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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 328

Kiana Kaslana.

Alexia is a much-loved and troubled sister in every sense of the word.

In the past year, the two of them have met only a handful of times. After all, the only one who can contact Ixia is Bianca, and Bianca is a busy person who travels around the world at every turn. Kiana, who stays here, People from Tianming Headquarters didn’t have many opportunities to show their faces at all.

The last time I met Kiana was when Himiragi Yukina had just arrived and was preparing to be Alexia’s temporary lover.

In the blink of an eye, it’s been more than half a year.

The moment she rushed in from the door, Kiana saw her brother sitting on the sofa at a glance. She didn’t even have time to greet Bishop Otto and sprinted towards Exia!



However, before Kiana could sprint to Alexia’s side, Alexia had already put a hand on her forehead, and looked helplessly at her sister who rushed over in a hurry.

“Why are you so anxious? Don’t run around in the office. The bishop is still here. Why don’t you even say hello to him?”

“Hello, Bishop!”

Kiana quickly stood still and bowed to Otto rather perfunctorily. When she saw Otto, she couldn’t help but chuckle a few times.

After saying hello, Kiana sat directly next to Alexia: “I miss you, brother. You haven’t been back for a year. I want to see if there are any changes in you, brother.”

“What changes can I make? It’s only been one year.” Alexia smiled, “Compared to me, I’m more curious about how much you have grown this year. Did you fail the exam? Did you do your homework seriously at home? Have you caused any trouble to Mei and Bronya? Have you completed the training arranged by Bianca and Rita well?”


A series of questions made Kiana freeze. Then she stood up from Alexia and hid behind Raiden Meiyi.

“How come it’s been a year, but I’m still like this! Mei!”

“Hey~~~Hey, okay, okay, stop playing around and be serious.”

Like a mother comforting a child who has a tantrum, Raiden Mei gently stroked Kiana’s hair a few times and bowed to Exia and Bishop Otto: “I’m sorry for disturbing your conversation. Bishop, and Mr. Exia – do you need us to leave temporarily? You two haven’t finished talking yet, right?”

“Haha, it doesn’t matter. If you want to report to work, you can do it anytime.” Otto looked at Aikesia, “Let’s get here today, Aikesia. Go back and make sure you are safe with your [family members] first. Things between us can wait until later.”


Otto emphasized the word.

Hearing this, Alexia also understood what Otto meant. She nodded to him with a hint of apology, then stood up and followed Kiana and the three of them out of the office.


“Why are you still causing trouble to me after a year?”

Almost the next moment he left the office, the door behind him closed.

Alexia directly grabbed her sister’s neck with one hand and lifted her up with one hand like a chicken: “Since you know that I am talking to Bishop Otto, then wait until the end of my conversation. Ah, or you can wait for me at home, why are you so anxious to see me?”

“I told you, don’t I miss you, brother~~~~” Kiana said while struggling, “After all, brother, you have a girlfriend in another world! Sister Bianca said before Brother, you seem to have become some kind of king, so I wonder if you will be a changed person when you come back…”

“Yeah, that’s it – what about the truth? Tell me, Bronya.”

“Idiot Kiana is worried about whether the master will come back with his wife.”

Alexia, who knew her sister very well, could tell at a glance that Kiana had not told everything, and Bronya was very obedient and stood directly on Alexia’s side, shaking off Kiana’s [super secret] out.

“Bronya, you traitor! You promised to keep it a secret!”

“It’s the idiot Kiana’s fault, and Bronya doesn’t want to hide anything from the master.”

The expressionless Bronya said this.

Compared with a year ago, this little twin-tailed maid has not changed much. She still has the familiar cold expression and calm tone that seems to never fluctuate. She seems to have grown slightly taller. But overall not much has changed.

Obviously she should be growing taller at this age.

On the contrary –

“Don’t cause trouble to Alexia, Kiana.”

Raiden Mei also nodded reproachfully on Kiana’s forehead, and then showed a shallow smile to Aikesia: “It’s been a long time, Aikesia. Since the last time we met… .It’s been more than half a year, right?”

“Well, long time no see, Mei. Please take care of Kiana.”

Compared with a year ago, Raiden Meiyi may have changed the most.

At that time, she had only come out of the third Collapse incident a few months ago, and she still looked a little gloomy. Although she didn’t show it usually, she still felt that way occasionally. But now, after a year has passed, Raiden Mei has become quite mature. Should it be said that she has gained some [motherhood], or has she [grown]?

Alexia felt that Raiden Mei would be very suitable for a role like a wife. Just standing there like this gave people the impression of a gentle, elegant and caring lady.

After stroking some of her drooping hair, Raiden Mei smiled and said, “You can’t say that I’m always taking care of Kiana. Bronya and Sakura also often help. And, in fact, during the battle, I was the one taking care of Kiana. The one who is often taken care of by Kiana.”

“Battle… Speaking of which, I thought I heard you are now an [Elite Team]?”

“That’s right!”

Suddenly breaking away from Alexia’s clutches, Kiana did a backflip and landed firmly, raised her head and chest, with a proud and confident look on her face, and said to Alexia with a smile: “Brother, you are going to another world. Within one year of the business trip, I, Mei and Bronya have already graduated from the Valkyrie Training School ahead of schedule!”

“And under the high-pressure training and hellish tutoring of Sister Bianca and Sister Rita, just a month ago, we have become one of several Valkyrie elite teams directly under the headquarters! Even I have already passed For the A-level Valkyrie’s practical assessment, as long as you pass the final theoretical assessment, you can officially become an A-level Valkyrie!”

With her hands on her hips and almost looking at Alexia with her chin, Kiana’s tone was full of pride.

“Isn’t this young lady amazing? Brother, you can praise me as much as you like. Sister Bianca and Sister Rita both praised me for how awesome I am!”

6. A little magic shock

Destiny currently has only three S-class Valkyries. Counting the number in a team like Exia, it can be said that there are four.

The S-class Valkyrie is Destiny’s highest combat power, and it is also Destiny’s most precious thing. Except for Exia and Theresa, who are not doing anything serious, Bianca and Rita are busy all year round. Fei is extremely busy dealing with Honkai incidents in various places.

But in fact, it is not the two people who deal with the most Honkai incidents, but the backbone combat power of Destiny – the A-level and B-level Valkyrie.

Among them, the A-level Valkyrie is the elite among the backbone combat power.

Although not as good as the S-class Valkyrie, the A-class Valkyrie is already the pinnacle that Valkyrie can reach under normal circumstances. From a long-term perspective, the A-class Valkyrie is more suitable to fight against than the S-class Valkyrie. Honkai’s battle needs.

Therefore, Tianming has always attached great importance to the evaluation of A-level Valkyrie and is strict, because A-level Valkyrie is often the captain or deputy captain of a team, or even the branch leader or commander-in-chief of a branch. In addition to the necessary combat effectiveness, it also requires a large amount of theoretical knowledge, operational skills, rich experience, and overall overall thinking…

Only those who can do all of these are considered an excellent A-level Valkyrie.

And now, only one year and three or four months have passed since Kiana officially began to receive Valkyrie training, and she has actually begun to challenge the A-level Valkyrie assessment?

“Growing up very quickly.”

Alexia couldn’t help but look at her sister with admiration.

“You can even pass the A-level Valkyrie’s actual combat test. It seems that you have the strength to defeat the temple-level Honkaimon alone. It’s very good.”

“Hehehehe~~~ If I take action, it’s easy to catch! If not for time, I can also handle the Honkai Emperor at the bottom of the box!”

Hearing her brother’s praise, Kiana was so happy that her nose almost turned to the sky. Raiden Mei and Bronya looked helpless.

But they all also knew that ever since she passed the test, Kiana had been thinking about telling Ixia to share her joy with her brother, which proved that she had grown considerably. Now I think I got what I wanted.


With one strike, the hand knife lightly hit Kiana’s forehead. Exia pretended to be strict and said: “I’ve made you so proud after just complimenting you a few times. Please restrain yourself. Wait until you pass the theoretical examination before coming back.” Show off to me – compared to combat prowess, theoretical knowledge and technical operations are more important to an A-level Valkyrie.”

“Ugh~~~~Brother, please don’t hit me. I’ve been studying hard recently! But the test was too difficult. I failed even the mock paper Sister Rita gave me~~~”

“I asked you not to study hard before, are you at a disadvantage now? The special education policy of the Valkyrie Training Center is enough for you to successfully become a B-level Valkyrie with specialization in combat, but becoming an A-level Valkyrie requires more than just excellent combat ability. It’s okay.” Alexia touched her sister’s head, “But fortunately, I won’t go on a business trip for the next half a year, so I have enough time to give you tutoring.”

Half a year?

This time surprised all three of Kiana.

“Didn’t you always leave after three months in the past? This time, the bishop gave you an extra three months of leave, right? Ixia.”

“Ah…well, you can say that.”

Alexia smiled and said, “That’s what I say, but I won’t stay at the headquarters for half a year. If possible, I will also apply to go out on missions with Bianca and Rita, or maybe go alone.”

This is something Exia has always wanted to do.

But the time was a little tight before, plus Kiana’s tutoring. Fortunately, the time here has doubled this time, and I estimate that I can use it to carry out the mission in about four months.

(It’s also time to take some of the work pressure off Bianca and Rita.)

“Then…brother, do you want to go on a mission with us?”

Kiana touched her head and asked – the blow from Alexia’s hand that she felt was very light actually hurt a lot.

“With you guys?”

“We are now an elite team directly affiliated with the headquarters. Just like the Immortal Blade led by Miss Bianca and Miss Rita, we will go out to perform missions when necessary…but only four times a month. “On the left and right.” Leiden Meiyi explained, “Those two are really powerful. Often we just receive the news, and then the information comes that those two and the Immortal Blade have finished processing.”

After all, she has the strongest destiny in active service. In addition, she also received an improved version of the demon chess piece for reinforcement from Exia, so her strength can no longer be evaluated simply by using the [S-Class Valkyrie].

“When will I become as strong as Sister Bianca…”

Kiana’s tone suddenly became a little low.

She is actually a very strong person. Although she has made rapid progress in the past year and is not inferior to an A-level Valkyrie in terms of strength, she is still far from Bianca and Rita. It can even be said that they are not even close to each other. I can’t even touch my heels.

Not just her, but all the Valkyries in the Destiny are the same. The only two exceptions are probably Theresa, who is also S-class, and Fu Hua, Exia’s master.

(Get stronger…)

Listening to her sister’s words, a thought flashed through Alexia’s mind – if you just want to become stronger quickly, there is no way, but… if the target is Kiana , there are really some psychological barriers.

“…Don’t worry, you will become stronger sooner or later.”

Touching her sister’s head again, Alexia comforted: “You and I are both Kaslana. In terms of potential ability, you are definitely not inferior to me. Sooner or later, you will become like me and Bianca.” They are equally powerful. Don’t be anxious now, just take it step by step in a down-to-earth manner.”

“Really? Why don’t I believe it…” Kiana looked at her brother with some doubtful eyes, “Speaking of which, I don’t know how powerful you are now. It was so powerful that he died before.”

“How powerful I am now… Heh, I don’t know much about it myself. If I have a chance, I will spar with you, maybe you will know?”

Alexia ruffled Kiana’s hair as she spoke.

“Okay, it’s okay to stand here and talk. Let’s go back. It’s getting dark, right? I was in the world over there but I came back without even having dinner. Now let me go home and have dinner first.”


I don’t know whether it was intentional or accidental, but Exia’s stomach complained at this moment.

Leiden Meiyi and others all laughed.

“It seems that you are really hungry, but I think Sakura has already made preparations at home. Counting the thirty minutes on the way back… you should be able to make it in time, right?”

“No, it doesn’t take half an hour.”

Alexia shook her head.

“Miss Aige, we’re in trouble.”


The magic array of space control magic quietly unfolded under the feet of several people. Before Raiden Meiyi and the others could react, the surrounding scene changed drastically.

The four of them went directly from the corridor outside Bishop Otto’s office to the door of Aixia’s villa!

“Look, aren’t you coming back now?”

Alexia smiled.

Kiana: “…”

Leiden Meiyi: “…”

Bronya: “…”

What was that just now——! ?

7.I’m back, Miss Sakura

Kiana and others felt that they might be dreaming.

Apparently three seconds ago they were near the bishop’s office area, which was more than thirty minutes away from home, right?

Why did you arrive home so quickly?

“Huh? What’s wrong? You are all standing at the door.”

Alexia, who had already taken out the key from her trouser pocket and opened the door to go in, looked at the three people who stayed there with some confusion.

After recovering from the shock, Kiana walked up to her brother in three steps and said, “Brother! What did you just do! Why did you suddenly…”

“Oh, why do you think we came back so soon?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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