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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 341

Although Exia has been to several different worlds, he doesn’t know why. His main activities in the different worlds are Japan, or East Asia. The UK was thousands of miles away from him every time. It was simply a strange place.

However, when he first became the leader of the Kaslana Empire, the Nordic side…that is, the Kingdom of Aldykia where La Folia was located, invited him to visit. Exia remembered that on the spot Lan Yu Qiancong refused because he was busy at work.

“Hmm~~~Is this the London of this world?”

Next to Alexia, quietly appeared in mid-air. Sha Tiao Ai Ge looked towards the London city on the other side of the Thames River.

“It’s no different from where I am.”

That’s just on the surface.

In the world of Sajo Aige, London is the center of the modern magic world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the official headquarters of the Magic Association. The magicians from the Clock Tower cleverly set up barriers all over London, hid the magic teaching place in London under the cover of a general university, and secretly developed magic.

Sajo Aige went to the Clock Tower with her father once when she was in junior high school. However, at that time, her magic level had actually surpassed that of the highest-ranked magician, so that time she just walked around casually. For those The noble boys who came to talk to her were not interested either.

“Speaking of which, what do you think, Saber?”

(…It just feels like “this is indeed Britain”.)

Artoria’s thoughts reached the minds of Exia and Sajo Aige.

She has become a beast. Although she has gained the power of a beast, she can no longer appear at will. She can only appear when Alexia calls her. She can only sleep in his blood. And because of this, Sajo Aige is actually the only one left in the Great Holy Grail.

“If I have the chance, I can bring you here a few more times in the future, Saber.” Alexia smiled, “But now, let’s get the business done first, right? Have you made an appointment for the meeting? Rita.”

Behind Alexia.

Rita, who was also dragging a suitcase and just finished a phone call, nodded slightly: “Yes. I have already made an appointment to meet with the director of the British Museum and apply for a visit to the collection of cultural relics. The other party said that it will be available in three and a half hours. Met.”

In this investigation mission, Bishop Otto did not have any suggestions except that sentence. In the UK, if you want to study history and legends, the British Museum is a must-go place. As one of the four most famous museums in the world, it is said that there are as many as eight million historical relics in its collection. .

However, more than 90% of these cultural relics are not disclosed to the public. According to Bishop Otto’s suggestion, if you want to investigate the key to the second god, a non-public collection of the British Museum may have important clues, so Rita just passed the connections of Destiny and directly contacted the British Museum. The curator communicated.

“That means we still have more than three hours of free time? Let’s go to the hotel to put down our luggage first, and then go have lunch?” Bianca asked, “Then we’ll just stroll around and wait. When it’s time for the meeting, just follow Rita.”


Alexia had no objection, he originally thought so.

As for the arrangement between the two of them, Rita, the person involved, actually felt a little embarrassed: “It should be your vacation time now, but I have to bother you two to perform a mission with me…”

“It doesn’t matter, Rita’s business is our business.” Bianca said with a smile, “Also, although it is my vacation and Alexia’s, Rita, you can’t be absent. After all, there are three of us. We’ll always be together from now on, right?”

If the three of them want to live together forever, then a delay of one or two days on vacation is not a problem at all. They can make up for it dozens or even hundreds of times later.

The corners of Rita’s mouth raised a slight arc.

“Then, after you go to the hotel and settle down, let me lead you two around London.”

“Well, thank you, Rita.”

While Exia and others were talking like this.

Inside a car on the side of the road some distance away from the two people.

Looking at the three people standing together, the person sitting in the passenger seat took the photo in his hand and compared it.

“Is it him?”


In the driver’s seat, a strange man who was also wearing a raincoat in the car nodded.

“Kaslana’s highest masterpiece in thousands of years, the only one that is infinitely close to our Lord’s [finished product]—Messiah Kaslana.”

“So, my mission is to bring him back to World Snake?” The person in the passenger seat put the photo into his pocket, “Are you really sure this is the Lord’s order? Didn’t the Lord disappear a thousand years ago? ?”

“The Lord has always been there, but the Lord believes that there is no need to interfere before the time comes, so we have been lurking until now. And now that the Lord has sent an order again after a thousand years, no matter what the mission is, I’m going to finish it.”

The person in the driver’s seat turned his head, and on his face that was covered by a mask, only his red eyes glowed strangely.

“——[Invite Messiah Kaslana to join the World Serpent]”

“This is the Lord’s command. Now complete your mission, Raven.”

Pulling on the peaked cap she used to disguise herself, the woman called [Raven] sighed softly: “Oh…yes, yes, yes.”

31.Speak of King Arthur in front of King Arthur

Time passes quickly.

The three and a half hours before the meeting flew by in a blink of an eye. During this period, because Rita, a local, was there, Exia and Bianca had a good tour of some of London’s famous attractions.

Big Ben, Sherlock Holmes Museum, Tower Bridge… these are the places that some outsiders will want to visit immediately after coming to the UK for the first time. I have to say that Rita really understands [outsiders] idea.

Lunch was naturally a local restaurant chosen by Rita.

However, it is not a British restaurant, but a French one. Even Rita, a native of the UK, has to admit that the quality of food in her home country is indeed a bit like a desert, and the traditional British cuisine is even more simple, highlighting an original flavor.

So in order to give her two adults a good dining experience, Rita specially found a French restaurant. Of course, there were also some British dishes in it, so that people would not be unable to taste the local British style at all.

And now – it’s 1:29 p.m.

The sky suddenly became a little gloomy.

In the British Museum adjacent to Russell Square, after passing through the main entrance with Greek Ionic columns and arriving at the large atrium in the center of the museum, Alexia and others immediately saw a man wearing a long skirt and carrying a Intellectual woman in glasses.

Seeing the arrival of the three people, the woman seemed to think for a moment, and then came to them with a kind smile: “Hello, you three, I am the current curator of the British Museum, Catherine. Are the three of you the Valkyries of Destiny? Your Excellency?”

“Yes, hello. I’m Rita.”

Rita took out her personal terminal and showed her identity certificate within Tianming to the woman in front of her. Then he introduced sideways: “These two are the superiors who came with me this time, Lord Youlandel and Lord Ixia.”

“Hello, Ms. Catherine.”

“Well, hello, you two.” Catherine nodded slightly to Alexia and Bianca, “The purpose of this trip has been explained to Miss Rita on the phone before, and our library has indeed received an investigation from Tianming. Apply. Please three more come with me.”

After saying this, Catherine led the three people towards the depths of the museum.

Unlike Rita, who was walking in front wholeheartedly, Alexia and Bianca were walking forward, looking at the collections on display around them.

(It really deserves to be one of the four major museums in the world…the number of collections is really huge.)

Alexia had no interest in the collection, and was just scanning it with some curiosity. However, even just like this, the huge number of collections made him a little dizzying. In his mind, Shajo Aige was also admiring the surrounding antiques with great interest.

(Hmm~~~They are all genuine, and many of them are imbued with magical power and can be used as catalysts for holy relics.)

If there was a Holy Grail War in this world, then Sajo Aika would have gone directly to the British Museum to select the holy relics, and then stolen them without anyone noticing. Anyway, with her level of magic, she would have created a It’s not difficult to distinguish a fake from a real one.

“This way.”

Catherine’s voice came from the front, and Alexia, who was looking at the collection, was immediately pulled by Bian’s arm and turned together into a room that was not open to the public.

Unlike the collection exhibition hall outside, there is only one exhibit in this room.

It was a huge stone with a large number of patterns carved on it, like a small mural.

Catherine nudged her eyes: “This is the cultural relic you are applying for investigation this time – a complete Celtic scroll that has been preserved since around the sixth century AD. What is recorded on it is a period of time that no one in Britain knows today. , a legendary history that everyone knows.”

“King Arthur…?”

Alexia said softly.

On the way here—on the plane to be precise, Exia also did some research on the legend of King Arthur in this world.

Catherine also introduced the content of the mural to the three of Exia.

“The general life of King Arthur recorded in the book. Legend has it that in ancient Britain, a young man named Arthur, with the help of the great wizard Merlin, pulled out the sword in the stone and became the King of Britain——”

(No, Merlin didn’t help at all, and the Sword in the Stone itself was a ruse arranged by Merlin using magic.)

Before Catherine could finish her words, Artoria’s slightly resentful voice came into Alexia’s head.

“…After Arthur ascended the throne, he founded the powerful Knights of the Round Table and jointly swore an oath to defend Britain——”

(Well, this part is the same as my experience…just the round table later…)

For some reason, Artoria’s tone suddenly dropped.

“…With the fighting of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Britain drove away countless invaders and ushered in unity and strength——”

(But after that, problems occurred frequently. The land was barren, crops failed, and internal affairs were in chaos… There were many times when Sir Lancelot had to bother Sir Lancelot to buy food from the mainland… More on that later. I still have to go on an expedition to the mainland…)

Every time Catherine talks about a piece of history, Artoria talks to herself as if she is simultaneously recalling her past. However, compared with the history described by Catherine, the history told by Artoria, the real King Arthur, is It made Alexia feel a little heavy inexplicably, as if the beautiful reality had been broken and she had to face the bloody and painful reality… It made people deeply appreciate the weight of history.

In a spiritual sense.

(Saber, are you okay?)

Alexia couldn’t help but asked with concern.

Could it be that it was a wrong decision for him to bring Arturia to Britain?

(Well, I’m fine, Master, I just got emotional.)

Artoria regained her composure.

(However, this mural does not record the ending of King Arthur here.)

(…do you care?)

(A little.)

The Britain he led eventually came to destruction because of his own fault. Even today, Artoria no longer dwells on the past, but…she still cares about [King Arthur’s End] in a different world.

[How does King Arthur maintain Britain in this world? ], [What is Britain like in this world? 】——Artoria wants to know this.

“…Ms. Catherine.”

After a pause, Exia suddenly said: “Can I ask about King Arthur’s final ending?”

“Huh? Is Your Excellency Alexia also interested in the legend of King Arthur?”

“More or less.”

(Master…thank you.)

(It’s a small thing, you’re welcome. This can also settle your knot, right?)

Artoria knew that Exia was asking this for her own sake.

And when she heard what Alexia said, Catherine seemed to be interested and showed some serious expression: “King Arthur’s final ending was actually not very good.”

32. Stan:???

With the help of the great wizard Merlin, King Arthur pulled out the sword in the stone and became the King of Britain. He drove out all the invaders in Britain and protected Britain with the Knights of the Round Table. Up to this point, he was actually with Artoria. There is not much difference in the situation.

In King Arthur’s later years, for some unknown reason, he seemed to be quite obsessed with pursuing the legendary fairy island [Avalon].

Existing legends generally describe King Arthur’s final resting place in Avalon, waiting to return to the world. But the reality is that King Arthur did not find the island in the end, and he also embarked on a journey with the great wizard Merlin in order to pursue the island. He devoted his whole life to the exploration of Avalon until his final death.

Moreover, because of his death, the kingdom he established gradually declined and collapsed, and the great magician Merlin disappeared from the legend at some point.

“——This is the ending of King Arthur.”

Catherine concluded.

“Can I help you in any way?”

“Yeah. Thank you.” Alexia nodded.

(How? Saber, in this world…the ending of King Arthur.)

(…I think it’s better than my ending.)

Arturia said after being silent for a while.

Unlike Arturia, King Arthur in this world, although he was obsessed with finding Avalon in the end, and he must have neglected government affairs, but he at least guarded Britain until the last moment. It is conceivable that at that time Britain has maintained stability and peace for at least several decades.

This is much better than Arturia. The Britain she maintained was on the verge of destruction in just over ten years, and even within those ten years there were frequent problems.

(Thank you, Master. Please ask this question for me. I… will think about it for a while.)

(Yeah. If you have anything else you want to ask, just tell me. Don’t be too arrogant.)

After comforting Artoria, Alexia turned her attention back to reality – and before she knew it, Catherine was gone.

“Where’s Director Catherine?”

“She still has some things to deal with, let us investigate on our own. Didn’t you pay attention just now, Alexia?” Bianca said, “Are you talking to Artoria?”

“Yeah. But…does the Second God’s Key really have something to do with this mural?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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