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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 344

(What have I done?!!!!)

(Where is my willpower————————!!!!!)

Alexia was already squatting on the ground holding her head, wailing crazily in her head.

Ask for leave

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36. Traces of passion

The next day, early morning.

“Dong dong dong…”

Alexia heard a knock on the door in a daze.

Slowly opening his eyes from sleep, the first thing that entered Alexia’s field of vision was Bianca’s sleeping face that had not yet woken up. At this moment, she was sleeping quietly beside him like a sleeping beauty.

We still slept together last night.

Of course, even though they said they were sleeping together, they actually didn’t do anything special. At most, it was just some physical contact with the mucous membranes. To be on the safe side, Alexia pressed herself to death on the edge of the cliff to avoid the possibility of a real accident. Some extraordinary accidents.

If you really want to do that, you still have to wait until the two of you reach adulthood or get engaged.

“By the way…why do you feel a little pain in your neck?”

Alexia touched his neck, which had been stinging a bit. With his self-healing ability, he shouldn’t have left such a small wound that only caused stinging pain.

After touching it with his fingers, there was more or less the feeling of small wounds on his fingertips. Exia condensed an ice mirror and took a look at it – only to see a small mark on his neck. is clearly visible.

(This…uh…could it be something left over from last night?)

Alexia couldn’t help but cover the place where the traces were.

Were he and Bianca so passionate last night? By the way, why does a hickey not disappear overnight? Is his self-healing ability so poor?

(I am the one who maintains it.)

The voice of Shajo’s love song came to my mind.

(Miss Love Song?)

(The hickey is a symbol of the intensity of love between lovers. Don’t you feel a little regretful that it disappears so easily? So I moved a little bit and let it disappear naturally.)


It seems…not unreasonable?

“Dong dong dong…”

The knock on the door came from the door again, and with this knock on the door, Bianca, who was lying next to Alexia, seemed to be awakened. She opened her eyes and rubbed them, regardless of her side. And when Alexia was there, she stretched out her waist, completely showing her perfect figure that couldn’t be covered even in pajamas to her lover’s eyes.

Seeing this, Alexia wanted to do something to her girlfriend again.

To be honest, dating Bianca really requires a lot of self-control, otherwise you will be driven out of control by some of her unconscious behaviors in minutes – at least this is the case for Alexia.

“Good morning…Exia…”

“Well, good morning, Bianca.”

As Alexia said this, she walked out of bed, grabbed her coat and put it on before coming to the door: “Who is this?”

“It’s me, Rita. Lady Alexia, are you and Lady Bianca both up?”

Rita’s voice came from outside the door.

Opening the door, Alexia looked at Rita standing at the door of the room: “Well, I just got up. You got up really early, and you have changed your clothes.”

Rita’s outfit today is not much different from yesterday’s. She is still wearing a lacy white shirt, a slightly tight black skirt, and black stockings.

Rita smiled slightly: “It’s just a matter of habit. If I usually have to take care of Lady Bianca, I have to get up earlier to prepare breakfast, but today I don’t need to. Compared to this…”

Having said this, Rita focused on the mark on Alexia’s neck.

“It seems that you two had a great time last night.”

“Uh…well…” Alexia shyly turned her gaze, “It’s not that…that’s all at most, Rita, don’t think too much – Anyway, come in first.”

“Okay, excuse me.”

(If you really did something, then I would definitely be able to hear it from the other side~~~)

Although the soundproofing effect of this hotel is not bad, it is definitely not that good.

And inside the house.

Seeing Rita coming in with Alexia, Bianca got out of bed and changed her clothes and said, “It’s Rita as expected. Good morning.”

“Good morning, Lady Bianca. How did you sleep last night?”

“Well, Rita, the hotel you picked for us is very good. I slept very well.” Bianca smiled, then reached out and touched her neck, “It’s just that Alexia seemed to be a little too hard last night. Yes, my side hurts a little.”

Ho ho?

Hearing what Bianca said, Rita immediately glanced at Alexia, with an inexplicable smile in her eyes. Although she didn’t say a word, it seemed as if she had said something.

(Did the two of them leave kiss marks on each other at the same time… It was really a passionate relationship~~~)

“By the way, I just found out yesterday that it turns out that Alexia really likes——”

“Cough cough cough!”

Seeing that Bianca was stupidly about to reveal what happened last night, Alexia hurriedly coughed a few times and forcibly interrupted her words. Then, under Rita’s somewhat teasing eyes and expression, she got close to Bianca. In Anka’s ear, he whispered: “Don’t say this kind of thing casually, Bianca, please save some face for me…”

“Huh? Is that so?”

“Is this a secret between us? I’m asking you to do it. If Rita finds out, won’t I have no secret at all in front of her?”

Even if the three of them get along for a long time in the future, it will be a matter of time before they are exposed, but now Ixia still needs to save face. If her preferences are exposed casually…

(Probably, my self-esteem and dignity will be seriously affected!)

Looking at Alexia’s extremely serious expression, Bianca nodded slightly seriously: “Okay, I understand, I won’t like you -“

“I told you not to say it!”

Alexia quickly covered Bianca’s mouth.

Watching the lovers fighting so passionately early in the morning, the smile on Rita’s face couldn’t help but grow thicker: “Two adults, do you need Rita to avoid it temporarily?”

“Eh? No need, Rita. Why are you avoiding me?”

Bianca took off Alexia’s hand that covered her mouth: “Speaking of which, Rita, why did you come to us so early?”

Rita nodded: “Yes. On the one hand, it is because I want to wake you two up out of habit, and on the other hand, I just received a contact from the bishop. The headquarters seems to have completed the process of analyzing the souls inside the stone slab. Analysis of Steel.”

Has the content of Soul Steel been deciphered?

After looking at each other, Alexia said: “We understand, then Rita, please go down and wait for us. We will go find you after changing clothes and washing up.”

“Okay. I will order breakfast and wait for you two to come down.”

37. Quantum Sea and Star Inner Sea

Ten minutes later.

In the breakfast room.

After washing up, Alexia and Bianca found Rita sitting in the corner of the restaurant as soon as they arrived. Three English breakfasts of different sizes had been prepared on the table in front of her.

Bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, sausage, plus potato wedges and cereal – even Rita’s portion is considered a sufficient portion, while Alexia and Bianca’s portion is even for three or four people. It’s more than enough to eat.

After sitting down at the dining table, while Alexia and Bianca were starting to eat, Rita also took out a tablet and showed the information she received in the morning to Alexia and Bianca. Bianca for two.

“The information recorded in the soul steel is similar to what Lord Exia guessed. It is indeed information related to the key of the second god.”

Rita explained.

“According to the records of Soul Steel, the Second God’s Key is a God’s Key made by the former civilization using the Herrscher core of the Second Herrscher, the Herrscher of the Sky.”

The Lawr of the Void.

The main culprit that caused the Second Great Collapse in Siberia in 2000.

In order to defeat her, both destiny and reverse entropy paid a heavy price.

(The Herrscher of the Sky…?)

Alexia’s eyes trembled and she continued to look at the content below, while Rita also continued: “The actual function of the Second God’s Key is not clear. There is no record in the soul steel, but it is The information mentioned that the Second God Key can open the door to space and connect to another dimension.”

Each Herrscher has a unique power and is the ultimate embodiment of a certain physical law.

For example, the First Herrscher’s [Analytical Reappearance].

The ability possessed by the Second Herrscher is the absolute control of space. Space barriers for long-distance space movement and isolation of attacks… The space control magic now mastered by Sajo Aige can actually be regarded as a degraded version of the Herrscher of the Sky ability. In terms of the difficult nature of the ability and In terms of threat, Herrscher of the Sky is quite powerful.

The Key of the Second God, produced by the Herrscher Core of the Herrscher of the Sky, also has the ability to control space as a matter of course. Although it may not be able to do whatever you want, it should be possible to specialize it for certain effects and applications. questionable.

“Previous civilizations have tried to use the Second God’s Key to explore the Quantum Sea and find some way to fight against Honkai, but judging from the records, it undoubtedly failed.”

“Quantum Sea?”

Hearing Rita’s words, Exia and Bianca couldn’t help but frown.

For Bianca, the Quantum Sea is not a strange place. She had been there once a few years ago and had an extraordinary experience there, and that experience is what is now in her name. It brought the origin of [Youlandel].

But for Exia, this is somewhat unfamiliar. Although he had not heard of it at all, compared to Bianca and Rita who had actually been there, he knew very little about it, only some basic theoretical knowledge.

Of course, what is important now is not understanding the quantum sea.

“The tablet related to King Arthur contains information about the Key of the Second God and the Quantum Sea… In other words, the Key of the Second God is indeed related to King Arthur, right?”

“As Lady Bianca said.” Rita nodded, “According to the bishop, from a legendary perspective, King Arthur’s [Holy Sword] may be a description of the Key of the Second God, and Ava Long Ze may be a [World Bubble] existing in the quantum sea.”

(Hmm…it’s not the same as the world over there.)

The voice of Shajo’s love song sounded in Xixia’s head.

(Where is the Avalon on Miss Aige’s side?)

(In the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.)

In the world on the other side of Shajo Aige, there are “outer side” and “inner side”. What separates them is the planet itself. Avalon is commonly known as the inner side of the star, also known as the inner sea of ​​the star. After the end of the Age of Gods, almost all those beings who could no longer live in the AD era now live in the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

Gods, elves, goblins, dragons…most of the existences that only exist in fantasy are in the inner sea of ​​stars, and only a few of them remain on the surface of the world.

(Originally, if Liya let go of her obsession, she would also go to the Inner Sea of ​​Stars. She has always had a place in Avalon – your court magician reserved it especially for you, right?)

(Merlin? Maybe he will do that.)

Arturia also made a sound.

(However, I can no longer go to the Star Inner Sea. Even if I want to go, it will be after I help the Master defeat all his enemies, fulfill the Master’s wish, and be liberated by the Master.)

The Avalon over there is in the Inner Sea of ​​Stars, and the Avalon here may be in the Quantum Sea.

“…Are they somewhat similar?”

Alexia whispered.

“So, is there a record of the location of the Second God’s Key in the soul steel? Rita.”

“No, there is only this information in the soul steel, and there is no record of more information. The headquarters is also conducting further analysis on the soul steel, and will notify us once there is the latest news.”

In other words, is it temporarily confirmed that the Second God Key actually exists?

Alexia narrowed her eyes: “…Rita, there should be a device for space at the headquarters, right?”

“Yes. But why does Lord Exia ask this?”

“No…I’m just wondering, since the Second God Key is a God Key that can control space, might it not actually exist in the real world, but in another separate space? In. I remember that in the records of the Second Honkai Impact, it was recorded that the Second Herrscher created a complex space maze, which made Destiny and Anti-Entropy very difficult, right?”

In this case, it is not impossible that the Second God Key also has the ability to create a separate space and hide its own existence.

Not to mention, in the past hundreds of years, Tianming has already searched through the places where the Second God’s Key may exist, and found not even a shadow. In this case, it can basically be determined that the Second God’s Key is It does not exist in today’s world, but exists in a [different space] that is different from this world.

Rita pondered for a while: “…It’s just that the specific location of the Second God’s Key is not yet certain. Even if we know that it is in a different space, we don’t know where that different space is… …”

“Then let’s find it from England first.”

Alexia said: “I… no, it should be said that Miss Aige is very good at finding things, especially those things hidden in space. Considering that the Second God’s Key has always been related to King Arthur , then it should be no problem assuming that it exists in the UK – just like finding the prison barrier before, can I leave it to you? Miss Aige. It would be fine if the range temporarily covers the entire London. It is really impossible to use the power of the Great Holy Grail. OK.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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