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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 346

(No, no, the question is why does it appear here? Doesn’t Song-san’s barrier have any effect on Honkaimon?)

Alexia narrowed her eyes.

(However, regardless of whether it works or not, it is just a Honkaimon anyway. It seems that it is still here to stop us from getting the Second God Key?)

(If this is the case…then use a little more force to destroy it!)

The light on the ice sword immediately became more dazzling and intense, and with Exia’s swing, the torrent of extreme cold and the violent impact of frost poured out in an instant!


The cat-shaped Honkaimon let out a deafening roar.

But this is not a demonstration or a threat, it is simply…

(Jackal, you bastard! I didn’t expect that I was here to die!!!!)


40. The willful seven thunders of purification

The cat-shaped Honkaimon—a cat named [Stan]—is regretting it now.

Very regretful.

He has always been a cat hungry for power.

In order to obtain stronger power, it has experienced too many life and death, and experienced too much pain. In order to further become a stronger existence, it resolutely accepted the gift of the taboo.

Hellish exercise, extremely cruel competition, and even the final diabolical experiment… It can be sure that after undergoing surgery, it has become the ultimate creature. There is definitely no other creature on this planet than it. A stronger creature.

But this kind of Stan received an unprecedented blow yesterday!

It just followed the advice of its assistant, the Jackal, to kill the people who were close to the stone slab. However, it was punched by a blond woman it had never seen before and was sent flying into the Thames River! Even though he later learned that the blond woman was Destiny’s S-class Valkyrie, the strongest woman in the world, Stan still had a strong psychological shadow!

It has never been pushed so far by a punch!

The reason why it accepted Jackal’s request yesterday was partly because of the relationship it had gotten along with, and partly because it wanted to test how powerful the S-class Valkyrie was. But such a huge gap in strength makes it, which has become the ultimate creature, clearly feel fear!

So now, it originally didn’t want to come.

Only the woman named [Bianca Hollandel Atalgina], ten thousand of them don’t want to get close! The survival instinct tells Stan that if he is hit by her again, his life as a cat and an ultimate creature will be over!

But under Jackal’s good words and even coercion and inducement, Stan took action again this time.

[Obeying orders is the bounden duty of a soldier, and the person we have to deal with this time is not Youlandel, but the man next to her, just kill him]

Regarding what Jackal said to him before, Stan now just wants to scratch her face so hard!

“Meow (you are asking me to die, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)————!”

Seeing the frost attack that was coming towards him rapidly, Stan let out a strong cry uncontrollably.

Its survival instinct told it again at this moment.

If it is really hit, let alone ending the cat’s birth, it will die immediately!

There was nothing to fear from that man. Stan clearly felt that this man was more powerful than that Hollander!

“Meow (help ah ah ah ah ah)————————————!”


The meaning contained in Stan’s rant did not reach anyone’s heart.

Although it managed to dodge at the moment it was about to be hit, if Exia’s blow could be dodged so easily, it would be too cheap.


Stan, who had most of his body frozen into ice, was knocked away during the impact and hit hard to the rear!

On its trajectory, the twisted space pointed out by Shajo Aige was right behind Stan, so——


“Meow (it hurts so much! I’m going to be squeezed! And it’s so cold! My body is going to break!)——————!”

After hitting the surface of the twisted space with great strength, Stan’s screams rang out again.

Is this cat too energetic?

Alexia, who put down the ice sword, couldn’t help but have this thought. He knew how powerful his blow was. He could still scream so loudly after receiving such a solid blow… This cat is so patient. A fight?

(No, compared to this…)

Instead of paying attention to Stan, who had half of his body frozen into ice and fell into the Thames River, Exia looked into the air.

Because of the positive impact of his frost, the distorted space that was originally invisible above the Thames River has now completely appeared in front of him.

As Shajo Aige said, it is a fairly standard hexahedron.

However, the frozen twisted space itself does not have any scars or cracks.

“Didn’t it break it?” Exia frowned.

“Want to try one more shot? Alexia.”

Bianca asked from below.

“I’ll give it a try – but I’ll have to change it.”

After breaking the tattered ice sword in her hand and reabsorbing it back into her body bit by bit like eating a popsicle, Exia once again condensed an ice sword and injected magic power and Honkai energy into it——


The icy blue light lit up again.

Compared with the one that was chopped off before, the light filling the sword now is obviously much brighter.

not far away.

On a rooftop within the barrier.

“I said Jackal, that research product of yours is of no use at all.”

Lying on the edge of the roof, observing the situation on the edge of the Thames through the scope of the Seven Thunders in his hand, Raven said with some disgust: “Didn’t you say that you could at least get a chance to shoot a bullet for me? But? Didn’t this delay even five seconds?”

The Key of the Third God kept by the World Serpent, a god-killing weapon made from the Herrscher Core of the Herrscher of Thunder in the previous civilization, is actually a very troublesome thing to use.

Even Raven, as its current user, has no idea how to use the Seven Thunders of Purification. Therefore, Raven always needs an adaptation period of about tens of seconds before each use. Originally, Stan would help her get this time, but now Stan has been killed directly (probably).

“It seems that man has the power to fight against the emperor-level Honkai Beast. This is an unexpected surprise. He is worthy of being invited by the Lord by name.”

Jackal didn’t feel embarrassed that his experimental product was of no use, but he was quite interested in Alexia.

“However, even if you are the object of the Lord’s admiration, you cannot take the Second God Key by force – I leave it to you, Raven.”

“Oh~~~~If the Lord takes the blame in the future, I will definitely be the first to expose you and Gray Snake.”

Raven hates conflicting tasks.

The bosses who assigned her tasks were usually fine, but occasionally they would give her some inconsistent task instructions, which made her very embarrassed.

Focusing on the scope again, Raven stared at the white-haired boy in the distance. The Seven Thunders of Purification in her hand lit up with a glimmer of light. As the glimmer of light lit up, layers of images appeared in her eyes. Superimposed, everything around her was like a set of Rubik’s cubes, unfolding towards her from a higher dimension, making her vision no longer limited to the physical level, but transcending the three-dimensional perspective, making everything invisible.

(Hoho~~~If you look closely, he is a pretty handsome little boy… But, I’m sorry, little guy. When you become a companion, I will apologize to you properly.)

The premise is that the opponent can survive his sniper attack.

Thinking of this, Raven pulled the trigger of the Seven Thunders of Purification——


The bullet did not fire.

Because, at the moment when Raven detained the class, the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hand turned directly from a sniper rifle into… a slingshot without any warning!

Raven: “…”

Jackal: “…”

(At this time, the Seven Thunders of Purification became willful to me?!)

41.The jackal is very proud

Raven’s Seven Thunders of Purification and Ixia’s Seven Thunders of Purification are both God’s Keys made from the Herrscher core of the Herrscher of Thunder, but there are considerable differences in performance and structure between the two. different.

Exia’s Seven Thunders of Purification, because of the personal requirements he put forward, are closer to the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment in structure. It can be said to be a very close imitation of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment. The only difference is that the Herrscher core used is different. . In addition to the basic gun mode and sword mode, there is only zero rated power.

The Raven’s Seven Thunders of Purification have multiple modes.

Even though it will basically be fixed in the category of [shooting weapons], the strength, power, ammunition type, performance… all of these will change according to the situation of the Seven Thunders of Purification, and the Raven will not make any active changes. Ability, even according to the data records, the Seven Thunders of Purification will show different postures in the hands of different people. Now it is only because Raven is better at long-distance weapons that it has changed into a shooting weapon.

So far, Raven has been used to the willfulness of his weapon, and it is normal for it to change its appearance every day, but this time…

“What are you doing? Seven Thunders of Purification.”

Looking at the Seven Thunders of Purification that turned into a slingshot in his hand, Raven pulled the rubber band: “You don’t want me to use you like this to snipe the Messiah Kaslana, do you? It’s hard for someone to make things difficult for you, okay? .”


Regarding Raven’s complaints, the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hand seemed to completely ignore her and did not give any reaction.

(This rag…!)

The raven’s brows were twisted in anger!

Even though the power of the Seven Thunders of Purification is unparalleled in the world, if it has this bad temper every day, then the raven might as well be carrying an ordinary piece of equipment!

Looking at the Seven Thunders of Purification like this, Jackal helplessly raised his forehead: “How long have you been carrying the Seven Thunders of Purification, and you still haven’t fully mastered it?”

“You have to ask this wayward lady, I want to get along well with it.” Raven directly pulled the rubber band and spun the Seven Thunders of Purification, “Then what should I do now? I have no choice, this I can’t even catch up and stab Messiah Kaslana at this distance, not to mention there are two S-class Valkyries beside him, so I don’t want to die.”

Raven doesn’t think she will lose to an S-class Valkyrie. She is confident in her own strength, but it is still a bit reluctant to face two at the same time. The best result is to escape by chance and save her life… …Maybe it’s possible to be caught and become a prisoner of destiny.

“It seems that we can only place our hope on the [Guard] of God’s Key.”

“Guards? Does that thing have guards?” Raven frowned, “If that’s the case, why do we still need to guard it?”

“That’s not a guard that can be used casually, and we can’t always rely on the power of the guard.” Jackal adjusted the position of his mask, “Back then, before the Second God’s Key was sealed, in order Protecting the key of the second god, the Lord created a [false body] with one percent of his own power.”

One percent? !

Hearing this number, Raven’s frown deepened: “Are you…serious? This number?”

“You don’t understand the Lord, so you don’t know how powerful the Lord is. Of course, I don’t understand either. However, there is only one thing that is certain, that is, all mortals are vulnerable to the Lord’s power.”

“——Including the only [finished product] closest to the Lord among his descendants.”


On the banks of the Thames.


As the [Sword of Oath to Salvation] was swung out again, the frost impact that bombarded the sky like a tidal wave fell straight on the frozen twisted space shell!


The terrifying impact shook the space itself, and the twisted shell produced by directly operating the space itself shook violently visible to the naked eye under the bombardment of two consecutive impacts!

Standing on the shore watching this scene, feeling the cold wind blowing against her face, Rita couldn’t help but cover her hands slightly.

The implantation of the artificial stigmata has made her no longer afraid of changes in temperature. Even in the winter, she can wear short-sleeved shirts and go out on the streets. Temperature changes are no longer a factor that affects the Valkyrie’s physical condition.

But now, Exia’s two consecutive [Sword of Oath to Salvation] has caused the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly to dozens of degrees below zero. The surface of the Thames River has completely frozen into ice. I don’t know how long it will take to melt later. As a result, the cold wind blowing towards the shore made Rita feel the extreme cold for the first time in a long time.

“Are you okay? Rita.”

Bianca leaned closer to Rita and put her arms around her shoulders, as if she was preparing to use her body to warm her, or she wanted to shield her from the cold wind.

“I’m fine, Lord Youlandel, but you, are you okay if you bear the cold wind directly?”

“Well, it’s okay.” Bianca waved her arm naturally, “Speaking of which… this is the first time we have officially seen Alexia take action, right? His power is really It’s a bit unexpected.”

Ever since Alexia started traveling to the other world and returned, Bianca and Rita hadn’t actually seen him take action very often.

No, I can’t say that I haven’t seen it at all, but I really haven’t seen it from beginning to end. Almost every time, the battle on Exia’s side is already over when the two of them arrive. Whether it was the third collapse or a series of events after that.

Alexia seems to have the power to handle everything by herself.

(I was really left behind by him.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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