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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 326

“When I think about you being the cause of my terrible headache, I just want to push you to the ground and beat you up.”

“…Sometimes I really feel that you have no respect for me, the true ancestor, at all.” Ixia said with a bitter smile.

Lan Yu raised his eyebrows: “I have known what kind of person you are over the past year. Of course I will be respectful to you in public and at work, but now we can forget about it in private – besides, I What’s wrong with this [First Princess] saying a few words to her [King]?”

While saying this, Lan Yu Qiancong reached out and flicked Alexia’s forehead.

——[The First Princess of Kaslana Empire]

This is Lan Yu Qian Cong’s current identity.

By the way, he works part-time as the Imperial Technical Advisor and Secretary-General,

In order to manage the Kaslana Empire in the next month when Ixia was absent, Lan Yu Qingqing finally got the title as she wished, no matter how much Shajo Aige protested.

Although only in name.

“You are really proud of yourself, Miss Asakon.”

Shajo Aige appeared next to Alexia with a straight face: “Although you are called the [First Princess], it is only in name at best. In fact, you have to be ranked fourth or even fifth. Six, don’t get too carried away!”

“Yes, yes, yes~~~~ How many times have you emphasized this kind of thing in the past three months?” Lan Yu Qiancong waved his hands a few times, “Then I will tell Ji Shu and the management commune now and ask them to follow the instructions. Your arrangements will be taken care of. Your words…”

“Prison wards, right?”

Alexia got up from the leather seat, walked to a floor-to-ceiling window not far away, and looked toward the northeast.

Although you can’t see it from here, in fact, a brand new prison is being built over there.

Combining the latest science and technology and magic technology in the world today, with the support of countries around the world, a brand new [Prison Barrier] has reached the final stage.

2. It’s time to go back

“What are you doing here?”

Kaslana Empire, North District.

Underground near the original location of the prison barrier.

The seabed is about two hundred meters above the ground.

Now a nearly completely closed steel prison has been built here.

At the door leading to its interior, Nangong Nayue, who was still wearing the hot-looking Gothic dress and looking at Alexia appearing in front of him, asked angrily.

“If you’re not in your office having sex with that girl Lan Yu, what are you doing in this dark and mysterious seabed?”

“Asakusa and I only have a superficial relationship. Teacher Yue, you know that, right?”

Alexia was a little helpless.

Ever since he became the lord of Xian Kami Island, founded the Kaslana Empire, and became the titular king and princess with Lan Yu Qiancong, his friends headed by Nangong Na Yue would often joke about this matter. He, especially those two bad friends, Yaze Motoki and Akatsuki Kojo.

If Alexia hadn’t said it was only on the surface from the beginning, Motoki Yase would probably have started preparing for their wedding, making the fake come true!

“Hmph, maybe you guys really have an affair?”

“Before I reach the legal age of marriage, I won’t have any thoughts in that regard. Teacher, don’t worry about this.”

Alexia is now 17 years old, and Lan Yu Qiancong is 16 years old.

No matter in that world or this world, if Exia wants to get married, she has to wait until next year, that is, when she turns 18. Although he could change the law with just one sentence if he wanted to, and Bishop Otto would be happy to help, Exia would never be so willful.

In addition, he really has no idea of ​​getting married now.

Seeing his student’s attitude of emphasizing his innocence and simplicity, the expression on Nangong Nayue’s face softened slightly: “So, what are you here to do? Inspect the work?”

“Asakusa told me that there were a few things I wanted to see about the prison barrier, so I came over.”

“After all, this is something I take the lead in, and it’s also related to you, Teacher Nayue. I want to handle it as well as possible before I leave, so as not to cause any problems after I leave.”


Hearing what Aixia said, Nangong also remembered that month. The kid in front of him was an alien from another world. He had said long ago that he would only stay here for one year. When the time is up, he will will leave.

“…Hmph, are you finally leaving?”

After a moment of silence, Nangong Nayue continued.

“You have brought such huge changes to our world, and then you just leave… You have also become a little willful, and you are very different from the person you were a year ago.”

“Really? I think I am much better now than I was a year ago, although no matter who I am, I like it very much.”

After all, no matter what happens, Exia is still Exia, and he will not change much as a person.

“Besides, when I say I’m leaving, as far as I’m concerned, I’m only leaving for a month and I’ll be back soon.”

Nangong Nayue pursed her lips: “…ha, it’s a month to us, but how many years is it to you? I think you won’t come back after you leave.”

She had a vague premonition of this.

Maybe the next time we see each other, this student of mine will come back with a completely different appearance than now – the current Axia will probably never come back.

“Will be back.”

Seeing that Nangong Nayue seemed to have something to say, Alexia smiled and touched her little teacher…


A fan knocked on Aixia’s forehead on the spot.

Nangong Nayue glared at Alexia coldly: “Stop being so arrogant, you idiot True Ancestor, and don’t be rude to the teacher! – You’re here to inspect the work, right? Then come with me, there are indeed a few places I need you to reinforce it. The witch’s magic formula on your body also needs to be confirmed again.”

“So this is what you wanted me to come here to visit?”


The body of the new prison barrier is not this steel prison. Now this steel monster is just a shell. The real body is based on the ice prison created by Exia as the basic framework, supplemented by the transcendence set by Sandjo Aige. Three hundred related magic formulas, the [Eternal Frozen Ice Prison] can exist semi-permanently under the power of spiritual veins.

Prisoners who are placed into this prison will fall into eternal ice the moment they are locked in. They will receive the punishment of permanent freezing and gradually lose their lives in the ice until their bodies finally die and their souls are imprisoned in the ice-made prison. The punishment continues in the body.

In terms of the effect of the prison, it is several levels stronger than the original prison barrier.

But because there were still some unstable areas, Nangong, who was the general manager of the new prison boundary, made suggestions to the superiors that month, and then prompted Exia to come over and deal with the aftermath.


As a result, after that, Exia stayed under the sea for several hours in order to stabilize the prison barrier.

When we came out, the sky had gradually turned into the color of dusk.


The burning numbers in the field of vision turned slightly redder and became more conspicuous, seeming to remind Exia that time was coming soon, and she needed to end things in this world as soon as possible and prepare to return to the world over there.

“Is there the last half hour left?”

With her hands in the trouser pockets of her suit, Ixia walked along the coastal road and looked at the Cornerstone Gate in the distance.

Only now did he finally have some real sense.

He was about to say goodbye to the island and the world he had lived in for a year.

Compared to the previous worlds that only stayed for three months or even less, in this world now, Ixia has indeed developed some feelings.

I made some good friends, met a teacher who took good care of me, and got a [Princess] who unexpectedly fell in love with me… I also got rid of some things under the influence of various circumstances. , became the ruler of this island today.

“In one year…it feels like a lot of things have really happened.”

“That is to say, even I did not expect this situation.” Shajo Aige appeared, “But… becoming an emperor’s prince, this can also be said to be your rebirth. It’s a sign of progress. Should we continue to move forward with the goal of dominating the world from now on?”

“That’s too exaggerated. I always feel that things will become more troublesome. I don’t have that big ambition.”

Alexia smiled a few times.


“Okay, it’s almost time to go back and pack your things and get ready to [go home].”

Spreading its ice wings behind her, Exia flew directly into the sky!

After a year, I can return to that world again!

(Bianca, Rita, Kiana, Raiden Mei, Bronya, Yae Sakura… I don’t know what changes they have had in the past year. Thinking about it, I am really looking forward to it.)

(But Prince, you obviously contact them every month, right?)

(…I’m just feeling emotional.)


Not long after Alexia left.

In a certain room in Kaslana Empire.


With a flash of lightning, a magic circle appeared on the floor in the room without warning.

And then, within that magic circle——


A figure jumped out of the light. It looked like a girl who was quite young, only fourteen or fifteen years old. She was wearing a uniform of Caihai Academy.

After walking out of the magic circle, the girl looked at the surrounding rooms, then came to the window and opened it to take a look outside.

“Well… it seems that it was completed successfully. The time should be just right, right?”

“I don’t want to be seen by the father and mother of this era~~~”

The girl – she has the same white hair and blue eyes as someone else, and looks like she was carved from the same mold, said with a smile.

3. A shocking return after a year.

Dark starry sky.

A transit point between worlds.

A year later, after the countdown in his eyes reached zero, the space where Exia was was transformed to this place.

Stepping on the invisible road, looking at the information sent from the personal terminal in his hand, and smiling slightly, Exia looked forward.

[Welcome back to the transfer station, there is still one minute left before returning to the initial coordinates, please wait]

The time that returned to zero in the field of vision became words.

“It hasn’t appeared in a year, there is x.”

Seeing the text version again, Ixia felt a little nostalgic.

“I thought you would say something to me over the past year, but in the end there was no response at all. I don’t know since when, you became reticent. At the beginning I remember you were quite talkative at that time.”

[Please confirm the settlement content]

Facing Exia’s conversation, he deduced that there should be burning words of consciousness, and did not give any response. Instead, as usual, he summarized Exia’s growth after experiencing a world in his words. in the eyes.

【Axia Kaslana】

[The fourth time traveling was successfully completed]

[Number of travels: 4]

【Number of persons to carry: 0】

[Items carried: Personal terminal, Key of God, Seven Thunders of Purification]

[Ability growth: Sekiryuutei’s caged hand sub-species hand-forbidden transformation (complete form), the fourth true ancestor’s power plunder is completed, the Chimera awakens, God’s favor reaches the upgrade conditions, the Great Holy Grail fusion Holy Annihilation Technique (cannot be used )]

Compared with before, Exia’s growth in this world is undoubtedly huge.

God’s favor, which has been upgraded to lv.3, has once again reached the upgrade conditions. Under the effect of the Great Holy Grail, Exia’s power, which is growing automatically all the time, has already met the conditions within a year, and what happened more than three months ago After the battle with the three true ancestors, the great achievements required for upgrading were also satisfied.

Next, you only need to return to the Destiny Headquarters and use divine blood as a catalyst to complete the upgrade and become lv. 4 – although in terms of pure strength, Exia has already surpassed lv. .8 and lv.9 are certainly no match for him.

Ixia’s power can no longer be measured by the level of that world.

Coupled with the awakening of the power of Chimera and the completion of the hand-forbidden transformation of the subspecies…compared to a year ago, Exia’s strength has undoubtedly undergone earth-shaking changes, and this change can continue. Go down.

Of course, as a result of becoming stronger, the Holy Sword of Soaring that used to be of great importance to Exia is now completely useless, and he can now fly there by himself.

So Exia directly left it with the Kaslana Empire—to be precise, it was left with Lan Yu Qian Cong.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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