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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 349

This weapon, which was usually very willful and gave Raven a headache, felt the energy reaction of the other Seven Thunders of Purification. Now it was emitting a faint light, flashing and flashing, and the whole body was also One shock after another, the raven felt that what he was holding was not a weapon, but some kind of vibrating massage stick.

“Uh… doesn’t this mean you want me to take you to see the Messiah?”

Raven asked with some doubt. After all, the weapon in his hand was just a weapon. He shouldn’t have such a clear self-awareness, right?

Although she usually teases the Seven Thunders of Purification, saying that she is a willful lady.

But no matter what, you don’t really have self-awareness, right?


The Seven Thunders of Purification did not respond to the raven’s words. They only flickered intermittently and continued to vibrate slightly.

Raven tried to hold the Seven Thunders of Purification away from the direction of the previous lightning flash. The vibration of the Seven Thunders of Purification was immediately stronger, but after holding it closer again, the vibrations weakened slightly.

“…Do you want to be so smart?”

“After all, it is a product of pre-civilization. Even the World Snake cannot fully analyze the God Key. There must be some kind of mechanism inside that we don’t know about.” Jackal was also full of interest. If it weren’t for the Seven Thunders of Purification, The extremely precious Divine Key, she really wanted to take apart the Seven Thunders of Purification and study it carefully. “Then what are you going to do? Raven, are you going to meet that Messiah Kaslana?”

“You can’t help but go, right?”

As if accepting his fate, Raven put away the Seven Thunders of Purification and sighed as he carried the long box: “Speaking of which, my original mission was to get close to him and invite him to join the World Serpent. Now I have this opportunity to get in touch with him. Not bad…it’s so troublesome, I will definitely not take on such a troublesome task next time!”

After complaining like this at the end, the raven jumped directly from the roof!

Invite Messiah Kaslana to join World Serpent?

Jackal also knew about this instruction from the Lord, but——

(After he is invited to join World Serpent, what role should he play within World Serpent?)

Start with the little people at the lowest level? Or directly become a cadre of the same level as her? or……


On the Thames.

Flapping its ice wings, it landed on the already chaotic river below. The moment Exia’s toes touched the surface of the river, the ice surface condensed and formed.

Looking up at the Second God’s Key still floating in the air not far away, she switched the Seven Thunders of Purification to the gun form. After observing the Second God’s Key from a higher-dimensional perspective, Exia couldn’t help but smile slightly. He breathed a sigh of relief: “Huh~~~ It seems that the previous aftermath did not affect the Second God Key much, so this is the best.”

Although Exia has the Great Holy Grail, she only needs to make a wish once for things beyond her ability, but after all, it is such a precious thing as the Second God’s Key. If something goes wrong during the recovery process, or Excessive recovery may cause other problems, which is quite troublesome.

And since the Second God’s Key is fine now, then everything is fine. All that’s left is to wait for Tianming’s support force to come over and clean up the aftermath, and move the Second God’s Key back to Tianming.

Glancing at the half-destroyed Tower Bridge in London not far away, Alexia pinched her eyebrows with a headache.

“That should be very troublesome to repair, right? And it will probably have an impact on Tianming’s reputation in the future…”

The reputation of the Mandate in the world is generally very good. Bishop Otto has done a good job in inheriting the Mandate from the image of the [Church] over the past five hundred years, and further transformed it into a [Peacekeeping Organization] and [ Rescue Organization], all countries in the world have a good relationship with Tianming.

But there are also some countries that have tense relations with Tianming, and there are also some conspiracy theories that cannot be dealt with, saying that Tianming is secretly an evil organization trying to dominate the world. So far, everything Tianming has done has been self-directed and self-acted… some type of.

And now, the Tower Bridge in London is basically half-destroyed because of destiny.

(Miss Kohaku must be busy again…I’ll apologize to her later, but then again——)

Picking up what she was carrying and looking at the alien flame sword connected to a small severed arm, Exia sighed slightly: “I was hit by the seven thunders of purification that were eight times more powerful. To have such a piece of wreckage… it should be said that it is truly a technological creation of pre-civilization, and its durability is real.”

[If you switch to gun mode, you can completely dismantle it with one shot]

The Herrscher of Thunder said angrily.

[Isn’t it your own idea to keep this sword? I remember that you seemed to be very concerned about the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment. What, are you thinking about things when you see them? 】

“That’s right… I also have some other ideas. We’ll discuss this later.”

Putting down the flame sword, Exia looked towards the shore.

“I don’t know where Bianca and Rita went. I have to meet them – huh? That’s it?”

46. ​​Where did you know your real name?

On the banks of the Thames River, it can be said that it is now in chaos due to the battle between Alexia and the Kevin dolls.

A large number of vehicles were shaken by the aftermath of the battle between the two, and many were completely turned over or even scrapped.

Next to one of the overturned cars, Aixia saw a figure that was incompatible with the surrounding environment.

It was a woman, wearing a mainly black cloak with burgundy decorations. The hood that covered most of her face had metal decorations like eyes. Underneath was a black and gray tight-fitting combat uniform that covered the whole body, revealing an outstanding figure that was almost as good as Bianca’s. The left shoulder is also decorated with feathers, the cuffs are shaped like bird wings, and both hands are wearing sharp finger cots.

Just like a [crow].

Alexia suddenly had such an idea.

On the shore, noticing the way Alexia looked at him, Raven took a deep breath and jumped lightly from the shore to the frozen lake: “… Let me ask, This ice layer shouldn’t suddenly crack and let me fall into the river, right?”

“Eh? I don’t think so.”

Alexia paused for a moment and then said: “I have been frozen to about three meters below the river surface. This thickness will not break easily.”

The situation just now was an exception.

Raven breathed a sigh of relief and took off his hood: “That’s good. I’m really afraid that this layer of ice is too thin and will crack if I step on it with my high heels. So, when we meet for the first time – I can’t say that, we We actually met once yesterday.”


Did you meet the woman in front of you yesterday?

Hearing what the raven said, Exia couldn’t help but frown slightly, and her eyes began to scan the raven’s body.

Because Alexia didn’t look at it with any other intention before, he didn’t have any thoughts about the raven. Now after taking a closer look, he realized that the woman in front of him was actually a woman who was not inferior to anyone at all. Bianca and Rita beauties.

The gray hair, which is slightly different in color from Rita, looks a little harder, and there is a bulge on the top that is like Arturia’s and does not fall in the wind. The rose-red eyes seem to have the power to enchant people. Just one look at them makes people involuntarily attracted to them. The snake-like pupils make this power even more profound. The beauty mark on the left corner of his mouth also adds some charm to the raven that only adults can understand.

Combined with her attractive figure exposed under the tights…

(My lord prince, when are you going to see it?)

Just when Ixia was looking at the raven carefully, the voice of Shajo’s love song suddenly sounded in his mind.

(I didn’t even know that the prince would look at women other than Miss Bianca in this way.)

(No, Miss Aige, you misunderstood. I was just thinking about things.)

Alexia quickly clarified.

(I was thinking that since she is such a beautiful person, I should have an impression, but I have no memory of meeting her.)

My memory is very good. As long as I meet someone once, I will remember some characteristics. But Exia had no memory of meeting the raven in front of her.

“…Could it be that you recognized the wrong person? Miss.”

After thinking for a while, Exia said to Raven: “I don’t know you.”

“Well, it’s true that you don’t know me. I have to say that I’m a bit reluctant to know you. After all, you and I only talked once when we passed by each other. I only met you because I saw a photo before that,” Watanabe said. Crow smiled in a very casual and ordinary tone, “Let me introduce myself first. I am Raven, just a mercenary. Do you remember the person who stuffed you a paper ball in Russell Square yesterday? that’s me.”

(paper ball….)

“that is you?”

“Yeah. But at that time, my whole body was covered up, so it’s normal for you not to know what I look like. Originally, I wanted to meet you yesterday, but because you never came to the place where I asked you, so now I have no choice but to come directly to see you.”

“Well… I’m sorry, I thought it was something suspicious and threw it away. You waited for me all night?”

“Roughly the same.”

“That’s really embarrassing.”

Alexia was somewhat apologetic. Now that he thought about it carefully, it seemed a bit rude to just throw away the note. But at that time, he didn’t know that Raven was inviting him to meet. If he had to say it, This is also a question that Raven didn’t explain clearly.

(Apologies… Well, it seems that he is an easier person to talk to. This method of contact will work.)

Before coming to meet Alexia, Raven had slightly planned out several ways to talk to him. Now is the first one – let’s talk to him with goodwill and a somewhat peaceful and friendly tone.

It seems like Alexia is quite fond of this?

“No, I’m not angry either. It’s my fault for not saying it clearly. What’s more, the way I asked you out is a little strange, right?” Raven smiled, “I knew you were such an easy talker. I came to meet you so openly yesterday…but yesterday you were accompanied by your girlfriend, so maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea for me to directly disturb you?”

“That’s right.”

Alexia admitted directly that if it weren’t for Rita, he actually didn’t want his and Bianca’s vacation to be disturbed.

“Speaking of which, since you wanted to see me yesterday and today, and now you have come directly in front of me… Miss Raven, do you have anything to do with me?”

“Well…it’s true that there is something to say, but I think in the end it’s just a message, or a unilateral statement to you.” Raven cleared her throat, “Messiah Ya Kaslana, you—”


Before Raven could finish speaking, Exia had forcibly interrupted her, and her tone became a little cold for a moment.

Raven couldn’t help but feel a chill.

“Messiah Kaslana…where did you know this name?” Exia stared at the raven with slightly widened eyes, “That’s me I’ve never told anyone else. [Real name], why do you know it?”


The ice at the raven’s feet suddenly cracked, and dozens of thick ice columns stuck out from it. In an instant, a birdcage-like ice prison was formed, sealing the raven in it!

The originally harmonious atmosphere between the two suddenly dropped to freezing point.

But it’s no wonder.

——[Messiah Kaslana]

There should be very few people in this world who know this name, and perhaps only Exia’s father Siegfried is the only one who really knows it. After all, this was a name that Ixia had forgotten a few years ago, and it was not until almost a year ago that she remembered it again.

Why would this raven whom I met for the first time know?

“who are you?”

“…[World Snake].”

Facing Ixia’s indifferent attitude, Raven just chuckled and said the name of his organization: “Have you heard of this organization?”

47. I’m going to find you tonight

World Snake.

Exia was stunned for a moment by the organization mentioned by the raven.

It’s not that he hasn’t heard of this organization, on the contrary, because he has been working under Bishop Otto before, he has heard of this organization several times.

Having said that, I only have some understanding.

[The opponent is an underground organization lurking in the shadows], [Neither destiny nor reverse entropy can grasp its snake tail], [The area affected is incalculable]… That’s about it. Just cognition.

In addition, so far, Tianming seems to have had sporadic frictions with World Snake, but they have never taken advantage of it. It can be imagined that the other party is a very difficult target.

“Are you from World Snake?”

“To be precise, it should be said that someone is hired by World Snake and temporarily joins World Snake, right? As I said just now, I am just a mercenary. If the money is in place, it is possible to establish a long-term cooperative relationship. “The raven smiled and said, “The World Serpent is very generous, so I am happy to work under it. I can barely be regarded as a cadre.”

“…World Snake, which has never appeared in front of the world, actually let a cadre-level person appear in front of me this time. It really makes me a little flattered.”


Raven raised an eyebrow: “So you are also weird.”

“What’s wrong?”

“No, I just think that you should be the more well-behaved type. You shouldn’t be very good at this [bad boy] approach of being sinister and weird.” Raven said, “It seems that you don’t want to be as good as you appear on the surface. Be good.”

“…So, what does the cadre lady of World Snake want from me?”

Without responding to Raven’s teasing, Ixia went straight to the point: “Also, why do you know my real name?”

“Who knows? I just heard about it. Gray Snake told me your real name. If you want to know, just ask him – oh, Gray Snake is another cadre of World Snake.” Raven said directly He shook out his companions, but considering that he would invite Exia to join the World Serpent later, it shouldn’t matter if he revealed some information about the members.

Anyway, he will find out sooner or later.

“As for the matter that comes to you…there was originally only one person, but now there are two. One is business and the other is personal.”

“Let’s start with business first – are you interested in joining the World Serpent? Messiah Kaslana.”

Join World Snake?

The sudden invitation made Exia blink in surprise: “…Why did World Snake come to invite me?”

“The Lord seems to be quite interested in you, although I don’t know who the Lord is. Besides, you don’t need to give me an answer. I’m just a messenger. Even if you answer me, I will just keep it intact. I just take your words back. Whether you refuse or agree, it has nothing to do with me.” Raven began to let go of the relationship again.

“……I see.”

More or less aware of some of the inside story, Ixia smiled softly and raised her hand to remove the ice prison around the raven: “[Why would the World Snake think that I would agree to such a suspicious invitation] – This kind of question seems unnecessary. I asked, Miss Raven.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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