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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 323

“Well, it can also be said that the three of us teamed up to beat you up – this is the most direct test method, right?”

Jiada and Elsword also understood what Qi Yi meant when they heard this.

If Exia can defeat the three true ancestors at the same time and join forces, it means that he has the ability to suppress all the familiar beasts. If this is the case, it also means that he has the capacity to accept all the familiar beasts. But if he can’t do it, it proves that his ability is far from enough to carry it all, and the matter will fail.

“As for the location, we can set it in Antarctica. There are almost no people there. We can freely attack. If we go long, South America will be slightly affected, which is not a big problem. – How about it? Do you dare to go next, kid?”

“…I’ll have to think about it.”

Putting away her shadow, Exia sat back at the table.

Although he has the power to directly crush Jia Da, but judging from the number of familiar beasts, maybe Qi Yi is several levels stronger than Jia Da, plus Elsword… With one If there are three enemies, even if he has completely completed the hand-forbidden transformation of the sub-species, the possibility of defeat is not impossible.

Therefore, Exia needs to think about it.

“Well, let’s wait until tomorrow night. It just so happens that we have to talk about something important to you at tomorrow’s meeting.”

“……What’s up?”

“Of course it’s a formal recognition of your identity and status.”

Jiada smiled and said: “You are the fourth true ancestor and the master of Xian Shen Island. This is something that all insiders agree on. But so far, you have never officially announced it in public. Let this matter be The acquiescence has been recognized by the whole world, right?”

“So, Qiyi and Elsword, I will serve as witnesses this time to formally recognize the establishment of the fourth Empire of Night – tentatively named [Kaslana Empire] – and recognize [Exia Kaslana] is the new Emperor of the Night and will become the ruler of this world with us.”

This is another reason why the three great empires of the night will gather together to visit String God Island.

“You will become a [King] equal to us, or even above us, Exia.”

Jiada raised the wine glass in her hand towards Exia.

142. Do you desire power?

Acknowledge Exia as the new Emperor of the Night.

The words spoken from Jia Da’s mouth made everyone in the courtyard stunned and surprised.

Alexia’s brows knitted together for the first time.

“I should have said, Garda, that I didn’t want to—”

“This has nothing to do with your wishes, but something that must be done under various circumstances.”

Jada interrupted Alexia’s words.

Qi Yi also spoke at this time: “Listen to us first, Ixia. After listening to it, you will understand why we want to do this – let me think about it… Let’s start with the current structure of this world. Almost 90% of the reasons why today’s world will have the current social structure is because of the [Sanctuary Treaty] that I took the lead in establishing, right? “

“I know this, there is no need to repeat it.”

Exia already knows enough about the sanctuary treaty.

“Then you should also know that the reason why the Sanctuary Treaty was established and continues to this day is almost entirely due to the combat power of our three night empires, right?” Qi Yi continued, “Although the power far exceeds that of humans, demons are Compared with humans, the demon clan is actually a weak group, with an overwhelming shortage in numbers. In order to protect the demon clan and allow the two parties to coexist harmoniously, our three true ancestors defeated almost the entire world with their strength, and suggested that the Holy Spirit Domain Treaty.”

“The reason why all the participating countries of the Sanctuary Treaty will obediently abide by it is because the three of us are still in the world.”

Although it is impossible to quell all wars, the existence of the three true ancestors can at least prevent super-large-scale wars from happening, and keep all chaos as limited as possible to the level of regional chaos, so as not to spread the flames of war. world. Moreover, the three Night Empires also have some secret tacit understanding with each other. Even if they have no contact with each other, they still have a sense of propriety when dealing with international affairs.

It can be said that today’s world peace depends largely on the three empires of night and the three true ancestors.

“But if we are really swallowed by you later, what will happen to this world?” Qi Yi asked Ixia, “I will just tell you the result – it should last for a while in a short time. Peace, but as time goes by, war will inevitably break out again between humans and demons, and eventually it will evolve into a war on a global scale.”

This is a conflict between race and ethnicity.

Humans and demons are indeed living in peace now, but this peace is as fragile as a mirror. Demonic special zones like Genkami Island may be slightly better, but there are still many countries in the world that promote racial opposition, and there are also many radical organizations with racial eugenics like the Black Death Emperor faction…

This world is indeed peaceful, but it is only generally peaceful. Enemies who hate peace and long for chaos are always there.

“For a long time, those who want to cause trouble have been scared by us and dare not come out, but if we are gone, or our power is taken away. Maybe in the first few years, they will confirm the authenticity of things and Not so arrogant, but once confirmed, the behavior will definitely become arrogant.”

“…Don’t your respective empires of night have the ability to make peace?” Ixia asked in return, “Isn’t the War King’s Army in the War King’s Domain the strongest army in the world? Besides, you also have a large number of people under your command. As vampires from the old era, mere terrorists shouldn’t be able to do anything to you, right?”

Qi Yi smiled: “Maybe. I think it can be done in a hundred or two hundred years – but what about after that? The current speed of technological development is astonishingly fast. Even if there is something that can be done in a few decades, it can be done in a hundred years.” I wouldn’t be surprised if the weapon used to kill our true ancestors is 100%. And…when did I say that the only enemies are [terrorists]?”


Does this mean that there are still enemies that have not yet shown their fangs and are still lurking in the shadows?

“The world… is very vast… yo.” Elsword took a sip of red wine gracefully, “It’s not just… the earth. Above the sky… .In the universe…in the infinite depths of darkness…there are countless peepers…”

“That’s what it is – so we need a guarantee, Exia.”

Qi Yi raised the beer can towards Alexia: “A [Suppression Power] that can replace the three of us and suppress all malice – there is no more suitable candidate than [The World’s Strongest Vampire], right? ?”

“…So that’s what happened.”

The three true ancestors need Exia to make a choice.

Tomorrow, as they just said, the three of them will recognize Exia’s status and identity under the eyes of the whole world, and allow Genkami Island to be completely independent.

After that, Exia needed to make a choice.

No, it should be said that the result will be achieved through fighting.

If Exia decides to devour them and lift the curse of the familiar beasts on them, it means that Exia is willing to become the new inhibitory force after them. After a few decades or one or two hundred years, he will lead Genkami Island to come. Dominate this world that has lost its three true ancestors, making Xian Kami Island the only empire of night in the world.

And if Exia loses and fails to defeat the three of them together, then all the above will be in vain, and the result will be Exia becoming the new Emperor of the Night.

“…What if I lose to you on purpose?”

Alexia asked.

“Your approach is based on the fact that I will respond to your ideas seriously and accept all your arrangements, right? But if I don’t cooperate, your efforts will be in vain.”

“But you wouldn’t do that, would you?” Jiada smiled, “Indeed, more than a month ago, there were some changes in how you handled things. You became more pleasing to the eye and more willful than before. You have more freedom. But at the same time, you also have [self-esteem].”

“Does your self-esteem allow you to deliberately lose?”

“And… when did you become so arrogant that you dared to admit defeat in the face of us? Qi Yi and Elsword aside, if you lose in the battle with us, I will not be polite to you. ——You should know what will happen if you fall into my hands, right?”

Jiada licked her lips, and a fierce light flashed in her eyes for a moment.

In fact, Exia only has one choice right now——

[Are we going to bear the power and will of the three great ancestors? 】


Although it didn’t really appear, Ixia always felt that the familiar burning words seemed to appear in her eyes.

[Do you desire power? 】

The time has come for the second choice.

143. I won’t go back with you

The barbecue ended in an hour.

After finishing all the words and having a hearty dinner, the three of Qi and Yi left Aixia’s villa.

[I will give you one day to think about it. If you are ready, after tomorrow’s press conference, the three of us can accompany you to fight with all our strength]

[Let us take a good look at your measurements at that time]

This was the last word left by Qi Yi, and it was also the last word left by the three true ancestors to Aikexia.

And now, on the second floor balcony of the big villa.


Alexia, who said she didn’t drink, was now holding a can of beer in her hand, lying on the armrest and drinking towards the moon.

Alexia had drank wine before. For example, when he went to a banquet on behalf of Otto, he would drink a little red wine and champagne, but it was only a few symbolic sips each time.

This was his first time drinking beer.

In terms of taste, Ixia felt that it was no different from soda. Alcohol or other substances had no effect on him, just like tasteless soda.

“King…am I going to be that kind of person?”

Become an emperor.

Dominate Xiankami Island, and then wait decades or hundreds of years to devour the three true ancestors, and then use absolute power to control the evil in this world, maintain the world without problems, and maintain the balance and harmony between humans and demons. coexistence.

“It’s almost like asking me to [save the world]. In terms of the level of help, isn’t this too much? Have they considered my age?”

Alexia is only 17 years old.

Logically speaking, he should still be at school age. Being a student like Xiao Gucheng and others who doesn’t need to worry about too many things is what he should do at this age. But he has been squeezed by Bishop Otto to work overtime since he was fifteen years old. After that, he went to another world to fight monsters, trying his best to protect something and save something, and finally felt as if something was missing from him. , and as a result, such a big thing was placed in front of him again.

If it was the Exia before, it would definitely not be like this now.

Kaslana’s knight family protects people, friends, lovers and family, and even the world – as long as these things can be done, Kaslana is happy to take on the responsibility and do her best to do so.

Alexia should have been like that.

but now……

“It’s rare to see you so distressed.”

A friend’s voice came from behind.

Alexia looked over and said, “You haven’t left yet, Qiaoniao.”

Lan Yu Asakon: “Someone has to clean up those things down there, right? Kojou, Kojosaka, I, and I have been busy until now, and Kojou has gone to cook for Nagisa. Kosaka seems to be reporting to the big shots in the Lion King organization. Work. If I have nothing to do, I will come find you.”

(Kisaka…that’s right. It’s unreasonable for her not to report such a big matter to the Lion King organization. Ji Hiiragi should also report it, right?)

Alexia thought.

(Speaking of which, Qi Yi and Elsword didn’t see any monitors from the Lion King Organization around them—could they just leave the monitors with the envoys who will arrive tomorrow?)

It doesn’t feel impossible.

Although Qiyi and Elsword only got along for a dinner, Exiya could clearly see that [both of them were quite willful people].

Lan Yu Qian Cong, on the other hand, came to Alexia with a can of juice in his hand and leaned against the armrest with him——

“Are you thinking about what the True Ancestors said before? About becoming the king of Genkami Island?”


“…That’s right, this is indeed something that makes people distressed.”

Even though Exia has always been regarded as the king of Genkami Island so far, that is the opinion of others after all. Now he is required to officially assume this title and responsibility, and even further assume it dozens or hundreds of years later. More… It’s natural for Exia to be troubled.

“So, are you worried about whether to become the king?”

“…So be it.” Alexia took a sip of wine. “You know, Qianqiong, that I am not from this world. I will leave this world at the end of February next year. Although the time here is I will definitely come back after the past month, but a month here may be months or even years to me. And when I return to this world again… to put it bluntly , I was just thinking about this question [Is it really appropriate for me to be the king in this situation?].”

This is a matter of responsibility.

Within a month before this, Exia had already made a decision. In order to get more power and to be able to better fight against Honkai in the future, he can accept the requests of the true ancestors, but in exchange, he will make a proposal of “let me swallow part of the power first”.

On the one hand, it is to show the ability of one’s power to the true ancestors, and it can also be regarded as giving a guarantee. On the other hand, it is to continue to make myself stronger.

Normal exercise would do little for him.

The existence of God’s favor makes him continue to become stronger every minute. His automatically growing ability value has already reached the level where he can be upgraded, and the [Great Deeds] required for upgrade… ..I guess I’ll be satisfied after tomorrow’s all-out battle with the three true ancestors.

And after that, he still needs more power – the beloved beasts of the true ancestors will turn into his magic power, strengthening the beloved beasts on him. If he were to describe it in terms of Herrscher, the twelve familiar beasts should all become his [Associated Honkai Beasts].

This is how Alexia originally made up her mind.

But with the power he received came responsibility. If Exia was not from another world, but a native of this world, then he would not be as distressed and hesitant as he is now.

But he is not.

He would leave this world. From this point of view, it was still a regular occurrence, and he would disappear for a month every now and then.

Such a person is not suitable to be a king. Even if he becomes a king, he cannot manage an empire well.

“…You are struggling with this kind of thing.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong pursed his lips, and then showed an expression as if he had thought of some idea, but immediately grabbed his hair a few times in embarrassment: “Ah… um… this is really true. Yes… I just said that before, and it’s really true that I still say that now…”

“Light onion?”

Her actions made Alexia a little confused: “What’s wrong with you? Are you thinking about something?”

“That’s right… I said, Alexia.” Lan Yu Qianqing calmed down, “Since you are thinking about this kind of thing, are you willing to be that night as long as this problem is solved? The emperor?”

“Eh? Ah~~Hmm.”

Take a deep breath~~~~


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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