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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 352

Raven felt like something was pressing against her whole body.

Sharp, sharp, thin… Countless ice knives had appeared around her at some point, with dozens of knives pointed at her, as if they could pierce her at any time.

“…It’s like this.” Aixia kept a slight smile and revoked her ability, “I actually don’t like threatening others, but unfortunately in the past year, almost everyone around me was afraid of me. I want to die, for fear that if I am unhappy, I will cause a [natural disaster] and destroy one or two islands or one or two small countries. As a result, unknowingly, I was also affected and became a little bit threatening to others.”

The Kaslana Empire—original Genkami Island—is still a new Empire of the Night, without any substantial status or power. Even with the presence of a Night Emperor like Exia, the empire itself has no foundation.

Therefore, in order for the Kaslana Empire to have status and power in the international arena, Exia had to confront representatives from various countries around the world.

He has the strongest power in that world, so he doesn’t need to worry about anything. What he should worry about is everyone facing him. The true ancestor only needs to follow his own ideas all the time, and other people’s opinions can be adopted. , it is acceptable, but if there are unreasonable objections, then eliminate them.

“Of course, I’m not threatening you, I’m just proving to you that I really just want to continue chatting with you about what happened before.”

“…Are you really only seventeen years old?”

“Almost eighteen, there are still a few months left.”

Raven felt a little headache, but after a moment of silence, she breathed a long sigh of relief, stood up from the chair and came to where she was standing just now, and picked up the black box that fell on the ground: “Actually, It’s nothing, the reason why I went to find you at that time was purely to convey World Snake’s invitation to you – the other reason was purely because of this guy.”

Opening the black box, Raven took out the Seven Thunders of Purification that had turned into a sniper rifle at some point.

“This is the key to God held by the World Serpent, the Seven Thunders of Purification—she seems to want to see you.”

“See another [Seven Thunders of Purification] in the world.”

52. Ms. Qi Lei who came up to purify sin

Purify the Seven Thunders!

Looking at the sniper rifle taken out by Raven, Bianca and Rita couldn’t help but have some tremors in their eyes.

And Alexia’s eyes widened slightly——

【ah? What did you say? ! 】

But before he could finish speaking, the voice of the Herrscher of Thunder came from under his clothes.

Pulling out the Seven Thunders of Purification in gun mode from the gun belt, Ixia frowned and asked, “What’s wrong with you? Herrscher of Thunder, who were you fighting just now -“

[I’m talking to the old thing in front of you]

Old thing?

Alexia glanced at the Seven Thunders of Purification placed in Raven’s hand: “Is it possible…Miss Raven, your God Key can also speak?”

“I would rather ask why your Seven Thunders of Purification can speak…”

Raven looked at the Seven Thunders of Purification in Exia’s hand with a look of astonishment on her face.

A weapon actually speaks! ?

what’s the situation! ?

“Hmm… Actually, the Seven Thunders of Purification here are in a special situation.” Ixia put the Seven Thunders of Purification on the table and pointed to the location of the Herrscher Core, “In the Herrscher Core Inside, the Herrscher consciousness of the Third Herrscher is actually still inside. Yours is the same, right?”

“I do not know.”

Raven was confused.

This was the first time she knew that there was a talking God Key. Although the Seven Thunders of Purification did seem to have their own consciousness, was it too outrageous to talk? If the Seven Thunders of Purity could talk, Raven would have had a huge quarrel with her with her usual self-willed demeanor.

at this time–


The Seven Thunders of Purification in Raven’s hand vibrated violently, as if expressing some emotion.

Along with this vibration, the voice of the Herrscher of Thunder sounded:

[That’s not a bad tone, old man. Apart from using my bastard master, you are the first person to provoke me like this]

“Buzz buzz—-!”

[Okay, let’s give it a try? But you’re like this, you can’t even shoot yourself, right? 】


[No, my user is better than your user]

Alexia: “…”

Raven: “…”

Bianca: “…”

Rita: “…”

Looking at the Seven Thunders of Purification that were constantly shaking over there, and the Herrscher of Thunder who kept talking, the four of them were all unable to keep up with the development of the situation.

And combined with the current situation…

“Are you guys arguing?” Ixia poked her Seven Thunders of Purification, “Do you understand what the Seven Thunders of Purification across from me mean?”

[Don’t poke me in the waist, bastard master]

The Herrscher of Thunder said angrily.

[It’s not that I understand it, it’s just that I can understand its meaning. Maybe it’s because I’m more advanced than this old thing. I can clearly feel what it wants to express – huh? You say you are higher than me? An antique from more than 50,000 years ago that should have been eliminated long ago is really a big statement]


It seems like there’s a quarrel again?

By the way…

“Does the Herrscher of Thunder actually have this personality?” Bianca was a little surprised. “I heard Mei talk about the Herrscher’s consciousness. It seems to be an extremely aggressive, arrogant, cold and lonely personality.”

But now, the consciousness of the Herrscher of Thunder is actually so active… Doesn’t it feel different from Raiden Mei’s description?

What is this kind of reaction with a hint of “loyal dog”?

What appears in Bianca’s mind now is the image of a loyal dog that usually ignores its owner, but will immediately become violent and furious once something happens to the owner – no, would it be more appropriate to call it a cat? ?

(Exia…did she subdue the Herrscher of Thunder?)

During the year in the different world, Bianca did not know what Exia and the Herrscher of Thunder had experienced together. In the regular report submitted by Exia, she only said that she would use the Seven Thunders of Purification to fight. , and there are no records related to the Herrscher of Thunder.


Could it be that within this year, the relationship between the Herrscher of Thunder and Ixia unknowingly improved? Didn’t you even notice it yourself?

【Um? What did you say? 】

The Herrscher of Thunder’s voice sounded again, and there seemed to be some surprise in his tone.

[Do you think I would agree to this kind of thing? 】

“What’s wrong? Herrscher of Thunder, what did the Raven’s Seven Thunders of Purification say?” Alexia asked.

[…She said she wanted to be used by you, and she also said that she might have a good compatibility with you. She also said that the current user is a woman who is difficult to maintain, and she is quite annoying]

The Herrscher of Thunder said words that made Raven’s expression freeze.

The Seven Thunders of Purification actively want to be used by Exia?

She, the current user, is still here, and Pursue Qilei just said in front of her that she wants to change jobs?

Also – what does that last sentence mean? !

(I haven’t even settled the score with you yet, so you’re throwing the blame first? Pursue the Seven Thunders!)

“Uh…” Alexia glanced at Raven, “I don’t care…what does Miss Raven think?”

“…Let her do whatever she wants.”

Staring at Purity Seven Thunder angrily, Raven grabbed the macaron with some rough movements and threw it into his mouth – lemon filling, does it taste really good?

Seeing that the user Raven expressed his acquiescent opinion, Exia also stretched out her hand and grasped the handle of the Seven Thunders of Purification.


In an instant.

Just as it was held by Ixia, Raven’s Seven Thunders of Purification suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, and the entire structure seemed to turn into a large number of ultra-small Rubik’s cubes, and then quickly reassembled. And in just a few seconds, the sniper rifle-like Seven Thunders of Purification completed its transformation in Exia’s hands.

[The Seven Thunders of Purification are a divine key that changes shape depending on the user]

This is what Raven was told when she got the right to use the Seven Thunders of Purification. In her hands, the appearance of the Seven Thunders of Purification basically cannot escape the category of [shooting weapon].

And now, in Exia’s hands——

“…Knife? No…Sword?”

What the Purifying Seven Thunders present is a slender sword with a straight body, which looks a bit like a combination of a Japanese sword and a Chinese sword. And even someone like Alexia, who had no knowledge of swords, couldn’t help but have a strange feeling when he saw this.

——[Pursin Qi Lei looks very beautiful like this]


The Seven Thunders of Purification shook.

Alexia felt vaguely happy.

[You are so proud of being praised by this human being in your heart. It is embarrassing and you are too easily satisfied.]

The Herrscher of Thunder’s reprimand immediately followed.

[Okay, humans. Let go, just hold it, it’s the same as the Seven Thunders of Purification, you just need to use me.】

“Buzz buzz!”

The Seven Thunders of Purification in Alexia’s hand immediately shook! It’s like a strong protest!

【Don’t push yourself too far! You latecomer! It was me who was used by him first! 】


【you–! 】

It’s noisy again…

Although she thought it was impossible, Exia suddenly had a strange idea——

(Miss Raven’s Seven Thunders of Purification, don’t you like me very much?)

53. Do you want to come to Tianming to work?

In the end, it was Exia who let go after that, and Raven put her Seven Thunders of Purification back into the box, ending the quarrel between the God Keys.

(It’s really something new)

In Alexia’s mind, Sajo Aige, who had been watching the show without speaking, suddenly spoke up.

(I originally thought that jealousy would only happen between creatures, but I didn’t expect that weapons would also become jealous. Ms. Herrscher is becoming more and more obedient.)

[Stop daydreaming, ghost]

Hearing Shajo Aige’s teasing, the Herrscher of Thunder immediately responded consciously.

【obedient? I just had a deal with this bastard master]

(Yeah, yeah, it’s a transaction, I’ll just take it like that.)

Shatiao Aige smiled.

(Obviously I was furious just now because of the new Seven Thunders of Purification, poof~~~)


Feeling some dissatisfaction coming from the Herrscher of Thunder in the Seven Thunders of Purification, Ixia touched it gently: “Okay, okay, you should calm down, Herrscher of Thunder. I am now The only weapon is you, I won’t use other weapons.”

【snort! I didn’t ask you to only use me! 】

(Ah la la, tsundere is not so popular now)

【Are you qualified to speak against me? second】


There seemed to be a sound of something being shot through.

Shajo Aige and Thunder Herrscher also fell silent with this sound, and the room returned to calm.

Looking at the two Seven Thunders of Purification being put away, Rita breathed a sigh of relief: “Is this the end? The quarrel between the God Keys… I didn’t expect that Lord Exia’s ability would It’s affected to this extent.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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