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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 343

Could it be that the woman just stuffed it into her trouser pocket? At that moment when their shoulders bumped just now?

(Good skills… No, the key point is why did she give this thing to me?)

This is a problem.

Alexia turned her head and looked in the direction where the man left, but she could not find him at all. Because of the matter at the British Museum, many people had gathered nearby. Finding a specific object in the sea is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

(…Can you track it, Miss Aige.)

(It’s very difficult. Do you want to use the power of the Great Holy Grail?)

(…No need. There is no need to go into such a big fight.)

It was just a paper ball stuffed by a suspicious person. If the Great Holy Grail was used for such a trivial matter, then Exia would really be spoiled.

Seeing Alexia staring at the note in her hand, Rita also vaguely noticed something was wrong: “Did that person just give it to you? Sir Alexia?”

“Well, let me go to this place tonight.” Exia showed the contents of the note to the two of them. “It’s quite far away from where we live. I don’t know what I want to do. And it’s still using this kind of ghost. Sneaky way…”

“It’s a bit like a movie.”

Bianca said.

“People who work in underground organizations pass information to each other and achieve their goals in seemingly accidental ways on the street… and so on.”

“But I’m not from an underground organization.”

Rather, the Destiny is the most well-known organization in the world. Even a three-year-old child, as long as they are not in a particularly remote or rural area, will definitely recognize the Destiny symbol.

Although he has not appeared in the media much.

“Could it be that it was given to the wrong person?” Rita took the note, “I originally wanted to give it to another person, but accidentally gave it to Lady Axia – such situations also happen. “

“I guess you won’t recognize me wrongly, right? I think I have a certain degree of recognition.”

White hair, blue eyes.

This is a rare feature in the UK and there is almost no chance of being mistaken.

“Axia, are you going to this place tonight?” Bianca asked, “If there is a misunderstanding, would it be better to go and resolve it in person? But judging from the content of the movie, maybe you will also hit it directly To break some secrets, such as the secret organization hidden in London.”

“Bianca, have you watched any fantasy movies recently?”

Alexia smiled and crumpled up the paper ball in her hand and threw it into the trash can on the roadside: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t go. Isn’t it possible that the other party can come directly to the door? This kind of suspicious thing, don’t go much It’s a good thing to care, otherwise you’ll get involved in trouble if you’re not careful.”

It can be said that Exia has rich experience in this aspect. After all, he encountered a lot of things because of this when he was still on Genkami Island.

Normally, he wouldn’t mind going to see what’s going on, but now he’s here to vacation in the UK with Bianca, and he’s here to help Rita solve a task! To be honest, there is nothing wrong with calling this situation a [dating], right? And during the date, if the man leaves the woman and goes somewhere else alone, there will be a big problem!

——The above theory comes from the kindness of some people.

“Okay, let’s continue walking around London and wait for the news from the bishop before we take action – I’d like to trouble you to continue to be our tour guide, Rita.”

“I’m happy to serve you two. Then the next stop is the nearby St. George’s Church.”


Just when Ixia and others decided to continue playing.

The road opposite to the direction the three were heading.

Interior of a black car.

“nailed it.”

After sitting in the passenger seat and taking off her hood, the woman known as Raven said with a relaxed expression.

“The next step is to go to that location and wait for him to find him.”


In the driver’s seat, with his face completely covered, the driver known as [Gray Snake] was silent for a while, and then asked in a somewhat skeptical tone: “Are you sure this is enough?”

“Otherwise? Do you think it will be successful if you go up to him and directly tell him [Can I ask you to join the World Snake]?” Raven said while taking a sip of the mineral water he had put in the car. “We are completely different from him. They are strangers to each other. If we want him to join us, we must first get to know each other and leave a better impression on him.”

This makes some sense.

When World Snake recruited members in the past, it either adopted some children or orphans, spread its beliefs, or used more extreme coercion and inducement. The nature of organizations dictates that they cannot recruit people openly like Destiny and Counter-Entropy.

But these methods cannot be used on Exia.

The Lord’s order is [Invite Messiah Kaslana to join the World Serpent], and the key point is [Invite]. This is what the Lord himself said. In this case, World Snake cannot take an extreme approach, otherwise it will leave a bad impression on Exia, and subsequent contacts may also be ruined.

But it would not work to directly invite Exia right from the start. That would make him think that World Snake is a suspicious organization.

Therefore, we had to get to know each other first – the address Raven gave Alexia was one of her strongholds in London, so it was considered a safe house. Get to know him first there. Even if you can’t let him join the World Snake, you still have to leave a good impression on him first.

“In the final analysis, he is just a 17-year-old kid. We should slightly modify the rhetoric we use to spread our faith and have more contact with him. Why should I do this kind of work? My professional field It’s assassination, shouldn’t this kind of thing be what you’re best at?”

“This is also the Lord’s order.”

Gray Snake said.

“According to the instructions of the Lord, women may be more suitable to contact Messiah Kaslana. And when it comes to normal women in our world snake, you are the most normal one – or do you think Jackal Can I do better than you?”

“…Why do I feel like I was betrayed by you?”

Raven frowned.

“Illusion. As long as you are of value to the organization, the organization will not abandon you. You should know this very well.”


“Also, let me remind you that Messiah Kaslana seems to have just thrown away the message you left. It seems that she has no intention of having a night tryst with you.”


35. Don’t let desire penetrate your will

Alexia’s first day in London ended up being passed without any danger.

Although there were some hiccups during this period, if you look at it as a little spice during the vacation with Bianca, it is not a big problem.

After continuing to visit several scenic spots with Rita, and finishing their dinner in a high-end-looking restaurant outside, the three of them returned to the hotel they had booked long ago.

And now.

Alexia thinks she is facing a huge challenge!

“Hua Hua Hua~~~”

In the simply decorated but beautiful hotel room, Alexia sat alone on a chair next to the coffee table near the window, with the sound of running water echoing intermittently in her ears.

It was coming from the bathroom.

Let me first explain the current situation of the three people in Exia – because this hotel does not have triple rooms, so when booking a room, they can only be divided into two groups no matter what.

Alexia and Bianca, or Bianca and Rita, and Alexia and Rita.

According to the general situation, it should be an arrangement for Bianca and Rita to share a room, and Alexia to live in a room by herself. After all, this is the situation at the Destiny Headquarters. Bianca and Rita have lived together for two or three years, while Alexia lives separately from them.

So this arrangement is actually reasonable.

But the problem is… Now Alexia and Bianca are [lovers] on vacation!

Originally, Rita felt a little guilty because Alexia and Bianca had to help her with tasks during the vacation, so when booking a room, she almost forcibly arranged Alexia and Bianca into a room. , she lived alone in the room opposite the two of them.

What’s more, if lovers live in separate rooms when they go on vacation, can they still be called lovers?

To be honest, Ixia had no objection to Rita’s arrangement, and was even very grateful to Rita for making such an arrangement. But now that she actually had to live alone in a room with Bianca, Alexia belatedly realized something!

(It’s over, I seem a little… nervous!)

Not counting yesterday, the last time Alexia and Bianca slept in the same room dates back to the Valkyrie Training Center, and it had been several years. As for yesterday’s situation, on the one hand, it was due to the atmosphere, and on the other hand, Ixia was drunk at that time. Even though she was sober, she was still somewhat energetic, so the two of them naturally slept together.

But today is different!

Now Bianca has gone to take a shower, and Alexia will go in with her after she finishes taking a shower, and then the two of them will stay together on the only double bed in this room until dawn!

The key point is the double bed – Rita was very thoughtful and did not book a twin room, but directly booked a double bed room.

And for now Ixia, the coming night will be a huge challenge!

(Although I told Rita that morning, I will not cross the line until she reaches adulthood or gets engaged, but…)

Just like people will really panic when a disaster is approaching.

No matter how matter-of-fact what Alexia said this morning, with an expression and tone that he would definitely abide by, but now just listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, his head was already starting to fantasize uncontrollably. What’s going on inside!

“No…calm down, Exia, calm down…”

A cold air emanated from her whole body, and she used physical means to force herself to calm down. Exia crossed her fingers with her hands and propped her chin.

(Normal… Tonight I will simply sleep in the same bed with Bianca. The most I can do is hug and kiss each other. I must not do anything that crosses the line… otherwise the consequences may be disastrous. .)

This is not alarmist.

In fact, similar situations did occur in Tianming in the past. That was in 1998. At that time, Destiny had a special elite Valkyrie team named [Snow Wolf], which was Destiny’s strongest blade. It was equivalent to the current Immortal Blade team and was Destiny’s strongest force at that time. Core.

Composed of several A-level Valkyries led by Alexia’s mother, Celicia Shaniat, they are invincible.

But even so, the Snow Wolf Team also encountered a crisis and was disbanded for a time – because the leader Celecia was pregnant.

(If something happens here with Bianca that causes the Immortal Blade to be temporarily disbanded and Bianca has to temporarily leave the front line, it will definitely be more difficult to deal with the collapse situation around the world. Although I will definitely She has to fill Bianca’s vacancy, but she has to stay by her side to take care of her. Rita will probably be too busy…)

If that were the case, Exia would probably be flying back and forth between various parts of the world and the Destiny Headquarters 24 hours a day, without even a little bit of rest.

And, most importantly, if his father Siegfried knew that he had let sixteen-year-old Bianca…

(Thinking about it this way, I feel that if I don’t control myself tonight, the future will be very disastrous… but Miss Song Ge has gone to isolate herself again at this time.)

As early as when Bianca went to take a bath, Shajo Aige had already told Alexia that she was going to be autistic tonight and would not wake up until dawn. At that time, Alexia was grateful to Shajo Aige for being so considerate, but now he just hoped that Shajo Aige would appear immediately so that he could control him when his blood got high.

(Okay…I’ve decided, I’ll freeze myself tonight.)

Finally, Exia made up her mind.

This is also for the sake of the world and my [future].

“Exia, I’ve washed it.”

And at this moment, along with the sound of the door opening from the bathroom, Bianca’s voice came from the bathroom.

Immediately afterwards——

“Huh~~ After running around all day, it will be very comfortable to take a bath. Alexia, please go quickly -“


Before Bianca could finish her words, Alexia, who was sitting on the chair one second, was in front of her the next second, blocked her lips directly, and pressed her down. on the wall.


Bianca, who had been kissed forcefully by Alexia for several seconds before being let go, took a few breaths and asked with red cheeks: “What’s wrong? I kissed you all of a sudden…”

“you are so Beautiful.”

Alexia said something very earthy.

But this is also his truest thought now.

Bianca, who had just taken a shower, was now only wrapped in a bathrobe. Her collarbone and above were completely exposed to Alexia’s eyes. The sight of her fair and rosy skin made Alexia’s spirit unstoppable. It expanded a bit. A few drops of water dripped from the hair that was not completely dried, flowing along her collarbone to a place that had a strong attraction to Alexia’s eyes.

Under the bathrobe, perhaps because she felt a little hot after taking a shower, Bianca generously exposed part of her legs.

——[Beauty comes out of bath]

Seeing his lover appear in front of him in this way, if Alexia, who is 17 years old and at the age of passion, can bear it now, she will be looked down upon by others, right?

“I’m sorry, Bianca, for kissing you all of a sudden. Now that I’ve calmed down a bit – I’m going to take a shower first.”

After releasing the wall button and saying this, Exia rushed into the bathroom almost as if she was running away.

After leaning against the wall and sliding down a little, Bianca touched her lips. The touch that remained on them had not completely faded away, and the super-accelerating heartbeat in her heart still had no tendency to stop at all.

(This is the first time…Axia is so tough on me…it seems…)

Feeling a little different from last night?

(Oops…it seems like the corners of the mouth can’t stop rising.)


at the same time.

In the bathroom.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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