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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 324

As if Lan Yu Qian Cong was making a major decision, she put her hands on her chest and clasped them tightly, looking at Exia attentively: “I won’t go back with you, Exia.”

“I stay in this world.”

144. Same as Shatiao Love Song

Lan Yu Qian Cong originally wanted to return to his world with Ixia.

The Holy Annihilation, which is extremely important to Ixia’s adoptive father, theoretically can only be used by Lan Yu Qian Cong at this stage. This was the only reason why Lan Yu Qiancong could go back with Exia, and she was originally prepared to use this reason to persist to the end.


“Are you ready to give up now? Miss Asakon.”

Shajo Aige appeared.

“Could it be that I have finally recognized the reality? It’s rare that I am ready to deal with you as a real competitor.”

“You’re here, so why don’t you come out as soon as possible.” Lan Yu gave her a white look, “I just gave up temporarily. And from a practical point of view, it’s too early for me to go over there. There are no substitutes, right?”

There are three conditions for the use of Holy Annihilation – the spell itself, the site used as an altar, and the witch of Cain.

Among them, the Holy Annihilation Technique itself can be handled by Sajo Aige, and Cain’s miko is now present. These two conditions can be said to have been completed.

But [Altar], the world over there is not yet complete.

Based on the style of Genkami Island, it would take several years, maybe even ten years, to emerge in a suitable form in the world there, even with Tianming’s technical strength.

In fact, Lan Yu Qiancong’s past significance is not that great now. Perhaps her extraordinary hacking skills can hold important positions within Tianming, but other than that, there seems to be no use for her.

“So I’ll stay here first, and then you can come and pick me up after you’ve made all the preparations. I think I’ll have graduated from college by then… that’s it… What… I will be old enough to marry you by then, right?”

Calculated ten years later, Lan Yu Qiancong will be twenty-six years old by then. Getting married at this age is actually quite appropriate for girls.

“Before that, I will stay well in the world here and manage this island for you while you are away. Anyway, the situation mentioned by the true ancestors will not happen until decades at the earliest. Will it happen? Then the only thing I have to take care of before is this String God Island. This is what I do for a part-time job, and at most it will just make me busier.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong’s cheeks turned red.

Saying such words was a huge challenge to her own sense of shame. After saying it in one breath, she felt that all her strength was gone!

“Light onion…”

Listening to the solution she came up with, Alexia frowned slightly: “Isn’t this too… for you?”


No matter how powerful her hacking skills are, Lan Yu Qingsong is only a sixteen-year-old high school student. It would be difficult for her to manage a string god island, even with the help of the Artificial Island Management Commune. Not to mention that once you do that, intrigues with all kinds of calculating old foxes will be unavoidable.

Can you really leave these matters to Lan Yu Qian Cong?

“Well… I also have my own selfish motives.”

Lan Yu Qian Cong looked at the moon in the sky.

“I think if you like someone, you must at least do something for that person. If you like that person one-sidedly but don’t do anything for him, doesn’t it seem that this kind of love is empty? Holy Annihilation I can help you with things, but to put it another way, I can only help you with these things. There may be other things in the world here, but what about the world over there?”

In the world over there, there must be someone who can help Exia better—for example, that Bianca.

In the few years before the construction of Xiankami Island in the different world, Lan Yuqiang will not be able to help Exia with anything, and can only pass the time doing nothing here, waiting for the time when she is needed by Exia. . Even if a replacement for the so-called Cain witch is found there, she will completely lose value.

Lan Yu Qianqing didn’t think that she and Alexia would stop being friends because of this, but she definitely couldn’t become a lover with Alexia.

If you want to avoid that situation, you can only…

(Go and take the initiative to fight for my position.)

“…I always feel that this is very unfair to you.” Ixia sighed slightly, “Being liked by you one-sidedly and cared for by you like this, I can’t give it to you now. The response.”

“How could that be? Of course you can give it.”

A thief smile appeared on the corner of Lan Yu Qian Cong’s mouth: “Since I want to manage this island for you, then I must have an identity on the surface, right? And it is an identity that can convince the world and society, and since You belong to the king of Xian Kami Island, so don’t I…”


[The King of Genkami Island, Exia, is away on business, and during his absence, Princess Lan Yu Qianzuo will temporarily manage the entire island] – To put it bluntly, this is the approach.

Shajo Aige’s brows twitched several times: “Miss Asakon…you have finally reached the end of this map. You can only see the map. This is too despicable, isn’t it?”

“Ah? Is this despicable? I think competing with someone should be considered a normal method, right?” Lan Yu Qiancong responded unceremoniously, and then said to Alexia, “Well, she said she is the princess. , but it’s just in name only, I won’t ask you to accompany me to the wedding or submit the marriage application with me or anything like that.”

Now Alexia just wants to do this with Bianca.

Lan Yu Qian Cong knew that he could only wait in line.

“So, just give me a nominal promise, and the rest will be…”

“Light green onion.”

Alexia suddenly interrupted Lan Yu Qian Cong’s words.

Putting the beer can in his hand on the railing, he took a step forward and suddenly stretched out his hands to hug Lan Yu Qianqiong in front of him. Alexia pressed the back of her head and held her tightly in his arms.

Lan Yu Qian Cong: “——!”

Shatiao Aige: “——!”

What’s going on?

(Prince, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

Both of them were stunned.

Then, Ixia loosened her hands and turned her head slightly: “Now…I can only do this, Qian Cong. I am very grateful that you are willing to do so much for me and do this kind of thing for me. , if it weren’t for the fact that I already like Bianca, I think I would like you now.”

“You are the same as Miss Aige now. Although you say different things and want to do different things, you are all for me…I am very grateful to you.”

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Putting her hands on her chest, Aixia took a deep breath: “I…I can’t make absolute guarantees. I have no way of knowing what the future holds now, but – I will do my best. Respond to your feelings for me, respond to your love for me.”

Whether it’s hurting them or giving them the answers they want.

At least, Ixia won’t ignore it or pretend it didn’t happen.

Focus on your strong feelings and he will respond.

[Do you desire rights? 】


For the second choice, Exia gave the answer.


145. Declare one’s existence

The next day.


The top floor of the Blue Paradise’s landmark building [Paradise Hotel] occupies almost half of the floor next to the outdoor swimming pool.

Wearing a simple beach swimsuit just like yesterday, which could even be said to be even simpler than yesterday, Qi Yi leaned on a chair next to the coffee table that was used as a conference table, looking like he was basking in the sun.

This is the place where the meeting between the four true ancestors will be held.

Although Xian Kami Island said that other venues could be prepared, Qi Yi directly said that it would be fine to hold it here, and also bluntly said that the other three true ancestors should also like this place very much.

Naturally, the management of the commune did not dare to have any objections to the behavior of the First True Ancestor. In addition, since this morning, the envoys of the three Night Empires have arrived on the main island of Xiankami Island. Just dealing with the affairs there has already made the management commune very busy. The four true ancestors are willing to do this. Reducing their workload will actually make them happy before it’s too late.

Therefore, there are not many staff here, and none of the subjects of the Empire of Night are here. There are only a few cameras used for broadcasting placed around, and everything that happens here will be broadcast in real time to another meeting on the other side of Gengami Island. On site.

By the way, there was a young girl standing under a parasol not far away.

Those were the monitors and witnesses specially sent by the Lion King Agency in response to this meeting. Qi Yi is somewhat familiar with this Japanese local organization. Thanks to the Lion King Organization, there have been one or two less troublesome things in the world over the years, so he will not refuse this level of surveillance.

As for the girl’s name, he really hadn’t remembered it.

“Huh? Am I the first?”

At this moment, with a burst of space distortion, Jiada, wearing a gorgeous light green dress different from yesterday, appeared not far in front of Qi Yi.

Behind her was a sword wizard with whom she had contact last night.

Qi Yi remembers her name as…

“Here they come. Jiada, and the little girl playing with the Demon-Breaking Holy Spear.”

In fact he didn’t remember.

Jiada randomly chose one of the three empty seats next to the coffee table and sat down, and said: “Ji Hiiragi Xuena, you should go and stay with your colleagues over there first.”


After nodding his head in a neither humble nor condescending manner, Ji Hiiragi Xuena took Xuexia Lang to the parasol.

Qi Yi suddenly grinned: “By the way, that’s the name. He started playing with that gun at such a young age. Hahaha, the Lion King Machine is pretty good at finding such a suitable user.”

“She was originally Exia’s monitor, but he forcibly dismissed her.” Jia Da explained with a smile, “She has good talent and a fair level. If she is well cultivated, she may pose some threat to us, that is. Too young.”

“This can also be said to be a promising future… yo.”

A beautiful voice came from the door not far away.

Still dressed in the same gorgeous and graceful manner, and accompanied by a Lion King agency monitor, Elsword also came to this conference table. After casually instructing the little girl behind him to keep company with Ji Hiiragi Xuena and the others, Elsword sat down next to Jiada: “You haven’t come yet…?”

“Originally, we didn’t say when it would start, so he’s not sure when he’ll come over, right?” Qi Yi said, “However, I think Xian Kamijima will send someone to notify him, and I guess it will be soon – It just so happens that before he comes over, let’s talk about the future.”

things to come.

Originally, this should not be something that the three true ancestors need to consider. Because they are burdened with the curse of the beast, they can already say that they have no future. The future life has already been destined. From now on, they only need to keep moving towards that. Just keep moving towards the goal.

But now there is a turning point.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider how to replace generations and inheritance.

“There is nothing wrong with Elsword and I. Even if I am no longer here, the King of War Realm can continue to operate stably with the existing organizational structure. After all, I have been doing nothing for a long time. It doesn’t matter whether I am here or not. Big. The same goes for Elsword, right?”

“Yes…yo.” Elsword smiled slightly, “My children…are all excellent…although the situation is chaotic and tense…but the problem Not big…Yo.”

The War King Realm and the Extinction Dynasty are both Empires of Night that have fully realized independent operation. They have excellent ministers. Qi Yi and Elsword also have capable heirs. If it weren’t for their own inability to die, Qi Yi would actually I have long wanted to give up my job and hand over my position to my children. Elsword, who had been hiding for twenty-two years, had already delegated power to his children.

For the two empires of night, the True Ancestor has already transformed from an actual leader to a higher-level existence. Even if he leaves the True Ancestor, even if there will be a period of instability at the beginning, the adjustment will be quick. Not to mention that there is a buffer period of nearly a hundred years before that.

“But you are different, Jiada.”

Qi Yi looked at Jiada.

“Your territory is the most chaotic among us. The Caribbean, the ruins left over from the past, the many demons in South America… As far as we know, you have never thought much about the successor. In a hundred years, can you handle the follow-up preparations for that kid to buffer?”

Unlike the War King Domain and the Extinct Dynasty, Jiada has not particularly considered her successor. In addition, she is a female and there has never been any male who can match her. Naturally, there are no direct descendants. The vampires of the Third True Ancestor’s lineage that exist in the world today are all descendants of those vampires who were given their blood by her in the long past.

“Or are you planning to give birth to a successor during this period?”

“It seems to be a good proposal.” Jiada smiled, “But unfortunately, I haven’t found a suitable one yet. You two are different and I am more particular about this aspect.”

Even with Jiada’s ability, it only takes one word to ask her subordinates to find a large number of men for her to choose from, but since it is the person she wants to commit to, it doesn’t matter if she is not an excellent partner, at least she must be able to be with a vampire. Only those who can be compared with the True Ancestor are qualified.

“Well, I won’t bother you two to worry about my affairs. I will naturally take care of everything before I am swallowed up by him.”

“Compared to this, it seems like the last person has arrived.”


The sound of footsteps came from not far away.

The three of them, Qi Yi, all looked at the door where Elsword came from earlier.

Like Qi Yi, she did not dress herself very formally. Alexia, who was dressed quite casually, held the hand of Lan Yu Qianzui and was followed by Kyosaka Sayaka to the meeting place where he was the only one who was not present. superior.

“Have you been waiting for a long time?”

“No, not really.” Qi Yi smiled, “Looking at you… you seem to have made a decision?”


Alexia nodded slightly.

Qi Yi waved his hand to a camera in his field of vision, indicating that the broadcast could start, and then changed to a rather formal sitting position with his hands folded in front of him. Jiada and Elsword also showed serious expressions, and their sitting postures became much more elegant and noble.

“Then let’s officially begin.”

“A meeting about the fourth Empire of the Night – [Kaslana Empire], and the fourth Emperor of the Night – [Exia Kaslana], to formally announce their existence to the world.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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