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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 322

Can you defeat the True Ancestor’s beasts without even using them? Although Elsword wasn’t serious at all and was just joking, there probably weren’t many people in the world who could do such a thing.

“Huh? In this case…it seems that we have already said hello?”

At this moment, a voice that Alexia had only heard a few hours ago sounded from the other side of the street not far away.

Putting his hands in the pockets of his baggy trousers, Qi Yi smiled and jumped over the dents stepped by the dinosaur beasts: “How many years have we not seen you? You are a dead ladyboy, you are still pretending to be a woman as always.”

“Qi Yi…”

Elsword was not angry at his old friend’s offensive words, but just smiled: “It doesn’t matter whether it’s a boy or a girl… it doesn’t matter to me… yo, just like the sun is the sun ….The moon is the moon…just keep the most fundamental…beautiful thing.”

“Haha, seeing that you are still like this, I’m relieved that you haven’t changed drastically because of staying at home.” Qi Yi smiled, and then looked at Ike Xia, “Hey, I haven’t seen you for a few hours, Ike Xia. Sia. Excuse me.”

“…Isn’t your wife with you?”

After coming back to his senses from what Qi Yi said just now, Alexia looked around him, but did not find the figure of Miss Zana.

Qi Yi spread her hands: “I don’t need to take her with me everywhere, right? She is still playing in the scenic area now. She will probably come back by herself when the night is late. I think it’s because you might be here at night There will be some interesting things, so I came to see you. It seems that I really bumped into you, I have a good hunch. “

The first true ancestor, the second true ancestor, and the fourth true ancestor.

The three true ancestors have now gathered together, and the only one who is not present is——

“Oh? So I’m the last one?”

Another voice sounded out of thin air.

A dark vortex appeared on the other side of Ixia, and as it grew larger, two figures also walked out of it.

One is a beautiful girl with green hair and emerald eyes. The other was a black-haired girl wearing a Ayumi Academy uniform carrying a black guitar case.

“Jia Da, and… Ji Hiiragi.” Alexia said the name of the person who came.

“I haven’t seen you for a month, my beloved Alexia.” Jiada smiled, “But I shouldn’t be too late, right? Anyway, we didn’t have any agreement, we just happened to get together.”

“Indeed. So…”

Qi Yi looked at Aikexia: “Is there dinner? The Fourth True Ancestor – you are the host, please treat us to a meal.”

Alexia “……”

These three True Ancestors, turned out to be here to make a living?

140. Meeting at the BBQ


Almost an hour later.

In the courtyard of the Exiya Villa.

On the grill that was burning brightly, the top-quality meat slices that had just been urgently delivered by the Artificial Island Management Commune were making charming sounds. The spices and sauces that had been sprinkled on them were also released under the burning flames. It gives off an appetizing aroma.

Today’s dinner is a barbecue party.

Although there are four true ancestors gathered here, logically speaking, dinner should be held in a magnificently decorated hotel restaurant, with the world’s top chefs using the best ingredients to prepare the most delicious dishes – this is As it should be.


[This is a private meeting for the few of us, so don’t make too much of a fuss and just have a simple barbecue party]

Qi Yi suggested this.

Elsword and Jiada also agreed with this suggestion. After all, when it comes to things that must be done at the beach, barbecue at the beach is naturally indispensable. BBQing under the night breeze is a very youthful part of the experience.

so now–

“Your Majesty… Your Majesty, it’s baked.”

Putting the perfectly cooked barbecue on the table not far from the barbecue grill, Xiao Gucheng said with some fear.

The dinner was indeed a barbecue party, but the participants were not just the four true ancestors. Xiao Gucheng and Lan Yu Qiancong, who were staying in the villa before, are now all invited. But in fact, they were just tool chefs who were called over to be responsible for the barbecue.

Xiao Gucheng was in charge of the table of Exia and Qi Yi, while Lan Yu Qiang was in charge of the table of Jiada and Elsword. Kosaka Sayaka and Himeira Yukina stood aside to help them.

The four true ancestors are only responsible for eating.

“Oh haha~~~The craftsmanship is pretty good, boy.”

Qi Yi, who had already begun to drink beer, picked up a piece of barbecue with chopsticks and threw it into his mouth. The taste was quite satisfactory to him. He smiled and patted Xiao Gucheng on the shoulder: “Very good, this is the taste. Keep working hard.” Bake it.”

“Yes Yes!”

Being treated like this by the First True Ancestor, even if he stayed with the Fourth True Ancestor every day, Xiao Gucheng was so nervous that he was about to have a stomach perforation at this moment, and his eyes quickly glanced at Exia,

(Exia! Save me! Didn’t you ask me to come here to kill me?)

(It’s hopeless, let’s continue to barbecue.)

He responded to Xiao Gucheng with his eyes, and after seeing him run back to the barbecue grill with despair, Ixia also ate a piece of barbecue: “…Don’t bully my friend too much, Qi Yi. “

“Ah haha? Do you think I’m bullying him? I seldom praise others.” Qi Yi ate meat and drank wine, “But after all, that kid was once a blood servant of No. 12, I thought he was half from here, but it turns out isn’t it?”

“He is no longer there, so there is no need for him to accept more burdens.” Ixia said, “Forgetting about Agulola is also a good thing for him. At least in my opinion, the current ancient city Very happy. I also think it’s good for him to be like this.”

“Hmm~~~ You are quite considerate and gentle. This is how you deal with it.”

“If you have any opinions, please speak up. No need to beat around the bush.”

Qi Yi waved his hand: “No, I don’t have any opinions. Everyone has their own way of dealing with it and principles of action, and others are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks. Me too – by the way, why don’t you drink? Wouldn’t it be half the fun to eat barbecue without drinking alcohol?”

When Qi Yi said the second half of the sentence, he threw two or three cans of beer directly at Alexia.

These wines are all rummaged from the oversized refrigerator in the villa. In the refrigerator that occupies almost an entire wall of the kitchen, in addition to juice drinks, there are also many expensive and famous wines, and two or three cabinets are filled with beer. If there is nothing you want to drink, the management commune will bring it to you immediately.

“…I’m not an adult yet, so I don’t drink.” Alexia pushed the beer back. “If it’s a serious occasion, forget it. Even if I’m giving you face, I’ll drink it.” Two drinks, but since it’s our private party now, I don’t have to follow you, right? I can just drink.”

“Haha~~~ You are the only one in the world who dares to talk to us like this.”

Holding a glass of red wine, Jiada walked over to another table not far away: “You guys seem to get along well? You and Qi Yi get along more naturally than when you get along with me, Ike. West Asia.”

“Men always get along better with men than with women – except for Elsword over there.” Qi Yi said with a smile.

Elsword, who was named by him, rolled his eyes at him unhappily, and also picked up the wine glass and walked over: “Men and women… I really don’t know why you… want to separate. It’s so clear… to us… gender has no meaning anymore…”


For the true ancestors who have survived for countless years, their preferences may not be limited to the opposite sex. In addition, vampires only like blood, even if they are of the same sex, as long as the blood is delicious enough, it doesn’t matter.

“No, it still means something to me.” Jiada shook her head slightly, “If Ixia becomes a woman, then I will be a little troubled. I still like him as a man.”



These words immediately surprised Qi Yi and Elsword. Their eyes quickly glanced at Exia, and then they seemed to have discovered something, and they showed meaningful smiles one after another.

Qi Yi even patted Aikexia on the shoulder: “I didn’t realize that you had a lot of trouble, Aikexia. I also said that I wanted to teach you how to deal with women. Isn’t it completely useless now?”

“…If you don’t want to be beaten by me again, don’t talk about it again, Jiada.”

Alexia frowned tightly.

He really didn’t want others to misunderstand his relationship with Jia Da. By the way, he could already feel the gaze projected from Lan Yu Qiancong – [What does it mean to be liked by the Third True Ancestor? ! 】——The eyes seemed to be roaring like this.

Faced with Alexia’s warning, Jia Da, who didn’t want to cause trouble, also smiled and took a sip of wine: “Okay, okay~~~ I listen to you on this aspect. It is indeed not right to dismantle the island here. Good thing. I’ll just obey you once.”

“Well, now that we are almost familiar with each other…it’s time to get down to business, right?”

Four true ancestors.

Now sit on all four sides of the same table.

Dinner is halfway through, and it is indeed appropriate to start talking about business at this time – after all, having dinner together is just an excuse. Talking about business during dinner is something that everyone knows Things that are understood and acquiesced.

It was just like the true ancestors gathered together at the same time.

141.Kaslana Empire

What Jiada said caused the atmosphere in the courtyard to fall into silence for a moment.

Xiao Gucheng and others who were not far away naturally heard these words.

Because Sayaka Kosaka and Yukina Himiragi are people on the road, they have long been accustomed to listening to some important events, so they are not very nervous now.

But Xiao Gucheng and Lan Yu Qiancong were a little restless.

(Business… it’s really more than just a dinner.)

(Is it really okay for us to stay here?)

Thoughts like this ran through both of their minds.

As for Exia—

“About this… I haven’t actually seen it… yet.”

Elsword was the first to break the silence.

“The [Shadow] that is enough to swallow up all the [Curse] we are waiting for…you have to let me see it first…yo.”

“…..All right.”

After glancing at the side of Xiaogu City and feeling that she couldn’t hide it anymore, Exia stood up and came to the open space illuminated by light, and slightly poured out her shadow. The squirming shadow was like leaking oil. In an instant, It turned into a pool of darkness and spread out, and there seemed to be a large number of corpses and limbs of some kind of creature floating in it.

Alexia stood on the shadow and said: “Jia Da has already met her. Qi Yi has also met her once before, but I didn’t introduce her at that time – this is the biggest reason why Jiada called you here. , the [Chimera] I hold.”


A hybrid monster, a symbol of chaos.

“This shadow is just one of its manifestations. Because it is relatively close to its essence, and it was like this in the beginning, I am accustomed to using it this way. During the feast of flames in March this year, I relied on With the power of the Chimera, he completely swallowed up the Fourth True Ancestor and took away all its power.”

“And now, I hope Exia can swallow up all our power.”

Jiada added the second half of the sentence.

“I don’t think I need to explain the specific reasons again, Qiyi, Elsword. This is an opportunity for us, isn’t it?”

“…I have already expressed my opinion to Alexia during the day.” Qi Yi took a sip of beer, “If you want me to be swallowed by him, you can. But not now, although for the king of the empire, I have no nostalgia for my identity, and I have no intention of ever dominating the world, but it would be too irresponsible to step down without even a little preparation and follow-up work.”

Jiada was not surprised by this statement: “I think so. In fact, I also have the same idea. No matter whether it is a hundred years or two hundred years, when we have done everything we need to do, then there will be nothing Any burden has been swallowed up – what about you? Elsword.”


There was no immediate answer, Elsword just stared at Exia’s [Shadow], and after a long time he slowly said: “Well…it is indeed an ability just like its name…What if this is the case?” This power…can indeed end the curse. I don’t have any objection…yo.”

The First True Ancestor, the Second True Ancestor, and the Third True Ancestor—the three kings of the Night Empire—all expressed their approval.

After all, the three of them became true ancestors in order to completely eliminate the beasts. Even though countless years have passed and they have long been accustomed to the existence of the beasts, the beasts are definitely not useful weapons for them. , and is not a trustworthy partner.

Just a bunch of willful beasts.

It is not a threat to them if this kind of thing continues to be placed in the body, but if they can not be with them, it will be better for the three of them. That would also be considered as an end to the curse and remnants that had been carried on since the super ancient times.


Elsword’s tone changed.

“Can you really… bear it…?”

A suspicious tone was directed at Exia.

Yes, even if the three true ancestors are willing to accept such an arrangement, if the most critical Aixia cannot meet their expectations, then everything will be in vain.

Seventy-two horses from the First True Ancestor, nineteen horses from the Second True Ancestor, twenty-seven horses from the Third True Ancestor, plus twelve horses from the Fourth True Ancestor.

There are a total of one hundred and thirty beasts in total. Can Exia really swallow them all and carry them all on her back with her own strength? Does he really have that much power?

Elsword was quite skeptical about this.

Even though he had learned from Jiada that Exia could defeat her, and it was clear that Exia had the power to defeat the True Ancestor alone, the number of familiar beasts was too much. To stuff them all into one person’s body is unimaginable the burden this would place on that person!

At least, none of the three true ancestors present could say that they could do it.

Alexia himself was not sure about this, after all, this was something he had never tried before.

“Then…how about this?”

Qi Yi suddenly had an idea.

“Exia, how about you fight the three of us at the same time?”

“Eh?” Alexia was a little surprised, “At the same time…do you mean to let me fight one against three?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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