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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 335

Otto nodded slightly.

As Kohaku distributed the documents in his hands, Kiana and others began to look through the documents, their eyes and faces became more and more serious.

Humans and demons, String God Island, vampires, true ancestors, beasts, the Empire of Night… everything about that world, even if not everything has been explained in detail, at least it has been explained to everyone Get an impression of these concepts.

And, after reading it——

“So…brother, are you the emperor of the Kaslana Empire now?”

“I beg you, don’t call me like that here, Kiana. Everyone here is my acquaintance. You calling me like that makes me a little…”

Bishop Otto is his adoptive father, and Fu Hua is his master.

Alexia felt embarrassed just for these two elders, let alone Bianca and the others – now Alexia understood to some extent why people didn’t want to be exposed in the dark history. This is really a huge challenge for my spirit!

And on the other side——

“Feast of Flames…Empire of Night…True Ancestor…”

After roughly looking through the documents describing Alexia’s experience there, Fu Hua didn’t find anything funny, but felt a little shocked.

She remembered that her apprentice was less than 17 years old a year ago.

At this age, living alone in a different world, he did such an earth-shattering behavior, and even became one of the rulers of the world… As his master, Fu Hua really feels a bit relieved now, There is a feeling that [the apprentice finally has something to show for himself].

Of course, as people who have been in contact with Alexia this year, Bianca and Rita now have calm faces.

Bianca said: “You will look at this document for us, which means that what you are going to say about Exia is related to you on Gengami Island… No, it should be said to be the Kaslana Empire now. Right—is it related to your experience in the Kaslana Empire?”

“Bianca, you don’t have to change your story…but it’s true.”

As Alexia spoke, he stood up and slightly activated the power of the Fourth True Ancestor existing in Chimera. A layer of iridescent golden light suddenly appeared on his hair, and his eyes were also covered with a layer of light. There was a faint flame color, and the whole person exuded a bit of blood.

“It should be clearly written in the document. About half a month after arriving in that world, I participated in a ritual called the Feast of Fire. At the end of the ritual, I used the power of Chimera to devour the Fourth True Spirit. Ancestor, making myself the Fourth True Ancestor. What was swallowed by me at that time, in addition to the inherent accumulated time and infinite life of the Fourth True Ancestor, were also the ten companion beasts it used, and in a few A few months ago, I also got the last two, and now I have all twelve beasts.”

As Alexia said this, Kohaku also cooperated and displayed the information about the familiar beasts in front of everyone in the form of projection.

From the No. 1 [King Kong of the Divine Sheep] to the twelfth [The Enchantress of Blue Ice], the information and abilities of the twelve familiar beasts were revealed one by one – these are the details that Exia learned from the three I asked from the Great True Ancestor.

Looking at the abilities of these beasts, Bianca and others’ expressions gradually became dignified.

Barriers that reflect all attacks, pure power, dimensional devourers, super-wide atomization… The further down they looked, the more surprised they were by the abilities of the beasts.

“These beasts all exist in my body now.”

Alexia said next.

“It’s just that I can’t use them at will now. The reason is that they don’t recognize my ability as the [Vampire True Ancestor]. Although they are said to have devoured the Fourth True Ancestor, I have never actually sucked any blood. Experience, and if you want the beast to be driven by me, sucking the blood from an excellent psychic is a necessary step.”

“That’s why you’ve been summoned here.”

Taking a deep breath, Ixia said except for the last sentence: “——Can you let me suck your blood, and then ask you to become my [Blood Partner]?”

19. Maybe you want to become a rebel disciple?

What did this man say so abruptly?

What Alexia suddenly said made everyone stunned for a moment.

Based on the context and the situation he described, they roughly understood the reason why Exia summoned them. In order to master the powerful power of these beasts called beasts, they needed to have their blood sucked by him once.

But what does [Blood Companion] mean?

Fu Hua couldn’t help but glance at Otto – she still remembered the reason why Otto called her to the headquarters.

(Exia has mastered the method that allowed me to regain my memory and restore my strength…could it be related to this blood-sucking thing? And the treatment method that made Major Himeko no longer susceptible to the erosion of Honkai energy, could it be the same? ?)

If this is the case, then it is acceptable to be sucked by Exia, and it can be regarded as a blood donation.

Thinking of this, Fu Huagang was about to ask…

“Mate, mate means – bro, you want to marry all of us?!”

Kiana had already taken the lead and said what everyone thought of immediately.


As soon as these words came out, even someone as determined as Fu Hua blushed subconsciously for a moment! The other people, especially Raiden Mei and Anna, were blushing so hard that they were about to bury their heads under the table. Rita looked at Alexia with a meaningful look, her wine-red eyes. It exudes a different meaning.

“Lord Alexia~~~You are so unexpectedly bold…”

Perhaps on purpose, Rita’s tone was slightly teasing, which directly brought back some memories of Exia’s time on Gengami Island, causing him to tremble on the spot and quickly explained: “I I didn’t say that! Although… well, it may actually turn out to be that way, but at least now I don’t think so at all!”

“Oh? Really.”

Rita smiled ghostly: “Then…what does [partner] mean?”

“I was about to explain…Oh, Kiana, I told you not to interrupt. Bronya, help me cover Kiana’s mouth.”

“As you command, Master.”


Ignoring Kiana who was struggling over there, Exia continued: “The next thing I want to explain are some of the [side effects] that will occur after being sucked by me. Maybe you will think that it is just a matter of being sucked by me. It doesn’t matter if you think of it as an act of blood donation, but in fact, the act of sucking blood involves some… uh… desires for me and you.”

“First of all, let me talk about myself – for me, or for vampires and the true ancestors of vampires, blood-sucking behavior is the desire impulse driven by desire, and it can also be understood simply as a physiological reaction.”

Blood-sucking behavior equals physiological response?

This explanation directly caused the women present to be shaken to varying degrees.

“Of course, you don’t have to do something shameful. I have asked the true ancestors over there. Just a hug or a smell of body fragrance is also okay. The most important thing is to let me react. “


Alexia’s statement directly caused the cheeks of the women except Fu Hua and Wuliangta Jizi to turn red again – no, considering that they were blushing originally, it should be said that the degree has deepened now.

Smell body fragrance.

This statement is actually close enough. Generally speaking, only particularly close lovers would do this, right? Hug… It’s not a big deal to take a step or two back.

“Then there is your situation. When vampires suck blood, they will secrete some ingredients with paralyzing and hypnotic properties. Depending on the situation, they will also have the addictive properties of some drugs, which will make you feel physically and mentally. A little pleasure – I heard this from others! Please don’t look at me like this!”

Halfway through Alexia’s words, Bianca and others suddenly looked at him with something even more strange, and he was so frightened that he immediately made additional explanations.

(If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have asked Qi Yi so clearly!)


After calming down from a little shyness and surprise, Raiden Meiyi caressed her chest: “It turns out that blood-sucking has such an effect… No wonder they are called [partners].”

“No, what I just said is not directly related to [Partner].” Exia shook her head, “In fact, just being sucked by me will not become my [Partner], only being given blood by me , or if it is given a part of my body by me, then it will become my [Blood Partner].”

“And if you become my blood partner, you can enjoy the same long, almost infinite life as me, and you can fully recover even if your head and heart are smashed. The immortality that will always remain in its prime, to a certain extent You can also share some power from me, and depending on the situation, you can also use some of the abilities of the beasts.”

The decision of whether to let Bianca and others become his blood partners rests with Exia.

“The reason why I said that just now is because I think it may be unfair to you to suddenly say that I want to suck your blood, and the blood-sucking behavior also has that nature. So as compensation and repayment, I can Share my blood with you…that’s probably what it means.”

I see.

This is what a partner means.

After hearing Alexia’s explanation, Bianca and others also understood, and the blush on their faces faded a bit.

And Fu Hua also looked at Otto again.

(Is this the original method? Otto, by making me the blood partner of Ixia, use the regeneration ability of the immortal body to restore my strength and memory…recover to my prime.)

Leaving aside the memory, if this method is used, at least Fu Hua’s physical ability can be completely restored. And according to what Exia said, she can also get some new power, and the abilities of the familiar beasts may also be used.

As long as you endure the slightly embarrassing blood-sucking behavior.

(It seems… there are no disadvantages, it’s just——)

Thinking of this, Fu Hua looked at Aikexia and asked: “So, is this the reason why you named us? Aikesia. Do you think we are suitable to be your partners?”

“No, no, no, no! I just asked the bishop to help me find one. I had no idea that the bishop directly came to find you, master!”

Exia directly threw the pot at Bishop Otto, who had been smiling and saying nothing. When he said this, Otto smiled innocently and said: “I am just looking for you according to your request, Exia. [A woman you know or are familiar with who has excellent qualifications]—everyone here is a perfect match, isn’t it?”

“That’s right, that’s what you said…”

But that doesn’t mean calling Master Fu Hua over! And it seems that Kiana is also one of the targets? !

That’s his sister!

If this sucks Kiana’s blood, how will Exia explain to her father Siegfried, whom she has never met?

“Well, now that everyone knows the situation, I will take my leave.”

After saying this, Otto stood up and walked to the door: “The next step is your own business. If you are satisfied with these candidates, I will prepare a suitable venue for you to hold the [wedding], Alexia. It is not suitable.” If so, I can also give you the rest of the alternative roster, and you can just choose.”

“I’m looking forward to your choices and decisions.”

Alexia: “…”

Maybe he screwed up – that was his only thought right now.

20. Untimely questions

After Otto said that, he left with Amber.

And a few minutes after that.

Outside the conference room, there are stairs rarely used by anyone.

Sitting on one of the steps, Alexia looked at the large window below, supporting her chin with one hand and sighing feebly from time to time.

“Oh~~~~Bishop, you really are~~~”

(The situation is getting interesting…no, it should be said that it is getting into trouble.)

The voice of Shajo’s love song sounded in Exiya’s mind.

[You are starting to follow the same path as your previous hosts, partner]

Ddraig’s voice also came from his left hand.

Alexia remembered that Ddraig once said that its previous hosts, the previous Sekiryuutei, were almost all people with good relationships with the opposite sex. It was common to sleep in the bed of a different woman every day. . And people who are hosted by dragons will almost without exception be very popular with the opposite sex.

“Why do I feel like I’m not being welcomed?”

Alexia said with some distress.

Thinking carefully about the people who have fallen in love with him so far, and the people who actively expressed their love to him, it seems that no one except Lan Yu Qiancong is normal. The rest are either nymphomaniacs or have other agendas for him.

If it’s this kind of [popularity], then it’s better not to leave Exia.

“Exia, you are here.”

Bianca’s voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Just as Alexia turned his head, a somewhat cold touch touched his face.


“I think you’re going to need a can now.”

Holding a can of Coke in each hand, Bianca came to sit next to Alexia, handed him a can, opened one herself, raised her head and took a sip.

Bianca actually rarely drinks this kind of carbonated drink, which is not good for maintaining her figure. It just feels good to drink it.

“…I’m sorry, Bianca.”

Holding a Coke in one hand, Alexia did not open it, but said after being silent for a while: “Obviously it was a reunion with you after a year, but in the end, this happened under the arrangement of the bishop… ….I said something like that just now, sorry.”

This is also the reason why Exia is sitting here now.

After Otto and Kohaku left, he really couldn’t stand the environment in the conference room anymore, so he used the same excuse he had used with Lan Yu Asakon to escape.

[Please think about this carefully], [If you don’t want to, you can refuse] – and so on.

“Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

Hearing what Aixia said, Bianca couldn’t help but smile: “If it’s really bad, it’s because of the bishop who deliberately created this atmosphere. I can also see your embarrassment and reluctance. Don’t take it too seriously. I think it’s gone in my heart. I don’t think anyone will blame you, you just told the truth, right?”

Except for Kiana, everyone present is a discerning person. In fact, Kiana may also be able to see that Exia was completely forced to stand up and explain by Otto. Of course, perhaps Otto himself did not That’s what he meant, but the environment he created did have such an effect.

I can only say that the person who came here was too inappropriate.

“That’s right… By the way, I haven’t told you yet – it’s hard work, Bianca.” Alexia picked up the Coke and touched it with Bianca, “We have been fighting continuously outside. One month is really yours.”

“It’s okay. There’s no comparison with you, right? Your Majesty the True Ancestor from another world?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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