisa was completely addicted.” Lanyu Asakon pointed to the water roller coaster not far away, “Kojo is accompanying her, I just ride it once, and I’ll ride it for a while. I couldn’t stand it a little, so I came back to take a break – did Huangsaka buy this drink? Thanks.”

“It’s just a little effort.”

Kosaka Sayaka, who was standing aside, smiled.

After turning away the drink she wanted to drink and taking a big gulp, Lan Yu Qiancong once again mentioned something that she paid special attention to: “So, what is the situation with soul mates? Did you sneak away again, Sajo Aige?”

“How can you say [again]? It’s just a matter of fact. Right? Prince~~~”

“…It’s just because I remembered something just now.”

“Don’t change the topic.” Lan Yu Qiancong glared at Axia, “But…that means it was because of that topic that Sha Tiao said that? Who and what did you talk about? “


Alexia hesitated.

She was facing Lan Yu Qiancong, who liked her. If she mentioned the blood partner in front of her, it was not difficult for Alexia to imagine how she would react.

(Should it be better to put it another way?)

“It’s not a special topic.”

After thinking about it, Aixia said: “I was just told something that I have always ignored – asking me whether I want to walk alone or with a group of people from now on.”

“It’s just such a simple topic.”

138. The second true ancestor

After that, because Akatsuki Nagisa was quite addicted to playing outside, and Akatsuki Kojou and Aiha Asakusa were also influenced by her, they waited until sunset before Alexia and others returned to the villa from the swimming pool.

As soon as he returned to the villa, Akatsuki Nagisa, who had been playing all day long, collapsed directly on the sofa.

“What a happy day… I feel like I won’t get tired of playing here for a week.”

“Indeed, just following you around really exhausted us to death.”

Akatsuki looked at his sister with a tired look on his face: “You’re a little too energetic today, aren’t you? Asakusa, Axia, Koisaka.”

“I think it’s good for Nagisa to be more active like this. It’s rare to come to such a big water park, so it’s unreasonable not to have fun.” Alexia said with a smile.

“This is really unconvincing to say from someone like you who has never been in the water before…”

Unlike Lan Yu Qiancong and others, Alexia didn’t even go into the swimming pool once in the entire afternoon. While they were playing in the water, this person sat on the shore and basked in the sun like an old man, very leisurely. As he drank the drink, it almost made people wonder whether he was here to have fun or to drink?

Even Kosaka Sayaka was thrown into a swimming pool by Alexia for a while.

“There is no way, my physical ability is too high, I can’t play with you, and it will ruin your interest, right? – What about dinner?”

It’s almost six o’clock in the evening now.

Although there are many restaurants in the scenic area, the number of tourists in the Blue Paradise has increased throughout the day. There are people in front of almost every restaurant, and the seats cannot fit into a table for five people, so Ixia and others People didn’t eat in the scenic spot, but came back directly to prepare their own meals.

However, several people did not buy ingredients.

The refrigerator in the kitchen had some stocked up in advance, but those alone were probably not enough to feed the five people present.

“Want me to go buy some now?”

Kosaka Sayaka suggested.

“Or, I think I and Your Majesty’s villa should also have ingredients in reserve, and we should be able to bring them from there.”

“Then I’ll leave it to you, Huangsaka~~~~”

Lan Yuqiang also floated to the sofa and lay down with Xiao Nagisa: “I’m very tired now, so I’m going to take a nap. Just call me when you have dinner ready. Ha~~~~ah~~~~ “

“Me too, the rest is up to you, Brother Xia, Kojou, Sister Sayaka~~~~”

Amidst these two lazy sounds, Lan Yu Qiancong and Akatsuki Sabe tilted their heads and fell asleep on the sofa.

Alexia sighed helplessly: “It looks like she is really exhausted.”

“After all, I have ridden that water roller coaster five times. It fell from a height of 97 meters to the sea at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour. My heart almost flew out after just one ride.” Xiao Gucheng sighed. , “If you were to sit there for a while, Alexia, you would be able to feel the same way.”

“No, I think it’s nothing. It’s only a height of ninety-seven meters. I can tolerate it if the speed goes up two or three times.”


Xiao Gucheng really wanted to ask himself what his best friend’s body was made of!

Even if he is the strongest in the world, his body will not be as hard as this!

“So the next step is for Kosaka to go buy groceries. Can Kojo and I go to the kitchen to prepare first?”

“Just don’t go into the kitchen. It feels like it will be a disaster.” Xiao Gucheng stopped Alexia’s footsteps, “You and Huangsaka should go shopping together. There are so many dishes. I want Huangsaka to be the only one.” No one can take it, right?”

“That’s right – let’s go, Koisaka.”

After speaking, Alexia walked towards the door.

However, just when the two of them walked out of the villa and onto the road outside—


However, a violent gust of wind suddenly fell from the sky. The surging wind that made people think of a helicopter taking off and landing fell on Alexia and Kyosaka Sayaka without warning!

At the same time, a huge black shadow also covered the dusk of the evening, and the sound of flapping wings reached the ears of the two people.

“That is……”


Different from Alexia’s doubts, after looking up to see the situation clearly above, Kosaka Sayaka immediately exclaimed.

The thing that casts the dark shadow is the alien giant bird. Its body is so huge that it can be compared to a dragon. Its feathered wings are spread out widely. It has a gorgeous tail that is reminiscent of a peacock, like a lion’s hind legs, and its head is like a fierce dog.

“Do you know this kind of monster? Huangsaka?”

“No… I can’t say that we know each other, I just read about it.” Sayaka Kosaka frowned and said, “Simog is the legendary dream god who lives on a spiritual mountain in the Middle East. Bird is the king of all birds. It has a high degree of intelligence and an immortal body. Almost no one has seen its face – why does it appear here?”

“It must have been ridden over by someone.”


Aksia’s terminology made Kosaka Sayaka a little confused. She actually used the legendary monster as a mount… Who could it be——

“Wait, the Middle East…could it be…”

“It should be that one.”

In fact, almost at the same time that Simog’s figure appeared in the sky, Ixia had already felt it…or it should be said that the guys in his body felt it.

The same situation as in the afternoon.


Without folding his wings and landing on the ground, Simoge just stopped in the air more than ten meters high. And then on its back, a figure gradually floated up, as if being held by a pair of invisible hands, slowly descended from the sky, and landed steadily on Exia and Huangsaka. In front of Sayaka.

It was a petite figure who appeared to be fifteen or sixteen years old at most. He was wearing a rich dress with dark red as the main color and gold trimmings. His long purple hair was tied into twin tails. His appearance looked quite delicate and upright, and his skin was also beautiful. She is very fair-skinned.

[A very cute and beautiful girl] – Such a figure appeared in front of Exia.

“It’s you…”

Glancing at Alexia with blood-colored eyes, the girl’s lips curved into a smile that seemed to show some interest.

“Although it is said that it is based on feeling…and the perception of magic power…but it seems that my intuition is not bad…yo.”

The beast became active inside the body.

Alexia sighed slightly: “In terms of the way you appear, you are much more ostentatious compared to the other two. If possible, I still hope that you can be like Jia Da and Qi Yi, so as to be slightly less attractive. Come here with attention.”

“——The Second True Ancestor, [Eye of Extinction].”

139. True ancestors gather

The second true ancestor, the Eye of Extinction.

Among the four existing true ancestors, this one is the one with the least known information.

Since Exia has always lived on Genkami Island, her whereabouts are completely transparent to a certain extent. The last time the First True Ancestor was confirmed to have appeared was eight years ago, when he was trying to resolve the Fourth Danberbezowski Dispute. Not to mention Jiada, who has appeared twice in the past year, and previously announced in a high-profile manner that she would visit Genkami Island.

All three True Ancestors have appeared within the past ten years.

But the second true ancestor, the last time he appeared was twenty-two years ago.

I didn’t expect that when I went abroad for a visit after such a long time, I would just ride a swaggering mount like Simoge.

That is because this is the blue paradise, and there are not many people living in the nearby residential area, otherwise it would have caused an uproar by now. Compared with Qi Yi, who pretended to be an ordinary tourist, and Garda, who had secretly visited Gengami Island before, Elsword’s behavior was quite eye-catching.

The reason why I always disappear is because I haven’t gone out for twenty-two years. Is it suffocating?

Regarding Exia’s words, Elsword just showed a rather charming smile: “We… how we want to act… it all depends on our own preferences. …. Well, you don’t need to care about mortal rules and moods…yo.”

Should I say elegant?

Elsword’s way of speaking seemed to be intentional, which made Exia raise an eyebrow.

“It seems… Qi Yi and Jia Da… haven’t come yet? Then it seems we can… have some fun first?”

It should have been a question, but Elsword’s last words sounded like he was certain. At the same time, in her petite body, powerful magic power comparable to a volcanic eruption arose in an instant!

The crimson mist enveloped her whole body, and the blood mist with dense magical power instantly occupied the entire road, and the space seemed to be distorted in this mist.

And then, in the mist, several animal-like creatures appeared like soldiers!

That is……

“Familiar beasts!? And—dinosaurs?!”

The familiar beast that emerged from the blood mist of the Second True Ancestor is the ultimate super-ancient creature that should have disappeared from the earth tens of millions of years ago!

Several carnivorous dinosaurs with a body length of more than five meters directly became the overlords on the entire road! There are a lot of depressions in the street, overlooking Alexia and Kyosaka Sayaka from a high position!

Kosaka Sayaka’s expression suddenly trembled, and she subconsciously put her hand on the black musical instrument box she had been carrying, preparing to take out the Koukarin. At the same time, he quickly glanced behind him with worried eyes – there were three ordinary people in the small villa behind! If two true ancestors fight in a place like this…

(Should we stop it? No… Or should Lan Yu Qian Cong and the others be taken away first?)

“Don’t do anything, okay?”

Alexia’s somewhat plain voice dispelled the panic in Sayaka Kosaka’s heart.

Endless cold air emanated from his body, and the sudden drop in temperature to sub-zero made Kosaka Sayaka shiver several times quickly, and he quickly ran towards the still warm Alexia.

At the same time, the dinosaur beasts that occupied the entire road stopped moving one after another in the air-conditioning. A large number of ice crystals formed on their bodies, and white frost hung on their huge bodies. superior.



All the beasts turned directly into crushed ice shards!

A look of joy suddenly appeared on Elsword’s beautiful face: “Pure power…the power of freezing? It’s not [The Enchantress of Blue Ice]…it’s really interesting.”

The twelfth familiar beast of the Fourth True Ancestor, the Enchanting Princess Cang Bing.

Speaking of the power of ice in the Fourth True Ancestor, the only reason should be this familiar beast. But Elsword could feel that the power Exia used just now was not a familiar beast at all, but his own power, which was closer in nature to the innate ability of a certain demon.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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