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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 35

It was extremely laborious to move the empty body, and it took all the effort to move the body. However, the light spot did not stay in place waiting for Ixia. During the time that he took a step forward, the light spot moved forward three or four times. step.

(Almost out of sight… No, no… I have to… I have to… catch up…)

Pushing the empty shell to make herself move bigger and faster – Ixia tried her best not to lose the trace left by that light spot.

One step, two steps, three steps… Following the trajectory of the light spot, Alexia kept moving forward without taking a step forward. I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Alexia could feel the emptiness in her body. Something has been filled.

Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say [generate].

Like a hungry beast being fed.

After the feeling of emptiness was suppressed and suppressed, Aixia’s steps became more powerful, and her forward speed gradually caught up with the light spot.

Then, after following the light spot to the [end point] where it finally stopped——

[No matter how much it costs, humanity will definitely defeat Honkai]

What came into view was the figure of a man holding the Heavenly Fire Sacrifice that Exia had seen before.

Different from the last time when she awakened the magic and was unable to see clearly due to her vague consciousness and mental instability, this time, Exia could see the appearance of some men more or less clearly.

“Who are you……”

【Kill Honkai】

That conjecture could not be spoken out, but before that, such a strong impression was engraved in Exia’s mind.

Kill Honkai, kill Honkai, kill Honkai, kill Honkai, kill Honkai…


Will, obsession, resentment…things like this are constantly impacting Ixia’s consciousness! It was as if the idea of ​​”Killing Honkai” was engraved in his mind, roaring and roaring in his ears countless times.


Just like the first time, the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge pierced Exia’s chest.

The white-haired man stared into Exia’s eyes.

[No matter how much it costs, humanity will definitely defeat Honkai]


The burning sensation that penetrated her heart made Alexia roar completely uncontrollably, and her eyes suddenly opened!


“you’re awake?”

What came into view was the pretty face of the blonde girl—Ais Wallenstein—looking down at him.

59. One month after the dust settled

Loki Familia, in Exia’s room.

Half an hour after Alexia woke up.

“…In other words, a month has passed since then.”

Because of Alexia’s awakening, Ais, who was watching over him, immediately called Loki and others over, so that Alexia’s room was once again filled with first-level adventurers.

From the words of Finn and others, Exia also learned about the aftermath of the incident that happened after she fell into coma.

The first is about the goddess Freya who is the source of this series of events. Although her original intention was to see the growth of Alexia and the brilliance of her soul, ultimately, it was her excessive behavior that led to the explosion of hidden power in Alexia and the subsequent attacks of new monsters. Things happen.

Therefore, the Freya Familia received an extremely severe punishment. All members of the Familia were severely fined a large amount of money, which was divided equally between the Guild and the Loki Familia. In addition, they also accepted a large number of terms from the Guild, almost It can be said that he lost part of his family fortune.

Secondly, there is the new species of monster. According to the great god Ouranos, it seems to be a special individual that is only born when a certain floor of the dungeon is damaged to a certain extent, so that the dungeon can repair itself. Time and environment, scavengers that eliminate all foreign substances.

In the thousands of years since Orario was built, it has only been sighted twice including this time. And compared to the one that wiped out the Astralia Familia five years ago, the one that Exia encountered this time Jagannath should be even more powerful than the former, probably at lv. 6… or even lv. 7 is not impossible.

If it comes into contact with other adventurers, it will inevitably cause large-scale casualties. The first person it went to find was Exia, which was really good in a sense, and Exia was able to subdue it in the end. And it’s even more fortunate to defeat him.

[Disaster Crusher]——Although it has not yet passed the formal divine meeting, some people among the gods have begun to call Exia this way.

Because he truly overcame suffering and shattered disaster.

As for why Jagannath was born…

“Ouranos’ statement is that the dungeon was stimulated by your power.” Loki said, “Finn and the others checked later. From the thirty-fifth floor to the thirty-seventh floor, three floors were directly controlled by you. It was opened, and the ground on the thirty-fourth floor was also affected… It’s true. You kid has really awakened an incredible power!”


Alexia apologized, then raised her hands, slightly condensing some frost.

Was the underground city stimulated by his own power?

“This is not something you need to apologize for, Alexia. After all, no one could have imagined that you would awaken such a powerful power, and it is precisely because you awakened this power that you were able to persist until we found you and Lefia… ….You did nothing wrong.”

Finn comforted: “I can even say that you did a good job this time.”

“You can hold your chest high, Alexia.” Riveria also said with a smile, “Although you were forced by the goddess Freya, you have indeed achieved a great deed that none of us have ever accomplished. , the adventure you experience is unprecedented and legendary.”

“That’s right! Be confident, and then be proud! Exia-kun!”

“Men have to be tougher.”

Tiona and Tiona also encouraged Alexia.

Although Bert who was leaning against the wall and Gareth who was sitting aside did not speak, their expressions and eyes also had this meaning – but there was really no obvious trace on Bert’s.

Looking at her companions comforting her in their own way, Exia was sure of one thing.


I won.

He successfully defeated the enemy and protected Lefia… He won.

“Thank you. You worked hard.”

Ais also gave a rare compliment.

After a moment of silence, Alexia nodded: “Well…thank you, everyone.”

“No need to thank you. What I really want to say is that we thank you.”

“Okay, okay! There’s no end to thanking each other like this!”

Seeing that Exia and Finn started to read each other’s words, Loki jumped in directly: “Anyway, this is what happened next. The monster disappeared without a trace, and the dungeon was banned for a week. , and then the current situation is the same as usual, except that our expedition was forced to stop for a period of time without any impact!”

“Eh? Isn’t the expedition going on?”

“That’s the situation after all.” Finn smiled bitterly, “However, the extra time just allows us to make some preparations. It can’t be said to be a bad thing, not to mention… After this incident, I I think you should be able to reach new heights already, so it might not be a bad thing to wait until you break through before embarking on an expedition.”

After Finn said this, everyone present realized this.

Alexia thought for a while: “Does it mean…I can upgrade?”

Yes, upgrade.

Originally, before this incident, Exia had already met the ability values ​​required for upgrading, and was only short of great achievements to be able to upgrade.

And now, in this incident, Exia not only challenged Otta across six levels, but also single-handedly defeated Udaios, fought to the death with Zaganat, and penetrated several dungeon floors—— The experience points required for great achievements have probably been overflowed, right?

“Okay! Little guy, take off your clothes!”

Thinking of this, Loki stood up and ordered.

“Let’s see what your current abilities are. Remember, you were already at SS level except for magic power. God can’t even imagine how much it will soar now.”

“I see.”

Alexia took off her upper body clothes and showed her back to everyone.

Later, under Loki’s operation, Exia’s updated ability values ​​were presented to everyone through parchment.


Alexia Kaslana


Strength: ss (1063) → sss (1980)

Durability: ss (1050) → sss (1965)

Dexterity: ss (1087) → sss (1977)

Agility: ss (1092) → sss (1999)

Magic: i(0)→i(0)


【He will save the world】

——Strengthen magic

——All ability values, skills, and development effects have been greatly enhanced.

——Second strengthening based on mental status

——Cannot be used actively·closed

——It automatically takes effect when targeting ■■ and elite enemies.


【Kaslana’s Blood】

——Given by Frost

——Super-speed regeneration and invalidation of abnormal mental state

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

The extra-dimensional abilities that were beyond common sense made the first-level adventurers and the Lord God of the Loki Familia fall into sluggishness and shock!

60. Go to the Freya Familia

Exia can break the upper limit of ability points.

After that night, Loki told Riveria, and then Riveria also told the other first-level adventurers of Loki’s family.

Therefore, everyone present actually knew that Exia’s full ability value was SS.

But now, looking at this updated ability value, everyone was shocked again!

sss? !

Isn’t it enough to break through the upper limit of S-level? Even exceeded the upper limit of SS level?

Not only that, but the skill that originally had no effect was directly updated with two of them this time?

Finn couldn’t help but laugh: “This is really… no, if you think about it carefully, it is normal to have this level of improvement, and it would be abnormal if not.”

Think back to what Exia did.

Fighting Ota, defeating Udaios, and defeating Zaganat—these three things combined, the experience value that can be provided to Exia is undoubtedly huge, and it is huge enough to allow him to break through the level limit again.

With Alexia’s growth rate and potential ability, this improvement is not an exaggeration in a sense, but everyone present is used to dozens or dozens of points of ability value improvement, even if they have seen it twice, It’s still a little hard to accept now.

The one with the most obvious reaction was naturally Aisi.

She has always been eager to become stronger and long for power. When she saw Aixia’s terrifying ability growth, she was already stunned on the spot, her eyes were full of surprise and disbelief – no one thought that Aike There will be a day when Si will show such strong emotions.

“However, no matter how high the ability value is, it doesn’t help if it can’t be upgraded – Loki, what about it? Can it be upgraded?” Finn asked.

“Isn’t this nonsense? If he still wants to upgrade, then we really can’t think of anything else that can upgrade him.”

Loki said with a mixture of laughter and scolding.

“I have completely accumulated enough experience points for my great achievements. Congratulations, Alexia. You can now upgrade to level 2 – at the fastest speed in Orario’s history!”


The upgrade of adventurers is generally very slow. Even for geniuses with extraordinary talents, the upgrade is based on years. The fastest upgrade record so far is held by Aisi, who upgraded from lv.1 to lv.1 in one year. lv.2.

But now, Exia has broken this record. Not counting the month he was in coma, it took him just over half a month to reach the upgrade conditions.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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