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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 342

Alexia turned her attention to the mural.

There is nothing special about the content on the mural. Catherine had just told them about the content, and it didn’t even contain any information related to the Key of God.

Could it be that it was all in vain?

【Hey, humans】

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded from under Alexia’s clothes, attracting the attention of both Bianca and Rita.

Ixia lifted up the corner of her clothes and revealed the Seven Thunders of Purification in her gun belt: “What’s wrong? Herrscher of Thunder?”

[There is something inside this broken stone]

There’s…something inside the mural?

Before Alexia could say anything, Shajo Aige had already come out and made a few gestures at Alexia’s eyes. Suddenly, Alexia found that her eyes seemed to have the ability to see through. The scene inside seems to have become a lot more transparent.

Even the clothes Bianca and Rita were wearing—

“Take a few steps forward, Prince.”

Sandjo Aige floated directly in front of Alexia, blocking Bianca and Rita.

“The effect of perspective magic is also limited. You can’t see more clearly unless you get closer.”

“oh oh…..”

A feeling of regret with a slight sense of emptiness rose from Exia’s heart.

One thing is that even though he and Bianca became lovers, they didn’t even take off their clothes when they slept together last night. They slept with each other’s clothes on all night long. Therefore, the secrets under Bianca’s clothes are really unexplored territory for Alexia!

It may be a bit inappropriate to say this, and it may be a bit unqualified as a boyfriend, and it is even more disgraceful to say it, but… Alexia really wants to use these clairvoyant eyes to see Bian. The urge to get stuck!

(No, no, calm down Alexia, now is not the time to have distracting thoughts. To say the least, you and Bianca are already lovers, and there should be countless opportunities to explore mysterious realms in the future. There’s no need to rush this moment, let’s get down to business first.)

Forcibly suppressing her impulse with reason, Exia looked squarely at the mural in front of her.

The surface stones fade away layer by layer under the influence of perspective, as if the layers have been made transparent, revealing some [foreign objects] inside the stone slab.

(These fragments are like…)


Suddenly, a faint meow sounded behind the three people.

Alexia and the others immediately turned their heads, and saw at the entrance of the room, a kitten with light gray hair and a hint of purple at the end of its tail, slowly walking towards them, staring straight at them. Exia standing in front of the stone slab.


Rita frowned in confusion: “Why is there a cat here?”

Generally speaking, pets are not allowed in museums, let alone this is the British Museum.

“I probably walked in accidentally. I’ll take it out.”

Bianca said as she walked towards the kitten.

But the moment she walked over, a faint light lit up the kitten’s neck, and then——


The kitten screamed suddenly!

The originally small body was like a filled balloon, but it inflated to a height of more than three meters in an instant! The body directly transformed from the size of a kitten to a giant! The surface is even covered with a hard white carapace, with pink and white lights shining everywhere!

The sudden change made Exia and others a little surprised.

“The cat… turned into a Honkaimon?”

Even the three knowledgeable people saw this situation happening in front of them for the first time.

Although it is not unusual for animals to transform into Honkaimon, judging from the situation just now, it seems that the Honkaimon in front of us can usually maintain the appearance of a kitten, which means that it can switch between the two forms. ?

Even Tianming doesn’t have this kind of technology.

“…I’ll take care of it, Lady Bianca. Please wait-“


Rita was just about to move forward and ask the Destiny Headquarters to teleport the combat armor from a long distance, but Bianca had already punched the cat-shaped Honkaimon in front of her.

The experience of fighting against Honkai for many years has basically made her develop the habit of attacking Honkai beasts directly when she sees them.



There was not even a slight pause. The moment the fist landed on the cat-shaped Honkaimon, its huge body was directly hit to the ceiling, knocking out a huge hole in the ceiling of the British Museum.

“Ah… wouldn’t it be a good idea to do it indoors?”

Bianca asked belatedly.

(Did you think about it after you started doing it?)

33. Clues to the Second God’s Key

Tens of minutes later.

Outside the British Museum.

Because of the impact caused by Bianca’s Big Flying Honkaiju just now, the British Museum has been completely sealed off. Yellow cordons have been circled inside and outside for several times. The familiar sight reminds Exia of the String God. The island’s Special Administrative Region Police Force.

“It looks like…it seems we can only suspend the investigation.”

“Feel sorry.”

Hearing what Alexia said, Bianca’s head drooped a little, and he waved his hand quickly: “I’m not blaming you, Bianca, that situation is a situation where there is nothing you can do, and you are just used to it. It’s not your fault that you destroyed Honkaimon.”

“Master Axia is right, Master Bianca.” Rita also comforted, “But what happened to that Honkaimon? Before he became like that, he couldn’t feel anything at all. Honkai can react…could it be a man-made Honkaimon?”

Artificial Honkaimon.

This is not a brand new term. Tianming has conducted similar research before, but gave up not long after. In fact, this is just one of Tianming’s numerous research projects. For Tianming, whose main combat power is the Valkyrie, the development of artificial Honkaimon does not bring much value.

“Who knows? But it will attack us at that time, and it should be for us. If we encounter it next time, I will take care of it. Just freeze it whole and smash it into pieces.”

Freeze it and then break it?

Rita and Bianca thought about the scene for a moment. Alexia froze a creature and shattered it into countless pieces with one blow…

It does seem better than Bianca punching the ceiling? But in that case, the follow-up processing would be very troublesome. The processing of the broken corpses would be very labor-intensive.

“How about capturing it and handing it over to the Bishop for study?” Rita suggested, “I think the Bishop would be very interested in a brand new creature that can switch between ordinary animals and Honkaiju form.”

“That’s right…but that has to wait until the cat is caught. And -“

Alexia looked towards the British Museum and saw Catherine bending out from the cordon and walking towards the three of them.

After finishing the topic just now, Aixia also stepped forward and said before she spoke: “It’s us who are causing you trouble this time, Ms. Catherine. Although it is to deal with the sudden crisis, it is indeed We are truly sorry for the damage caused to the historic British Museum.”

“No…Thank you for your apology, Your Excellency Alexia.”

Catherine, who originally wanted to say something, could only continue after being snatched away by Alexia: “Fortunately, only the ceiling was damaged, and no collection was damaged. This can be considered a blessing in misfortune. I just don’t know how long it will take to repair it.”

“If you don’t mind, Tianming can take full responsibility for the repair.”

“Is that okay?”

“Of course, this is also a way for us to express our apology. All maintenance costs can be directly handed over to Tianming.” Alexia smiled, “But, if possible, I also hope that Ms. Catherine can accept my offer.” A small request.”


Catherine’s eyes trembled, and then she sighed helplessly: “Do you really have other motives? Your Excellency Alexia.”

“Destiny is not a charity.”

“…So, what is your request?”

“Can the exhibit we visited just now be rented to Tianming for a period of time? It doesn’t take long, just two or three days.”

Loan items from the British Museum’s collection?

The request made by Alexia made Bianca and Rita a little confused, but if they think about the purpose of the three of them coming here…

(Is it possible that Lord Exia has discovered a clue related to the key to the second god?)

(As expected of Exia, she’s so awesome.)


Catherine looked a little embarrassed. Although she is the director of the British Museum, she has no decision-making power about leasing out the museum’s collections.

“I…maybe need to ask the person in charge above for instructions.”

“Okay. I will also explain this matter to the Bishop later. I hope that both of us can have a satisfactory cooperation by then, Ms. Catherine. Please let us say goodbye today.”

After saying this, Exia turned around and left the British Museum first.

After saying hello to Catherine, Bianca and Rita followed immediately. After the three of them arrived at Russell Square, Rita said: “Lord Alexia, the purpose of renting that collection is really for…”

“Well, that collection is indeed related to the Key of the Second God – or maybe it is related.” Ixia pointed to her eyes, “At that time, through Miss Aige’s perspective magic, I was on that stone slab. I saw some fragments inside, if I guessed correctly…it might be soul steel.”

Soul Steel.

This is something all three are familiar with.

It is a metal block composed of hundreds of millions of nanorobots. It has an extremely good effect of isolating Honkai energy, and it also has the ability to self-repair and even change its appearance. In view of this, soul steel is often used to make various weapons or record information, and can also be used to make liquid quantum computers.

For example, Alexia’s Seven Thunders of Purification, or the Gods Series weapons held by Rita and Bianca, are actually made of soul steel.

“It’s about the size of a fingernail. There aren’t many, just a few scattered pieces. But since it’s buried in a stone slab related to the legend of King Arthur, it must be related to King Arthur anyway. If you think about it, it will also be related to the Key of the Second God. Related. However, if you want to parse out the information inside, you can only hand it over to the headquarters.”

Exia and others do not have the ability to analyze soul steel.

While saying this, Exia had already sent a message to Otto who was far away at the Tianming headquarters.

“In this case, we have nothing to do for the time being. Let’s wait for news from the headquarters.” Bianca said, “What should we do next?”

“Continue on vacation? Or continue to investigate the Second God Key in our way?”

Alexia thought for a while.

And it was at this time——


A pedestrian walked towards Exia. Perhaps it was because the weather was not good, and the weather was gloomy, as if it was going to rain at any time, so the pedestrian always wore a hood, covering most of his face. Covered up, he was wearing a large sweatshirt and sweatpants.

It looks like a person running for exercise.

However, when passing by Alexia, I don’t know if it was because the other party lowered his head so low that he didn’t see Alexia, and their shoulders bumped.

“Feel sorry…..”

An apology came from under the hood, a somewhat pleasant and mature female voice.

“No, it’s okay.”

Alexia also said it casually.

However, before Ixia said this, the man had already run away.

(…Is it an illusion?)

Turning her head and glancing at that person, Alexia suddenly felt as if she had done something.

And that is at the next moment——

(Lord Prince, inside your trouser pocket.)


Alexia touched her pants pocket, and a small paper ball was stuffed into it at some point.

34. Go out for the night without your lover?

[At eight o’clock tonight, go to the place below to discuss important matters]

After unfolding the ball of paper in his hand, what Exia saw was this line of words and an address attached to the end.

(This is……)



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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