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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 333

One is a blond girl wearing armor with blue and white as the main tone, looking like a knight and a princess. The slender legs were wrapped in black stockings, the blue skirt extended very long on both sides, and the long wavy golden hair was slightly blowing in the wind.

The other girl was not wearing armor. Instead, she was wearing a tailor-made maid outfit with rose accessories. Her short ash-blond hair covers her left eye, leaving only one right eye exposed, giving her a rather mysterious and elegant impression.

It was Bianca and Rita who had returned from their mission.

“It feels like I haven’t been back to the headquarters in a long time, Rita.”

“After all, we have been out on a mission for a month this time, Master Bianca.” Rita smiled.

In the past month, for some reason, a large number of large-scale Honkai Impact events suddenly broke out all over the world. The large number of Honkai Beasts made it difficult for the Destiny branches in various places to resist, and a certain degree of casualties occurred. They had to Applied to headquarters for support.

As the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny, Hollandel naturally became a firefighter assigned by Bishop Otto.

In one month, she and Rita led the Immortal Blade team to fly all over the world. Except for North America, which was occupied by Anti-Entropy, she took care of all the large-scale collapse events in the world. , fighting almost non-stop for a month, and solved more than forty large-scale Honkai incidents.

Simply [Superman].

“The next step is to report to the Bishop. I hope I can get some leave this time.” Bianca smiled.

“Do you want to see Lord Exia?”

Rita could see through her thoughts at a glance.

Exia has returned from another world – this is something the two of them knew a week ago, and just four days ago, on the day when Exia just came back, the two of them had contacted him, but at that time because of the two They had to rush to deal with the Honkai incident, so they didn’t meet.

Now that she finally returned to the headquarters, it was understandable that Bianca couldn’t wait to see Alexia.

In fact, Rita herself missed Alexia a little. After all, she had not seen her for a year, so she cared a little.

“I don’t know what Exia has become now.” Bianca’s face showed a bit of nostalgia and curiosity, “In the regular report, he said that he became the emperor of an empire over there, and also became One of the four major rulers of the world—it feels like he is almost turning into an Exia that I don’t recognize.”

“I don’t think Lady Alexia will change much, Lady Bianca.”

Rita smiled and said: “No matter what changes happen to Sir Alexia, in front of you, I think he will always be the same Sir Alexia. You can rest assured to get along with him in the same way as in the past.”

“Really…then I’ll be relieved.”

“Lord Youlandel, Lady Rita.”

At this moment, Amber came from the exit not far away. Amber, who had been waiting here for a long time, slightly saluted the two of them: “It’s hard work for you two to run around outside this time. The bishop is already waiting for you, please.” You two come with me.”

“Okay, please take us there, Amber.”

15. Auntie is here!

The one-on-one training between Alexia and Kiana lasted until noon.

Throughout the morning, Exia’s winning streak has increased from 18 consecutive wins to 27 consecutive wins. Kiana is always knocked into the wall by Exia within a few blows. , the difference in strength between the two is so huge that even a layman can see it.

Because of this, when the two of them were called home for lunch by Yae Sakura’s call——

“W-what’s wrong with you? Kiana.”

Looking at Kiana, who was looking gray and gray all over her body, Mei Raiden, who was setting the meal at the dining table, couldn’t help but widen her eyes.

They all knew that Kiana and Exia were undergoing special training in the past two days, but Kiana was not so embarrassed in the first two days. At least her clothes were clean when she came back. Why did it get so dirty today?

Wiping the ashes on her face, Kiana lowered her head and sat down at the dining table: “It’s nothing, Mei. I just got thrown over my shoulder by my brother with one hand more than a dozen times, and then was knocked into the wall. Just a dozen times.”


Can this be said to be okay?

Leiden Meiyi came to Alexia and whispered: “Exia, is this… not too harsh? No matter what, it won’t be…”

“Don’t worry, Mei. I have control. Kiana just looks a little embarrassed. In fact, she’s not hurt at all. Don’t worry.” Alexia said with a smile, “Compared to this, Sakura What? Did she go out for something today? “

Now, apart from them who had just returned, the only ones at home were Raiden Mei and Bronya. Yae Sakura, who should be at home most usually, was nowhere to be seen at this moment.

Bronya put down the dishes and chopsticks: “Sister Ying received a notice from the St. 1504 Research Institute in the morning after Master and Kiana went out. She needs to go for a physical examination to cooperate with the research.”

The research at St. 1504 Research Institute?

“Is that the God’s Key?”

The weapon that Exia brought back from Chokora City with Yae Sakura is now named by destiny as the Divine Key of Jizo Tamama. In the past year, research on it has actually been completed, and the current research is even more Most of them focus on how to use Ksitigarbha Yuhun.

After all, in Jizo Yuhun, as the core of the Herrscher core, there is also the Herrscher consciousness named [Hello Maru], which is essentially similar to the Seven Thunders of Purification, because of its existence Keeping Jizo Mihun in an unusable state, unable to use even a little bit of ability – these are one of the many things that Exia has learned about what happened here in the past three days.

In one year, nothing happened to Destiny.

Through the research on divine blood, a potion for improving the stigma was produced, and work began to strengthen the artificial stigma. Study Ksitigarbha’s soul and apply its abilities. These are the results of this year.

Even the magic data that Exia brought back from Kuoh Town, Tianming also conducted corresponding research, trying to replace the magic power with Honkai energy, so that the corresponding magic formula could be established, but the result was a failure. Magic formulas cannot be used in this world.

Shajo Aige is just a very special exception.

Generally speaking, there is good news, but there is also bad news.

By the way, Anti-Entropy seems to have contacted Tianming, but it was not a big deal. They just came to inquire about Bronya’s situation. Tianming also casually gave some information about Bronya’s current situation to deal with it. one time.

The relationship between the two families is still very tense, and only this level of information exchange is acceptable. If it were anything else, the smell of gunpowder would immediately erupt.

“Speaking of which, Kiana, I met instructor Anna on the way to the supermarket.”

“Instructor Anna?”

Kiana, who had already picked up her chopsticks and was about to eat, heard Raiden Mei say this and immediately blinked a few times: “Didn’t Instructor Anna go to the Philippines? Why are you back at the headquarters?”

Kiana still has a deep impression on the young instructor who took care of her a lot when she was a Valkyrie trainee – definitely not because she once wanted to compete with Sister Bianca for Alexia.

It has been a year since Instructor Anna left her post and returned to the Philippines. During this period, Kiana has never seen her, but she occasionally sees her messages on the internal forum of Tianming.

“It is said that the Shaniyat family received direct instructions from the bishop.” Raiden Meiyi explained, “Instructor Anna doesn’t seem to know the specific situation, and I didn’t ask much.”

“Could it be that she came back quickly because she knew that my brother was back?”

Kiana had a flash of inspiration!

“You came back for a blind date with me?”

When she heard what she said, Alexia immediately reached out and knocked her on the head: “What are you talking about? Miss Anna and I have only met a few times in total. How on earth could it be related to a blind date?” . What’s more, didn’t she also say that she came back because the bishop gave instructions to the Shaniyat family? She must have some secret mission.”

It’s a common thing.

When Alexia was a data manager, she had read many precedents, and it was not that unusual.

“If you have time to gossip and think here, why not get ready for the afternoon? I have more than twenty sets of papers waiting for you to do.”

“Brother, you are a devil!”

“You want to become an A-level Valkyrie even if you don’t study hard?”

Facing the complaining Kiana, Exia directly stuffed a chicken leg into her mouth to suppress her: “Since you have decided to participate in the A-level Valkyrie assessment, you have to give your best seriously, otherwise you Kaslana’s last name makes you cry.”

“Oh~~~~Don’t use your last name to pressure me. I have never taken care of us.”

After eating all the chicken legs in her mouth, Kiana pouted her lips and spat out the bones: “If that family really cares about us, then at least give us some living expenses.”

“Don’t think about pie falling in the world——”

Ding dong!

Before Alexia finished speaking, the doorbell suddenly rang outside the door.

It shouldn’t be Yae Sakura. Yae Sakura has a key and doesn’t know how to ring the doorbell.

After getting up and coming to the door, Alexia opened the door and asked, “Who is–eh? Where is the person?”

After opening the door, no one appeared in front of him.

Alexia couldn’t help but frown, could it be a prank?

“Lower your head! Great nephew!”

A call came from below.

The special title made Alexia quickly look down, and saw on the steps outside the door, a petite figure similar to Nangong Nayue, standing there with his hands on his hips, looking at him with a proud look on his face.


16. Aunt scolds nephew

In the living room of Alexia’s house.

At the dining table.

Because of Theresa’s sudden arrival, the original lunch time turned into a small welcome party for Theresa.

“It’s really sudden. Ms. Theresa will come to the headquarters.”

Placing a cup of tea in front of Theresa, Leiden Meiyi stood aside and said with a smile: “The last time I came back was during the Chinese New Year. It’s been a long time, Ms. Theresa.”

“Well, it’s been a long time since we all saw you – Mei, the tea you brewed is still so delicious.”

“you flatter me.”

Everyone in the Exia family knows Theresa.

The reason is still what Kiana said before. Theresa made a rare trip back to the headquarters during the Chinese New Year, and when she came to visit Kiana, Raiden Mei and others also met her. Although they didn’t have much contact with each other on weekdays, their relationship was pretty good. After all, Theresa didn’t have any airs.

“Auntie, why didn’t you say anything to us when you came over? It was too sudden.” Kiana also sat directly next to Theresa.

Theresa raised her eyebrows: “What, I’m not welcome?”

“No, no, no, no! My aunt is coming and it’s too late for me to be happy! I like my aunt the best!”

“Hmph~~~ I don’t know about you yet. You must be thinking about getting pocket money from me again, right?”

Theresa didn’t like Kiana’s behavior at all: “Even if it’s pocket money, I give it to Mei Yi and the others. The minute I spend it on you, it’ll be gone. I don’t know what your habit of not taking money as money is.” Who did you learn it from?”

“This, isn’t this why I want to buy everything I like~~~”

“That’s why I have to take good care of you.” Theresa knocked Kiana on the head.

On the opposite side, looking at her aunt and her sister living in such harmony, Alexia raised the corners of her mouth slightly: “So, aunt, why did you come to the headquarters all of a sudden? It shouldn’t be just to know that I’m back. Alright?”

“How dare you say that!”

When Alexia mentioned this matter, Theresa raised her eyebrows: “During the Chinese New Year, I came back and was wondering why there were only Kiana and the others at home. When I asked, I found out that you had gone out on a business trip, and you were there. It’s been a year since you left. How do you deserve it as a brother? Even though you finally reunited with Kiana, why don’t you take more care of your sister? Is the job your grandpa gave you so important? You can’t even make a phone call for a year If you don’t fight back, will you go to the wilderness on an uninhabited island to survive?”


The barrage of accusations that burst out of Theresa’s mouth made Alexia speechless.

It almost felt like facing Nangong Nayue.

But compared to Nangong Nayue’s kind of scolding from a teacher to a student, Theresa is now more like an elder scolding an incompetent junior – the kind that makes Alexia unable to hold her head up and dare not talk back.

“Then, what, aunt, I really have a reason for this. It’s not that I don’t want to come back for a year… If I can come back, I will go out for three months at most. Please understand, I also have my own It’s a difficult situation. And I took care of everything I could before I left, and I definitely didn’t leave Kiana alone. Don’t worry about that!”

“It’s not too late for me to hurt her.”

“Hmph!” Theresa snorted cutely, “I know, otherwise I would have used Judas to teach you a lesson by now. Your father and mother are both gone now. As an elder brother, you have to watch Kia more. Na Dian, do you know?”

“I know, I know, aunt, please be at ease!”

Alexia patted her chest in assurance.

(She is really a little girl with a lot of majesty.)

Shajo Aige also laughed in Exia’s mind.

(Even the prince is speechless in front of his aunt.)

(Miss Aige, please stop teasing me…)

“So, aunt, why did you come to the headquarters this time?” Alexia asked, “I remember that you didn’t have a good relationship with the bishop, so didn’t you always want to go back to the headquarters? For this reason, we even made a special trip to the far east where the headquarters has the weakest influence.”

“Two reasons.”

Theresa took a sip of tea: “One of the natural options is to come back and see you. I am assured of the safety and quality of life at the headquarters, but I have been at the Far East branch and I don’t know your living conditions, so I will still be worried. Again. In addition, I accidentally saw the news of your return on the Tianming Forum, so I came back quickly. I have already been to Grandpa’s place.”

“The other reason is to accompany others – do you remember my subordinate Ji Zi?”

Alexia nodded: “Miss Wuliangta, right? I have an impression.”

“Jezi’s health has not been very good. The erosion caused by the artificial holy mark has been bothering her for so many years. But this time the headquarters suddenly said that there is a treatment method that can completely eliminate the side effects. I will accompany you. I came with Ji Zi. Also here is Fu Hua, she seems to have been called back directly by grandpa.”

(Master is here too!?)

Alexia couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Thinking about it carefully, he hasn’t seen his master for a long time. Not to mention that he couldn’t see his master during his two trips to Changkong City. He has been in another world for the past year, so he hasn’t seen him for almost a year and a half. Woolen cloth.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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