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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 339

“In addition, the party below has also ended. Rita and the others are cleaning. Ms. Theresa and Miss Wuliangta will temporarily sleep on the sofa in the living room tonight. Miss Anna has also been taken home by the Shaniyat family. You don’t have to worry.”

(Is that it? It’s over already…)

Alexia looked at the clock hanging on the wall not far away. It was almost nine-thirty in the evening. The party started at about five o’clock and it was time to end now.

“But what happened to you tonight?” Bianca changed the subject, “You rarely drank before, why did you drink so much today? Don’t say that you were affected by the atmosphere. “


When asked by Bianca, Alexia’s eyes turned to one side. After a pause, she turned her head and whispered: “I just heard it…you said you…will stay here tonight.” . Then… I just want to drink to be brave…”

drink wine? Embolden?

Bianca is not an idiot. When Alexia mentioned these keywords, she almost understood what her childhood sweetheart was thinking.

“That’s right…so, do you really want to suck my blood tonight?”

“…If you’re okay.”

“I’ve always been fine.”

Bianca smiled, stretched out her hand to turn Alexia’s head back, unbuttoned her collar a little, and pushed all her loose wavy blond hair to one side, and tied it with the ribbon that was originally tied to her head. It is tied up into a ponytail and hangs on the chest.

“Didn’t I say it? We are lovers now, and I also want to be your blood partner. If you want to suck my blood, you can do it anytime, anywhere. I won’t mind or refuse.”


Alexia knew that she was now accepting temptation.

Vampires are nocturnal creatures. Even if the part of him as the true ancestor usually does not take effect at all, today he has revealed the part of the true ancestor several times. In addition, he himself did not consciously think about suppressing it. , and even he was actively stimulating it, so that for the first time in his state of consciousness, he allowed the Fourth True Ancestor to have some control over it.

He put his arm around Bianca’s shoulders, pulled her into his arms, and suddenly turned her over and pressed her down. Alexia looked down at her beloved childhood sweetheart, her breathing gradually became heavier, and her eyes were red. The light became more and more dazzling, and the white hair was almost completely transformed into iridescent blond hair.

[Want to taste her taste]

At this moment, this was almost the only thought in Alexia’s mind.


There was a strange feeling in the mouth, and the tiger’s teeth gradually grew in size, almost mutating into what could be said to be fangs.

Lowering her body, Alexia buried her face in Bianca’s ear. Smelling the scent of her hair and her body scent greedily, the breath so close made Bianca’s cheeks blush, and her body moved uncontrollably.

“Exia, you…stop dawdling…what are you doing like this?”

“No, this is my first time to suck blood, so I need some preparation.” Exia explained, “This can make me more excited.”

First time sucking blood?

Bianca was a little surprised: “I thought you were used to it long ago…”

“How could it be? I have been holding back until now, just because my first blood-sucking partner is you.” Alexia whispered in Bianca’s ear, “In fact, I originally wanted to give you my first kiss together at this time. , but I gave it to Saber due to some accidents a year ago, and I was kissed several times by Miss Aige and others later on, so… I thought that at least the first blood-sucking target must be you.”

“…Really? Then, raise your head.”


Alexia subconsciously raised his head, and at the moment when he and Bianca’s eyes met, Bianca raised her chin slightly, allowing her and Alexia’s lips to come together.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment.

It was just a moment of kiss, but in Alexia’s subjective time, this moment seemed to last for several hours.

Withdrawing her lips, Bianca said with a blushing face: “Is this… okay?”


Alexia felt as if something exploded in her mind.

All thoughts and thoughts were emptied at this moment. The blood-sucking desire that had been ready for a long time directly became the instinct that took over the whole body at this moment. The fangs born for sucking blood quietly sank into Bianca’s body. In the body.

Bianca closed her eyes gently, wrapped her hands around Alexia’s body and hugged his back.


The light on the ceiling suddenly went out on its own.

The window without curtains was penetrated by the moonlight. Although it was not a full moon today, the moonlight shining in at this moment seemed to be more pure and intense than on a full moon night.

(ichliebedich, Bianca.)

(Well, ichliebedich, Ixia.)

The consciousness of the two people merged together, and they had the same idea at the same time.

27. The maid wants to eat it secretly

It’s been a long time.

Alexia had another dream.

After becoming the Fourth True Ancestor… no, or maybe after awakening the power of Chimera, Exia couldn’t remember whether she had a dream or not. Logically speaking, she should have. , but he didn’t remember it himself.

But now, he fell into dreamland again.

There was nothing special about the content of the dream. It was just an ordinary day-to-day life spent for a period of time in an ordinary home with some family members whose faces were unclear.

Thanks to the manager who often entered and exited the field of consciousness in the past, Ixia was able to keep her consciousness awake even in her dreams. Although she couldn’t see clearly the appearance of the [family members] in the dream, she could tell the number – she had three family members in the dream.

One is the father, one is the mother, and the other…should be his brother or sister.

For some reason, Aixia felt that this dream was somewhat familiar.

It was as if this was not the first time he had had this dream, and he even felt as if he had actually experienced the experience presented in the dream before.

【A strange dream】

Alexia thought this while she was in her dream.

And as the time in the dream gradually passed from day to night, and then from night to day, after repeating this cycle several times——

“……grown ups……”

Alexia seemed to hear someone’s voice in her ears.

There was a feeling of weightlessness in my consciousness.

It seems it’s time to wake up.

The scene shown in the dream seemed to be in response to this sense of wakefulness. The scene changed and the entrance was opened. Alexia stood at the door, facing three family members with blurred faces in front of them. Judging from their movements, the three of them seemed to be waving goodbye to him. At the same time, as if she was zooming out, Ixia felt that the scene in front of her was rapidly moving away from her, disappearing into the darkness in the distance, and then being completely submerged by the infinite darkness.

“…Lord Exia?”

The call coming to my ears was completely clear.

The change in the scene in Alexia’s eyes made the ceiling of her familiar bedroom appear. Judging from the brightness in the room, it must have been morning, and what came into her eyes at the same time was Rita, who was overlooking her. The burgundy eyes held a hint of smile.

“Rita…is it morning?”

“Yes. Good morning, Lord Exia.”

Seeing Alexia wake up, Rita straightened up from the overlooking state and greeted Alexia with a smile.

Sitting up from the bed, Alexia subconsciously looked towards the bed——

He still remembered the memory of last night very clearly. He sucked Bianca’s blood for the first time, and after that he and her hugged each other and fell asleep. There seemed to be several kisses before that. No wonder he is full of energy now, last night was probably the best night’s sleep he has ever had.

But now he was really alone in his bed.

“Rita, where’s Bianca?”

“Sir Bianca got up a little earlier.” Rita explained, “Now we are preparing breakfast in the kitchen. It seems that Bianca wants to prepare it for you personally, Miss Axia.”

Bianca went to the kitchen?

Alexia raised his eyebrows. He could think of Bianca’s reasons for doing this, but…he remembered that Bianca’s cooking skills seemed to be a little better than him? In addition, Rita usually prepares breakfast. Is it okay for her to prepare breakfast all of a sudden?

“Please don’t worry, Lord Exia.”

Seemingly sensing Alexia’s worry, Rita smiled slightly: “There are Fu Hua-sama and Mei Yi in the kitchen. Under their guidance, I think even Bianca can make something.” A perfect breakfast. Please trust your lover.”

“…That’s right.”

Alexia also laughed.

“Then, now please take off your clothes, Master Exia.”


Rita’s sudden words made Alexia stunned.



“Of course it’s for a change of clothes, Lady Alexia. You and Lady Bianca fell asleep without changing your clothes last night. Are you still planning to go out in dirty clothes today?”

(It sounds true…)

Alexia looked at the clothes she was wearing: “Speaking of which…Rita, are you going to watch me take them off right here?”

“Of course~~~” Rita smiled, “However, if Lady Alexia feels embarrassed, Rita can also retreat temporarily. But I don’t think that is actually necessary. After all, I am also destined to be your blood Even if the person who is your partner retreats now, he will probably be unable to avoid it in the future, right?”


Rita’s straightforward words made Alexia speechless.

In theory, this is indeed the case, but Alexia just spent the night with Bianca last night, and today she woke up and stripped naked in front of Rita, the [maid (self-proclaimed lover)]… How should I put it? A little inappropriate, right?

“Speaking of which, there didn’t seem to be much movement last night.” Rita continued, “Originally, we were all ready to sleep with earplugs, but in the end, there was no movement at all. It was the memorable first time between lovers. One night, I thought—”

The meaning no longer needs to be stated clearly.


Alexia held her forehead: “Have you forgotten that Bianca and I are still underage?”


Rita couldn’t help but be speechless.

(Can’t you tell… Lady Exia’s views on this aspect are actually very traditional?)

But considering that yesterday Ixia directly said that she wanted twelve partners, to say that it is traditional… is this too traditional? It can be said that the tradition has been passed down hundreds of years ago. Did he travel from the Middle Ages hundreds of years ago?

“To say the least, if Bianca and I did something like that, it would be very inconvenient in all aspects, and there are no safety measures…” Alexia stammered. , “In short, at least until Bianca and I are adults, or before we get engaged, I won’t be prepared to use my brain at all!”

(But you just immersed yourself in sucking Lady Bianca’s blood last night.)

Rita covered her mouth and smiled: “Then let me change the question. Lord Alexia, when are you going to suck my blood?”

“Eh? This…” Alexia stiffened suddenly, “Let me think about it… Well… I just drank blood with Bianca last night. Wouldn’t it be too…next time to suck you right now?”

“Where is [which time] next time?”

Rita asked, her elegant smile tinged with a sense of oppression: “If possible, please give me an accurate time, so that I can make some preparations accordingly.”

(What preparations are you going to make…)

Alexia thought a little bit.

And at this moment——


Suddenly there was a small explosion downstairs.

Immediately afterwards…

“It’s blowing up! It’s blowing up! Put out the fire!”

“Sister Bianca, what did you do!”

“I, I didn’t do it on purpose, I just accidentally pierced the pot…”

“Reload Bunny, fire mode, activate.”

Listening to the shouts coming from downstairs, Exia and Rita looked at each other.

It seems like you didn’t have breakfast today?

28. Fog City Holiday Chapter starts


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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