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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 327

Although it is only in name, Lan Yu Qian Cong is also the [Princess] of the Fourth True Ancestor. Someone might be targeting her, so to a certain extent, Lan Yu Qian Cong needs to be given some power to protect herself. The Soaring Holy Sword is in the Sand After the subsequent transformation of Tiao Ai Ge, it has been adjusted into a model that can also be used by Lan Yu Qian Cong.

In addition, the Lion King Agency actually sent guards here, and with the covert protection of the artificial island management commune, in fact, Ixia no longer needed to worry too much about the safety of Lan Yu Qiancong.

Anyway, he will definitely appear in the world over there after a month. As far as she is concerned, just hold on for a month.

[The carrying mechanism has been updated again, the relevant rules are as follows]

Burning text appeared in the field of vision again.

[The upper limit of the number of people that can be carried has been increased – the number of people that can be carried at the same time is currently: 12 people]

[Limited manifestation world extension – currently: unlimited]

[Expansion of limited display range – currently: unlimited]

[Added new rules – you can cancel the carrying relationship with the carried object, and automatically obtain the minimum Honkai energy adaptability when carried to the original world]


Alexia couldn’t help but be stunned.

The mechanism of carrying companions has always been optional for him, because of the special carrying method, he has always been opposed to taking people away with him.

It was like this for Loki Familia that time, it was like that for Shajo Aige that time, and it was like that for Lan Yu Qiancong this time.

But now it’s possible to dissolve that relationship?

“That is to say…even if I take people away from other worlds and make them my slaves, I can make them free again if I want to?”


[But please note that it takes at least twenty-four hours to cancel the relationship, and the relationship can be canceled only after experiencing at least one world transfer]

Well, reasonable additional conditions.

(If this is the rule, then I can accept it.)

Previously, Bianca had proposed going to another world with Exia because she wanted to become stronger. He refused because of the carrying rules at the time, but now it is okay.

Take the people away from Tianming Headquarters, and then dissolve the relationship after arriving in another world.

“Can’t we just adopt this rule from the beginning?”


[Updates of the rules are based on changes in your abilities. Updates caused by insufficient abilities are limited. If you want to update the rules to your satisfaction, please continue to work hard]

“…Speaking of it, it’s true.”

Exia noticed the number of people carrying them.

Twelve people.

It is exactly the number of familiar beasts in his body, and it is also the number of blood partners he will theoretically have.

Changes in your own abilities will lead to changes in mechanisms and rules.

“I should have said this earlier.”

[There is no need to explain the basic rules. I will explain myself if necessary]

[Additional explanation, this stay in the original world can be extended to six months]

“Huh? Can you stay so long this time?”

This was an unexpected surprise.

Extended from the previous maximum of three months to six months… This means that Exia has more time to stay at the Destiny Headquarters.

This time he came back after a year, and it was just right for him to stay a little longer.

[In addition, the world transfer is about to be completed and we are about to arrive in the original world, please be prepared for an emergency landing]

[Ten seconds countdown]

【Ten, nine, eight…】

As the time in her field of vision gradually changed, Ixia could now clearly feel that her body was once again bound by gravity, and the feeling of falling hit her when her field of vision returned to light.



The familiar, even friendly roar of the Honkaimon reached Exia’s ears.

The ice wings spread out behind her and stopped in the air, and Exia looked down.

A large number of Honkai Beasts are raging in the city, and the entire city has almost turned into a battlefield.

(Did I encounter a collapse incident as soon as I came back… That’s right, a year has passed and I have almost forgotten that the world here is like this.)

It’s different from the peaceful world over there.

The world that is Exia’s hometown is being attacked by collapse all the time.

(Judging from the landmark building…Burj Khalifa, Dubai? It’s a bit far from the Destiny Headquarters. It may take a while for the support troops to arrive, and of this size…the local branch should It can’t be dealt with.)

Calmly overlooking the overall situation from a high altitude, he took the current situation into his eyes.

“Time to get to work, Herrscher of Thunder.”

Pulling out the Seven Thunders of Purification from her waist, changing it into blade mode, Ixia flapped her ice wings, and her whole body instantly turned into a meteor and fell to the ground!

After returning after a year, let him first give a gift to the world.

4. Otto: Got the resurrection coin!

2015, autumn.

As usual, without any warning, a violent collapse broke out in the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, West Asia. The violent collapse instantly paralyzed the city, and the local population of more than three million people was on the verge of destruction. .

In order to organize the expansion of the collapse, the Valkyrie troops of the Destiny West Asia branch arrived at the battlefield as quickly as possible.


When they arrived, the collapse of Dubai City had been completely suppressed.

The whole city seemed to have entered the depths of winter early, with flying snow flying all over the sky. All the Honkai Beasts were defeated, and the buildings on the verge of collapse were protected from complete collapse by the support of frost.

At that time, less than ten minutes had passed since the collapse occurred.

After that, as the first Valkyrie team to arrive in Dubai, one of the elite teams of the West Asia branch, the [Phosphorus Sand Team] – one of its members, the B-level Valkyrie Susana, stated this in future interviews and transcripts Speaking of:

[There was an Ice Angel who destroyed all the Honkaimon! He looks super handsome! And it can fly! I regard him as my idol from today on! 】

A few hours after the Dubai collapse incident was quelled.

The destiny headquarters floating island.

In Bishop Otto’s office.

“Hehehe~~~ You really gave me a big surprise as soon as you came back, Alexia.”

Sitting behind the desk, he put down the report from the West Asia branch on the collapse of Dubai City. Otto looked at Alexia who was sitting on the sofa not far away with joy: “Although I have heard from Bianca a long time ago, I learned that you would be back today, but I really didn’t expect that you would solve an urgent problem for me as soon as you came back.”

“You did a great job. It can even be said that it far exceeded my expectations. You have really grown into an outstanding warrior who is not inferior to Hollander.”

“You are exaggerating, Your Majesty.”

Exia responded calmly: “I just did what I should do. Fighting against Honkai is my duty, and I don’t deserve your praise.”

Is it your job?

Otto took another look at the contents of the report.

“In less than ten minutes—nine minutes and forty-four seconds to be precise—a total of one hundred and three Honkaiju beasts and more than a thousand dead soldiers that appeared in Dubai were wiped out, even if Among all previous S-class Valkyries, there are very few who can do such a thing.”

“Actually, it could be faster, but in order to protect the city of Dubai, I tried to control the impact on the surroundings during the battle. It was actually about three minutes slower than ideal.”

This is also modest.

In fact, if Exia really spares no expense, she can wipe out all the Honkaimon in an instant, but then the city of Dubai will disappear directly from the map, which is completely putting the cart before the horse.

Now Exia will still choose to protect the surroundings, but that is to do his best within the scope of his ability. For example, this time, he is fully capable of destroying all Honkai Beasts while protecting the city. If the number of Honkai beasts is too large for him to deal with, or if he has to cause damage to the city on the way to destroy the Honkai beasts, then he will have no choice but to do it without mercy.

“The casualties are much less than expected, and the damage to Dubai is minimal. The reconstruction can be completed in three months at most… Well, since Ixia, you treat this kind of thing as not worth mentioning. matter, then I will respect your thoughts.”

“Thank you very much for making such a contribution as soon as you came back, Alexia Kaslana, my proud student and child.” Otto smiled, “At the same time, let me welcome you back from the bottom of my heart. Well – thank you for your hard work during the year in another world, Exia.”

Otto knew Exia’s experience there.

Although Exia only contacted Bianca every month, most of the regular reports were submitted at that time. Otto had a rough idea of ​​what Exia had done in that world.

“No, wouldn’t it be a bit offensive to call you [Exia] now?”

Otto got a little playful.

“You are now one of the only four world rulers in that world, the king who rules an empire, and I am just the bishop of a church organization… Should I communicate with you in a more respectful manner? Are you talking?”

“I beg you please don’t do that, Bishop. I won’t be able to sleep.”

Alexia smiled helplessly: “Although I am the Emperor of the Night, before that, I was just [Exia Kaslana], and the identity of the emperor is only for that world. In this world , Bishop, just think of me as I was before. I can’t bear your courtesy.”

To be honest, if Otto also treated himself as the fourth ancestor, then Exia would hate this identity.

He truly regarded Bishop Otto as an adoptive father and teacher worthy of his respect.

“Let’s get down to business, Bishop.”

Putting down the black tea in her hand, Aixia took out her personal terminal and transmitted a document to Bishop Otto: “This is a report on my activities in that world during the year. Although there were regular reports every month before, this One is the final version I summarized, which is more intuitive and detailed than the previous one.”

“In addition, Xian Kami Island…the design drawings of [Holy Annihilation Altar] are here.”

Ixia took out dozens of CDs from the package at hand: “Because the design drawings were too large and complex to be accommodated in my personal terminal, I wrote them all into CDs and then gave them to the bishop. Come use it. As for [Holy Annihilation Technique]——”

“I’ve written it down.”

Shajo Aige, who appeared in mid-air, smiled, and at the same time, the blue-gold wing emblem on Alexia’s body, which represented the Great Holy Grail, also shone slightly.

A forbidden spell that can rewrite the rules of the world, Holy Annihilation.

In the past three months, Exia took Sajo Aige with her, obtained its true form under the guidance of Moguwai, and recorded it all with the help of the power of the Great Holy Grail and Sajo Aige’s magic ability. , became the carrier of Holy Annihilation.

“…Well, you did a good job, Alexia.”

Although he had heard about it once, now that he actually heard that Holy Annihilation was brought back by Exia, Otto still spent a lot of effort to suppress the excitement and ecstasy in his heart and prevent himself from losing his composure on the spot.

He may not care about the power that Ixia has gained in the other world, or the status that Ixia has gained in the other world, but he cannot care about the existence of Holy Annihilation!

Now, the power that can resurrect Kallen can almost be said to have fallen into his hands.

(The next thing to do is how to use this power…build a maritime city, and then——)

“Da da da da da——————!”


Just as Otto was thinking like this, a rush of footsteps…or rather the sound of running suddenly sounded from outside the office.

And then——

“Kiana! Run slower! Don’t be anxious!”

“But Mei! Brother, he is finally back! I haven’t seen him for a year!”

“But there’s no need for you to rush directly to the Bishop’s office…that would be too rude!”

“I will apply carefully – cough cough cough! Lord Bishop! The Valkyrie Elite Team [Qianyu Team] applies for a visit!”

inside the house.

Listening to these sounds from outside, Otto and Ixia looked at each other, and then they both laughed.

“come in.”


As soon as Otto finished speaking, the office door opened.

Along with a cheer, a [white-haired dumpling] that made Alexia feel extremely friendly rushed into his field of vision.

5. Chong Chong: Pride.jpg


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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