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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 347

Bianca touched her neck. It was not only the place where Alexia’s kisses were now left, but also the place where Alexia had bitten her and sucked the blood.

(I was sucked by Exia, but I didn’t seem to feel any changes in my body… Is it because I haven’t become his blood partner yet? Do you want to mention it to him tonight? Woolen cloth?)

Bianca was actually very happy that Alexia could surpass her, but she didn’t want to be left behind by Alexia all the time. What she wanted was to sneak side by side with Alexia at an equal height forever.



The sound of breaking came from the air not far away.

Bianca and Rita’s attention was attracted together, and they saw that the frozen twisted space had gradually cracked and shattered under Exia’s attack, and the hexahedral shell was peeling off visibly to the naked eye. , revealing the things wrapped in it.

After fully seeing what emerged from it, Alexia, Bianca, and Rita were all shocked to the spot for the first time.

“That is……”

Alexia’s eyes widened slightly.


42. Kevin Kaslana…Q version?

In the legend of King Arthur, the [Holy Sword] he holds is a description of the [Second God’s Key] – this was the previous understanding of Exia and others.

but now……

“Is that the holy sword of this world?”

Looking up at the behemoth that emerged from the space, even Sajo Aige couldn’t help but be surprised, and Artoria, who still held the holy sword even now, was in even more complicated moods.

Because, if it were a [sword], it would be too huge.

That is simply a locomotive!

Like a train traveling from a distant alien space, what appeared was a giant device like a huge locomotive!

The extremely impactful and shocking appearance left Exia at a loss for what to say.

“Buzz buzz~~~~~”

There was a tremor in the space.

It was as if the space itself was shaken with the appearance of the locomotive.

Is that the legendary Second God Key?

“It’s really…huge.”

Exia was silent for a while before sighing with emotion, because all the God Keys so far are single weapons that can be used by individuals, and there are only a few God Keys that are too huge to be used, so he preconceptions He thought that the Second God’s Key would be some kind of single-person weapon, just like his Seven Thunders of Purification and the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a train…

Turning his head and looking at Rita and Bianca who were also in shock, Alexia smiled and said to them: “Bianca, Rita. Don’t be stunned. Contact the bishop. It was not easy to find it.” The Second God’s Key, anyway, let’s let the bishop confirm the actual object first.”

“…That’s right.”

After recovering from the shock, Rita immediately took out her communicator and initiated a contact request with Tianming Headquarters. Bianca, on the other hand, came directly to Alexia and looked up at the Second God Key: “I didn’t expect it to be so huge. If it’s this size…how can I bring it back to the headquarters?”

“I should be able to move it back, or ask the headquarters to send troops to pack it up and take it away. There is always a way.”

Alexia put away her ice sword.

“The next step is to wait for the bishop to send someone over. Until then, we will stay near the second god’s key to prevent it from being affected. Miss Aige, don’t stop the barrier until I agree. “

“As long as the prince doesn’t stop supplying me with magic power, the barrier can be maintained semi-permanently.”

“Well, that’s it—huh?”

Exia, who was just about to relax, glanced at the Second Divine Key inadvertently, but her eyes suddenly saw a gleam of light on the Divine Key.

A light like a flame.



Without any warning, in Ixia’s eyes, the spark-like fire suddenly turned into a pillar of fire rising straight into the sky! Then, like a flying fireball, it penetrated the space at an extremely fast speed! It was heading straight for him in an instant!

Without thinking much, Exia immediately pulled Bianca behind her and at the same time raised her left hand——


An ice wall several meters high suddenly rose from the ground!


The flames fell on the side of the ice wall with the greatest momentum!

Then, without even the process of [melting], the ice wall that Exia had hurriedly erected was directly sublimated into an almost transparent mist under the flames, and disappeared in front of him out of thin air. ! And after losing the blockage, the flames bombarded Alexia’s face without losing any momentum!


The extremely violent flames blasted Alexia away on the spot!


(Lord Exia!)

The sudden change directly surprised Bianca and Rita.

The Exia who could defeat the Third Herrscher head-on… was actually knocked away by a single blow? !

No, no, that’s not the point. The point is the flames that knocked Axia away! If Bianca and Rita saw it correctly, the flame seemed to be flying out of the Second God’s Key?

(Could it be the weapon carried by the Second God Key? Or is it the self-discipline defense mechanism of the Second God Key?)

If so, then if you want to take away the Second God Key…


A vibrating sound suddenly came from a distance.

The flames that had just flown out with Alexia immediately flew back in the same direction amidst the trembling sound, and hit heavily into the frozen Thames River, stirring up a burst of strong water. Steam!


Rushing to Alexia’s side, Bianca looked at him: “Are you okay? The blow just now…”

“I’m fine, I was just careless.”

Standing up from the ground next to her, Exia dusted herself off.

“Rather than this, you and Rita should hurry up and evacuate the surrounding people – I will probably cause a lot of damage to the surroundings, and I may not be able to hold back.”

“…..I see.”

To be able to make Exia say such words with a serious face, it means that the true form of the [Flame] will be a bit difficult even for him.

Bianca could understand that.

“Rita and I will come back to help you after evacuating the surrounding people.”

“Yeah. Go quickly.”

After patting Bianca on the shoulder and watching her leave with Rita, Alexia jumped slightly, jumped onto the frozen river, pulled out the Seven Thunders of Purification from under her clothes and turned it into a In sword mode, his eyes stared straight at the pit where water vapor was rising.

“Come out.”

Alexia said in a deep voice: “It shouldn’t be broken yet, right? I don’t think it can knock you down with just one counterattack.”

“…Nice comeback.”

From the pit on the ice, a voice that was very familiar to Alexia sounded. Then, as if a burst of super-high temperature heat blew through, the water vapor that was constantly spreading out was suddenly swept away.

[Flame]—its true form appeared in front of Exia’s eyes.

That was a figure that was quite familiar to Alexia.

The same white hair as him, the same blue eyes as him… This is undoubtedly Kaslana’s signature, and his appearance is incomparable to someone Alexia has seen before. Very similar, almost identical.


Alexia said the name with some doubt.

Yes, the person who appeared in front of him was absolutely no different from Kevin Kaslana, who had appeared in his realm of consciousness and guided him to awaken the Chimera!


(Why is he so small?)

Seeing the small figure that was about the size of three heads appearing in front of her, Exia’s thoughts fell into chaos for a moment.

43. Hypocritical Sky Fire

“Kevin Kaslana.”

Just when Alexia felt confused.

The little figure spoke.

(can actually talk?)

“The fact that you can say this name means that you, as a descendant of Kaslana, have already met him, right? In this case, it is not without reason that you can find the key to the second god.”

“But – you are not qualified to obtain and use it yet, descendant of Kaslana.”

The little Kevin Kaslana showed a tone and aura that were completely inconsistent with his body. If the aura could be materialized, its aura would probably be the same as the Kevin Kaslana that Alexia had seen. Isn’t it the same [tall] as Silana?

Alexia slightly tightened her grip on the Seven Thunder Purifiers: “Qualification…ah. So, you are here to test whether I have the qualifications to get the locomotive behind you?”



Little Kevin’s decisive answer made Alexia unable to fully react for a moment.

Lifting the flaming sword in his hand, little Kevin said: “I am an armed doll based on Kevin Kaslana and made with a strength level of 100:1. I have been given the task It protects the Second God’s Key and drives away all objects that are close to the Second God’s Key.”

“Therefore, I am not the one who gives you a trial, but a device to eliminate you.”

(A device…? An armed doll? A technological product that I have never heard of. Is it some kind of weapon made with the technology of a pre-civilization?)

Alexia frowned: “So… in the final analysis, if I want to get the God Key, I have to fight you, right?”


Little Kevin said seriously.

“But, if you leave here, I will not pursue you. If you get the permission of the real Kevin Kaslana and come with the beacon, then I will not stop you. The key is at your disposal.”


(Is it some kind of token, or Kevin Kaslana’s permission?)

“It’s a pity, I want to get the Second God Key now.”


The moment Alexia finished speaking, her vision was once again filled with infinite flames!

The sword blade held by little Kevin suddenly burst into raging fire! His trumpet body immediately showed a speed that was completely inconsistent with it, and he sprinted in front of Exia in just a blink of an eye!

The flaming sword slashed down with all its strength!

Without any hesitation, almost at the moment when her eyes changed, Ixia directly waved the Seven Thunders of Purification!

The two attacks collided in an instant!


A deafening roar erupted!

Dazzling purple thunder and scorching flames swept across the frozen Thames River at the same time! The destructive storm and impact swept everything around in an instant!

And the next moment——


Suddenly rushing out of the thunder and fire storm, Exia stepped out of two deep ravines on the ice with her feet, and looked forward with a slight frown on her eyebrows.


As if it was not affected by the impact at all, Kevin’s armed puppet followed closely and rushed out, and the sword blade wrapped in fire suddenly swept across and waved! A huge wave of flames surged out instantly!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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