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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 332

[Old friend, come to the headquarters this weekend. Exia has returned from another world. How about reuniting your master and apprentice? In addition, he gained the ability in another world that I think may allow you to regain your past memories and even regain the power from five hundred years ago. I think you are very interested? 】


Fu Hua’s eyes suddenly trembled.

Ixia has returned from another world?

This was indeed surprising news, but what surprised Fu Hua even more than this was…

(Regaining memory and power…has Exia mastered that power?)

Fu Hua couldn’t believe it.

She knows her own situation well, and to be honest, she has given up any hope in this regard.

But…this is what Otto said.

Although that man was extremely sophisticated and had some hidden meaning behind every move, he rarely lied about serious matters… It could even be said that his behavior was not deception, but concealment.


(Exia has indeed found a way to restore me, but does it have to come at a certain price?)

Fu Hua frowned as he thought.

And just when she was thinking like this——


A voice also sounded from Wuliangta Jizi.

Taking out her personal terminal from her waist, Wuliangta Jizi glanced at the situation above: “Eh? Why did the headquarters suddenly ask me to go for a physical examination? And it’s a mandatory order? I have to go this weekend?… He also said that he has developed technology to [eliminate the side effects of artificial stigmata]?”


Fu Hua’s frown deepened.

The method to restore one’s memory and strength, the technology to treat Wuliang Takiko…these two appeared at the same time, could it be——

(Are they all related to Exia?)

What did his apprentice bring back from the other world?

13. I can’t get it together

Manila, Philippines.

Destiny Branch.

“Huh~~~As expected, I need to take a shower after training~~~”

Anna Shaniat, who walked out of the shower room attached to the training room and was only wrapped in a bath towel, walked to the dressing table not far away and picked up the hair dryer to blow her wet breasts. hair.

She had just finished training.

She is 16 years old this year. She has passed all the A-level Valkyrie exams some time ago and officially became an A-level Valkyrie. She currently serves as the deputy captain of her Snow Lotus team.

At the level of a Valkyrie, she is already quite outstanding, but even so, she has never relaxed her training. One or two hours of high-intensity self-training like this is her daily routine. Required course.

After blow-drying and combing her long chestnut hair, Anna had just opened the wardrobe and was about to change into her uniform——

“Beep beep beep~~~”

The communicator placed on the clothes suddenly rang – there was a message.

Is there a mission?

Anna thought subconsciously, but after picking it up to read the message clearly, she couldn’t help but be stunned.

[Go back to my home this weekend, I have direct instructions from the bishop]

The information displayed on the screen surprised Anna.

(The bishop gave instructions directly to the Shaniyat family… This is really rare.)

As one of the three royal families of destiny, the Shaniyat family actually has the right to refuse Bishop Otto’s orders to a certain extent. The same goes for the Kaslana family. If the order is issued directly by the bishop, the Shaniyat family will The Art family can refuse after understanding the details.

However, Bishop Otto has not issued a direct order to the two families for a long time, at least not once in Anna’s memory, but according to the seniors in the family, it seems that the previous generations of saints often did so.

“Eh? Anna, training is over today?”

A girl’s voice came from behind.

Anna looked over: “Captain? Well, it just ended. Is the captain here for training too?”

“That’s right. With a hard-working team member like you, I can’t slack off.” Valkyrie, who is the captain of the Snow Lotus Team, said with a smile, “By the way, did you receive any information? I just saw you looking at the communication. The weapon is in ecstasy.”

“It was sent from home. It said that the bishop had a direct order to the Shaniyat family, asking me to go back and participate. So I need to apply to return to the headquarters this weekend, and I will give the relevant application form to you, captain.”

“Then I’ll give it to you orally now.”

The captain of the Snow Lotus team said casually.

“How many days do you have to go back? As my reliable vice-captain, you can’t stay away for too long.”

“This… the family didn’t say anything about it.”

Ana flipped through the information several times.

But no matter how many times I read it, the message only said that I would go back to my hometown this weekend, and it did not say how long I would go back.

“But I think it should only be a matter of two or three days. Maybe one day is also possible.”

“Yeah, that’s good.”


Destiny Headquarters.

Inside Otto’s office.

“Your Excellency, you have confirmed the consent of Lord Fu Hua, Major Wuliangta Jizi, and the Shaniyat family.”

Looking at the messages coming back one after another on the tablet in his hand, Amber reported truthfully to Otto.

Otto nodded with satisfaction.

It has been more than two days since Ixia made that request. As he expected, as long as something attractive enough is given, it is not difficult for the Far East Branch to handle it. As for the Shaniyat family, they originally wanted to marry the Kaslana family and try to revive the family, so they had no reason to refuse.

In Otto’s opinion, the conditions given by Exia can be summed up simply as [a woman he knows who has excellent Honkai adaptability], and the key point is [knowing] Exia. This is the highest priority standard. If it is a stranger, Ixia will not accept it no matter what.

Therefore, Fu Hua, Wuliangta Jizi, and Anna Shaniyat are almost all the candidates outside the headquarters, and they all meet the conditions.

As for whether Exia finally accepted it or not, that was his own business. He only entrusted Otto to find candidates for him.

“As for the Kaslana family… they gave an unanswerable reply.” Amber continued, “The reason is that the Kaslana family does not meet the requirements and is of the same age as Sir Alexia. Similar women cannot give out candidates immediately.”

The current younger generation of the Kaslana family only consists of Alexia and Kiana, which can be said to be sparsely populated. Therefore, from their standpoint, although Alexia’s behavior is quite unreasonable, the result is It is said that it is very likely to make the Kaslana family’s incense flourish again, so the family itself has no objections.

But Kaslana, who has no other younger generation in the family, can only support her.

“It’s just that the Kaslana family said that if the bishop allows it, then they are willing to provide financial and venue assistance.”

“Well, tell the acting head of the Kaslana family for me that I am very grateful for his kindness and hope that the Kaslana family can provide sufficient assistance and support.”

“I see.”

(In this way, even if five people are confirmed…are there still seven people left?)

Otto leaned back on his chair with his chin in his hand.

(Mei Raiden and Bronya Zaicek can also be included, and then…k-423 is no problem. The problem is also on Exia’s side, so let’s tentatively decide on a quota first— —That’s eight bits.)

(That Yae Sakura…it’s not yet certain whether Herrscher Mimesis can be sucked blood. Let’s have someone test it later. Let’s list it as the ninth person…are there still three more to go?)

Up to this point, we have almost reached the limit of [people whom Exia knows]. If we really want to gather twelve people, then we have to prioritize Honkai adaptability as the first priority.

(Shall we conduct a physical examination of all the Valkyries, rank them according to their Honkai Impact adaptability, and then remove the top three except the nine mentioned above? Or should we hand over the roster of Valkyries to Exia and let him choose on his own?)

Otto held his forehead in distress, and Otto felt a rare pain.

(You really have posed a problem for me, Alexia – you are so popular in another world, but why don’t you have many connections here?)


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14. Return of the first one

Exia didn’t know Otto’s troubles.

After all, Ixia has always trusted the bishop’s ability to do things, although he often puts some important work aside and runs to play games, or directly leaves the work to others to handle, while he takes a rest and handles it. Something else. But in terms of results, everything can be properly handled in the end. It’s just a matter of time.

And Alexia is not in a hurry to complete this kind of thing. Moreover, she said that she wants to find twelve partners, but in fact, it is not a big problem to have a few less. She can find them at any time. So he didn’t push it.

Because of this, three days flew by in a blink of an eye.

The fourth day of Alexia’s return to this world soon came.


Destiny headquarters, simulation training room.

Punching Kiana in the chest and pushing her lightly against the wall, Alexia shook her hand: “Okay, this means I win again. The eighteenth consecutive victory.”

“Ugh…it hurts…”

Holding her chest and sliding to the ground against the wall, Kiana glared at her brother: “Brother, can’t you be gentler?”

“I have been very merciful. If I had continued to fight seriously, I would have penetrated your body by now.” Alexia smiled, “What’s more, you are the one who took the initiative to ask me for training. Well? Just bear with this little pain.”

Spare training.

This is what Exia has been doing in the past three days.

The cause is naturally Kiana.

On the second day after returning, in order to find out the details of Kiana’s current combat power, Exia and Kiana had a small discussion. Needless to say, the result was Alexia’s complete victory. Kiana had no room to fight back in front of him, even if Alexia later showed mercy and fought Kiana with only one hand.

After that, Kiana proposed special training with Exia – and then, this was the eighteenth time in the past few days that she was photographed on the wall by Exia.

“Kiana, your strength and speed are very good, and your explosive power is excellent. In terms of the strength of a full blow, there should be very few Valkyries who can match you.”

After all, he is from Kaslana’s family.

One by one, Kaslana was a human with abnormally strong strength. It was a trivial matter to break a thick hemp rope around his wrist with his bare hands.

“If you are just fighting Honkaimon, this is enough. Coupled with your excellent physical strength and willpower, this can allow you to maintain your full strength for a long time. But occasionally you have to think about what happens if you fail to hit with all your strength. What should I do if I win?”

“Can’t hit it?” Kiana frowned, “The Honkaiju is so big, how could I not hit it.”

“Occasionally, there are Honkai Beasts with special abilities, or Death Soldiers with special abilities. Of course, I’m just giving you an example. I just want to tell you that when fighting, don’t rush to the end all at once, but also have more Think about some things.” Alexia rubbed Kiana’s hair, “If you don’t think about some things, becoming an A-level Valkyrie will only be the bottom of the bottom.”


The bottom of the bottom.

Kiana absolutely doesn’t want this kind of thing!

Getting up from the ground, Kiana patted her face: “Brother! Let’s play again!”



at the same time.

The third airport, apron.

“Buzz buzz~~~!”

Along with the roar of propellers, fierce winds descended on the tarmac.

A Tianming standard aircraft slowly landed.

The hatch on the side opened at the same time as the propeller stopped, and two figures jumped from the aircraft to the tarmac one after the other.

Those were two girls.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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