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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 340

As a result, due to Bianca’s unexpected operation, the kitchen was directly bombed, and the whole family of Alexia was unable to have breakfast in time.

Fortunately, Ixia still had the power of the Great Holy Grail, and she made a wish to change the kitchen back to its original state, so that everyone would not go hungry in the morning.

And because of this, even Axia and Rita realized that compared with Kaslana, who may not be able to cook even if she follows the recipe, the destructive power of Bianca’s kitchen is reflected in the physical sense. While cooking, she accidentally couldn’t control her strength and pierced and broke the pot and spatula together… If it weren’t for Bianca’s blond hair, Alexia would really wonder if she also had Kaslana. of blood.

Therefore, in order to prevent Bianca from blowing up the kitchen again, Bianca is temporarily prohibited from setting foot in the kitchen. This is also for the safety of Alexia’s family. If the kitchen blows up two or three times a day, the whole family will have to worry about it. Don’t want to eat?

And now—

In the morning after breakfast, inside the Tianming training ground.

Everyone who stayed at Exia’s house last night was now standing outside the training ground, just like spectators standing on the sidelines during a basketball game, watching the situation on the training ground not far away. In the field, Exia stood there alone, with the figure of Sandiao Aige floating in front of her, and there were several magic rotating circles around her body, constantly changing patterns like a kaleidoscope.


After all the magic formula styles were fixed, with the sound of Shajo’s love song, the magic formulas suddenly disappeared into the training ground, forming a super-large magic array that encompassed the entire training ground. A translucent barrier was raised around the training ground, locking Exia inside alone.

After doing all this, Sajo Aige looked at Exia: “The preparations are complete, Prince. The barrier is set up. As long as you don’t transform into a forbidden hand and attack the barrier with all your strength, the barrier will not be broken. . Please feel free to test it next.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work, Miss Aige.”

Alexia nodded, and then a layer of flame suddenly appeared in his eyes, his white hair took on a little rainbow light, and strong magic power filled the air from his body.

There was some smell of blood in the air.

“Have you started testing?”

Outside the barrier, Fu Hua looked at the scene happening inside and whispered.


This is what Exia is going to do now.

Although from a primary and secondary relationship point of view, the most important thing is that Alexia and Bianca have finally become a couple, after last night, actually Alexia still has some relationships in her own branch. progress.

That’s the beast.

According to Sajo Aige, one of the familiar beasts that lives in Exia’s blood has become much more obedient because he sucked Bianca’s blood last night. In addition, Bianca seems to be at the highest level as a medium. According to Sajo Aika, she is even better than La Freya, and is two or three levels higher than Himiragi Yukina.

If it were in that world, Bianca would definitely become a super psychic, and maybe she could even use the Snow Wolf.

Considering that Bianca was also born in an orphanage and had lost her memory, Alexia really doubted that Bianca had some mysterious life experience, just like the online books in China.

Of course, it’s just a thought. No matter what kind of life experience Bianca has, she is just Alexia’s childhood sweetheart and lover now, and she will be like this in the future.

(Then… let me see which group of familiar beasts are awakened by Bianca’s blood.)

Taking a deep breath, Alexia raised her hands flat in front of her: “The person who swallowed the blood of [Ye Guang Yebo], Alexia, here to release your shackles——”


There was a sudden wave of excitement in the blood.

Alexia immediately understood which familiar beast was awakened: “——Come immediately, the sixth familiar beast [Mingji’s Rainbow Flame].”

Blood spurted out from Alexia’s arm, and then turned into a rainbow-colored flame. It quickly condensed into a human form in front of Alexia, and gradually expanded and expanded, until it finally became a person similar to Bronya. tall figure.

And as the flames spread away, what emerged completely from it was a Valkyrie holding a rainbow-colored lightsaber.

The Fourth True Ancestor’s Familiar Beasts are all [Star Familiar Beasts] made by the Heavenly Department by channeling power from the stars. Among them, the one corresponding to the constellation Virgo is the one summoned by Exia now, which can change the physical form of all objects. And the familiar beast that cuts off all the laws of cause and effect, [cutting off fate].



Seeing the appearance of the Valkyrie who appeared in front of her, Alexia couldn’t help but shout out unexpectedly: “Why is it you?”

[Mingji’s Rainbow Flame] According to what Ixia heard from the three true ancestors before, she should be a faceless Valkyrie, but now… what Ixia saw was Wearing a thin armor, with rainbow flames burning all over her body, Artoria holds a lightsaber in her hand!

Why did Artoria become [Mingji’s Rainbow Flame]? ?

“This is what I went to deal with yesterday, Mr. Prince.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “It seems that Miss Bianca didn’t tell you. When you and she were kissing each other last night, I In fact, we are starting to transform the [Star Familiar Beast].”

Transform the beast?

“To put it simply, it is to allow the fusion of the familiar beast and [consciousness] or [soul]. After all, the familiar beast originally has the ability to plunder information and memory, and if it plunders the memory with strong self-will, then there is only A beast with wild instincts and some intelligence has the possibility of being controlled and dominated by that will – that’s what I think.”

“So I used the power of the Great Holy Grail and my magic to try to merge Liya with the first awakened [Ming Ji’s Rainbow Flame]. The result is this, Liya successfully became a familiar beast. From now on Even if I am not transforming into a pseudo-spiritual body, I can be summoned by you at any time.”

“This is the situation, Master.” Arturia also nodded to Ixia, “This is also what I asked Aige to do. In this way, I can be a better help to you, Master. .”

“…If you want to do something like this, you should talk to me first.”

Alexia sighed slightly.

Hearing this, Shajo Aige seemed a little aggrieved: “But didn’t the prince and Miss Bianca love each other very much last night? You don’t want your world with her to be disturbed by us, right?”

Although Shajo Aige really wanted to do that.


Alexia was speechless for a moment.

He really didn’t want to be disturbed at that time.

(However, in this case…)

“Oh? Is this the so-called [Family Beast]?”

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded outside the barrier. Everyone turned to look and saw Otto and Amber walking toward everyone at the door of the training room.

After simply waving to everyone as a greeting, Otto looked into the barrier: “It seems that you have already experienced it once, Exia. The newly mastered beast… seems to be the first one.” Number six?”

“Yes, Bishop.”

Alexia came to the edge of the barrier: “Thanks for sucking Bianca’s blood… By the way, Bishop, what’s the matter with you?”

“Yeah. Actually, I have a temporary task here, and I want Rita to handle it – it’s about [The Legend of King Arthur].”

Arthurian legend?

These words from Otto’s mouth shocked some people present.

29. Master and servant British threesome

King Arthur.

For Exia, this is a very familiar name. After all, she is accompanied by a King Arthur from another world, and she is still in front of him and has not returned.

However, in this world, the existence of King Arthur is a history that cannot be confirmed. What has been handed down are only some collections whose production time does not match the time of the legendary content. To this day, it is still impossible to confirm whether King Arthur is real. existed.

And now Otto actually said that the next mission is related to King Arthur?

After signaling Shajo Aige to lift the barrier, Exia said: “Bishop, can you explain the mission to me in detail?”

“Huh? Are you interested? Alexia.”

Otto was a little surprised.

“Then let me start from the beginning – you all should know that in order to better fight against the Honkai Impact, Tianming has actually been digging up the remains of previous civilizations a long time ago, right?”

This is of course something everyone present knows.

The prototype technology of the many weapons currently developed by Tianming, the Valkyrie armors equipped by the Valkyries, and even the weapons of the Gods series are almost all derived from the equipment found in the ruins of the previous civilization of Tianming. Through the analysis of pre-civilization technology, Destiny was able to possess today’s technological strength and gain a certain advantage in the battle against Honkai.

To put it more directly, Tianming made his fortune through [Archaeology].

“And just last night, when I was sorting out information about the [Second God’s Key], I accidentally discovered some clues – all the clues about the Second God’s Key are related to the British legend of King Arthur. “

The key to the second god?

The name coming out of Otto’s mouth caused some waves in everyone’s hearts.

According to current documents and historical records recovered by Destiny, the former civilization made the cores of all the eliminated Herrschers into God Keys in the process of fighting against the Honkai Impact. However, to this day, the gods found by Destiny have There are only a few keys.

The Key of the Sixth God: Black Abyss White Flower, the Key of the Seventh God: Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment, the Key of the Tenth God: Xuanyuan Sword, the Key of the Eleventh God: The Oath of Judah… plus now The Fourth God’s Key, which was no longer in use, was floating in satellite orbit, and the Twelfth God’s Key, Jizo Tamama, was brought back by Exia.

These are the God’s Keys that are known so far. It is said that there is also a God’s Key in North America’s Counter-Entropy, but its authenticity is questionable. After all, the God’s Key has been damaged too many times. In addition, the Counter-Entropy The leader of Entropy is the First Herrscher, the Herrscher of Reason, and his ability is [Analysis and Construction]. It is not difficult to create a fake Key of God.

As for the Second God’s Key, Tianming had obtained information about this God’s Key during archeology a long time ago, but he has never been able to accurately find its exact location, not even a little clue.

Has Bishop Otto actually found him now?

“It’s just that now we can only confirm that it is related to the legend of King Arthur. If you want to search further, you still have to send people to conduct on-site investigations.” At this point, Otto looked at Rita, “So, I will I want Rita to investigate, she is from England, and it happens that she rarely returns to her hometown.”

“As you command, Bishop, I will go and get ready to go.”

Rita bowed slightly.

“Also, Hollandel, Ixia, by the way, let me tell you something related to you.” Otto directed the topic to the only couple present, “What rewards do you two need me to prepare for you? ?”


Alexia and Bianca looked at each other.

“Why do you suddenly want to give us a reward? Bishop.”

“It’s a commendation, after all, you two have made incredible achievements one after another.”

Otto smiled: “Grandale has been very active in the past month, and the results of her hard work are obvious to all, so in recognition of your activity, I can give you a reward. And Ixia also came from a different place. The world has brought back things and information that are of great value to me and even the whole world, and I also think that I must give you a reward.”

“Of course, you can choose the content of the reward yourself – by the way, I would like to congratulate you two on becoming lovers.”

Having said this, Otto showed a smile that could be said to be gratifying: “I have several options here, such as the right to use a holiday villa in the Maldives, or my summer resort somewhere in Europe, if you need it , can I also give you a cruise ship directly, or expand Exia’s home so that you can live together?”

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but people present always felt that Otto’s proposals were all for the purpose of letting Alexia and Bianca spend their honeymoon. It was clear that the two had just become lovers, and they were not even engaged. Not yet, Otto’s attitude made it seem as if the two got married yesterday.

Bianca thought for a while: “Exia, what do you think?”

“Ask me?”

Alexia frowned, tilted her gaze toward Artoria, and then said: “Then…let Bianca and I go to England for a few days of vacation.”

Going on holiday to the UK?

Hearing the reward method proposed by Exia, Rita and Artoria looked sideways.

“Lord Alexia, are you… worried about me?”

“Well… one-third.” Alexia smiled, “Although I don’t think anything will happen to you, Rita, when you are on your way to perform the mission alone, but it would be good to have someone to take care of you. And On my side…Saber is also from the UK, and even in her original world, she has an unusual connection with King Arthur, so I would like to take this opportunity to let her return to her hometown here.”

“And if you calculate it this way, you can take care of all the places in one go when you go on vacation in the UK. Kill three birds with one stone.”


Artoria was slightly moved.

She didn’t want Alexia to think about her like this, but it was true that she cared about the legend of King Arthur here. After all, she was also King Arthur. If anyone in the world cares most about the legend of King Arthur, it must be her.

[What kind of king is King Arthur here? 】

Arturia couldn’t help but think of this.

And Bianca also smiled and nodded: “Well, that’s fine, it’s very efficient, let’s just decide. I have the same idea as Alexia, Bishop. I just said before that I would go to England to see it when I have time. , this can be regarded as an opportunity – help Rita finish the task quickly, so that Rita can be a tour guide to take us around the UK, right?”

“That’s right.” Alexia clapped her hands, “That’s it. Can I trouble you then? Rita.”

“……I see.”

Rita sighed.

The two masters she would serve in the future were so biased towards her, so as a maid, she had no other choice but to agree.

30. Arrival in London

Whether it is Destiny itself or the three people of Exia, once they determine what they want to do next, they will always make a prompt decision and execute it. Therefore, after deciding to come to the UK together, Alexia, Bianca and Rita simply packed their luggage and immediately flew to the UK on a special plane.

By the way, Kiana was also clamoring to go to the UK for vacation at first, but then Bishop Otto issued a team mission, and Fu Hua also booked her training content for the next week. The result was Kiana will not be able to have a vacation for at least the next ten days, and the arrangements are clear.

Kiana’s whole body wilted on the spot.

Fortunately, Rita said she would bring some souvenirs back, so she barely managed to appease her foodie. But let me tell you something, the British specialty…fish and chips?

And now, it’s only about half an hour’s flight——

“Is this London?”

Each dragging a suitcase, Alexia and Bianca walked out of London Airport, came to the road and looked at the Thames River not far away.

This is the first time for both of them to come to the UK.

Although Bianca often flies around the world, she has never been to the UK. After all, since a long time ago, there have been very few Honkai Impact incidents in the UK. It can even be said that there are almost none, so that Destiny does not need to be in the UK. Set up a special branch and just send some Valkyries over from time to time to take turns patrolling.

In such a place, there is no need for Bianca, the most powerful person in destiny, to come and put out the fire.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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