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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 337

As for Wuliangta Jizi, it’s a different situation.

She was now the only one lying on the table among everyone present.

However, these are not the root causes of the embarrassment, but because after returning to the conference table, everyone remembered the reason why they and others gathered here – whether to accept Alexia’s [proposal].

Judging from the results, being sucked by Exia and becoming her blood partner can be said to have more advantages than disadvantages, with almost no disadvantages at all.


He just had a lover! Keep talking about this at this time! Isn’t this an obvious attempt to pry Bianca’s corner, or an obvious attempt to let Alexia step into multiple boats? !

The people present were not people like Shajo Aige or Jiada who had lived for thousands of years and didn’t care much about face. They really couldn’t lose their face and continue talking about this kind of thing.


Seeing that the atmosphere on the conference table was getting stiffer and stiffer, Bianca, who was semi-forcibly pushed into the seat next to Alexia by Kiana and Rita, suddenly coughed twice, breaking the weird atmosphere: “Then, let’s go on Now let’s formally discuss what Ixia just mentioned about the [Blood Companion].”


Everyone froze.

Should I say that she really deserves to be Bianca? Even in the current atmosphere, I dare to speak out so straightforwardly.

“First of all, let me express my thoughts. Because everyone has witnessed the whole process just now and knows that I and Exia are now lovers, so I will just say it directly – I want to be Exia [Blood Companion]. And, I must become it.”

After becoming lovers, Alexia and Bianca actually faced a huge problem, that is, the life span gap between them.

As a human, Bianca would only live for more than a hundred years, even if she was powerful. As for the chess pieces that were absorbed by her, because they were specially enhanced with strength, they could not bring her any lifespan gains. But Exia now has unlimited lives.

If they didn’t become Alexia’s blood partner, it would be impossible for the two of them to stay with each other forever.

Bianca doesn’t want Alexia to commit suicide for herself, so she must become Alexia’s blood partner.

Of course, even if she didn’t say that, Alexia wouldn’t let her go.


Bianca’s words moved the other women present, and after thinking for a while, Rita raised her hand: “If that’s the case… then it’s okay with me, Lady Axia. , Lady Bianca.”



Alexia frowned slightly. To be honest, in his expectation, Rita’s acceptance was half as likely to be rejected as half likely to be accepted, and maybe the probability of being accepted would be higher. And the reason why she would accept it should be mostly because of Bianca.

as expected.

“Of course I am serious, Lord Axia.” Rita smiled, “I am Lord Bianca’s adjutant, and I am also the person who serves Lord Bianca in daily life. Following and taking care of Lord Bianca is what I am now. Tasks and missions. And since Bianca-sama wants to stay with you forever, then I should always follow you two as your maid – strictly speaking, now I should also serve you, Alexia-sama. I’m alive, please take good care of me from now on~~~”

After saying this, Rita even gave Alexia a look that seemed to mean something else – you didn’t need to think twice to know that it was intentional.

Listening to Rita’s decision, Bianca and Alexia looked at each other, and then Bianca sighed softly: “I… Got it, thank you, Rita. Thank you for being willing to do this for me. .”

“Ms. Bianca is speaking harshly. This is just my responsibility, so please don’t worry about it. And…if I have to say it, I am the one who needs to apologize. After all, in this way, I am not only the one who In addition to Lady Alexia’s [Knight], I can also be considered Lady Alexia’s [Lover]. From a maid’s perspective, this is really a bit too much, and it’s also a bit rude to Lady Bianca.”

“Uh…it’s just in name only, Rita, you really don’t need to take it seriously.” Exia quickly explained, “I also want to thank you for accepting this somewhat unexpected request – then that’s it Bianca and Rita’s places are confirmed, the rest——”

Up to ten more are needed.

“As I said just now, except for Master and Kiana, I won’t force anyone else. If you don’t want to, just tell me no. I can also give you more time to think. It doesn’t matter if it’s one month, three months, or even one or two years.”

Originally, Exia was not in a hurry to master all the beasts. It can only be said that Bishop Otto started too quickly.

And the moment Exia finished speaking——

“There’s no need to exclude me, Exia.”

Fu Hua pushed up his glasses and looked at his apprentice.

“I promise to be your blood mate.”


One sentence directly stunned everyone in the conference room, and they all fell into a state of shock and sluggishness. And Aixia directly showed an expression that doubted life and was as frightened as if she saw the sky falling!

Fu Hua actually agreed? !

23.Your master and I are several thousand years old.

“I disagree.”

Without even thinking about it, after confirming that she heard correctly, Aixia directly and decisively rejected Fu Hua.

“Master, please—”

“I know what you’re worried about, Alexia.”

Fu Hua interrupted Alexia’s words, and after pondering for a moment, he continued: “You and I are masters and apprentices, and I am your master. It is indeed unreasonable in the eyes of the world for a master and his apprentice to become a couple. Things. From ancient times to the present, all masters and disciples who do such things are often condemned and ostracized by the people in the world, and there will be no shortage of rumors.”

“Even if you don’t speak from a social point of view, I know that you only regard me as a master. This time I will be called by Otto, which is unexpected for you. You have been here since the beginning. You didn’t list me as your partner candidate, did you?”

“Yes. Master is master. To me, you, like Bishop Otto, are my adoptive father and mother. I don’t want to do anything disrespectful to you.”

Alexia’s answer made everyone present deeply agree.

teacher and student.

This is indeed a disgraceful relationship, just like the relationship between Rita and Alexia. Although Alexia can accept Rita, it is basically because he and Rita are of the same age and have a really good relationship with each other. But Fu Hua was his elder, which was really too offensive.

“I know. But, I also have my reasons – speaking of it, my reasons are a little selfish.”

Fu Hua sighed: “How old do you think I am, Alexia?”


The sudden question made Alexia frown, and others were also a little confused.

Mentioning age at this time?

“Hmm… I think the master is in his twenties, right? He looks like he is nearly thirty.”

Alexia thought for a moment and replied.

Although Fu Hua already looked like this when he became his apprentice, he looked like he was twenty years old at most. But there are many women in the world who still remain young in their thirties and forties. As long as they pay attention to maintenance, it is not impossible to slow down the youth to a certain extent.

Just look at Theresa. She is still like a little girl in her forties. Jizi Wuliang is also nearly thirty years old but still quite young and beautiful. She is not inferior to Bianca and Rita at all. These teenage girls, even because they are older, still have some charm that is unique to mature women.

However, Fu Hua shook his head: “Although I can’t remember the specific number myself, I started at least five thousand years old, and what you said is just a fraction of mine.”

Five thousand——? !

A number that exceeds everyone’s expectations!

Hearing Fu Hua say this age seriously, even Alexia, who is well-informed and has experience in other worlds, couldn’t help but be so surprised that her jaw almost dropped.

“Five thousand…Master, are you kidding?”

“When have you ever seen me joking in a serious matter? What I said is the truth.” Fu Hua said seriously, “My current identity is an A-level Valkyrie affiliated with Tianming, but this is only the past two or three hundred years. I only used the identity here. Earlier, I had many identities, and more than five hundred years ago, I was an [Immortal] in China.”

Immortal… this title reminded Alexia of some legends she heard in China when she was practicing with Fu Hua.

“Is it… the legendary [Red Kite Immortal] who protected China and fought off countless demons in ancient times?”

“Well, it’s me. But I don’t have much memory about that period. After all, I lost my memory just like you, twice.” Fu Hua continued to explain, “I lost my memory five hundred years ago. , I lost most of my power and memory due to some things, but because I still have the mission of [protecting the Divine State] and [fighting Honkai], I made a deal with Otto at that time.”

“I became the Valkyrie of Destiny and did some things for him, and he assisted me in protecting China through the power of Destiny. The reason why I accepted you as my disciple back then was partly because of this deal.”

(Master, does he… have such a deal with his master?)

“And this time I was called by him because he told me that you have mastered the method that can restore my memory and strength. I have no obsession with the past memory, and I will lose my memory. My own decision does not necessarily require me to recover my memory. But if I can restore my power, then I can better fulfill my mission, and you can also master new power.”

“It’s a good thing for both of us.”

This is what Fu Hua calls “selfishness” – she wants to get Alexia’s power for her own purposes.

“As for the identity of [partner], I actually don’t care. I won’t make any demands on you through this identity, and you don’t need to pay too much attention to me because of this identity. As you said yourself, at best, you are just a It’s just in name, you really don’t need to take it too seriously.”

“Even if you don’t believe it, I can never contact you from now on——”


This time it was Exia’s turn to interrupt Fu Hua.

The troubled look on his apprentice’s face came into Fu Hua’s eyes.

Now Exia’s heart is like a sea that has been hit by a storm. It is so chaotic that it cannot be described in words. Just the fact that his master wants to be his blood partner is enough to shock him, and then there is the talisman. Hua took the initiative to confess his age and past, as well as the deal with Bishop Otto… Even though Exia has experienced a lot in several different worlds, it is still difficult to calm down the shake in her heart.

Because this is a matter for someone who has a great relationship with me.

“…I roughly understand the master’s situation.”

After dozens of seconds of silence, Exia said: “I understand the master’s reasons, and if the master just wants to regain the power of the past, then I actually have other methods. I brought it back from another world. Be it a dependent chess piece, even now I can take other people to another world… There are as many ways as you can to regain your memory and power.”

To put it even more directly, as long as Alexia spends a lot of magic power to make a wish on the Great Holy Grail, Fu Hua can regain his strength and memory on the spot! No extra steps required at all!

“So, my decision is still the same – I’m sorry, Master. I don’t agree with your opinions and ideas. I will use other methods to recover you, please don’t rush this moment.”

“……ok, I get it.”

After staring at Alexia for a long time, Fu Hua sighed with regret and sat back down.

And the next moment after she sat down——

“If that’s the case, then I don’t need it anymore?”

Wuliangta Jizi followed and said.

24. Miss Aige doesn’t want to give up

Regarding Wuliangta Jizi’s speech, Fu Hua gave an explanation before Ixia could ask.

“Himeko’s health is not good. She was too old to undergo artificial stigma surgery, and the Honkai energy has been eroding her body. This time she will come to the headquarters, and Otto said that the headquarters has developed something so that she can do it without having to continue. Ways to absorb the influence of Honkai energy. It’s similar to my situation.”

“I see.”

Now Alexia suddenly wanted to punch Bishop Otto – he had made the situation so clear, and Otto actually deceived and tricked his master and Aunt Theresa’s friends into coming to the headquarters… ….Wouldn’t it be enough to explain the situation clearly?

(The bishop is really…sigh~~~Forget it, I have long been accustomed to the bishop’s behavior.)

“I understand the situation. Based on Miss Jizi’s situation, if it is just to erase the side effects of artificial stigmata, then there is indeed no need to become my blood partner – Miss Aige, can you trouble me?”

This goal can be achieved easily through the power of the Great Holy Grail.



no respond.

In the past, it only took a word from Alexia to sing the song of Shajo, but this time there was no response at all.

Alexia frowned in confusion: “Miss Aige? Are you there?”

“Who are you talking to?” Wuliangta Jizi asked in confusion, “No one here calls Ai Ge.”

“Actually, there is a female ghost named Shajo Aika in my body, Aunt Himeko.” Kiana seized the opportunity and said, “I followed my brother a year ago. I always wanted to be my brother. My girlfriend, she has squeezed Sister Bianca’s position! Now… Hehehehe~~~ She has already completely lost!”

It was obviously Bianca who won, but Kiana seemed to be happier than herself.

Seeing that she didn’t call out Saber Aige even after calling her twice, Ixia suddenly panicked: “Draig? Saber? What happened to Miss Aige? Did something happen?”

[Well… if you want to say that something happened, it did happen, but it’s not a big deal, partner]

“Ai Ge temporarily closed herself off.”

Arturia appeared and explained.

Her sudden appearance immediately startled Wuliangta Jizi and Anna.

“Self-imposed? Why?”

“Because Master, you and Miss Bianca have become lovers.” Artoria said in a helpless tone, “Ai Ge probably didn’t really want to watch that scene, so she just chose the out-of-sight approach. Basically, she didn’t want to watch that scene. She has entered a deep sleep – Master, please wait a moment, I will wake up Ai Ge.”

Everyone: “…….”

Is this the case?


Kiana couldn’t help but laugh: “Is this actually…is this true?”

“Miss Kiana, this is a bit rude to Miss Sajou.” Rita said, but there was a smile on her face that she couldn’t hide.

For these two staunch supporters of the [Ome Group], Sajo Aika, a [Tensen type], has always been a quarrelsome enemy, especially Rita, who has often been at odds with Sajo Aika. In contrast, a few words can contain more than a dozen overt and covert fights.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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