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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 348

Alexia wields the Seven Thunders of Purification again!


The impact storm of thunder and fire strikes again! The terrifying impact almost shattered the frozen Thames River into pieces!

And in that, Exia’s figure stepped back again, and suddenly retreated tens of meters away. After that, a blue light suddenly lit up on his free right hand, and a spear made of ice was quickly thrown!

He casually waved the flame sword to knock down the ice gun. The Kevin doll looked coldly at Axia who was far away from him: “Is it Parfanti’s power? Although it is indeed a power that can fight against the Herrscher, But if you don’t completely activate the Honkaiju factor in your body, you won’t be able to compete with me based on the extent you can use it now. It would be more appropriate to use the imitation of the Seven Thunders of Purification in your hand.”

“Is it a counterfeit…?”

Alexia stood up straight: “Please don’t say that, my Miss Herrscher will be angry – it’s better to say that she is already furious now.”

[Tear down that broken doll for me! Humanity! Who are you calling a counterfeit? 】

(Okay, okay, Herrscher of Thunder, please calm down first, and I will let you dismantle it later.)

Dealing with the Herrscher of Thunder shouting over there, Exia looked at the Kevin doll attentively: “Speaking of which, you didn’t chase me this time. Keep your distance from me, okay?”

“My mission is to protect the Second God’s Key. And your purpose is to seduce me away from the God’s Key so that your companions can take it away, right?” the Kevin doll said, “That’s why you have been There was no serious reply, and compared to the blow that knocked me away, the few blows just now were full of perfunctory attitude.”

“Because I’m not very good at controlling my strength.”

Alexia smiled.

“But you are wrong. Rita and Bianca will not come. I will deal with you before they come. The reason why I want to distance myself is just to avoid the aftermath of our battle from causing damage to the God Key. It’s just destruction. After all, it’s a very precious thing, isn’t it? I think it’s better to treat it with caution.”

We were too close to the Second God’s Key just now.

The aftermath of the attacks by Ixia and Kevin’s dolls has definitely affected the Second God’s Key at the very beginning. If they continue to fight there, Ixia can’t guarantee that her attack will not work. Will miss.

“Also, regarding counterfeit products, are you really qualified to speak to me? Although I still couldn’t believe it at first, after all, I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, but…”

“That’s a replica of the [Skyfire Holy Judgment], right?”

Her eyes fell on the flaming sword in the Kevin doll’s hand, and Aixia said a name that made her feel a little complicated.

——[Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment]

The God Key passed down from generation to generation by the Kaslana family has the most destructive twin guns. A few years ago, his father Siegfried disappeared and his whereabouts remain unknown. Theoretically speaking, it is Tianming’s most powerful firepower output.

Alexia has never seen it with her own eyes, only in her memory.

“That’s right.”

Kevin Doll didn’t deny it.

“Then, go ahead. If you want to get the God Key from me, you must first withstand the power of this hypocritical [Sky Fire].”

Raising the blade that was considered a [big sword] to him, the Kevin doll once again swung the flaming sword!

The flames of destruction that burned everything once again filled Exia’s vision!

44.Thunder cracks the sky

How powerful is the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment?

This is probably a question that no one can give an accurate answer to. Although Tianming’s database has recorded a large number of battle records of the Sky Fire Holy Inquisition, and even the battle records of the Sky Fire Holy Inquisition’s zero rated power [Sky Fire Unsheathed], all its detailed data have been registered. If you want to know Just check the specific power.

However, data is just data after all. If you can’t see it with your own eyes or even feel it personally, you won’t have a real feeling after all.

And now…

(Is this the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment?)

Bathed in the surging flames, Ixia endured the scalding heat waves and flames all around her.

It was the first time I really saw the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment. I didn’t expect it to be in this way.

(The power is indeed amazing. Even an emperor-level Honkaimon will be evaporated the moment it comes into contact with this flame. Ordinary Honkaimon cannot even withstand a single touch.)

This is just the power of the counterfeit. It is somewhat unimaginable what kind of destructive power the real Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment can have in one blow.


(It’s just that the temperature of this hot bath is like that, but it doesn’t even burn my skin!)


Amidst the raging fire wielded by the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge, a burst of thunder suddenly penetrated!


The deep purple lightning penetrated the flames in an instant, tearing a hole directly into the raging sea of ​​fire! And Alexia’s figure burst out of the hole in an instant, and the fully unfolded ice dragon wings increased his speed to several times the speed of sound!


The Seven Thunders of Purification strike out with one quick strike!

Kevin’s puppet only felt an icy blue light flash through his visual device, and then the entire perspective instantly switched to the top, and his body flew backwards completely uncontrollably!

(Very fast…the pair of ice wings-somewhat similar to artificially collapsed wings?)

Quickly adjusting his body position in mid-air, the Kevin doll landed safely and heavily on the ice.

And it was at this moment——


There was a tremor in the space.

The ultra-short-distance space movement that was established with the support of magic brought Exia directly to the Kevin doll!

Their eyes instantly crossed.



The Seven Thunders of Purification and the Heavenly Fire Saint collided in mid-air!

The thunder and fire storm breaks out again! The ice on the Thames River was completely shattered! Splashes of water gush out from the cracks in the ice like fountains, and then turn into rain.

But this rain curtain did not fall completely. When it fell into the air, the thunder and fire that flashed through the space again cut it off in the middle!


God-killing weapons collide with each other again!

The impact then swept all around, and the Thames River was immediately stirred up into angry waves, turning into rushing water and rushing to both sides of the river bank. The Tower Bridge of London not far away was even under the impact——


The high-altitude passage collapsed and shattered directly from the middle. The top of the tower on the north side was shattered by the impact. A large number of falling rocks hit the water surface and the bridge deck!

I feel like the UK will complain to Tianming in the future…

Alexia’s thoughts were distorted.

And in a very short moment, the Kevin doll had turned its offensive, regained control of the initiative, and quickly arrived in front of Exia!

The skyfire sword slashed down!


The waves hit the surroundings again! It directly flooded the roads on both sides of the river!

Countless water vapor filled the Thames River like a heavy fog!


Performing ultra-short teleportation again, Exia came outside the attack range of the Kevin doll.

Glancing in his direction, a puzzled change appeared on the slightly cute appearance of the Kevin doll: “Space movement – is it the ability of the Herrscher of the Sky?”

“If you say that, Miss Ai Ge will be unhappy.” Alexia smiled, “By the way, can you please restrain yourself a little? If it causes too much impact on the surroundings, all the maintenance costs will be borne by us. If you go up, it will be very difficult financially.”

“The buildings on the ground are meaningless. After the collapse, everything will return to dust and turn into ruins.” The Kevin doll said without emotion.

This is indeed the truth.

Throughout the ages, there are definitely not a few cities that have been destroyed due to Honkai events. When Destiny fights against Honkai, it will inevitably cause some damage. But it is better to reduce the scale of damage as much as possible. After all, when the city is rebuilt or buildings are repaired in the future, Destiny will still have to pay part of the reconstruction costs.

This time half of the Tower Bridge was demolished, and Alexia could already imagine Bishop Otto and Miss Amber being distressed when doing the accounting.

(By the way, I used to help the bishop do the accounting… Can’t we cut off some of such a huge expenditure as the “Kalian Fantasy Development Fee”?)


Just when Ixia was thinking wildly, the Kevin doll seemed to not want to give him any time to rest, and turned into a flying fireball and rushed towards him again!

Only, this time——


Accompanied by a tremor in space.

In just a blink of an eye, the Kevin doll found that the environment around him had turned into an endless sky, and his entire body immediately fell to the ground under the influence of gravity!

(Space transfer…can it also be used on others?)

“This is four kilometers above sea level.”

Alexia’s voice sounded quietly behind the Kevin doll.

“The impact of continuing to build down there is too great, let’s end it quickly here.”


Multiplied three times.

Eight times the power!


All the power accumulated in the Sekiryuutei’s cage was transferred to the Seven Thunders of Purification! The thunder surrounding it immediately burst out with a dazzling purple light!

Although it is Kevin Kaslana’s doll, a technological product from a pre-civilization, and has indescribable research value, compared with the Key of the Second God, the latter is indeed more important. If possible, Exia would also like to take it back, but now she can only…

(At worst, I’ll fix it with the Great Holy Grail, but now I’ll just turn you into a piece of tattered scrap metal for a while.)

——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiahkaslana)]!


As Exia swung out the Seven Thunders of Purification, the sky in London was instantly torn open by the thunder of destruction!

A purple crack spread several kilometers away and was deeply engraved above London.

Thunder light, splitting the sky!

45. God’s keys attract each other

There was no way the raven could have mistaken that light.

Looking up at the remaining light now etched in the sky over London, Raven subconsciously looked at the slingshot in his hand.

“…Seven Thunders of Purification?”

There is no doubt that it is indeed the light of the Seven Thunders of Purification.

Raven has been using the Seven Thunders of Purification for a long time, and there is absolutely no mistaking it.

But why does Messiah Kaslana have the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hands? The Seven Thunders of Purification have never appeared in public so far, and all usage records are secret. Tianming should be completely unaware of the existence of the Seven Thunders of Purification.

Why does Exia have the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hands?

“I didn’t expect Tianming’s imitation technology to be so good.”

Unlike the somewhat surprised Raven, the Jackal looked at the light of the Seven Thunders of Purification with great interest.

“I’m afraid its energy core is the Conquering Gem obtained in the Third Collapse. Destiny itself has good research and development technology. It’s not completely unexpected for me to use the God Key as a prototype to create a pseudo-God Key. As expected… Having said that, there shouldn’t be any comparison with the one in your hand.”

If the relics left by the previous civilization are so easily surpassed by the products of this era, then the previous civilization is not worthy of the attention of the current civilization.

“However, in this case, it should be inevitable that the Second Divine Key falls into the hands of Tianming… How should I explain this to the Lord?”

This is the problem that is giving Jackal a headache now.

If the Lord returns to the world and finds out that the Second God’s Key has been taken away, then…


Suddenly, a slight trembling sound reached their ears at the same time. Raven and Jackal immediately looked towards the direction where the tremor came from – the Seven Thunders of Purification held by Raven.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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