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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 329

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!”

The three-person team nodded one after another, and even Bronya’s cold face showed some emotional fluctuations that were quite difficult to distinguish.

Alexia walked into the house with a smile: “It’s not a big deal. I just learned some techniques similar to the application of Honkai energy in another world… But I said I learned it, but in fact, I learned what you love. Sister Song, it’s not me. I’m going to discuss it with the bishop later to see if this technology can be mass-produced.”

In the one year she spent in that world, although it has not been mentioned much, Shajo Aige has collected a considerable amount of magic knowledge, combined with her original knowledge of magic and the latest technological theories possessed by Destiny. , it should be feasible in theory to make space control magic into some kind of device.

Although there will definitely be many technical problems and it will be difficult to overcome them, Ixia believes in destiny…or in the wisdom of Shajo Aige and Bishop Otto, even if there is no way to make a long-term solution in the end. If the distance transfer device is limited to floating islands, it may still be feasible to produce a short-distance trial model.

At worst, there’s still the Great Holy Grail to make wishes for.

No longer paying attention to the surprise in the hearts of Kiana and others, Alexia stepped into her home again after a year.

The layout starting from the entrance is not much different from a year ago, but think about it, the home that I have lived in for several years has only been away for a year, so it is impossible for it to change drastically.

And after arriving at the connected living room and kitchen——

“Da da da da da…”

The sound of kitchen knives immediately entered Aixia’s ears.

In the kitchen, Yae Sakura, who was wearing a light pink apron, was immersed in processing the ingredients, cutting large pieces of chicken into bite-sized pieces.

I don’t know if she heard footsteps, but the long fox ears on her head moved.

“Is Kiana back? Sorry, dinner hasn’t been served yet—”

Yae Sakura, who habitually wanted to report the situation to her family, froze in place before she finished speaking.

Putting the package in her hand on the sofa, Alexia waved to her and smiled: “Hey, long time no see, Miss Sakura. I’m back.”


The familiar voice and appearance made Yae Sakura unable to react for a moment.

After all, the last time I saw the person in front of me was a year ago. For a moment, Yae Sakura felt that she might have seen an illusion.

However, her sensitive five senses told her that the person in front of her was not fake.

“…….Welcome back.”

After a pause, Yae Sakura raised a soft and nostalgic smile on her lips: “It’s really sudden. Has it been a year before you know it?”

“Huh? Don’t you know I’m coming back today? I told Bianca and Rita.”

“But Sister Bianca didn’t tell us.” Kiana followed and walked in. “Sister Bianca and Sister Rita have been away on missions recently and haven’t been back for more than three weeks. I’m still here before. I only found out that you are back, bro, when I saw someone spreading the news on Tianming Network. By the way, bro, have you met Sister Bianca and Sister Rita?”

“The call went through… It’s quite unfortunate to say that I just passed them by.”

In fact, that was just a few hours ago.

Almost shortly after Alexia solved the collapse of Dubai City, he received a contact from Bianca and Rita – it seemed that they were already on their way to Dubai City at that time, but because of Alexia’s After intervention, they changed their itinerary and went directly to the next mission location.

It will probably take a few days for him to come back.

“That’s really a pity~~~Brother, you and Sister Bianca haven’t seen each other for a year. You must miss her, right?”

Kiana pushed her brother on the back.

“But Sister Bianca is very serious about her work. It’s normal for her to put her work first. Brother, just bear with it for a few more days.”

“Of course I miss her, but she and I call each other every month, so I don’t think I miss her very much.” Ixia pressed Kiana’s hand and shook her off, “Besides, I will miss her at any time. You can fly over directly to find her.”

For Exia now, even if Bianca is on the other side of the earth, he can fly directly over at full speed, and distance is not a factor that stops him at all.

“By the way, Yae Sakura, how long until dinner?”

“It will take another half an hour. I have just finished processing the ingredients here. I didn’t expect you to come back so soon.”

It was about the same time as what Raiden Meiyi said before.

It seems that a year has passed and they have already developed a tacit understanding in this regard. On the contrary, Alexia’s absence from the family for a year will affect this tacit understanding.

(Would it be better if I moved out?)

Alexia couldn’t help but think of this.


“Then I’ll go back to my room with my things first. Just call me when you have dinner ready. You shouldn’t have touched my room much in the past year, right?”

“Master’s room, Bronya and Sister Mei will only go in when they are cleaning the room. The idiots Kiana and Sakura rarely go there. The last time the room was cleaned was the day before yesterday, and the room was still very clean. Master, you can rest assured .” Bronya explained thoughtfully.

Compared with a year ago, Alexia really felt that Bronya was becoming more and more like Rita. The words she just said really had some flavor of Rita in them, which made Alexia feel that she was talking to Li for a moment. Tower speaks.

(She was completely educated by Rita to become a maid.)

A year has passed and everyone has undergone some changes.

The only ones who had communicated with him before were Bianca and Rita, and because they often went out on missions, they actually didn’t know much about Kiana and the others. But now that Exia saw the changes in his new family members with his own eyes, he had a deeper sense of reality.

[It’s really been a year]

Looking at Bronya who had already run into the kitchen to help Yae Sakura, Exia smiled slightly, turned around and walked up to the second floor to her room.

The time before dinner was just for him to deal with the last things he needed to do.

“Brother, wait for me, I’ll go to your room too!”


8. It’s quite fun to play

Second floor.

In Alexia’s bedroom.

As Bronya said, the bedroom was kept very clean and tidy by her and Raiden Meiyi. It didn’t look like it had been lived in for a year. The window not far away was still open, probably for ventilation. Bar.

“Then, Kiana, why are you following me here?”

Alexia asked her lovely sister.

“Because you finally came back, brother, and I want to stay with you for a while longer.”

“Hmm? When did you become so sensible?”

Alexia raised an eyebrow. He was surprised that Kiana would say such a thing. It seems that the improvement over the past year is not just about strength.

“What about the truth?”

“I want to know what you want to do when you go back to your room, bro!”


Even though she has become more sensible and grown up, Kiana is still the same Kiana, with a little bit of harmless thoughts.

Taking out the divine blood from the drawer, Ixia handed it to Kiana: “It’s not a big deal. Since you are there, it’s just right. You can drip this thing on my back.”

“Eh? This is…[Stigma Improvement Potion]?”

“Stigma improvement potion? What is that?”

The new term that popped out of Kiana’s mouth made Exia frown. Is this the latest new drug developed by Tianming in the past year?

Shaking the divine blood in her hand, Kiana explained: “It is something newly developed by Saint 1504 almost five months ago. It seems to be based on something particularly rare and has been improved to make it. A potion that strengthens the effect of the stigmata and makes it growable to a certain extent.”

“But it is said that it is still in the experimental stage, and only a few Valkyries have used the potion – Aunt Himeko from Aunt Theresa’s side has used it. But none of us have used it.”

(Oh haha~~~Does this mean that the research on divine blood is almost completed? The progress is faster than I thought.)

Ever since Exia brought the divine blood back, Tianming has been studying its effects and application plans. However, there was no huge breakthrough a year ago, and now it has been developed to this point? and……

“Kiana, have you met our aunt?”

“Yeah! I saw it during the Chinese New Year. It was very small. At first I thought it was a child from some family, but I didn’t expect it to be my aunt. I was scolded by her later – but my aunt gave me one. A lot of new year’s money! I met Aunt Jizi at that time too!”

Aunt Theresa returned to the headquarters during the Chinese New Year?

(Speaking of which, I haven’t celebrated the New Year at the headquarters for two years, right?)

It is now July 2015, a world where Exia was still there seven months ago. And that time in 2014, Exia was also in a different world. Never came back at all. But this time he has half a year, so he can stay and celebrate the New Year together.

“So, brother, where did you get this improved potion?”

“No, this is not an improved potion, but the original version. Only I can use it.”

As Alexia said that, she took off her shirt in front of Kiana, revealing her strong body hidden under the clothes.

This move directly made Kiana blush on the spot! He covered his eyes with both hands!

“Brother, why are you taking off your clothes!”

“Eh? Of course it’s to use the divine blood in your hand. It doesn’t necessarily drip on your clothes, right?” Alexia said matter-of-factly, “Also, if you want to cover your eyes, cover them tightly and leave a slit between your fingers. What is it for?”


With her cheeks slightly red, she put down her hand and looked at Alexia who was lying on the bed. Although Kiana didn’t understand it very well, she instinctively felt that this scene was for her… no, it should be said that it was for anyone. There is something not so good about everyone.

(My brother was lying on the bed wearing a pair of pants, waiting for me to give him something…)

Kiana suddenly felt that this was somewhat similar to the night reading content that she had accidentally read on the Internet before.

But her brother is much more handsome than the protagonist there.

“Kiana? What are you doing standing there?”

“Eh? Ah, come right now!”

After patting her face to calm down, Kiana came to the bedside: “How much should I drip, bro?”

“One or two drops is enough, save it… Why are you riding on my back?”

“Eh? Uh…”

Kiana, who happened to be riding on Alexia, quickly put her feet back and sat on the edge of the bed: “I just think this is more appropriate. Brother, do you think I’m too heavy?”

“That’s not true. I can bear a hundred of you. Besides, you look quite slim. I don’t think it’s very heavy, right?”

“Hmph~~~ I have been trying to maintain my figure. My goal is Sister Bianca!”

“Okay, okay, help me quickly.”

Alexia urged, and Kiana carefully dripped two drops of divine blood.


As the divine blood entered Alexia’s body, the grace of God engraved on his back immediately lit up. In the outline like the Kaslana family emblem, the blank spaces were filled with sacred words line by line. Floating in mid-air.

Kiana couldn’t help but her breath was stagnant.

(what is this?)

Something I’ve never seen before.

Does your brother have a tattoo? But this tattoo…

(It feels like…something’s not right?)

Kiana suddenly had the urge to touch the words floating in the air, but she was quickly controlled by herself.

As for Alexia, he didn’t notice the situation of his sister. Now he had focused all his attention on the ability values ​​that came to his mind.

Messiah Kaslana


Strength: i(0)→sss(4600)

Durability: i(0)→sss(5000)

Smart: i(0)→sss(4720)

Agility: i (0) → sss (4562)

Magic: i(0)→sss(5109)


Magic defense: e


【He will save the world】


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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