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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 345

“I understand, Prince.”

The voice of Shatiao’s love song sounded in the ears of the three of them.

“You don’t need the power of the Great Holy Grail. You just need the prince to provide enough magic power, or use the power of the Sekiryuutei to multiply the effect. Then it’s easy to bring the whole of London into the scope of space control magic.”

“very good.”

Alexia stood up: “Then Rita, just report to the bishop first – then leave it to me and Miss Aige.”

38. Do you want Yutu to come up?

A street in London.

Still in that car.

After walking out of the roadside bar and getting into the car, Raven immediately looked at Gray Snake in the driver’s seat: “You still come to join me today? It’s rare. You shouldn’t be in every corner of this city. Gathering intelligence?”

“It’s just an adjustment in the priority of processing based on the importance of the matter.” Gray Snake said. “There are two most important things now. One of them is naturally the invitation to the Messiah Kaslana. Inviting him to join the World Serpent is the only personal instruction given by the Lord of the World Serpent in thousands of years. In order to ensure To complete the task, it is necessary for me to supervise the work progress of you, the task executor.”

It’s this thing again.

Raven sighed and turned to look at the bar outside the car – this was actually the address she told Ixia yesterday, and she stayed here all night last night.

It is not unusual for a mercenary and assassin to stay overnight for a target. Although Gray Snake had already said that Exia had thrown away the note he gave him, there was still the possibility that he might appear to be unconcerned but actually sneak up on him.

Most men are like this. They make all kinds of promises in front of their wives or lovers, but once no one is watching, they will secretly do some ulterior things. Raven has seen too many such things in so many years of missions. .

But unfortunately, she waited all night, and Alexia didn’t come all night.

“Why don’t we change people for this mission?” Raven asked, “I’m really not used to this kind of mission that doesn’t have our style at all.”

If the content of the mission is to assassinate Ixia, or to say the least, kidnap Ixia, then Raven will definitely be happy to accept the mission, but if you ask her, a person living in the shadows, to suddenly invite someone, she will really Some cannot be done.

“How about you go by yourself? I remember you… Oh, no, it should be said to be another you. Didn’t the other you drag several people into the World Snake? You must be very skilled, right? Even that Messiah If you like women, you should also be able to change your body to a female one, right?”

When it comes to this point, Raven feels strange. The Lord of the World Snake has disappeared for thousands of years. Why does he still know that Exia likes women?

“If it doesn’t work, why don’t you just let Yutu go? She is also a woman, right? Although I have never seen her before.”

Feather Rabbit.

This is also a quite mysterious existence in the World Serpent. Like Raven and Gray Snake, Feather Rabbit is also one of the cadres of World Serpent, but it is different from Gray Snake, who often collects intelligence around the world, and Raven, who is a small number of combat personnel. In comparison, Yutu is much more mysterious, almost – no, it should be said that he has never appeared in public.

Raven once thought that she didn’t actually exist at all, but the World Snake didn’t make up a virtual organization out of thin air, so in the end he could only lament that the water of the World Snake was too deep.

“It is too early for Yutu to meet Messiah Kaslana.”

Gray Snake shook his head at the raven’s suggestion.

“At least we need to wait until he understands our lofty ideals and will. This is also Yutu’s own decision. From another perspective, she will decide when to meet Messiah Kaslana.”

“…Sigh~~~Okay, okay, I’ll try to think of a way, but if it doesn’t work, I’ll break the pot and just throw it.” The raven sighed, “By the way, what is the other thing? Is it difficult? Isn’t it more important than inviting Messiah Kaslana?”

Gray Snake shook his head again: “Inviting Messiah Kaslana is the most important thing today, but another thing also has something to do with him – we need to prevent Destiny from finding the key to the second god.”

The key to the second god.

When Raven heard this term, he glanced at the long box placed on the car seat in the back: “I remember it was hidden in London, right?”

“Yes. Tianming has been looking for the Second God Key. Although the existence scope of the God Key has been roughly determined in recent years, nothing has been found.”

This is also a matter of course.

Because of its importance, the Second God’s Key has always been in a state that cannot be touched by mortals. Although it has been placed in the most conspicuous place for thousands of years, it cannot be observed from the outside at all, and only the world Snakes know exactly where they are.

Therefore, World Snake does not believe that Destiny can find the key to the second god.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

If the Second God’s Key falls into the hands of Tianming, then there’s no telling what will happen. For the World Snake’s ambition and goal, the Second God’s Key must be firmly in their hands before the Lord returns. Only in hand.

So every time Destiny starts looking for the Second God Key, or even comes close to the Second God Key, World Snake will allocate part of its attention to deal with it.

It’s the same this time.

“Of course, this is not something you need to worry about.” Gray Snake said, “The task of guarding the Second God’s Key is handled by Jackal. It seems that she has prepared biological weapons to deal with the S-class Valkyrie. It’s okay to leave it to her for now. Just concentrate on thinking about how to invite Messiah Kaslana.”

“I got it~~~”

Raven held her chin with one hand and made two perfunctory sounds.

And it was at this moment——


A bell suddenly rang in the car.

Gray Snake took out his mobile phone from his pocket: “It’s me, what’s the matter? Jackal.”

[I have some problems here, Gray Snake, ask Raven to come and help me, I may need her and the power of the Key of the Third God]


Switching the communication to hands-free, Gray Snake asked: “What needs to be done to use the Key of the Third God? That weapon can only be used once a day, and ammunition is extremely precious.”

[Those three people from Tianming, using some method, are now moving quickly in the direction of the Second God’s Key, without any deviation. I may not be able to stop it with the strength at hand, so let the raven come over and help me]

The jackal on the other end of the phone said this.

After hearing these words, the raven couldn’t help but glance at the gray snake.

She remembered that he just said that the Second Divine Key could not be found by Tianming? But now Jackal is saying that Destiny is heading to the location of the Second God Key with great accuracy.

“…So, what do you want me to do?” Raven asked, “Should I help the Jackal now? Or should I continue to think about how to invite Messiah Kaslana?”

Although he is a cadre of the World Serpent, Raven has a clear positioning of himself.

She is a part-time worker.

She will do whatever World Snake tells her to do, as long as the money is enough. As for what he will do next, World Snake has the final say.


After a moment of silence, the driver Gray Snake stepped on the accelerator.

“Go help the jackal first – besides, I think this is also an opportunity for you.”

“A chance to get closer to Messiah Kaslana.”

39. Stan takes on too much

At the same time, on the banks of the Thames.

Standing on the street, Exia looked at the sky over the river not far away.

“Are you sure you are here? Miss Aige.”

(Of course, Your Majesty the Prince.)

The voice of Shajo’s love song came to my mind.

(Although it is not certain whether it is the location of the Second God’s Key, there is indeed a twisted space that cannot be seen with the naked eye directly above the Thames River in front of you.)

It’s like a cube suspended on the river.

It seems to be completely integrated with the surrounding environment. If you only observe it with the naked eye, you won’t be able to see even a trace. It’s no wonder that Tianming has not discovered it at all for so many years. After all, who would have thought that there is something hidden in the space above the Thames River?

Generally speaking, things should be hidden underground or in secret rooms, right?

If it weren’t for the space control magic, Tianming would have spent a lot of effort to find this place, right?

(The space control magic has already locked its specific position and shape for you. Next, you only need to crush or destroy the twisted space itself.)

Shatter the space?

Alexia moved her hands and feet, turned and looked behind her: “I can take action at any time. What did the bishop say? Rita, Bianca.”

“Yes, we understand, Bishop. Okay… I will tell Lord Exia… that I understand.”

Rita, who had been keeping the communicator in her ear to communicate with Bishop Otto, put down the communicator after saying this, and said to Exia: “We have obtained permission to move from the bishop, and the British government has completed negotiations. , we are solely responsible for the following tasks. However, considering the impact on the surrounding areas, it is best to wait until the support troops arrive and evacuate the surrounding people before taking action.”

Although the Mandate of Heaven is an organization that no country in the world can influence or interfere with, and even all countries have to rely on it to a certain extent, it is not absolutely transcendent. At least it cannot just do it casually in London and create a huge impact. After all, the current collapse of the It’s not something everyone knows about bad things. It’s better to be quieter if you can.

“In this case…Miss Aige, the barrier.”


With the response of Shajo love song.


Several magic formulas suddenly appeared at Ixia’s feet, like Russian matryoshka dolls, surrounding his body in circles, and then suddenly spread out in all directions.

Cognitive interference, sound shielding, electronic obstruction… Under the magic of Sajo Aige, a large number of concealment magic barriers directly enveloped Ixia without almost anyone noticing. As the center, the surrounding radius is approximately 500 meters, forming a spherical field.

“The barrier layout is complete, Your Majesty Prince.”

Shatiao Aige showed up.

“It completely cuts off ordinary people’s interference and knowledge of things inside the barrier. It also blocks the detection and influence of all equipment, and the sound is almost impossible to spread. People who were originally in the barrier will also be temporarily blocked from communicating with us. Regarding the relevant cognition, we are now regarded as transparent people in the eyes of ordinary people.”

“But please also note that cognitive hindrance is ineffective for people who are sure of our existence from the beginning. In addition, I have not set up any physical interference.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work.”

Standing not far away, looking at the sky that seemed to be covered by a layer of light gray gauze, Bianca couldn’t help but sigh: “It was like I said when I was in the training room… Sha Tiao Miss is really amazing. She can set up such a barrier with multiple effects in a blink of an eye – is it called [magic]? It feels so convenient.”


Rita also deeply agrees.

Unlike Bianca, who has only been responsible for Honkai events, she has done a lot of dirty work in the past, so she can more deeply associate with the application of magic. Concealment, sound isolation, cognitive distortion… If these magics were used for work in the dark, it would be a lot more convenient, right?

“You two, even if you praise me, I won’t thank you.”

Hearing the sighs of the two people behind him, Sajo Aige smiled and replied: “My magic will only be used for the prince, and in this world, no one can use magic except me. The basic laws are different, magic cannot be reproduced in the way of this world.”

Be it magic or magic, there is no magic power in this world that can make both possible.

The only person in the world who can use magic is Sajo Aige.

“So, can we start now?”

Alexia looked at the sky over the Thames River not far away. A burst of ocher-red light lit up on her left hand, and the Sekiryuutei’s caged hand immediately materialized.


If you want to destroy it, the best choice is actually to use the Seven Thunders of Purification to chop it up. However, with the destructive power of the Seven Thunders of Purification, Exia is really afraid of accidentally overdoing it and destroying the Key of the Second God. It was also damaged, so to be on the safe side, it was better to use a less violent method.


Frost gathered on Exia’s left hand, and a huge ice sword as tall as a person was instantly held in his hand.

Ever since she had the Seven Thunders of Purification, Ixia rarely used ice to condense weapons. After all, the power was completely inferior, but now it is just right.


Honkai energy mixed with magic power was poured into the ice sword, and the ice-blue light gradually filled up.

——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiahkaslana)]

Alexia was about to swing the ice sword out.

However, suddenly, without any warning…


A cat meows… no, it should be said to be a cat’s roar, which rang out quite suddenly within the barrier.

And then, in the sky above the three people——


A huge white figure suddenly fell from the sky! The warning stood directly in front of Ixia!

It was a cat-shaped Honkai beast with a strong Honkai energy reaction all over its body, and its body looked like it was covered with a layer of white armor!

(Eh? I remember it was…)

(The Honkaimon that I knocked away yesterday? Is it still alive?)

Looking at the behemoth that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Bianca couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Although she didn’t exert much force yesterday, her serious blow could kill even the Honkai Emperor instantly. The cat-shaped Honkai beast in front of her was still able to survive after taking a hit…


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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