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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 330

——Strengthen magic

——All ability values, skills, and development effects have been greatly improved.

——Second strengthening based on mental status



——Swallowed, fused, reproduced and utilized

——Invalidation of abnormal mental state

[Holy Grail of Roots]

——All abilities are automatically and slowly improved

——System-wide magic effect enhancement

——Can use special magic independently

——Wish comes true

【Fourth True Ancestor】


——Super-speed recovery of magic power·Maximum magic power limit

——Use the Familiar Beast of the Twelve Stars

——All abilities at night are slightly increased and slightly excited.

What appeared in Exia’s mind was that his ability values ​​had changed drastically compared to a year ago.

Like a monster.

9. Make the paper before eating

This was the second time that Alexia looked at her abilities like this.

Although I had expected it, I didn’t expect that one year later, my ability value would actually increase to such an outrageous level.

All abilities exceeded 4,500, and magic power and durability directly exceeded 5,000. You must know that the adventurers of Orario only have the highest ability value of 999. Compared with his situation, it is simply not good enough.


(Whether it’s magic or skills, everything is different from the original description. Is it because I awakened the power of Chimera? By the way, the power of the Fourth True Ancestor who was devoured by me actually exists in the form of skills… I I thought it would be incorporated into the power of Chimera.)

It seems that under the rules of God’s favor, the power of the Fourth True Ancestor…or the power it brings is closer to independent existence.

[Sacred blood reaction detected, please ask if it needs to be upgraded]


[Start executing the simulation operation program to upgrade God’s favor]

At the same time as such burning words appeared in his eyes, a burning and tickling feeling was conveyed to Alexia’s back, and the divine blood submerged in his body began to upgrade the favor he carried.

A few seconds later…

[Basic framework upgrade completed]

[Next, please select your development ability. There is one development ability you can choose – Broken]

[Since there are no redundant choices, reduction is performed and development capabilities are automatically selected]

This was another situation that surprised Aixia.

The development ability is based on the strengthening effect summed up from the experience before upgrading. Exia has experienced a lot of battles in the past year. Although most of them are not difficult battles, the experience of one year is actually It only leads to the emergence of a developmental capability.

And [broken].

As its name suggests, when Exia affects the surroundings, it can strengthen the development of the shattering effect to a certain extent. For example, it can break the blade more easily, or it can crush the ground more easily… …80% of it can be summarized from Exia’s destructive behavior in the past year.

In fact, Exia must admit that she has caused quite a lot of damage to String God Island before.

【update completed】

[God’s favor has been upgraded from lv.3 to lv.4]

Burning text like this appeared in the field of vision.

In this way, Exia is only one level away from the so-called first-level adventurer. And if we really want to say it, for him who can automatically grow his ability value under the effect of the Great Holy Grail, The only thing that hinders him from upgrading is Weiye.

(What great achievements do I need to upgrade next?)

Alexia thought so.

But just then——

[It is detected that the ability value has met the upgrade conditions]

The burning text that should have disappeared has once again given a hint.

[Do you need to upgrade? 】

(…continuous upgrades? What’s going on?)

Alexia was a little surprised.


[Because the ability points and experience accumulated at lv.3 are excessive, even if the upgrade is completed, the excess can still meet the requirements for upgrading to lv.5. The necessary ‘great deeds’ for upgrading are also quite sufficient to meet the upgrade conditions]

[Do you need to upgrade? 】

I see.

The ability points that Alexia accumulated before at lv.3 all exceeded 4500, even more than 5000. Generally speaking, the ability points required for upgrading do not require so many. In addition, in the past year on Genkami Island, Waiting for some things to be accomplished.

Defeat the Fourth True Ancestor, defeat the Third True Ancestor, defeat the high-dimensional model angels, defeat the weapons of the gods, establish the Kaslana Empire, and fight against the three True Ancestors joining forces… so many things add up to upgrade. The great achievements required are also excessive.

The result is that he has achieved the second consecutive upgrade of God’s favor, and can be directly upgraded to lv.5. Even in terms of experience points, upgrading to lv.6 should only be a matter of great achievements.

(I remember…it seems that the upgrade situation on my side will be reported to the Loki Familia at the same time, right?)


Then Alexia felt that Loki and the others might be scared to death by him this time. They upgraded from lv.1 to lv.5 in less than two years. You must know that Ais, who is known as the fastest upgrader, is also a flower. It took a year for her to reach level 2. It can be said that Alexia has broken all her records.

(Okay, upgrade.)

【Order accepted】

[Start executing the simulation operation program again to upgrade God’s favor…]

The itching feeling that hadn’t completely subsided came again.

And it’s the same this time. In terms of development ability, the only thing Exia can choose is [Magic Guide]. This development ability is not so much to strengthen him, but to add icing on the cake to Sandjo Aige. .

After waiting quietly for tens of seconds and watching the burning words about the upgrade of God’s favor disappear from her eyes, Ixia got up from the bed.

“Huh? Is it over? Bro.”

Kiana, who was just watching the suspicious tattoo that appeared on his back disappear, couldn’t help but ask: “What on earth is that? This is the first time I know that you have such a thing on your back, brother.”

“Hmm… another type of [Stigma].” Alexia said as she put on her clothes. “When I went on a business trip to another world for the first time, I went from being a goddess with no airs to anything. The favor I received there can also be said to be the [origin] of why I can become so strong now.”

“Goddess? Favor?”

Kiana frowned.

In other words, the reason why my brother is so strong is largely due to this kind of favor?

“…Then can I also have this favor?”


The sudden question surprised Alexia: “Kiana…do you also want God’s favor?”

“Because this is something that can make me stronger. I also want to be as powerful as you, brother.” Kiana said matter-of-factly, “Is it just a matter of dripping this divine blood on it? Then I’ll go back and find Meiyi to help me drip it!”

“No, no, no, it’s not that simple.”

Alexia quickly took back the divine blood and hid it in the cabinet.

“God’s favor is a favor that can only be given by the goddess. Just dripping blood is useless… Well, if you really want it, I may be able to take you to see the goddess later.”

Anyway, there are no restrictions or objectionable mechanisms for taking people away now. Taking Kiana to Orario is not a problem. It just so happens that it has been more than a year since Alexia left that world. Find time to go back It’s not a bad thing to look at old friends and seniors.

Exia quite likes those friends from the Loki Familia, those friends who gave her the first chance to become stronger.

“Is that okay? Bro.”

“Well, at least for the past six months, I’ll help you pass the A-level Valkyrie theory test first.” Ixia rubbed Kiana’s head, “Just in time, there’s still a lot of time before dinner starts. , let me touch your bottom first.”

“Eh? Now?”

“Yeah, is there a problem?”


But there are still twenty minutes until dinner. If you do the mock paper at this time…if you don’t finish it or fail in the exam, won’t you even have dinner?

(Brother is really as devilish as before!)

10.Finally enlightened?

Although it was said that she wanted to find out the extent of the theoretical knowledge that Kiana now possessed, it was still her first day back, so Exia had no intention of targeting Kiana in particular.

He was quite happy to see his sister again after a year, and there was no need to make both parties unhappy.

So when Kiana was doing the mock papers, Alexia was always there to guide her. Rather than asking her to take the exam, it was more like helping her review and explain the knowledge points.

Of course, this is limited to some theories. Regarding tactical planning, Exia is actually not good at it either. He had never participated in the A-level Valkyrie assessment back then. Although he didn’t completely understand it, if he was asked to compare with the level of an A-level Valkyrie, he would be looking down upon him.

So for this part, he directly used the Great Holy Grail to search for the answer.

Brother can’t say “I don’t know” in front of his sister.

And when they were halfway through the problem, Raiden Mei and others below also prepared dinner, allowing Exia to once again have time to dine with her family here for the first time in a year.

And now…

“It seems that you have had a good time reminiscing with your family.”

It’s around eight o’clock in the evening.

In Alexia’s room.

Alexia, who was having a remote video call with Bishop Otto through a laptop, heard what he said, and the corners of her mouth raised a little: “Well. One year has passed, everyone is living well and has grown up very well. Knowing these things is enough for me… But, I still have to practice with Kiana and the others tomorrow.”

“Oh? Don’t you trust your sister’s strength?”

“Almost. To be honest, I think it’s a little early for Kiana and the others to officially become Valkyrie so soon. They are only 16 years old.”

“But Bianca became an official Valkyrie at the age of 13.” Otto reminded with a smile, “You are only 17 this year, but what you do is much more dangerous than fighting Honkaimon. I can understand that you are worried about your sister’s safety, but in fact she doesn’t need you to worry too much, especially when it comes to combat.”

“In fact, even though it was just a simulated battle, Kiana has already had a record of defeating an emperor-level Honkaimon head-on.”

At the same time that Otto finished speaking, a record was also transmitted to Exia’s device.

That was a record of the use of a simulated training room.

The object of the simulation is Imperial-level Honkaimon Ganesha. Although it is at the lower-middle level among the Imperial-level Honkaimon that have been confirmed so far, it is still Imperial-level Honkaimon, and an A-level Valkyrie faces it alone. If so, there will be powerful enemies that will put your life in danger.

According to the record, Kiana finally defeated him in fifteen minutes and nine seconds when faced alone. The only equipment she carried was a third-generation Valkyrie armor and a standard Fire Fairy. The twin guns were destroyed shortly after the battle, which was essentially equivalent to Kiana defeating the emperor-level Honkaimon with her bare hands.

This is already something that is almost impossible for an A-level Valkyrie to do.

“In addition, I believe you already know that Kiana passed the A-level Valkyrie’s actual combat assessment and was only missing the last Honkai Emperor to get full marks – but before that she had defeated more than two hundred Honkai Emperors. It’s a bad beast, and the time it takes to fight the Honkai Emperor is only thirty seconds.”

“I admit, she is still very immature. If it were you and Bianca, she should be able to knock her down with one blow. And if it were Rita and Theresa, she would definitely be able to knock her down within a minute. But Qi Yana has a very powerful potential ability. I personally think it is no less than you and Bianca. If she is given more training in desperate situations, she will become very strong in a short time and is expected to become a new S-class Valkyrie.”

Otto said so.

Alexia did not answer immediately, but just stared at the simulated battle record, and then sighed slightly: “Bishop, next time, please tell me before you make such arbitrary decisions.”

“Oh? Did you see it?”

“The regular training content in the simulation training room is up to the Honkai Emperor. The Honkaimon data above that cannot be applied for and used with Kiana’s authority… The only thing I can think of is that you are You secretly arranged such a trial for her.” Alexia clenched her hands tightly, “I know you want to speed up Kiana’s growth, but… As an elder brother, I don’t want Kiana to Exposed to too many unnecessary dangers.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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