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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 336

Rarely, Bianca made a joke.

“Let’s get down to business. What do you think about what happened just now?”

“I don’t have any problem personally.” Alexia said, “I was already prepared to suck blood. If you think it’s ok, then it’s ok with me – except for Kiana and Master Fu Hua.”

One is a master who taught him martial arts and whom he respected very much.

One is the sister he finally found back.

Only these two people, Alexia, couldn’t bear to speak.

(In other words, Rita and I are candidates for blood-sucking in Alexia’s eyes…)

Bianca pursed her lips, and the things she had talked about with Rita and Kiana almost a year ago came to mind, and then she cleared her throat: “Ahem! That…Ai Kesia, it may be inappropriate to ask you at this time, but…there is something I want to ask you.”

“Hmm? What’s going on?”

“Do you like me? I mean…as a love interest.”


Alexia, who happened to open the Coke and took a sip, burst out on the spot when she heard this question!

What did he just hear?

Bianca What did she ask?

real or fake! Did he hear it right?

Why would Bianca ask such a question at this time! ! !


In Alexia’s body, Shajo Aige has consciously closed off all her perceptions of the outside world. She knew that she must not have any involvement in what happened next, otherwise any words she said would cause a spiritual shock to her.

“Cough cough cough…!”

“Are you okay? Alexia…”

“I’m fine…I’m just…I was scared by you.”

Alexia wiped her mouth, and at the same time froze all the coke she sprayed out and disposed of it. Then she took a few deep breaths and managed to calm down her extremely excited spirit and her heart that was about to burst out of her throat. After a while, he looked slightly at Bianca.

“…Why do you ask that?”

“Because I have consulted with Rita and Kiana before. It was almost a year ago when you first told me that you were confessed to by Miss Shajo. I…After that, I Rita discussed it, and she also discussed it with Kiana. Then…Rita said maybe you like me.”

Even Bianca’s cheeks turned slightly red when she said this.

The most powerful Valkyrie who is always victorious and destined to win, is actually the same as Exia in terms of relationships between men and women, and she has no experience at all. To put it bluntly, Bianca’s experience with the opposite sex was almost only Bishop Otto and Alexia, and at most some researchers of destiny.

Now when it comes to her own feelings, she is actually no different from an ordinary girl.

As for Exia—

(Rita! Kiana! You two——!)

Exia didn’t know how to evaluate the two people’s behavior for a while. If they were a big help and sent beautiful assists, there was really nothing wrong with it. But if possible, Alexia still wanted to confess to Bianca, but now that they had revealed it directly, wouldn’t this have ruined all his plans and ideas?



For a moment, the two people sitting on the stairs fell into a strange atmosphere.

I don’t know if the two of them were too concerned about their own situation, so that they didn’t notice several figures quietly squatting there at the corner of the corridor at the top of the steps not far away.

After being silent for a long time, Alexia covered her neck, looked at the wall on one side, turned her back to Bianca and said: “It’s a bad time to ask, Bianca. At this time, it’s too late to ask such a question.” Things…are actually not good.”

“Really? I feel the same now.”

Bianca also looked at the railing next to her, the two of them were almost back to back.

The afternoon sunlight outside shone on the two of them through the window, illuminating their faces so brightly that the changes on their faces were almost invisible.

“What’s your answer?”

“Yeah, I like it.”

Without hesitation, Exia said this calmly.

“I don’t know when I started to like you.”

21. Congratulations to both of you for becoming lovers

A completely inappropriate confession.

In Alexia’s original idea, her confession to Bianca should be more grand, such as preparing a candlelight dinner in advance, or on a sightseeing cruise, or choosing a day when Japan holds a fireworks display …No matter what, he wanted to wait until he was fully prepared before confessing to Bianca.

As a result, Bianca has taken the lead now.

What to do next?

After the confession…are you and Bianca the so-called lovers? No, the key question is that Bianca hasn’t answered it yet.

(Bianca, what will you think of my response to my confession?)

Alexia didn’t dare to look back now.

If what I received after looking back was Bianca’s expression and words with a slightly negative meaning…

“Then, does this mean we are lovers?”

Bianca behind her suddenly said this.

Without even a trace of delay, Alexia almost turned her head to look at Bianca with the force of breaking her neck!

“Bianca, you…”

“Huh? What’s wrong?” Bianca tilted her head in confusion, “You like me, right? Then we should be considered -“

“Do you… accept this?”

Alexia interrupted Bianca’s words and asked in a trembling tone, with a bit of disbelief in her eyes, as if what Bianca said sounded like fantasy to him.

Bianca, on the other hand, smiled naturally: “Well, because I like you too, Alexia.”

Withdrawing her gaze from Exia, Bianca looked at the window not far away and the blazing midday sun outside the window.

“You said that you fell in love with me without knowing it, which is actually the same for me. As I said just now, after I learned that you were confessed by Shajo Aige, I immediately went to Rita and Qi Yana discussed it, and then Kiana said this to me – [Brother will not fall in love with other people].”

“And Rita later acquiesced to Kiana’s statement, and from their words, I also realized that [you may like me].”

“I was very happy at that time, Alexia.”

I am happy that [I am liked by Exia].

“It’s just that I don’t know if I can also like you. After all, we are childhood sweethearts, and we have already been used to being with each other, right? The friendship and love between us, or family affection… In fact, maybe It’s the same emotion. So I can’t tell the difference very clearly.”

Emotional boundaries are very blurry.

It is most difficult for the person involved to determine what feelings he has for someone, especially for two people who have been together for a long time. The sense of familiarity and habit brought about by being together for a long time will easily overwhelm the inner feelings. And there are many, many people in this world who fail to accurately recognize their feelings because they have been together for too long.

“During the year when you were away, I occasionally thought about this matter. However, maybe it’s because I’m not good at this aspect. I don’t have a definite answer until now. But…”

Focusing on Alexia again, Bianca leaned closer to him: “[Want to be with you] – I can guarantee that this thought is true, Alexia. We have been together since the orphanage. We have always been together, and now we are somewhat separated, but we are still together.”

“And from now on, I also want to be with you.”

“As your [Queen].”

That’s what Bianca thinks.

Looking at Bianca’s straightforward and clear eyes without a trace of distracting thoughts, Alexia couldn’t help but look away, and a blush appeared on her face that could not be covered by the afternoon sun.

(This is such a despicable statement…Bianca.)

There is no way to answer this.

She has said so, so isn’t there only one response he can give?

“…Well, me too.” Alexia said softly, “I also want to…be with you all the time. Even death can’t separate us – become my lover Come on, Bianca.”

“Okay. I’d love to, Alexia.”

Unlike Alexia, Bianca’s answer was quite clean and crisp, just like her usual style of acting. She has always been a very capable and straightforward person who speaks her mind directly. Even emotionally, she is the same.

And hearing Bianca’s firm answer without hesitation.

The stone that had been hanging in Alexia’s heart was finally let go, and an unprecedented sense of comfort and relaxation directly took over his whole body, even compared to when he lifted his spirits under Jiada’s guidance. When I was freed from the shackles of my consciousness, I felt more relaxed and refreshed.

The curvature of the corners of his mouth could not be suppressed, and he could not hide the joy inside. Even if he tried to put on a poker face and control his facial expression, his face was completely out of control.



The strange feeling in her mouth made Alexia quickly cover her mouth. Her vision gradually became covered with a thin layer of red, and the blood in her body boiled like a ignited flame.

This is…..

(Vampire urge?! At this time?!)

Alexia couldn’t help being surprised!

However, it is not unreasonable to have the urge to suck blood at this time. Vampires only suck blood from those they like, and blood sucking is basically a manifestation of desire. And now that Alexia has finally received a response from Bianca, it is normal for her to have ups and downs in desire.

This was the first time he had the urge to suck blood.

(At this time… Calm down, me. How can you suck Bianca’s blood in a place like this? You have to go home first!)

Alexia now wants to suck Bianca’s blood.

But this is not a place suitable for sucking blood. After all, it would be too inappropriate to throw Bianca directly on the stairs. At least she can get on the bed…


The cold air was released from Alexia’s body, and the cold feeling rushed directly to Alexia’s limbs, forcing his body to calm down.


Feeling the changes in Alexia’s body, Bianca couldn’t help but asked with some concern: “What’s wrong with you? Is there anything wrong with your body?”

“No, it’s just… I have a rare blood-sucking urge, and it will be fine if I suppress it.” Ixia wiped her nose, “Compared with this, it’s time to go back, right? I think everyone in the conference room should Have we almost finished the discussion?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Bianca smiled and stood up.

“However, our relationship…should we tell everyone about it after we return?”

“Uh… I guess there’s no need for it, right?” Alexia smiled bitterly, “I only realized it after I calmed down now – I guess all the people above heard our conversation just now.”


Hearing what Alexia said, Bianca immediately raised her head and looked at the stairs.

I saw there, Rita, Kiana, Raiden Mei, Bronya, even Fu Hua, Wuliang Tajizi, and Anna Shaniat, now hiding behind the wall like a stack of Arhats, with only the exposed He raised half of his head and looked at her and Alexia like a voyeur.

Weren’t they still in the conference room discussing things about the Blood Companion?

“Rita, you…”

“I’m sorry, Lord Youlandel. It’s just that we really care, so…” Rita smiled a little apologetically, “But now it’s time to congratulate you two, right? Youlan Lord Dale, Lord Exia.”

“Congratulations to both of you for becoming lovers.”

22. Queen and Knight

In the conference room.

The atmosphere is a little awkward now.

The reason naturally lies in the situation just now.

In fact, no one present objected to Alexia and Bianca’s transformation from childhood sweethearts to lovers. Especially Kiana, this white-haired dumpling has been thinking about making Bianca her real sister for a long time. She has been calling her sister Bianca a year ago, and now her brother has finally brought her sister back. , it was too late to support her with both hands and feet.

As for the other people, it’s the same. Everyone in the headquarters knows that Alexia likes Bianca, and even Fu Hua, Anna, and Wuliangta Jizi, who haven’t been in the headquarters for a long time, don’t know much about the two of them. No objection.

Fu Hua is Exia’s master, and has many contacts with Bianca on work tasks. As her senior on the Valkyrie, Fu Hua knows Bianca’s character very well, and he also knows his apprentice thoroughly. Now Alexia and Bianca can tie the knot, and she actually supports it.

Anna agreed and felt a little complicated at the same time.

Because when she came to the headquarters as a teaching assistant a year ago, the Shaniyat family tried to bring her and Aixia together, saying that they wanted to revive the past glory of the two families and continue to deepen the relationship between the two families. This made the relationship between the two of them a little awkward at that time, but now that Alexia and Bianca have become lovers, she, as a third party who is not a third party, has a somewhat…


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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