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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 350

“You also know that I can’t answer, right? So let’s make it easier for each other.” The raven made a small wink gesture to Alexia as if to show his goodwill, “Originally, I didn’t want to I came to invite you, but the Lord said that you particularly like women, so I was forced to take this job.”

“…I particularly like women?”

Alexia’s brows twitched several times.

Where did this false rumor come from? He obviously only likes Bianca from the beginning to the end. To say the least, maybe half of Rita, but definitely not to the point of [particularly] liking women!

Although there do seem to be a lot of women around him, they are all just for him…

(Uh… Speaking of which, what kind of relationship do I have with Raiden Mei and the others now?)

If they were to be friends, Exia had just proposed to them before. Although Raiden Mei and the others had not responded yet, even if they rejected her later, they couldn’t be said to be just friends, right?

Opposite him, seeing that Alexia did not immediately refute, but was lost in thought, Raven immediately looked at her sideways.

(Is Gray Snake’s joke-like statement actually true? Does this guy really like women that much?)

So isn’t it a bit dangerous for you?

Raven was still conscious of her charm as a woman, and immediately gathered her cloak without leaving any trace, so as to cover her conspicuous figure. Although she doesn’t mind wearing such tight clothes, it doesn’t mean that she is a unrestrained woman. She still has such a thing as reserve.

“Ahem! Let’s not talk about such nonsense.”

After coughing twice, Alexia raised her forehead and said, “Is this all the serious things I want to talk about? Miss Raven. What about private matters?”

“Oh, about that-“


Before the raven could speak, a clear and angry roar suddenly sounded!

A blue-white light and shadow suddenly fell from the sky like a meteor falling to the ground! It hit the raven directly!


Violent tremors suddenly broke out!

The ice layer that Alexia had just frozen immediately shattered and disintegrated inch by inch! A huge crater – one that almost penetrated the entire ice – appeared directly in front of Ixia’s eyes!

And Bianca, who stood up from the pit and had put on a blue and white armor at some point, turned to look at Aikesia: “Are you okay? Aikesia, I’m sorry, I just completed the evacuation of the crowd. , it’s too late. Let’s fight side by side next.”


Alexia was speechless for a moment, then raised a severed arm and the special-shaped flame sword in her hand: “Actually, I’ve already taken care of it, you don’t need to come.”


Bianca, who hurried over, was also stunned.

already solved? So fast?

“But didn’t I just see you confronting someone?”


Just when Alexia was about to say something, he vaguely saw the figure of a raven in the thick ice fog. The raven made a few mouth gestures to him and then jumped up, using the cover of the ice fog. Disappeared in place.

(You actually survived Bianca’s surprise attack? That’s a surprise, Miss Raven… by the way, the shape of her mouth just now was——)

([Come out tonight when you have time, and let’s meet alone. You choose the location]—This is how the other party invites you to go on a date.)

Shajo Aige accurately retells it.

(Being behind your beloved lover’s back, you are alone with the beauty you met for the first time outside. When did you, Prince, become so carefree?)

(Miss Aige…you seem to be talking to yourself more and more recently, right? I’ve never been too bothered.)

Some are also dictated by circumstances and forced.

But, tonight?

(Are you digging a hole for yourself? Miss Raven?)

48. Give you the title of Paladin?

Time soon came to noon.

After the raven left, Rita quickly came to join Alexia and Bianca. The two of them seemed to have cooperated with the London police with the prerogative of destiny to evacuate the surrounding residents and even the residents outside the barrier.

After completing the evacuation, the two of them immediately rushed to join him. It was only because Bianca was faster than Rita that they arrived a little late.

After that, the three of them stayed next to the Second God’s Key until Destiny’s support force came to join the three. During that time, Exia also told the two about her meeting with the raven. The conversation was told to Bianca and Rita.

Then, now –

“How many surprises do you need to give me to be satisfied? My dear Alexia.”

A hotel room illuminated by the afternoon sun.

Sitting next to the window, Otto smiled and said to Alexia opposite him: “I brought the supreme mystery back to me from another world, and now I have also found the key to the second god… Although I’m somewhat used to it, what you do really makes me excited every time.”

“No, Bishop, you are exaggerating.”

Alexia responded humbly.

“I just did what I could do. What’s more, I originally thought I would be punished. After all, because of my mistake, the Tower Bridge in London was seriously damaged…”

“Hahaha, this is not a big problem.” Otto chuckled, “It’s just a landmark building in Britain. It can be repaired in a week, and the key to the second god can be found. Compared with the merits, this level of damage is not even a fault. You did a good job, Exia.”

Bishop Otto praised him again.

It is actually already two hours after the support troops arrived in London.

Due to the emphasis on the Second God’s Key, Otto personally led the team here this time. Now, the Second God’s Key is on its way back to the Destiny Headquarters, and negotiations with the British government on this incident have been completed. Although the Tower Bridge of London has received serious damage as Exia said, , the area around the Thames was also seriously damaged, but these were not things worth mentioning in Otto’s opinion.

The value of the Second God’s Key far exceeds the sum of these.

And Exia, who found it, was fully able to offset the effort, and even had a margin for success.

“I will also prepare a new reward for you later, although I think it cannot be compared with the contribution you have made.”

“No, it is enough that the bishop has this intention. The value of the reward is not important.” Ixia said, “If I have to say it, I hope that the bishop can be more careful when planning the annual budget in the future. Be more rational, for example, the funding for game development can be appropriately reduced.”

Why bring this up at this time?

Otto’s brows twitched slightly, and then, as if to relieve the embarrassment, he coughed hard and continued: “Ahem… I will consider it. You don’t need to worry about the budget. Than Come on, are you telling the truth? Exia.”

“The World Snake has taken the initiative to appear in front of you.”

World Snake, this organization Otto has cared about for a long time, but the other party is really cunning, even he can’t catch a hair.


Mentioning this matter, Exia also nodded: “The person who came into contact with me was a World Snake cadre named [Raven], who claimed to be just employed by the World Snake. The reason for meeting me was that he wanted to invite me Joined World Serpent for unknown reasons.”


Otto fell into thinking for a while.

He could somewhat understand World Snake’s intentions. Although so far, the World Snakes have always been hiding in the dark and rarely show traces of their own initiative, but since they will take the initiative to contact and negotiate with Aixia this time, the conceivable reason is naturally that they have taken a fancy to Aikesia.

During the third collapse a year ago, Exia’s name had actually spread throughout the world, of course, only to those who were familiar with it.

Not only Destiny, but Anti-Entropy also knew about Exia’s existence and power, and World Snake had no reason not to know.

[Existence capable of defeating the Herrscher head-on alone] – This fighting ability possessed by Exia alone was enough to be the reason why he was recruited.

“in addition…..”

Alexia paused.

“…the World Serpent spoke my true name, Bishop.”


Otto couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, like a child who heard something he was interested in.

Bianca and Rita, who were also standing aside, frowned.

Alexia’s real name?

“Do you know your name before you lost your memory? Alexia.” Bianca asked, “I have never heard you mention it.”

“Well… how to put it, I think the name in the past is not of much value to me now, and it is also to you. After all, compared to the name in the past, I am more valuable now. It’s [Axia].” Axia smiled, “Even if Bianca, you know your past name, but for you, you will be more accustomed to the name [Bianca], right?”

“Well, after using it for so many years, if you tell me your original name all at once… I might not be used to it at all.”

Bianca thinks the same as Alexia in this regard.

“So, what is your real name? Can you tell me?”

“Messiah Kaslana – Mr. Siegfried gave me the name [Savior]. It feels a bit exaggerated.”


Otto couldn’t help but laugh when he heard this: “Hehehehe~~~~ I think this name is very suitable for you now, Exia.”

“You have defeated the apostles of Honkai and saved many people from the disasters from heaven. In our world, many people have been saved because of you. Is it the same in other worlds? Your actions have saved many people. .” Otto was like a teacher praising his students, his expression showing a bit of relief and kindness, “[Savior] – I think, for many people, you are like this.”


Alexia was a little moved.

“However, maybe for the people of the Kaslana family, the title [Knight] is more suitable, right?” Otto smiled, “But simply being a knight is not enough to commend your achievements. Let me think about it. Look…how about letting Amber prepare a commendation ceremony and grant you the title of [Paladin] later?”

“That would be too ostentatious, Bishop.” Alexia smiled and shook her head, “Let’s talk far away, let’s get back to business, Bishop. The conversation between Raven and I was terminated because of Bianca’s intrusion, and the other party was also in Lili. Ta left before arriving, but before leaving, she conveyed several mouth words to me, and the code word summarized from them was “She will come to see me tonight.”


Exia’s words changed the atmosphere in the room slightly.

49. The whole map is hung, but friendly forces

The conditions put forward by the raven do not mean what they literally mean.

After all, even if he asked Exia to choose a place to meet, he had no way to contact the raven.

Therefore, in fact, the initiative to meet lies with Raven. She would choose an opportunity when Alexia was alone and appear in front of him again to meet him alone, and the time would not necessarily be at night. As long as Raven confirms that Exia is indeed alone, she may appear at any time.

For example, if Alexia goes to the toilet alone now, then maybe the raven will appear directly at the door of the toilet.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that the initiative to meet is completely out of Alexia’s hands.

After all, the raven will appear in front of him when he is alone. If Exia doesn’t want to see her, then just act with Bianca all the time. If that doesn’t work, just go back to the Destiny headquarters, no matter what No matter how the world snake can take advantage of the loopholes, the islands floating in the sky are places that the snake cannot reach.

Snakes can’t fly.


“I think this is an opportunity, Bishop.” Exia said, “We may be able to use this opportunity to fish out the World Snake.”


Otto raised his eyebrows: “You want to say that you will deliberately put yourself in a lonely situation to lure Raven out to meet you? And then prepare to use her as a window to collect as much information about the World Snake as possible? “

“Or you can set up an ambush.”

Alexia explained further.

“The World Snake has always been hiding in the darkness of the world. Now it has finally exposed its trap. We have no reason to give up, right?”

“But do you think the World Snake will take the bait so easily?” Otto asked, “Your strategy is too obvious and a real conspiracy. The World Snake is quite cunning and it is impossible for him to do nothing about it. Expectation. Maybe even if you are really alone, the other person will not come out to meet you.”

If World Snake could take the bait so easily, then Otto wouldn’t be unable to catch the opponent’s tail all the time.

not to mention–

“It’s a bit dangerous for you to go alone. Although you have become very strong now, even the Herrscher is no match for you, and you have also mastered a beast with foul abilities. But you are left to face it without any plan. For a mysterious organization, this is still too risky.”

“I’m not alone, Bishop.” Alexia touched her left hand, “Even if I really went alone, there are actually many people around me, so I don’t think I will encounter any danger. . And even if I encounter danger, I have a way to leave immediately and come back here.”

The power of space control magic is that it is silent and cannot be defended, and it can directly cross the space in an instant. As long as there is no interference specifically targeted at space itself, then there is no place in the world that can stop Exia.

And even if there is——

“I still have the power of the Great Holy Grail.”

The Great Holy Grail, which grants all wishes, will also become Exia’s final trump card.

Therefore, nothing will happen to Exia.

“If the bishop is really worried, he can ask Bianca and Rita to wait two or three kilometers away from me. At this distance, even if something happens, they can get there quickly with their speed. Bar?”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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