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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 338

Now that Alexia and Bianca have become lovers, Sajou Aige must be the one who is hit the hardest.

And soon, not long after Artoria disappeared——

“My lord, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you just now!”

Accompanied by such an apology without any punctuation or pause, Shajo Aige suddenly appeared in front of Alexia at full speed, just like a student who was about to be late and rushed into the school gate at the last second. ! He bowed his head deeply and apologized!

There was a panic look on his face that had not completely faded away, and his hair was a little messy. It looked like he had just been woken up.

Then, just when she raised her head after apologizing——

“Uh uh…”

Bianca who happened to catch her sight made Sajo Aige’s face freeze.

Bianca didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. She smiled and waved to her: “Long time no see, Miss Shajo. Are you okay?”


Although she knew that Bianca didn’t mean that at all, Sajo Aige felt that she was just showing off to herself now – her own thoughts were really a bit dark.

After taking a deep breath or two to calm down, Shajo Aige showed his usual smile: “Thank you for your concern, Miss Bianca. In addition, congratulations on becoming lovers with Mr. Prince, so you can He is now the number one prince, which is really gratifying.”

“Eh? Uh… um, thank you?”

“But even so, I won’t give up on the prince.” Shajo Aige changed the subject, and then hugged Alexia in full view of the public, “Although the number one position is gone, I Next, I will aim at the second position – unlike the first position that was occupied by you from the beginning, I will not let go of my second position easily!”

Preparing to take advantage of the situation openly… No, judging from what Shajo Aige said, he should join in openly, right? And it seems that if he really joins in, he plans to compete with Bianca for first place?

(Sure enough… he is an opponent that cannot be underestimated.)

Rita looked at this scene with a hint of seriousness in her burgundy eyes.

Alexia, who was hugged by Sajo Aige, hit her on the head at this time, and the hand knife covered with penetrating power directly knocked Sajo Aige back from the menacing state: “Now is not the time to talk about such things, Miss Aige. Next, I want to use the power of the Great Holy Grail to treat Miss Himeko. In addition, I also want to try it in the case of Master Fu Hua.”

“Understood~~~~Then, Prince, please start singing. Let’s start with this Miss Himeko first.”

Shajo Aige glanced at Wuliangta Jizi and Fu Hua, then floated behind Ixia, switching from the usual state to business mode, her whole temperament suddenly changed significantly, becoming slightly more… It means [goddess].

Alexia also stood up——

“——[I, make a wish to the Great Holy Grail]——”

Along with the chant, magic power flowed out of Ixia’s body, and the Great Holy Grail engraved on his body suddenly shone with light, and its wing-like lines shone with blue-gold light.

“——[Pray for the power of healing to erase Wuliang Tajizi’s pain and its roots]——”

Order accepted.


The moment Alexia’s words fell, all the light lingering on him rushed towards Wuliang Tajizi!

A blinding light filled the entire conference room in an instant.

25. Ten to one party

Evening, Exia’s house.

“Huha~~~! Good wine! Give me more!”

At the dining table.

Wuliangta Jizi held a tall wine glass, drank the red wine in it, and then shouted like this!

At her feet, there are already a large number of wine bottles scattered at this moment. Although they cannot be said to be particularly expensive famous wines, they add up to five or six bottles of red wine plus six or seven cans of beer. Now Wuliang Tajizi looks like a perfect person. He looked like a drunken drunkard.

Sitting opposite her and looking at her like this, Theresa looked helpless while holding a glass of bitter melon juice: “Jizi, drink less. I know you are in a good mood today, but I won’t drink so much all at once.” Is that much?”

“Don’t stop me! I can still drink!”

“You can still drink a lot! I think you are going crazy with alcohol!”

Theresa sighed.

Alexia on the side smiled and comforted her aunt: “Let Miss Jizi be wild for a while today, aunt. She finally got rid of the previous physical condition and fully recovered. She is in a good mood and drinks more. That’s understandable. Besides, with me here, she can’t afford to get drunk.”

Yes, Wuliangta Jizi recovered.

Under the power of the Great Holy Grail, the Honkai energy erosion that had been plaguing and tormenting her for many years has now completely disappeared. Although as a price, the artificial holy marks engraved on her body have also been erased, but things are different now. In the past, with Tianming’s current technology, it was not difficult to re-transplant an improved version of the artificial stigmata on Wuliangta Jizi.

And this time, Wuliangta Jizi no longer has to worry about being corroded. While the power of the Great Holy Grail healed her body, it also improved her body to a certain extent, making all the hidden wounds on her body disappear. It also improved her Honkai energy adaptability.

She only needs to re-transplant the latest version of the artificial stigmata and undergo a period of adaptation training, then she will soon be able to return to the level of an A-level Valkyrie. Even considering that her Honkai energy adaptability has been improved, The strength should be better than before.

In this case, it is strange that she is unhappy now.

By the way, except for Exia, Wuliang Tajizi and Theresa, all the people who were in the conference room before are also here now.

This was what Aixia proposed, because Bishop Otto’s sudden arrangement and Aixia’s request caused some trouble and trouble to everyone, so in order to express my apology and celebrate Wuliangta Jizi’s recovery, Even celebrating that Alexia and Bianca became lovers today.

Now there is a party at Ixia’s house – a party for all women except Ixia.

To be honest, Alexia feels that she is completely unfit to stay here!

However, this is not the end of the matter.

The first thing is about the Blood Companion. Because I had to give her a physical examination after treating her, the meeting could not go on after that. In the end, only Bianca and Rita were confirmed to become Alexia’s blood partners, and the others The people – that is, Raiden Mei, Bronya and Anna, could not give an immediate answer.

Fortunately, Alexia wasn’t in a hurry. It didn’t matter if she waited slowly. Otto also explained the situation to Alexia, who said he understood.

The second thing is about Fu Hua.

Unlike Wuliangta Jizi, the Great Holy Grail was not able to retrieve Fu Hua’s memory and power immediately.

[Her situation is a bit special. If you want to get her power and memory back, even the Great Holy Grail will take a certain amount of time. Moreover, she has lost her power and memory more than once. If she just regains her power and memory through violence, it may cause Her brain could not bear too many memories and she suffered from mental abnormalities. To be on the safe side, it’s better to take it slow and get regular treatment. 】

Shajo Aige explained it this way.

This is the first time Exia has encountered the Great Holy Grail, and she cannot solve it immediately. But Fu Hua is a living fossil that is at least five thousand years old. He is on the same level as the true ancestors of vampires, and may even be the ultimate antique above them. , taking your time is indeed not a bad thing.

And because of this——

“I said something that troubled you today, I’m sorry, Alexia.”

Holding a cup of tea that was not suitable for the environment, Fu Hua came to sit next to Alexia: “But is it really okay to let me stay? Otto can also help me arrange a place to live.”

“It’s okay, master. I have a lot of rooms in my house. At worst, I’ll sleep in the living room.” Ixia said with a smile.

In order to receive treatment for a long time, Fu Hua is about to move into Alexia’s house starting from today. Her status in the Far East Branch was also canceled directly, and from now on she will live in the Exia family as the A-level Valkyrie Fu Hua directly under the headquarters.

“Besides, it’s not appropriate to ask Master to go back and forth to the headquarters twice every week. It’s very troublesome to go back and forth. It would save a lot of trouble if you live here directly. Just think of me, the apprentice, as some reward for you, Master. In addition… …”

Alexia glanced at Kiana, who was getting close to Bianca over there: “Actually, I also want to ask you to guide Kiana. She is currently taking the A-level Valkyrie assessment, and she has passed the actual combat assessment. , but as for the theory… I haven’t experienced the assessment, and Bianca and Rita can’t come every day, so I have to work hard.”

“Yeah, no problem.”

Hearing his apprentice’s request, Fu Hua also smiled and nodded with a rare smile: “Just think of it as my rent for living here, I will train Kiana well and train her into an excellent Valkyrie. “

“Master, I feel relieved when you say that – by the way, please don’t spoil her and try to be strict with her. Her self-control… doesn’t seem to be very good in my opinion.”

“Leave it to me.”

Next to Alexia, hearing that the master and apprentice had arranged the future life of her eldest niece, Theresa glanced pitifully at Kiana who was walking around Bianca, seeing how happy she was. He looked like he was about to die, and he didn’t even realize that he had been clearly arranged.

However, what is pitiful is that Theresa herself also agrees with the training plan for Kiana – she is the daughter of Siegfried and Cecilia! As an elder brother, Alexia is already so outstanding, doesn’t she, a younger sister, have to work hard too?


I don’t know if she noticed the sight, but Kiana who was not far away suddenly shuddered.

(W-What’s going on? Why did this young lady feel like her life was in danger just now?)

“Kiana? What’s wrong with you?” Seeing Kiana, who was now considered her sister, suddenly trembled, Bianca couldn’t help asking with concern, “Is the air conditioner too cold? Or is it a bad stomach?”

“No, no, no! Not at all! Sister Bianca, you are thinking too much!”

Kiana quickly shook her head and waved her hands, then lowered her voice slightly: “By the way, sister Bianca, since you are already in love with me, are you going to stay here tonight? Sleep with me?”

Bianca: “——!”

This… seems to be a really serious problem.

Turning her head to look at Exia, she saw that he didn’t seem to hear him. After drinking a drink over there, Bianca breathed a sigh of relief, and after pondering for a while, she said: “Yeah. …..I’ll go ask him later, and if he wants, I’ll stay.”


Exia, who was eavesdropping with Superman’s hearing, silently drank the drink in her hand, and then picked up a bottle of wine from the ground.

“Master, I remember you said before that drinking can strengthen your courage, right?”

“Huh? Yes, that makes sense. What’s wrong?”


She cut off the lid of the wine bottle with a knife, and Alexia’s eyes suddenly became sharp!

It seems that he will drink more tonight.

26.The first blood sucking

Alexia couldn’t remember how much she drank.

At first, he just wanted to drink a bottle or two. To build up his courage tonight, he was pulled aside by Wuliangta Jizi, a drunkard, and drank heavily. In the past, he would only drink one or two drinks at most, and had never drank a lot. Without using his ability or magic to relieve his hangover, he actually didn’t even know that his drinking capacity was not that good.

And the result is…

“Then, Sister Bianca, I’ll leave it to you. Let’s go down first and help Sister Rita and the others clean up together.”


In Alexia’s bedroom.

After saying this to Kiana and others who were standing at the door, and watching the three of them leave, Bianca looked helplessly at Alexia, who was already lying on the bed with a strong smell of alcohol.

(She actually fell asleep… Considering Alexia’s temperament, this is really rare.)

“This is the first time for Mr. Prince to drink so much wine.”

Appearing quietly next to Alexia and Bianca, Shajo Aige said this: “The prince is often persuaded to drink and attend some cocktail parties over there. But every time the prince tries to refuse, but he really can’t refuse. I’ll only have one or two drinks.”

“But this time I drank so much, seven bottles or eight bottles?”

“Eight and a half bottles.”

I drank so much at once, and drank continuously. I almost didn’t eat anything in the middle, and I just drank with Wuliangta Jizi there. It would be strange not to get drunk.

And if Exia becomes like this…

(Maybe it won’t work tonight, right?)

Bianca touched her neck.

She also felt that if she stayed here tonight, she would be sucked by Alexia. Now it seemed like she could only wait until next time.

Besides, Shajo Aige is still there.

“Ah, by the way, I have something to tell you.” Shajo Aige suddenly said, “I’m going to deal with my own situation next so that I can better compete for the second position in the future. Therefore, I will be completely unable to sense the things in the outside world, and it will probably not end until dawn. If anything happens during this period, I will not be able to notice it at all, so you must watch over the prince for me. Miss Lover ~~~”

“Eh? What are you…”

Hearing Shajo Aige’s sudden words, before Bianca had time to ask clearly, Shajo Aige disappeared directly in front of her eyes. As she disappeared, Bianca immediately felt that the smell of alcohol on Alexia’s body disappeared quickly, and her eyes gradually opened.

“Exia? You’re awake.”


Alexia couldn’t help but groan at her groggy head. She raised her upper body up with both arms and held her forehead, looking around with her eyes.

“Did you move me back to your room after I was drunk?”

“Yeah. You drank too much.” Bianca sat down on the edge of the bed, “But it seems that Ms. Shatiao has helped you to sober up.”

(Do you love Miss Song?)

Alexia tried calling her in her mind, but there was no response.

(Is it the same situation as before? I am hiding again at this time…)

“Want some water? I’ll get it for you.”

“No, no need, I’m not that weak yet. If I want to wake up, I can do it myself.” Alexia shook her head, “More than this, please move me back, Bianca.”

Bianca smiled softly: “No need to thank you, we are lovers now, aren’t we? Then it is natural for me to take care of you.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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