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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 33

The crashing sound continued to shock the vast space as if it was never ending.

The dark purple alien shape was like a flash of light, refracting every time it touched the wall (mirror), and its afterimages kept passing around Ixia, occupying almost every inch of space around him!

The storm of sharp claws tore through the ice armor countless times.

This is information that almost no one knows. The claws, or fingertips, of the alien—Zagnaut—have the destructive power to tear apart any armor. That was given to it by the dungeon, just to use it as the ultimate weapon. The natural [Claws of Destruction] that tear apart adventurers to pieces at extremely fast speeds and have extremely specialized attack power!

Even the ice that can freeze the floor owner cannot stand against it.

(So ​​fast! So strong!)

Struggling to resist Jagannath’s infinite assault, Exia repeatedly sighed inwardly at the opponent’s strength.

The jumping ability that can move from one side of the room to the other in an instant is so fast that even the eyes cannot catch the afterimage. In terms of speed alone, the opponent is undoubtedly several levels beyond Exia.

Resisting its attacks can only rely on intuition and instinct, as well as the predictions brought by reason.

(If I didn’t stop it once, I would be dead!)

No instinct is needed, this storm-like attack itself declares this fact, and similarly, Exia can also clearly recognize another fact.

That is, you must not let it kill you!

If your own ice cannot resist it, it means that the ice layer used to seal the passage will be easily shattered by it. If it goes to the lower level, with Lefia’s power, it will be instantly destroyed by it. kill!

(Can’t let it pass, can’t let it leave, can’t be killed by it!)

Same as Otta’s time.

But something is different.

Lefia could not escape this time, unable to escape to a safe place. The two of them had no way out in front of this sudden attacker.

In this case……

【Just kill it! 】

Instinct roars in the heart, and the body screams in the ice.

Have you had enough of Ichimo’s defense? It’s just that you were robbed of the opportunity. Just take the initiative back. How can you be suppressed all the time?

There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect someone, but relying on the protection of [Defense] and [Retreat] can’t save anyone. It’s like holding a sword and trying to kill someone, but the blade is still wrapped in the scabbard. After all, Who can be cut?

So what if the opponent is fast? It’s not that it can’t be predicted, and it’s not that it can’t be blocked. To put it another way, even if it can’t be blocked, wouldn’t it be nice to just throw away an arm and kill it?

[Anyway, I’ve confirmed it, it’s super weak, it’s just a glass cannon]

Zaganat’s defense is very poor. Compared with the speed of [Agility] and the terrifying [Claws of Destruction], its defense can be broken with just one hit of [Inch Jin·Open Sky]. The scars and cracks left by Kaitian’s punch still remain on his chest.

Then the answer is simple.

[Use instinct and rationality to dodge the attack, and then rely on instinct and rationality to kill it! 】

Kill all those who harm your important people to protect your important people!


Frost erupts from Exia’s feet!

The shock and blizzard that broke out in an instant forcibly interrupted Zaganat’s surprise attack, and the frost frozen on its body by the extreme cold restricted its movements.

The action trajectory is clearly visible.

“——Open the sky!”

Cun Jin punched with all his strength!



The sound of breaking and tearing sounded at the same time.

Deep purple severed limbs and frozen blood flew into the sky!

56.Penetrate the chest

“Emergency summons?”

Inside the residence of Loki Familia.

Finn, who had just returned with Loki, heard about the summoning order from the guild from Riveria.

“Did something particularly serious happen?”

“The guild didn’t say anything clearly. It just said that there were some problems in the dungeon and asked us and the first-level adventurers of Freya’s family to go investigate. In addition, this is a letter that was given directly to Loki.”

Riveria said before handing the document from the guild to Loki’s hand. When he took the document, Loki couldn’t help but feel slightly stunned.

(This is…sacred text.)

There is nothing special about the document itself. The content is just as Riveria said, but there is a special paragraph of sacred text attached to the outside of the document.

Those are words that almost no one in the lower world can understand, and only gods can use to communicate.

(Information about that old guy in Ouranos, information about the dungeon…what——)

Looking at the message conveyed by Ouranos in sacred words, Loki’s expression suddenly changed several times, from surprise to shock at the beginning, and then to solemnity and seriousness at the end.

Finn and Riveria had never seen Loki like this.

“What’s wrong? Loki.”

“Riveria, Finn… be careful when you go to the dungeon this time. Be a million times more careful and cautious – we don’t want to hear about your deaths.”

Lose your life?

The two looked at each other, and both could read some confusion and surprise in each other’s eyes, followed by seriousness.

For Loki to give such instructions means that the situation that led to the emergency summons issued by the guild is extremely dangerous, and even a first-level adventurer may get into trouble during the incident.

“The location is on the thirty-seventh floor. It may have started to move to the floors above. Hurry up and go.”

“I understand – let’s go, Riveria, take Tione, Tiona and Gareth with you!”



Top of the Tower of Babel.

After receiving the summons from the guild, Hedin immediately reported to Freya, and after reading the document that also contained the code words of Ouranos, Freya showed a rare serious expression.

“This time, just follow the guild’s wishes, but remember to be careful, Hedin, and remind others the same way – in addition, Ota is probably still in the dungeon, if you encounter him, please convey my wishes to him .”

“[We misjudged this time]”


Freya’s words made Hedin’s expression waver for a moment – the goddess Freya is the goddess who controls everything. Her love and charm can make everything be controlled by her, even if she has no intention in that regard.

Until now, nothing beyond Freya’s expectations had ever happened.

But this time the goddess actually said she had misjudged…

(Is it about that Alexia Kaslana?)

Hedin did not directly ask the goddess about her will, he just thought about it in his heart.

“The location is on the thirty-seventh floor, but it may have spread to the upper levels. You should go and solve it as soon as possible.”



Just when the people on the ground were forming to deal with Jagannath.

In the underground city.

The battlefield between Exia and Zaganat has been moved from the White Palace on the thirty-seventh floor to the thirty-fifth floor.


This was the sound of the ground breaking beneath Jagannath’s feet.


This was the sound of the wall cracking beneath Exia’s feet.

Although the speed is completely unable to keep up with Zaganat, after relying on instinct and rationality to predict its actions and movement trajectories, Exia can still barely catch up with it and engage in a super-high-speed tug-of-war with it.

Walls, floors, ceilings, pillars… everything between the floors became a stepping stone for the two of them. The two figures of ice blue and deep purple were constantly galloping back and forth in the air like light.



The sound of breaking and tearing had not stopped since a few minutes ago.

Ixia’s fists and feet shattered Zaganat’s carapace, and the dark purple shell was already covered with large and small cracks. And Zaganat’s claws of destruction continued to tear apart Exia’s body, even if none of them were fatal injuries, just countless scratches and small injuries, Exia was now covered in bruises.

The blood was frozen the moment it flowed out, and the ice armor covering the key parts was broken and reconstructed countless times… After using such small means, Ixia was able to prevent herself from losing too much blood. And lose consciousness.

But this will also have side effects. About one-fifth of his body is now frozen, and the ultra-low temperature has slowed his movements to a certain extent.



There was another confrontation, and fists and claws fell on each other at the same time. The ice armor on Ixia’s chest was completely shattered and regenerated instantly, and Zaganat’s right forelimb also twisted at a weird angle.


(Too shallow! Poor timing!)

The side effects of the freezing treatment were reflected. Exia’s fist hit Zaganat’s body half an instant slower than Zaganat’s claws – it would definitely become even slower if it continued.

(Can’t delay, solve it in one go!)

The longer you delay, the lower your chances of winning.

However, if you want a quick victory, you must have a fatal blow. Judging from the series of confrontations, Exia’s frost ability cannot give it a fatal blow.

If there was a weapon at hand, and someone could delay it for just a short while, the blow used to kill Udaios might be able to…


The left arm was suddenly penetrated by the claws of destruction along with the ice armor!

The body movements failed to catch up with the opponent!



Before Alexia could break free, Zaganat had already thrown her high towards the ceiling with a forceful swing. In an instant, Alexia reached an altitude of tens of meters, and then fell rapidly under the influence of gravity!

(Next blow – tail sweep!)

Reluctantly turning around in the air, Exia looked at the giant tail that was sweeping towards him with all its strength as he had expected. He stretched out both hands, and the power of frost exploded with maximum output!


An icy blue storm penetrated the atmosphere.

Jagannath’s tail was directly frozen, but then the tail forcibly broke the ice, penetrated the blizzard, and hit Alexia’s arm with all its strength!


Like a baseball being blown away, Alexia crashed directly into the wall not far away!

Blood-red ice slag spurted out from his mouth.


Zaganat fell from the sky, and with its whole body covered with cracks, it stood on all fours and stared at Exia who fell into the wall. It leaned back slightly as if it was accumulating strength, and grabbed the ground with its forelimbs.

It will pierce itself through with the fastest sprint – Exia can foresee such a future.


After charging up, the Destroyer’s sprint came as expected, and the dark purple figure expanded rapidly in Exia’s eyes!




The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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