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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 325

146.At the end of the world

Today’s world is a world maintained by the Sanctuary Treaty.

The Supreme Council of the Sanctuary Treaty Body maintains the Sanctuary Treaty. Its members are representatives of the three permanent members and nine non-permanent members, a total of twelve people.

Under normal circumstances, only more than half of them need to agree to a certain plan, then that plan will be implemented.

Of course, as permanent members of the Council, the three members of the Night Empire, that is, the three true ancestors, all have the right to veto the plan, so in essence, whether a plan is to be implemented basically depends on the true ancestors. Fortunately, in most cases, the true ancestors will not interfere too much, so these veto powers are rarely used.

But today——

【Announce to the world】

Because the three Night Empires had previously sent out news that they were going to visit Genkami Island, they were interested in it and all sat in front of the TV or the radio, listening to the live broadcast of the humans and demons. At this moment, they heard at the same time Such a voice.

[I am the first true ancestor who rules the realm of war kings, the forgotten war king]

The speaker was Qi Yi.

Through live broadcast, people all over the world witnessed his appearance on the TV screen.

And immediately after.

[I am the second true ancestor who rules the Extinction Dynasty…The Eye of Extinction…yo]

The camera rotates, and the picture is divided and then shrunk.

Elsword also appeared on the screen.

[Yunai is the third true ancestor who rules the realm of chaos, the princess of chaos]

The entire screen was divided into three, and Jiada’s figure appeared on the last empty screen.

The three true ancestors appeared at the same time!

For today’s world, this may be the first time such a scene has appeared since the signing ceremony of the Sanctuary Treaty after a lapse of several decades.

Whether they were demons or humans, they all held their breath involuntarily when they saw the scene shown on the TV, for fear that their breathing would interrupt the speeches that the true ancestors were going to make next.

[Everyone who is watching now must know that in March of this year, the existence that has been rumored to be a non-existent fantasy vampire—the Fourth True Ancestor—appeared in the Demon Special Zone in the far east, “Xiangami Island” superior】

As the most famous true ancestor in the world today, Qi Yi, who was placed in the middle of the screen, delivered a speech as the representative of the true ancestors.

And what he said is naturally known to everyone, even some small countries with little information know this kind of thing.

The fourth true ancestor appeared in the far east like a natural disaster.

[It is now December, more than nine months have passed since the Fourth True Ancestor appeared in the world. During this period, we, the three great ancestors, have been paying close attention to the behavior of the fourth true ancestor in the Demon Zone, and the qualification of the Demon Zone as the territory of the king]

[Now, we declare to the whole world that as the First True Ancestor——]

[With the second true ancestor——]

[With the Third True Ancestor——]

The three true ancestors later spoke out.

[——In the name of our True Ancestors, and under the witness of the Holy Domain Treaty, Genkami Island is officially recognized as the territory of the Fourth True Ancestor and becomes the fourth Empire of Night in the world]

Why can the true ancestors hold a veto power?

The reason is because of its power. The unrivaled power is the reason why they can deny everything. Depending on the situation, this one-vote veto power can also become the [one-vote right of approval], allowing any plan to ignore the opinions of other participating countries of the Sanctuary Treaty and force it to be established and passed based on the will of the True Ancestors!

Because the orders of the True Ancestors are absolute.

No country in the world dares to fight against the True Ancestor. To resist the True Ancestor’s will is to resist the will of the Empire of Night.

So now, even if it does not pass the meeting of the Supreme Council of the Sanctuary Treaty, it only needs the approval of the three true ancestors, then what they say is the truth.


The picture on the TV screen flickered.

The figures of the three true ancestors disappeared, replaced by the figure of Exia who was in the same place as them.

[Hello to all humans around the world and demons around the world]

【I am the Fourth True Ancestor】

[I now declare to the world that Genkami Island is under my control, Gengami Island is ruled by me, and the entire island and surrounding seas belong to me]

[The fourth empire of night—‘Kaslana Empire’—was established at this moment]


On this day, the whole world fell into unprecedented shock.

This is a situation that no one has ever imagined.

This is a development that no one expected.

The fourth True Ancestor, the fourth Empire of Night—even though the whole world has already seen that the Fourth True Ancestor has appeared with the Far East, it may only be a matter of time before the fourth Empire of Night is established, but no one has ever thought that this would happen. One day can come so suddenly!

There were no warnings, no signs, and no information had been leaked out before.

It was as if a thunderbolt struck from the clear, cloudless sky!

Humans and demons all over the world had their consciousness shattered at this moment. They really wanted to think this was a joke, but unfortunately, today is not April 1st, and immediately after that, the three major Announcements issued by the Empire of Night, announcements issued by the Sanctuary Treaty Organization, and even announcements issued by Japan, which Genkami Island originally belonged to…

Within a day, countries all over the world issued the same announcement, all saying the same thing.

[Recognize the independence of the Kaslana Empire]

[Acknowledge the dominance of the Fourth True Ancestor]

[Acknowledge everything and everything that happened today]

The whole world recognized it.

Even if all the people haven’t reacted yet, the country that can help them has acknowledged everything.

Because the words of the true ancestors are absolute, the decisions of the true ancestors cannot be questioned or overturned.

Therefore, people have to admit that——

“Is the world about to explode?”

On the endless ice and snow.

Qi Yi folded his hands on his chest, with a frivolous smile on his face: “Anyone would be scared to death by announcing such a big thing suddenly. In addition, all the countries in the world have expressed their opinions one after another. It’s like a sudden announcement.” I woke up and found that the world was completely different.”

“In fact, this is indeed the case, isn’t it?” Jiada said with one hand on her waist, “Now you understand, right? As long as we have that intention, changing the world today is just a matter of thought.”

“This is also…the attitude…that you should maintain in the future.”

Elsword, who stood on the other side with an elegant posture, also said the same thing.

And the person the three of them were talking to——

“Of course I know that I was the one who said those words, and I will take responsibility for what I said. But now, the four of us don’t need to care about those things, right?”

Facing the three True Ancestors in front of her at the same time, Ixia held the God Key that shone with thunder in her hands. She was covered in blue-gold ice dragon armor, and crystal-like ice dragon wings stretched out behind her.

Magic power like a tsunami was being continuously released from him.

This is the pole of the planet, the end of the world.

Covered by unbreakable ice, the ice wilderness is frozen all year round, the land of ice.

——[Antarctic continent]

“let’s start.”

Alexia said coldly.

“I will be here to show you my [Measures] – the [Measures] that can carry everything about you, your power, your curses and the time you have experienced, all by myself.”



The strongest power in this world appears at the end of the world!

1.Kaslana is about to return home

Genkami Island… no, it should be said to be [Kaslana Empire] now.

In a room in the City Hall department inside Cornerstone Gate.

“This is an afternoon trip.”

Aoi Asakusa, who was not wearing the usual Ayami Academy uniform, but put on a smart and capable secretary-style suit to better adapt to work, said this while placing the tablet in her hand on the table. superior.

“There are six meetings with companies, three visits by ambassadors from various countries to express respect, eight meetings within the artificial island management commune, and five matters regarding the new prison boundary that you need to review – the documents that require signatures are here.”

In terms of tone of voice, Lan Yu Qiancong now gives people a sense of seriousness.

It was as if she was no longer a sixteen-year-old girl, but an experienced employee who had been working in a large company for several years. Her words and deeds all revealed maturity that was visible to the naked eye.

But this is also a matter of course.

After all, she has been doing this kind of thing for three months. It only takes one month to fully adapt to anything, let alone three months.

Looking at the report handed to him, Alexia, who was sitting behind the desk and wearing a smart suit, picked up the tablet and made a few quick strokes: “Leave the company’s talks to Ji Shu, there is no need for me to handle it. You go to the visits of ambassadors from various countries on my behalf, and the management commune can handle the meeting itself, and the final result is all decided by you. As for the prison boundary… I will go directly to the Yue Lao later—— Go directly to Nayue.”

Just like returning to the time when he worked under Bishop Otto, facing the itinerary listed by Lan Yu Qiancong, Exia dealt with it one by one in a very orderly manner.


“Didn’t you leave everything to us?” Lan Yu Qiancong raised his eyebrows, “Be more serious, Your Majesty, True Ancestor.”

“I also want to ask you, why are there so many government affairs to deal with today?”

Alexia sighed slightly.

“I’m leaving tonight. Let me go back relaxed on the last day.”

go back.

Yes, today is the day for Exia to go back.

More than three months have passed in the blink of an eye since the establishment of the Kaslana Empire. It is now March 1, 2012 in this world – the 365th day since Alexia came to this world. .

Now in Exia’s field of vision, the burning text that has not appeared for almost a whole year has entered the final countdown.


There are still five and a half hours left before he leaves this world. If calculated, it will be exactly at sunset today.

Then he would leave the world he had been in for a year.

Listening to what Ixia said, Lan Yu Qiancong put down some of her business-like airs: “Unfortunately, even so, your work cannot be suspended. How many things do you think the Kaslana Empire has to do now?” Deal with it? Almost everything is on track.”

This is a fact.

Although an empire has been established, not only has there been no change in Genkami Island today compared to before, but it has more things to deal with.

After all, this is just an island.

Economic exchanges, food imports, employment of residents, business presence, technical exchanges… these things will not change because Genkami Island becomes the Kaslana Empire. In order to maintain the current overall operation, these things will Something that needs to continue.

Even Exia couldn’t change these, and of course, he didn’t want to change either.

Perhaps in a few decades the island can achieve further independence, but today it cannot.

Therefore, judging from the results, Genkami Island is still just the [Demon Special Zone], and nothing has changed in the lives of the citizens. It is still here.

It’s just a different owner.

“Besides, you haven’t forgotten that the four empires are still at the forefront of public opinion, right?”


The topic mentioned by Lan Yu Qian Cong made Exia speechless for a moment.

The reputation of the Four Great Night Empires – or simply the Four True Ancestors – is indeed unstable in the world. The reason is that more than three months ago, the four of them traveled thousands of miles to the Antarctic continent to conduct the mission. A big melee.

The process does not need to be elaborated. There is no room for a fifth person to intervene in the battle between the true ancestors. No one except the true ancestors knows how the battle was carried out and the process. There are only some rumors circulating on the Internet intermittently, saying that [the fourth true ancestor is equal to the other three true ancestors], but I don’t know whether it is true or false.

But the results are known to the whole world.

After the battle that lasted all night, the Antarctic continent expanded to twice its original size. The climate and marine ecology of the world were severely affected. Several countries near Antarctica and many coastal countries were affected. After that, everyone fell into turmoil on a national scale, which can be said to have changed the current world structure to a certain extent.

Such behavior directly made the Four True Ancestors the center of public opinion around the world. It has not stopped even now, more than three months later. Public relations work is very difficult. Lan Yu Qingcong has had several headaches because of this.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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