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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 351

Alexia grinned——

“How about we go directly to Miss Raven now?”


In a restaurant near Tower Bridge in London.

Having already changed out of his combat uniform and now wearing everyday camouflage clothes, Raven carried the box containing the Seven Thunders of Purification to a table near the corner of the restaurant.

“Already met?”

Across the table, the jackal who was eating wiped his mouth and asked.

“That’s right. I was interrupted by the boy’s girlfriend on the way. But I also left a message that I would meet him later. The next step is to find a time to have a good chat with him again – why are you laughing?”

“Haha~~~ I just think the situation is really interesting.” Jackal’s face hidden under the mask laughed, “I sent an invitation to a man with a lover for a night tryst… Although I think you are already very talented in this area, but now you are finally ready to do whatever it takes?”

“Don’t come here, it’s just a job at best. If you hadn’t forced me to have this job and Pursue Qilei lost his temper, I wouldn’t have gotten involved in this matter.”

Raven glared at her angrily: “Speaking of which, the Second God’s Key has really been taken away. What should we do next?”

“Nothing can be done. Although we don’t want to admit it, now that the Key of God has been taken to the Tianming Headquarters, we are actually at our wits’ end.” Jackal shook his head, “It is very difficult to sneak into the Tianming Headquarters, let alone bring the second Once the God Key is recaptured…then all we can do is pray that the people of destiny are ignorant and incompetent enough to be unable to fully utilize the power of the Second God Key.”

This is obviously unrealistic.

No matter how much he despises destiny, Jackal has to admit that Bishop Otto is a very capable person. He can even make imitations of the God’s Key. I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time before the Second God’s Key is exploited.


(What exactly is Tianming planning to use the Second God Key for?)

This was a question that Jackal had never thought of until now.

Unlike other God Keys, the Second God Key has no direct attack power. All it can do is control space and freely travel through the quantum sea. Is it possible that Tianming wants to use the Second God’s Key to make certain weapons, or use it in certain aspects to achieve technological improvement?

(Forget it… the deal is done, we can only take one step at a time. Now let’s prepare to complete the next experiment. Tostan’s sacrifice allowed me to collect quite good experimental data. Next time, we should be able to make Honkaimon that is not limited to the emperor level——)

“Oh, I found it, I found it, it’s here.”

Just when Jackal was thinking this, such a cheerful voice came from not far away.

Then, amid a burst of footsteps, two figures appeared at Raven and Jackal’s dining table.

“I didn’t expect that the dignified World Snake cadres would dine in a place like this. I thought you would definitely be hiding in an underground secret room or a secret base.”

Putting one hand on the table and not looking at the jackal, Ixia looked straight at the raven with a look of astonishment on his face: “Although the appointment time is in the evening, I am actually free now – so if it is convenient , can you please follow us to Tianming as a guest now? Miss Raven, and so is this person here.”

“Bianca and I will escort you every step of the way.”

Seeing Bianca and Alexia coming directly in front of them, Jackal and Raven fell into panic for a moment.

50. Strange Exia

Why did Exia find this place?

This is the question that the raven and the jackal thought about at the same time.

There is nothing special about the restaurant itself. It is really just an ordinary restaurant. The choice of Jackal and Raven to meet again here is random and has no deep meaning.

But this is not the reason why Exia came here.

This restaurant is three or four city blocks away from the place where the two met before, and several hours have passed since then, right?

Why did he find his way here?

“Are you wondering why I found you?”

Alexia smiled.

“If you two are willing to come with me, I can tell you directly. After all, this is not a secret.”

Just looking for someone, Exia can come up with at least two methods.

One is to directly make a wish to the Great Holy Grail, but just find a person. This kind of wish does not cost him much magic power at all.

The other is to let Sajo Aige use magic to search. In the sense of magic, the raven has already said its name. For Shajo Aige, as long as she knows a name, and she also knows the physical characteristics of the raven, then Finding someone is a piece of cake.

The reason why Exia appears here is actually through the latter method. Shajo Aige found the current location of the raven, and then presented the specific location in Exia’s mind in the form of a three-dimensional map.

(As long as Raven is still in London, he will never escape Miss Song’s search, but… I didn’t expect it to be buy one, get one free.)

Alexia glanced at the jackal.

She wears a mask in a public place like a restaurant. Is this because she is afraid that others will not know that she is suspicious? Moreover, plus she is sitting together with the raven, it is basically certain that she is also a member of the World Serpent, right?

“…Are you so impatient?”

After a moment of silence, Raven suddenly laughed: “I would have gone to find you by myself tomorrow night, but you came here by yourself… This is not what a man with a lover should do. Ah, aren’t you afraid that your girlfriend will be jealous? Huh?”

“I won’t bother you with this. After all, in order to supervise me, isn’t my lover here with me now?” Alexia pointed to Bianca beside her, “If possible, I hope you two can cooperate. . After all, we are on vacation now and don’t want to spend too much time on work. I don’t think you two like to work overtime during the vacation, right?”


Raven and Jackal both fell silent.

(This is really an unexpected move… How should I escape now? Although leaving directly with him is the best way to ensure safety, from what he just said, it is estimated that if you follow him I will be taken directly to Tianming——If I get to that floating island, can I still come down?)

This raven really has no confidence.

She is a mercenary, and her specialty is assassination. She is not good at sneaking, but if she wants to sneak away from the Tianming headquarters, it is no different from death in Raven’s eyes.

“Oh, by the way, there’s something I forgot to mention.”

As if remembering something, Alexia knocked on the table again: “In this meeting, we just want to know the specific situation about World Snake, and invite you two to have afternoon tea. After all, for World Snake, our The bishop still has a certain interest, and if possible, would also like to seek cooperation with World Snake in the future.”

This is what Otto meant.

The World Serpent is an organization lurking in the shadows of the world. This is true. If you investigate the history in detail, you can trace some traces of the World Serpent. There seem to be traces of the World Serpent’s involvement in the history of various parts of the world.

But this does not mean that the World Snake is the enemy of destiny.

After all, World Snake has never done anything openly bad so far, and it does not have much conflict of interest with Tianming. Even if there were some minor frictions between the two families before, it can be attributed to the differences between the two families in strange times. Misunderstanding – For organizations and organizations, the small friction underneath is completely negligible in some cases.


This time it was the Jackal’s turn to speak.

“Do you, Bishop of Tianming, really say that? Do you think Tianming is qualified to cooperate with our World Snake?”

(Jackal! You——)

The raven couldn’t wait to go over and block the jackal’s mouth right away!

In this situation, the two of them were caught by Exia, and they were in a passive situation during the negotiation! Shouldn’t the first thing to do be to cooperate on the surface and then find an opportunity to escape?

Jackal’s attitude, which was tantamount to provocation, was simply driving the two of them to death!

“This lady…”

Alexia looked at Jackal and narrowed her eyes slightly: “Did I let you speak?”



Or hallucination?

The moment Alexia finished speaking, a [phantom] appeared in the vision of Raven and Jackal almost at the same time – the kind of giant dragon commonly seen in movies and TV series. It seemed to have appeared in front of them for a moment, ferocious. The dragon eyes stared at them, and the courage and oppression emanating from them made the two of them feel like their bodies were being restrained and controlled!

【Cannot move】

【If you move, you will die】

Such thoughts were strongly reflected in the minds of the two people.


Next to Alexia, looking at Alexia who still kept a smile on her face, but didn’t seem to be smiling, Bianca suddenly felt a little strange – this was the first time she saw Alexia like this.

Not as [her childhood sweetheart] and [her lover], and [the destined hero], but as the [Emperor of the Night], as the [Dominator].

“I’m not asking for your opinion.” Ixia smiled. “Although I said that before and asked that question, your answers are irrelevant to me. No matter how you answer, I will invite both of you to Tianming Headquarters for a cup of afternoon tea.”

“I don’t like forcing people, nor do I like ordering people, so let’s understand and cooperate with each other to save some unnecessary trouble, okay?”

As Alexia spoke, she put her hands on the shoulders of Raven and Jackal, with a kind smile on her face, as if she was indeed discussing with them.

The silence between the raven and the jackal lasted for several seconds.


“I’d be happy to have a cup of afternoon tea.” Raven pretended to smile casually, “But when it comes to cooperating with Tianming, it’s not something I can decide.”

“Don’t worry, I am the one talking to Miss Raven. Didn’t we still have some unfinished topics before? We can continue to talk about that topic. As for this person here…our bishop will receive him personally. “

After glancing at the jackal again, Exia clapped her hands lightly.

The four people who were in the restaurant a second ago all disappeared from the dining table as soon as the clapping sound fell.

In the restaurant, neither the surrounding guests nor the surveillance video showed any reaction to this.

It was as if there was no one there in the first place.

51. Let’s have a pleasant afternoon tea

Raven felt the world change.

The environment that was supposed to be a restaurant had turned into a hotel room at the moment when Ixia’s clapping sound completely stopped.

And in the room——

“Welcome back, Lady Axia, Lady Bianca.”

Standing next to the coffee table, Rita, who had changed into a maid outfit at some point, saw Ixia and others arriving, smiled and put down the teapot in her hand and stood aside: “The preparations for afternoon tea have been completed. According to your instructions As requested, I prepared Darjeeling black tea and just borrowed the hotel’s kitchen to make macarons.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Rita.”

Alexia came to the coffee table and sat on the chair on the right, then looked at Raven: “Ms. Raven, please sit down too. Rita’s craftsmanship is perfect. I hope this afternoon tea time can be reserved for you.” Make a good impression.”

Raven raised his eyebrows: “…Didn’t you say you want to take me to Destiny? Where is this place?”

“The hotel where Bianca, Rita, and I stayed during our vacation in the UK. It is now regarded as the temporary office of Tianming in London.” Alexia smiled, “Even I can’t take you directly from here. Back to Tianming Headquarters, the straight-line distance is too far, and such a long space transfer would make me fall down from exhaustion on the spot.”

Long distance space transfer? !

The words that came out of Exia’s mouth made Raven’s eyes widen.

She knew about this technology. Some of the heritages of pre-civilizations held by the World Snake contained devices with similar effects. However, if those devices were to be used, it was still difficult with current technology. As a result, Ixia was in front of her. Can one person do it? !

(Is it because of this long-distance space transfer ability that brought me from that restaurant to this place?)

The raven glanced around: “Where’s the jackal?”

“It turns out that the unpleasant lady is called Jackal. Her words are not here.” Ixia took a sip of black tea. “Unlike you, she was handed over to the bishop directly by me. She should be in another place now.” Meet the bishop in one place and start talks, right?”

“…Then why did you leave me alone?”

“Because we still have unfinished business, right?”

As Alexia spoke, she stretched out her hand to signal the raven to sit down first. Seeing this, Raven had no choice but to come and sit opposite him.

“You mean that?”

“Well, after all, we were about to talk about the second thing before being interrupted by Bianca, weren’t we? I want to finish that thing with you before handing you over to the bishop – this is a reason . And the other one I just thought of.” Throwing a piece of macaron into her mouth, Alexia licked the cocoa powder at the corner of her mouth, “That Miss Jackal, I personally don’t have a good impression of her. I should say It’s the first impression, I think she and I probably don’t get along the best.”

From Jackal’s words, Ixia can tell that she is a very [ignorant] and [cannot understand the atmosphere] kind of person. She puts herself and the things she believes in as the center, and thinks that everything around her is… They are all inferior to others——such people, Exia does not want to get along with them.

“Compared with Ms. Jackal, Ms. Raven, you showed [sincerity] and [kindness] to me in the previous meeting. Although it was not pure, it was more like being forced, but I am very happy to do so. Respond to others’ [sincerity] and [goodwill], after all, I often do this myself.”

In another world, Alexia was regarded as Prince Charming by the whole school because she was too helpful to others. She is very sensitive to the thoughts of others.

Maybe Raven didn’t meet him for pure purposes, but she definitely didn’t meet him with any ill intentions.

For Exia, this is enough.

“So I’m going to have a private afternoon tea with you now – and within the hour until it’s over, let’s just talk.”

That being said, Bianca and Rita would not leave the room.

She looked at the black tea brought to her by Rita, then took a look at the exquisite snacks that exuded the alluring milk fragrance, and finally glanced at Alexia, who was sitting opposite her, her whole body shrouded in the afternoon sunlight shining in from the window. , Raven sighed softly: “Oh… I don’t know if you are confident or arrogant. Children know that they can’t let strangers into their rooms, right?”

“But I’m not a child, and—”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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