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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 331

This may be a warning.

Otto on the other end suddenly felt this way.

Alexia’s words were not asking him to be merciful to Kiana, but a subtle reminder or even a warning to him not to do anything too outrageous to Kiana.

【Don’t be too harsh on my sister】

To put it bluntly, this is what Ixia wanted to express.

“…It seems that I have offended you. Indeed, I have to apologize to you.” Otto admitted his fault simply, “I was a little too hasty. I hope I can get rid of you as soon as possible.” Kiana’s talent has blossomed, but her age has been slightly ignored – I’m sorry, Ixia, I didn’t mean to hurt your sister.”

“Bishop, you spoke harshly, and I didn’t mean to blame you… My tone was a little harsh, I’m sorry.”

Alexia quickly explained.

“More than this, Bishop, I have a few things I want to tell you, things I haven’t been able to tell you before. There are also some things I just thought of now.”

“Then let’s start with what you wanted to tell me in the first place.”

“Okay…but, rather than the matter, I want to ask the bishop to help me find some people.”

Having said this, Alexia’s cheeks turned red, as if she was a little embarrassed. Seeing this, Otto couldn’t help but wonder, how could he find someone to make Alexia react like this?

“Who do you want me to help you find?”

“Well…it’s similar to someone who is very talented…or can be called a saint, a genius, a gifted woman…or something like that? It’s best to be a woman, and… …If possible, it would be best if it is someone I have heard of or know…”

Very talented? Did you know Alexia? female?

Combining these keywords together, Otto suddenly had a guess.

“…If it’s convenient, could you tell me why you are looking for these people?”

“This… is actually a bit unspeakable, or maybe a bit unreasonable… Bishop, you will probably find it a bit outrageous if you find out.”

“Do you think I will still be surprised by some things now?” Otto smiled, “Just tell me what you want to do, and I will do my best to help you complete it. This is also considered as your doing for me. I brought back the reward of Holy Annihilation.”

Will you do your best to help yourself achieve it?

Alexia took a deep breath, then seemed to have made up her mind, and said to Otto with firm and serious eyes——

“Actually, I need about a dozen [partners].”

Otto: “…huh?”

At this moment, Otto felt as if he had heard wrongly.

11. Influence the future of destiny

Exia has always exceeded her own expectations, and Otto knew this very well.

Since he went to another world and returned, the power and possibilities he has shown have exceeded Otto’s expectations several times. He is really lucky to have such an adopted son. He believes in Exia and Bianca Together with Bianca, he will become Destiny’s generation’s trump card against Honkai. Even after learning that Axia might be able to bring back hope of resurrecting Kallen from another world, he had high hopes for Axia.

However, because he was surprised too many times, Otto was actually prepared to a certain extent for Exia’s words and deeds, so he was not surprised by everything.

But what Alexia said now was really something he had never expected.


Otto rubbed his eyebrows.

“Exia, you have become good at joking.”

“No, I’m not kidding, Bishop. For some reasons, I do need up to twelve partners.” Ixia said seriously, “But please rest assured, Bishop, I don’t want to do those depraved behaviors.” , nor is this request made out of pure desire.”

Otto felt that Exia’s explanation was quite credible.

After all, he was the one who taught her. Otto still knew a lot about Alexia’s character and thoughts. At least when he left a year ago, his adopted son and student was devoted to Bianca.

But…that was a year ago.

Alexia stayed in another world for a year. Judging from the previous periodic reports and the content of previous phone calls between him and Alexia, Alexia was quite popular there and captured the hearts of many girls. The girl named Lan Yu Qian Cong was even more proactive.

In addition, Exia became the Emperor of the Night more than three months ago, established the Kaslana Empire in that world with Genkami Island as its core, and adopted Lan Yu Asakon as the titular princess – Honesty It is not entirely impossible to say that in that situation, Exia’s feelings were affected and changed.

He is only 17 years old, which is the age when he is interested in this aspect, and Otto has not given him much education in this area before…

“…Let me hear your reasons first, Exia.”

After thinking deeply for a while, Otto spoke like this.

I hope he’s overthinking it.

And Exia did not hide anything: “Bishop, you should have read the report I submitted almost a year ago about the Feast of Flames and my becoming the Fourth True Ancestor, as well as about vampires and beasts. ?”

“Yeah, of course.”

“My reason is related to the Fourth True Ancestor and his beasts.”

Alexia said as she sent the documents she had prepared long ago to Otto.

“After I devoured the Fourth True Ancestor, I also obtained its beloved beasts. A few months ago, the last two beloved beasts were also absorbed by me. Now I hold the complete twelve beasts. Familiar beasts—but unfortunately, I can’t control them as I wish.”

“No, to be more precise, those beasts don’t agree with me.”

To use a metaphor to explain, the familiar beast is usually a beast that is locked in a cage. When the vampire needs it, he will take the initiative to open the cage and release the familiar beast. But Exia’s situation is that even if he opens the cage, the familiar will not come out on its own initiative. Instead, he needs to forcefully pull it out, and usually the familiar will try to break the cage by itself from time to time.

“The root cause of this situation is that I have never sucked blood, or it can be said that I have not fed them. First, if I want the beasts to cooperate with me, then I have to suck the blood of some women with excellent qualifications, such as Talking about saints and the like. Normally, one person’s blood can only make one beast obedient.”

Therefore, theoretically, Exia needs to absorb the blood of twelve people to awaken all the familiar beasts.

Listening to Alexia’s explanation while reading the document, Otto also smiled reassuringly: “So that’s it, twelve familiar beasts residing in your body… Indeed, as a weapon, if You can use them at will, which means we have twelve more strategic weapons that can be reused.”

“But… do you have to suck blood? With your power, you should be able to subdue them, right?”

Alexia nodded: “Indeed, I will beat them all down, and it will be easy to force them to obey. But Bishop, high-pressure rule and strong dominance are sometimes counterproductive, right? Even if the beasts are summoned by me, then It is possible that the strike will not move.”

“So my idea is to try to get along with them through blood-sucking behavior first, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll beat them up. And to be honest, several of the twelve familiar beasts are actually of no use to me now. It’s big, so it doesn’t hurt that you can’t use it at will.”

“Hmm…that makes sense.”

The document given by Exia also explained the abilities of the twelve Familiar Beasts. Otto could indeed see that, except for a few Familiar Beasts whose abilities were quite foul and could almost rival the Herrscher, the rest of the Familiar Beasts More of it just adds to the destructive power of Exia, making his slightly monotonous attack methods more diverse.

Crossing out the document, Otto smiled slightly: “Okay, I can help you with this. Your becoming stronger is also a good thing for us and the world.”

“Thank you Bishop.”

“Haha, there’s no need to say thank you – speaking of which, what about [partner]? Could it be that after you sucked your blood, he became your partner?”


After Alexia paused, her cheeks turned slightly red: “Actually, there is one thing I forgot to mention just now. For vampires, blood-sucking behavior is equivalent to our human desire behavior, kissing, hugging, caressing, sleeping together, Courtship…vampire behavior is the way vampires express their love for their lovers, and it is also an impulse based on desire.”

“And the body of the person who has been sucked by me will also undergo a certain degree of mutation – to put it more directly, if I also inject my blood into the other person when sucking blood, then that person will become my blood My partner, who shares my strength and lifespan to a certain extent, and even my immortality.”

If a vampire gives his blood or body part to another person, it is tantamount to making that person his servant or partner. And because the part that is handed over cannot be regenerated under normal circumstances, vampires will only perform this kind of behavior on people they particularly like.

“Although it is to control the beasts, I still have to suck blood twelve times. For the women whose blood I sucked, I feel that I still have to bear some responsibility.”


Otto didn’t need Exia to finish speaking, and Otto already understood what he meant.

To put it simply, it is his own sense of responsibility.

“…Well, then we can’t deal with this matter too carelessly. It seems that we will have a meeting with the Kaslana family and the Shaniyat family for a long time.” Tuo pondered for a while and then said, “After all, according to your statement, this is equivalent to choosing lovers and wives for the next head of the Kaslana family – even exaggerating, this may still be true. It’s a major event that may affect your destiny in the future.”

“No, Bishop, this statement…”

Alexia immediately wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, he had to admit that this was indeed the case.

Otto smiled: “I didn’t expect to do such a thing in this era. Even five hundred years ago, it was quite rare to achieve your level… In every sense, you are You have grown up, Exia.”

“Stop teasing me, Bishop.”

“Hehehe~~~ So, you should have one or two candidates in mind, right?” Otto asked, “Since this is the case, I think you must have reserved a position for someone long ago, right? “


Nodding her head, Alexia thought of her childhood sweetheart.


12. Start deceiving candidates

Far East Branch, St. Freya Academy.

“…The above is the report of this mission.”

In the principal’s office.

Fu Hua, who said this, put the mission report in his hand on his desk: “The regular annihilation mission in Changkong City was successfully completed. There were no casualties among the three teams of Valkyries I led, and they all completed the mission indicators.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work, Fu Hua.”

Sitting behind a large desk that didn’t match her at all, with only a lock of hair on her head exposed, Theresa took the tablet and read the reports on it out of habit.

Nearly a year and a half have passed since the third Honkai Impact, and with Exia defeating the Herrscher of Thunder and the Herrscher Mimetic one after another, Changkong City can basically no longer be regarded as a Honkai Impact. In the area hit hardest by the damage, the concentration of Honkai energy dropped sharply until it stabilized at a level equivalent to a medium-sized Honkai event almost ten months ago.

After that, out of consideration for student training and the repair work of Changkong City, the Far East Branch would send several batches of Valkyrie teams to conduct real combat training every month, because most of the Honkaiju they faced were combatants. There are only a few car-level, knight-level, and temple-level Honkaimons, so it’s not really that dangerous. Plus, there are A-level Valkyrie in charge every time.

So Theresa has always been relieved.

Like this time it was Fu Hua who led the team.

“I’m sorry, Fu Hua, I’ve asked you to lead the team for the second time this month. There are still too few Valkyries in our branch who can take charge of their own duties.”

“It doesn’t matter. As an A-level Valkyrie, this is not a burden, and I usually have almost no tasks. Leading the trainees can be regarded as stretching my muscles.”

This is the truth.

Almost since a year ago, Fu Hua, who had been accepting secret missions from Otto, suddenly became idle. Missions from the headquarters often took several months to receive. Such abnormal behavior made Fu Hua make a special trip to the headquarters to ask Otto about the situation.

And Otto’s answer was “I want to train the young Valkyries as much as possible, so I won’t bother you, the hidden master, to move around frequently.”

Of course Fu Hua could tell that this was perfunctory. She was responsible for some tasks that ordinary Valkyrie could not handle properly. If it was just for this superficial reason, it would not be that she would not be given a task for several months. , which is almost equivalent to saying that she has been left idle.

Considering the transaction between himself and Otto, Fu Hua had to feel worried and uneasy.

But no matter how many times she asked, Otto’s answers were always the same. In the end, she could only return to the Far East Branch with doubts and confusion, and began to find something to do for herself, such as taking the initiative to take over The tasks of the Far East Branch and the like.

“But don’t work too hard, Fu Hua.” Wuliangta Jizi, who was also in the office, also smiled and said, “Give yourself a holiday once in a while.”

“I think you need this more than I do, Major Himeko.”

Fu Hua looked at Wuliangta Jizi with some worry in his eyes: “Is your health okay? I remember when I went to the headquarters for a physical examination, your result report…”

Wuliangta Jizi’s health has not been very good.

This is not to say that she was born with any disease, but a side effect of the artificial stigmata. Wuliangta Jizi was 22 years old when she underwent the surgery, and her adaptability to artificial stigmata was far inferior to that of a teenage girl. Although she relied on her own hard work and perseverance, she became an A-level Valkyrie along the way, and even now the Far East Branch ace.

But she has been severely eroded by Honkai energy over the years. Not to mention that he was injured by the Herrscher a year ago, and not long ago he actively accepted the injection of the Stigma Improvement Potion. Coupled with the fact that she often drinks alcohol and sometimes stays up late to work, to be exaggerated, she doesn’t have a few years left to live.

“Hey~~~ It’s the same as usual, it’s no big deal.”

Faced with Fu Hua’s worries, Wuliangta Jizi waved her hands with a relaxed expression: “Everyone will die eventually. At worst, I will just be a little earlier. And hasn’t the headquarters been improving the artificial stigmata? Maybe one day My problem is solved? Don’t worry too much about me.”


Seeing Wuliangta Jizi’s optimistic look, both Fu Hua and Theresa were a little unsure of how to react. It’s a good thing that she’s so optimistic, but her physical condition…

“Beep beep beep~~~!”

Suddenly, a sound came from Fu Hua.

Fu Hua quickly pressed his red-rimmed glasses, and a few lines of small words popped up on the lenses without prescription.

[A-level Valkyrie, Fu Hua, you have a temporary summons order from the headquarters]

“A mission from headquarters? Fu Hua.”

Theresa asked.

She is aware of Fu Hua’s situation, and the A-level Valkyrie does not just accept orders from the branch. The headquarters will also issue some emergency tasks to each branch from time to time and leave them to the local branches to handle.

“…No, it’s a summons. It seems like there’s something to be announced.”

Fu Hua said while looking at the content displayed on the lens.

However, unlike usual, this time the message seemed to have been written by Otto himself.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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